Sinónimo de financial state


Monetary support for an enterprise
finance funds money capital resources assets cash backing wherewithal affairs budgeting funding income reserves revenue sponsorship stock subsidy wealth budget wonga cash flow financial affairs money management financial condition means dough bread shekels property dosh brass worth loot moolah dibs lolly spondulicks riches ackers fortune scratch substance pelf jack estate finances mazuma possessions rhino green tin treasure opulence bucks gold gelt lucre savings kale stuff oof financing splosh Oscar greenbacks holdings deep pockets securities ready readies bankroll kitty ducats boodle gravy affluence currency necessary dinero simoleons shinplasters rocks principal belongings stake goods effects nest egg chattels valuables coffers investment capital wad worldly goods needful prosperity hard cash support pocket ready money investment plenty richness earnings nut ways and means security financial backing lap of luxury material goods long green exchequer fund liquid assets filthy lucre abundance cabbage chips tender change moola coin wampum sheqels dineros clover materials bundle purse intangibles top whack top dollar asset raw materials worldly possessions aid money for a rainy day ace in the hole capitalization luxury prosperousness luxuriance mammon hoard cache substantiality commodities multitude Mammon store silver megabucks well-being legal tender dollars big money stocks and bonds ill-gotten gains big bucks treasury specie collateral equity stakes credit profits proceeds winnings investing contribution outlay money in the bank the ready endowment underwriting grant the wherewithal petty cash accounts receivable fluid assets pork barrel cash reserve money on hand advance deal expenditure loan transaction bail out venture capital vested interests financial support investments IRA working capital financial assets things gear personal effects personal property movables paraphernalia net worth personalty goods and chattels inheritance personal possessions financial resources accoutrements moveables plunder stocks baggage accouterments luggage supply stockpile supplies bank pool bits and pieces fisc duds lot reserve appurtenances junk trek clobber monies stores tidy sum bits and bobs financial status equities bonds possession patrimony holding accumulation portfolio shares prospects tackle stash trappings mint pile lifestyle impedimenta furniture estates traps dunnage gold mine bags and baggage richdom station in life financial situation material situation material status material position financial position convertible assets revenues source reservoir moneys liquidity resource land vaults folding money fullness personalties circumstances excess coffer pockets legacy clothes heritage pretty penny bequest substances pocketbook exuberance share convertible wealthiness stocks and shares natural resources devise bursary takings gift present togs bags garments garms odds and ends balance sheet net condition value available means pecuniary resources total assets earthly possessions material comfort comfortable circumstances privileged circumstances blue chips fixtures province appointments furnishings accessories tangibles settlement equipment tricks contingency fund gleanings real estate emergency fund rainy day fund fall-back ace in hole insurance provisions emergency supply circumstance debt kit collection capital sum capital funds deposit storehouse arsenal repository pataka amassment depository storeroom gubbins rubbish hidden treasure hiding place plant shade hidden supply drop drop joint drop-off life's work joyfulness American dream the good life good fortune easy street indulgence merit success paradise happiness bed of roses good times good life happy days product of working life gravy train exorbitance splendor lifework reward plenteousness comfort luck life of ease good luck life of luxury joy laurels milk and honey splendour


The state of a country or region in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services and the supply of money

Antonino de financial state

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