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Comparative for having or showing very strict moral attitudes
primmer mimsier narrower prissier squarer staider starchier stricter stuffier rigider severer stiffer uptighter smaller-minded pettier smaller nicer smugger less straighter fussier finickier austerer soberer seemlier politer seriouser sterner choosier stodgier boringer timider vainer earnester fustier puffier fitter pickier simpler comelier meeter better-mannered daintier dapperer cleanlier better sprucer unfriendlier haughtier finer purer sharper faddier keener acuter preachier more strait-laced more moralistic more narrow-minded more niminy-piminy more old-maidish more proper more prudish more puritanical more Victorian more conventional more governessy more schoolmarmish more schoolmistressy more conservative more old-fashioned more overscrupulous more priggish more Pecksniffian more prim and proper more insular more illiberal more intolerant more prejudiced more bigoted more dogmatic more reactionary more provincial more sectarian more inflexible more hidebound more limited more blinkered more diehard more myopic more localist more partisan more restricted more discriminatory more puritan more picayune more dyed-in-the-wool more short-sighted more close-minded more Lilliputian more blimpish more chauvinist more chauvinistic more claustral more jerkwater more inexorable more obdurate more sanctimonious more self-righteous more god-fearing more straight-laced more self-satisfied more virtuous more unctuous more moral more PC more politically correct more parochial more biased more opinionated more racist more nationalistic more sexist more pigheaded more formal more genteel more orthodox more fastidious more straitlaced more straightlaced more conformist more traditional more demure more stilted more sedate more decorous more pernickety more correct more overnice more bluenosed more nice-nelly more sententious more particular more scrupulous more tight-laced more pompous more punctilious more buttoned-down more precise more upright more squeamish more fogeyish more ceremonious more reserved more respectable more conforming more solemn more bourgeois more censorious more ascetic more overparticular more overmodest more forbidding more fanatical more delicate more honorable more high-minded more pedantic more honourable more spartan more decent more abstinent more affected more abstemious more po-faced more ladylike more meticulous more ceremonial more unprogressive more starched more ultraconservative more refined more paleoconservative more traditionalistic more stiff-necked more exacting more mossbacked more restrained more comme il faut more precious more unadventurous more old-school more unhip more niggly more timorous more pietistic more overcautious more hypocritical more complacent more mannered more uncool more rigorous more offish more pretentious more overexact more mincing more artificial more mainstream more namby-pamby more suburban more bien pensant more conscientious more principled more impersonal more upstanding more humourless more ethical more righteous more right-minded more self-important more supercilious more important more magisterial more arrogant more humorless more jaundiced more uncompromising more individualistic more intractable more set more becoming more befitting more gentlemanly more out-of-date more dated more discriminating more suitable more mannerly more modest more fitting more continent more self-denying more self-disciplined more economical more self-sacrificing more temperate more frugal more moderate more Spartan more didactic more de rigueur more courteous more done more in line more demanding more exact more wooden more snobbish more dignified more discerning more sensitive more critical more unbending more unresponsive more uncommunicative more unforthcoming more undemonstrative more unapproachable more detached more official more withdrawn more antisocial more unsocial more taciturn more aloof more reticent more unsympathetic more remote more perfectionist more persnickety more nit-picky more hypercritical more faddish more overdelicate more choosey more selective more finical more careful more fussbudgety more perceptive more unimaginative more homiletic more sermonic more homiletical

Antonino de more shockable

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