Sinónimo de most pukka


Superlative for genuine or real
realest truest honestest purest straightest soundest candidest frankest trustworthiest fairest perfectest best strictest surest simplest squarest trustiest veriest normalest directest clearest deepest earnestest completest plainest finest rawest neatest sheerest arrantest hardest firmest best-grounded most authentic most genuine most proper most dinkum most certifiable most echt most kosher most official most original most veritable most legitimate most pucka most legit most valid most legal most for real most lawful most unalloyed most natural most precise most accurate most honest-to-goodness most factual most indubitable most veridical most faithful most upfront most undisputed most unfeigned most exact most attested most unaffected most veracious most artless most absolute most concrete most effective most truthful most dead-on most immaculate most authoritative most archetypal most forthright most unequivocal most open most unconcealed most licit most prototypical most unquestionable most correct most qualified most accredited most professional most expert most unmixed most sincere most heartfelt most ingenuous most typical most regular most representative most characteristic most archetypical most guileless most standard most undesigning most fitting most unpretending most average most appropriate most unpretentious most uncontaminated most refined most wholehearted most unforced most flawless most solid most filtered most indisputable most purified most classic most full-hearted most spot-on most thoroughgoing most thorough most total most creditable most credible most reliable most satisfactory most unqualified most downright most consummate most unmitigated most dependable most admissible most solemn most rigorous most undoubted most undistorted most watertight most bang on most right on most verifiable most established most certain most tangible most unmistakable most palpable most evident most literal most perceptible most incontrovertible most proven most irrefutable most inescapable most accepted most acceptable most demonstrable most attestable most intrinsic most substantial most positive most objective most especial most express most tacit most formal most recognized most implied most binding most unacknowledged most essential most definitive most permissible most constitutional most unrefuted most usable most recognised most conventional most real-life most final most believable most realistic most preferable most legally binding most definite most manifest most distinct most discernible most material most appreciable most obvious most checkable most supportable most sustainable most testable most confirmable most categorical most substantive most intelligible most striking most observable most patent most measurable most perceivable most quantifiable most detectable most sensible most evincible most showable most clear-cut


Superlative for superior or of high quality


Superlative for allowed or permitted
soundest fairest justest likeliest possiblest worthiest best truest lucidest realest slightest fittest honestest mildest pettiest finest normalest straightest aptest timeliest amplest meetest most admissible most acceptable most passable most tolerable most allowable most permissible most justifiable most legitimate most reasonable most defensible most lawful most legal most licit most okay most satisfactory most sensible most supportable most tenable most tolerated most OK most recognised most recognized most valid most applicable most appropriate most fitting most kosher most legit most logical most pertinent most probable most proper most rational most relevant most suitable most well-founded most excusable most pardonable most venial most in order most sufferable most cogent most sincere most coherent most compelling most sustainable most convincing most reasoned most authentic most plausible most warrantable most workable most credible most correct most justified most solid most congruent most pragmatic most genuine most believable most realistic most viable most grounded most reliable most understandable most verifiable most effective most dinkum most persuasive most accepted most acknowledged most forgivable most condonable most endurable most remissible most explainable most constitutional most minor most remittable most official most condign most due most manageable most defendable most trivial most vindicable most insignificant most unimportant most established most maintainable most accountable most chartered most upright most protected most innocent most canonical most livable most competent most welcome most assured most unobjectionable most trifling most necessary most respectable most A-OK most favored most favoured most accredited most orthodox most righteous most expected most specious most vindicatory most moderate most temperate most exculpatory most predictable most natural most foreseeable most ordered most jurisprudent most judicial most juridical most vested most achievable most attainable most feasible most imaginable most doable most thinkable most sufficient most adequate most idiomatic most enforceable most binding most anticipated most proportionate most par for the course most affordable most precedented most enforcible most commensurate most commensurable most grammatical most befitting most expedient most felicitous most becoming most worthwhile most apropos most seasonable most comme il faut most arguable

Antonino de most pukka

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