Sinónimo de factory hand


A worker, especially one in a manufacturing industry
operative worker hand workman laborer labourer mechanic operator employee craftsman technician artisan driver machinist craftswoman engineer blue-collar worker working man machine operator machine minder hireling artificer jobholder peon retainer employe manual worker working woman factory worker handler journeyman working stiff conductor tradesman workwoman mechanical roustabout proletarian farmhand skilled employee breadwinner craftsperson wage-earner member of staff help serf stiff white-collar worker hired man hired hand blue collar working person white collar company person hired person unskilled worker wage earner maistry operant practitioner controller specialist fitter mech engineering officer workingwoman workingman grunt drudge rouster dockworker longshoreman docker stevedore dockhand workperson crewman sailor deckhand khalasi rouseabout helper personnel underling workhand staff representative working girl migrant worker mazdoor aide workhorse workforce apprentice cog agent resource attendant assistant clerk toiler slave servant member domestic dogsbody salesperson staff member cog in the wheel sales help foot soldier job-holder desk jockey hired gun human resource pink collar member of the workforce hired help field hand farm worker peasant nine-to-fiver tradesperson trader supporter navvy provider labor labour manpower earner income producer one who brings home the bacon subordinate talent person manual laborer man helpmate hack prentice right-hand person human capital menial ganger cottar cottier kanaka labouring man hodman digger supervisee handicraftsman salaried worker wageworker staffer wage slave day labourer human resources mechanician crusader campaigner mainstay billpayer benefactor managee participant insider meal ticket outfit band pool party abettor colleague one of the in-crowd person in the know partner ally collaborator deputy mate adjutant plug drone drudger plugger soldier slogger sidekick lieutenant junior aid right-hand woman right-hand man man Friday gal Friday girl Friday

Antonino de factory hand

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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