Sinónimo de more ludic


Comparative for happy or cheerful in mood or disposition
merrier happier sunnier joyfuller jollier cheerier gayer blither chirpier gladder bubblier brighter jauntier livelier breezier mirthfuller bouncier perkier playfuller funnier wittier friskier sprightlier archer naughtier peppier tricksier larkier zippier slier wantoner wickeder sparkier snappier airier droller zestier gladsomer flipper sillier cheekier flakier daffier jazzier pizzazzier pizazzier glibber unrulier trickier foxier coyer perter brisker racier springier higher cleverer smarter cuter jumpier pleasanter campier camper crazier wackier shallower gamer dizzier flirtier giddier smilier zingier friendlier winsomer cantier lighter heartier cranker clubbier zappier slaphappier wonderfuller brasher better rosier goofier fresher sprier keener noisier peacefuller easier vivider sparklier absurder lustier wicker wilder bolder nuttier rowdier madder smugger warmer soberer saucier sassier benigner stupider loonier mellower bizarrer richer foolisher zanier frothier Christmassier suppler feastlier spunkier comfortabler drier odder flightier sportier nattier trimmer showier sprucer eagerer greater thirstier ambitiouser hungrier greedier more cheerful more buoyant more upbeat more jovial more vivacious more gleeful more ebullient more joyous more blithesome more effervescent more carefree more frolicsome more jocund more genial more optimistic more untroubled more positive more amusing more humorous more entertaining more insouciant more comic more chucklesome more high-spirited more happy-go-lucky more easy-going more free and easy more sportive more mischievous more roguish more impish more prankish more spirited more lighthearted more coltish more skittish more gamesome more elfish more jocular more puckish more exuberant more rascally more devilish more elvish more rollicking more waggish more sportful more frolicky more jocose more jokey more frivolous more fay more antic more frolic more festive more larkish more full of beans more comical more good-humored more good-humoured more hilarious more whimsical more flippant more knavish more leprechaunish more scampish more pixieish more animated more zestful more facetious more jesting more bright-eyed and bushy-tailed more laughable more tongue-in-cheek more convivial more energetic more elfin more fun more excitable more amused more uproarious more bantering more risible more euphoric more pleasurable more enjoyable more elated more pixyish more active more mysterious more coquettish more disobedient more flirtatious more kinetic more animate more vital more mettlesome more excited more dashing more joculous more ludicrous more boffo more superficial more trivial more chipper more empty-headed more scatterbrained more demure more jubilant more radiant more smiling more peart more hopeful more unworried more childish more perk more Pickwickian more cock-a-hoop more content more contented more ecstatic more blissful more delighted more vibrant more lightsome more overjoyed more pleased more thrilled more festal more enthusiastic more beaming more boisterous more social more jumping more stoked more rocking more dynamic more irrepressible more vigorous more humoristic more delightful more comedic more hysteric more sidesplitting more satisfied more side-splitting more partyish more rapturous more chuffed more enraptured more intoxicated more wrapped more farcical more blessed more abuzz more fantastic more happening more thankful more debonair more pleasing more ridiculous more sanguine more welcoming more cordial more elevated more scintillating more hysterical more swinging more heartwarming more triumphant more orgasmic more alert more cheerly more saturnalian more heartening more exciting more beatific more derisory more rapt more welcome more inane more good-natured more killing more priceless more screaming more flamboyant more companionable more sociable more hospitable more conversible more gregarious more bonny more relaxed more possessed more pacific more poised more providential more composed more commodious more collected more measured more lightweight more unthinking more easygoing more amiable more outgoing more roseate more agreeable more celebratory more aware more derisive more nonsensical more eccentric more preposterous more unusual more asinine more mocking more confident more bullish more affable more sunbeamy more effusive more agitated more gushing more daring more uplifting more satisfying more off-the-wall more resilient more expansive more elastic more glowing more unruffled more unflustered more sedate more hushed more unperturbed more feastful more carnivalesque more decorated more trifling more encouraging more paradisiacal more paradisal more paradisiac more entranced more rousing more paradisaic more fulfilled more enchanted more rhapsodical more laid back more magical more derisible more gallant more Panglossian more unserious more starry-eyed more rose-colored more feel-good more venturesome more exhilarating more desirous more interested more willing more motivated more inspired more inclined more gung ho more awakened more impatient more amenable more avid more restive more appetent more bursting more disposed more agog more piqued more solicitous more athirst more geeked more hepped up more covetous more moved more tumultuous more alive more aflame

Antonino de more ludic

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