Sinónimo de hard mountain to climb


A difficult task
job problem trouble bother chore difficulty hassle headache strain struggle task trial bear beast killer labor labour pain performance difficult task hard time hard work hard row to hoe burden inconvenience tribulation drudgery bore grind imposition no picnic tough job tall order uphill battle scutwork workout nuisance annoyance pest vexation aggravation irritant irritation botheration peeve bugbear nudnik irk drag worry ruffle thorn plague rub grief tease distress nudnick teaser bind nark gadfly annoyer skelf nyaff persecutor gnawer concern anxiety worriment rigmarole palaver pressure uphill molestation perplexity flurry bellyache pain in the bum pain in the neck pain in the backside thorny problem pain in the rear hair shirt effort exertion stress load frustration toil encumbrance hardship exasperation pains travail strife millstone weight endeavor adversity charge drain work ordeal battle problems slog test fuss torture agony disquiet expenditure endeavour sweat while suffering anguish nightmare ado elbow grease uphill struggle tough grind tough assignment puzzle bustle trials and tribulations schmo long haul determination strength demand discipline energy responsibility application unease intrusion onus issues agitation graft force power control unpleasantness encroachment dilemma turmoil industry assiduousness thought care hindrance row pitfall restraint imposure constraint infliction obtrusion sorrow scrape misfortune affliction deadweight tax grindstone daily grind disruption hang-up malaise rigor attention ill rigour hitch snag challenge conflict awkwardness laboriousness struggling strenuousness arduousness setback grievance painfulness hangup dolour travails jam imbroglio exigency bafflement mental burden to-do

Antonino de hard mountain to climb

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