Sinónimo de mental blockage


A feeling that makes one self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way
inhibition reserve restraint shyness reticence self-consciousness bashfulness diffidence nervousness repression timidity constraint coyness discomfort embarrassment hang-up hesitance hesitancy reluctance unease wariness apprehension continence discipline discretion insecurity modesty nerves refrainment self-command self-control self-restraint suppression timorousness unassertiveness reservation timidness lack of confidence mental block psychological block quietness introversion demureness caution backwardness formality silence secretiveness taciturnity unresponsiveness uncommunicativeness humility meekness control uneasiness aloofness distance self-effacement coldness self-containment hesitation willpower sheepishness uncertainty self-doubt humbleness will mousiness self-discipline self-mastery self-possession lack of self-confidence self-government guardedness reservedness coolness stand-offishness calmness fear inhibitedness doubt moderation temperateness modestness forbearance anxiety awkwardness stiltedness woodenness unnaturalness forcedness worry disinclination unwillingness undemonstrativeness secrecy shame unsureness unforthcomingness closeness caginess vacillation indecision insecureness detachment abstemiousness unapproachability remoteness temperance frigidity non-indulgence patience cool countenance abstention fearfulness will power chariness suspicion froideur strength of will judiciousness prudence grip lack of warmth self-constraint balance poise stoicism stability self-will sobriety aplomb dignity unwillingness to open up strength of character strength of mind

Antonino de mental blockage

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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