Sinónimo de more dogmatical


Comparative for characterized by a pompous air of infallibility
rigider stubborner wilfuller puffier extremer sterner stricter blinder narrower smaller-minded deafer severer firmer tougher harsher perverser harder crisper more pontifical more dogmatic more doctrinaire more opinionated more arrogant more inflexible more adamant more opinionative more dictatorial more domineering more prejudiced more pompous more uncompromising more biased more overbearing more bigoted more cocksure more obdurate more authoritarian more obstinate more intolerant more pigheaded more unyielding more magisterial more bloated more condescending more headstrong more pretentious more portentous more grandiose more swaggering more self-important more single-minded more assertive more partisan more self-assertive more fanatical more insistent more speculative more theoretical more impractical more hypothetical more unrealistic more swivel-eyed more unpragmatic more zealous more ideological more mulish more bullheaded more stiff-necked more authoritative more unbending more pertinacious more one-sided more dogged more hidebound more narrow-minded more illiberal more intransigent more determined more fixed more shortsighted more unpersuadable more resistant more emphatic more parochial more unchallengeable more unquestionable more categorical more downright more fanatic more myopic more prejudicial more unequivocal more tenacious more confident more definite more close-minded more wrong-headed more religious more sectarian more unrelenting more resolute more immovable more unfaltering more hardheaded more ossified more willful more unwavering more pat more relentless more hardened more inexorable more adamantine more implacable more inconvincible more self-willed more intractable more pitiless more incompliant more unflexible

Antonino de more dogmatical

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