Sinónimo de hypocritical behaviour


Deceptive or false talk or behaviour
humbug deception fraud sham deceit hypocrisy insincerity trickery bluff cant cheat dishonesty dodge falseness imposture posturing sanctimoniousness trick cheating con deceptiveness falsity hoax imposition pretence pretense ruse swindle canard codology empty talk feint hypocritical talk kidology phoneyness Tartufferie wile flimflam gyp hustle lies prank propaganda put-on scam spoof sting con game fast one snow job artifice subterfuge stratagem dissimulation bunco double-dealing sell chicanery fake racket hoaxing rip-off jive whitewash dissembling hanky-panky charade facade shell game show dirty trick façade lie leg-pull con trick put-up job stunt fix plant jazz frame wrong baloney affectation sanctimony masquerade manoeuvre cozening bamboozlement joke maneuver fast shuffle dirty pool run around cover up blind play-acting bill of goods shady deal feigning machination pietism scheme front counterfeit pretext pharisaicalness contrivance craft piousness chicane practical joke fastie phoniness confidence trick rort grift Pharisaism Trojan horse lip service affected piety false front victimisation victimization fiddle misrepresentation kite bunko swizzle diddle fakery jest boondoggle device act simulation jape game set-up forgery shift wheeze lurk pretentiousness schlenter rig fetch flanker burlesque faking cover-up fiction imitation smoke pretending make-believe illusion pomposity sweet talk soft soap dirty work sellout crocodile tears smoke and mirrors sham holiness hypocritical statement false piety pious platitudes pecksniffery hypocriticalness tokenism confidence game bluffing posture posing shamming falsification dissemblance cunning pose guise delusion stall artfulness craftiness acting jiving snow duplicity skulduggery unctuousness speciousness false show jiggery-pokery wiles manipulation manoeuvring a put-on false colours quackery deceitfulness mere show casuistry false colors mockery glibness jugglery skullduggery gamesmanship display a put-up job pharisaism bigotry irreverence sophistry hocus-pocus footwork phariseeism legerdemain specious reasoning maneuvering artful argument two-facedness bad faith false virtue affected superiority false profession double standard ploy expedient gambit gimmick sleight play jig tactic fraudulence move smokescreen plot shenanigan knack juggle fabrication slyness falsehood plan decoy treachery trap cover mendacity snare invention guile red herring shenanigans twist sharp practice monkey business story swindling lying intrigue pretension bait hokum distraction strategy evasion wangle fib scheming angle lure switch lack of veracity false excuse setup deviousness shakedown sleight of hand extortion blackmail crooked deal double-cross conspiracy hoodwinking caper ambush distortion porky savvy hocus quiz dido duck hogwash bilk mare's-nest fallacy wrinkle ride catch pork pie shuck malarkey crock swizz exploitation scenario phoney phony piece of deception ramp bit of sharp practice beguilement horseplay slant allurement monkeyshines little game curveball mock attack game plan roguery knavery cunning plan fraudulent scheme booby trap underhandedness stealing frame-up embezzlement double cross oldest trick in the book flim-flam whisper dupery management fourberie tricks sucker game hosing resource rumor measure step means funny business bait and switch disturbance distractor commotion diversion deviation interruption tale equivocation attention-grabber false clue fool's errand false trail curve ball false face smoke screen wild-goose chase diversionary tactic misleading clue resort stopgap recourse refuge expediency makeshift method loophole exaggeration rumour take-in fakeness disingenuousness artificiality perfidy mendaciousness duplicitousness evasiveness slickness shiftiness perfidiousness faithless hollowness unfaithfulness being two-faced backhandedness tartuffery snide untruthfulness duping charlatanry

Antonino de hypocritical behaviour

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