Sinónimo de lie through one's teeth


To tell an untruth or falsehood
lie fib fabricate prevaricate dissimulate deceive delude falsify mislead bluff exaggerate misrepresent con dissemble equivocate hoax hoodwink misinform perjure pretend beguile dupe misguide misspeak misstate trick bull distort forswear fudge gaslight misinstruct overdraw palter pervert snow tell a falsehood tell an untruth be untruthful concoct a story depart from the truth stretch the truth string along tell a lie tell stories bear false witness be economical with the truth be forsworn break promise commit perjury fake it forswear oneself have on make up a story not speak the truth not tell the truth perjure oneself put on the wrong track say something untrue tell untruths throw off the scent invent a story make believe put on put up a front send on a wild goose chase tell a terminological inexactitude lead astray BS tell a white lie lack candor fake trump up invent belie bamboozle jive forge feign phony up take in fool pull the wool over someone's eyes cover up garble misinterpret snooker color colour cozen bend misreport sucker slant gaff hornswoggle gull misrelate have humbug spoof misquote burn gammon promote buffalo juggle catch put a spin on suck in put on an act lead down the garden path fake out take for a ride lead on double-talk concoct simulate hatch tergiversate dodge hedge pussyfoot quibble flannel fence sidestep shuffle cavil evade stall tell untruth temporize make up shilly-shally disguise warp be evasive bias misdirect skew beat about the bush create out of thin air kid disinform temporise parry questions dodge the issue be vague be non-committal cheat twist swindle cook beg the question doublespeak bilk stall for time duck the issue hum and haw propagandize defraud manipulate give the wrong impression adulterate outwit betray mousetrap propagandise beat around the bush embroider lie to quote out of context embellish take out of context give wrong information to lead up the garden path four-flush give someone a bum steer wrong steer put up smoke screen spin a yarn put on false front do a number on bait and switch pull one's leg tell lies double-cross put one over on dream up conjure up phony do flimflam devise phoney alter swear falsely lie under oath doctor counterfeit scam hose change illude inveigle shaft outfox rook bunk plant shovel ensnare victimize overreach entangle enmesh victimise caboodle bait impose on debase corrupt massage tamper with vitiate rip off pull a swifty on lead up garden path play trick on pull a fast one on rope in waffle fix contravene salt dress up contort rig fiddle traverse gloss frame up deacon weasel tell a fib create fiction speak with forked tongue parry stonewall tell a little white lie pull someone's leg strain parody adumbrate avoid the issue cop out pussyfoot around hem and haw tell white lie mince matters run around mince words pass the buck cop a plea cloud the issue be ambiguous subtilize fudge the issue sit on the fence evade the issue blow hot and cold give run around shuffle about straddle the fence duck the question conceal travesty cheese blarney blow smoke give a false idea of miscolor cloak pass off beard stretch mask mangle build up pirate confuse angle overstate give a false account of dress puff shift vacillate dither prejudice sidestep the issue spin put off misconstrue whitewash give a false colour to put the wrong slant on diddle stiff sting fleece finagle mulct screw euchre hustle chisel shortchange entrap beat bunco skin take advantage of bleed chouse stick pluck short swizzle take to the cleaners ream sharp sell a pup to squeeze skunk thimblerig shake down nobble do in seduce chicane exploit outmaneuver outmanoeuvre sandbag lure milk stitch up make a fool of befool do the dirty on sell embezzle juke circumvent fox outsmart trap take gazump clip double-deal baffle bewilder entice sell down the river tempt two-time set up pull a fast one outslick cross goldbrick outdo wheedle outjockey rob swizz shuck gouge outthink defeat top steal a march on outguess outgeneral cap goose worst jip screw over get the better of sell a pup end run figure out play someone false be disloyal to break faith with be unfaithful to fail allure let down jockey coax cajole hook induce pull backstab solicit maneuver manoeuvre thwart catch out cuckold decoy outplay disappoint trim step out obscure jerk around sell out play away steer play for a sucker double deal pull fast one out-think frame run rings round stab in the back throw dust in someone's eyes do out of be cleverer than make rings round run a game on do someone in the eye sell a bill of goods to lead off troll do someone dirty deke sham slip something over on stretch the rules bend the rules pull something funny stack the cards hit below the belt blag stump finesse pull in play use lull psych out pilfer outperform throw overcharge cross up take for a fool frustrate ruin foil sway contrive play dirty take to cleaners play joke on beat out of take for ride play a trick on make a sucker of poke borack dally trifle play-act wangle impress catfish toy bilk of extort steal wanton split bleed dry pull wool over wind up do number on sucker into butty go one better than flam hand a line play for a fool play a jest on play a prank on play a joke on murphy hocus-pocus rush play a practical joke on lirt crib blench rogue belirt be sold a pup sell a bill of goods persuade play games with sweet-talk toy with trifle with dally with play with make use of short-change play fast and loose with give the runaround send on a wild-goose chase take out fast talk give bum steer break the rules give the shaft snare play games stage-manage pull strings pull wires twist around your little finger draw fascinate distract come on toll ensorcell tout shill wile make a monkey of make a monkey out of make somebody look an idiot be unfaithful invite be disloyal be dishonest go back on bribe come on to sweep off feet jumble best muddle cover blur mistranslate slur mix up mutilate veil blanket hide screen curtain occult suppress shroud enshroud misrender twist around misarticulate airbrush tinker with paper over gloss over blot out

Antonino de lie through one's teeth

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