Sinónimo de quite useful


Having a practical or beneficial use
practical functional handy convenient utilitarian fit purposeful serviceable neat nifty utile applicable of service of use practicable appropriate available employable exploitable operable proper purposive suited usable useable helpful working effective feasible operative workable beneficial advantageous utilizable good utilisable user friendly user-friendly accessible wieldy ready adaptable valuable profitable running operational functioning viable consumable suitable actionable prepared fitting apt utility instrumental applicative applied ultrapractical subservient operating unused manageable in working order at hand relevant expendable in order efficient workaday easy to use well-designed user-oriented easy-to-use right substantive meet doable current valid active going seemly qualified intuitive becoming able live open exhaustible fitted correct apposite capable befitting alive comprehensible living worthy on adapted acceptable deserving pertinent due at one's disposal easy foolproof straightforward uncomplicated untroublesome simple intelligible expedient apropos adequate rightful decorous decent correspondent conformable ready for use manipulable just equal equitable in operation in force in effect up and running comme il faut ergonomic easily operated easy to understand approachable sensible exploitative exploitatory exploitive perfect ideal conducive disposable contributory multipurpose central versatile natty gainful everyday ordinary available for use supportive at your disposal in running order adjuvant fit for use durable hard-wearing dependable aiding assistive sturdy invaluable stout acquirable offered attainable gettable on hand obtainable pragmatic realizable procurable on tap possible open to securable untaken achievable getatable reachable on deck to hand around derivable from pragmatical realisable in hand existing vacant derivable forthcoming nuts and bolts in action probable graspable winnable spendable accomplishable high-functioning on line in use in service ready for action in commission in gear well-functioning to the purpose equipped suited to the purpose preferable good enough -worthy within reach near nearby present near at hand get-at-able at the ready at your fingertips close free to be had up for grabs close at hand on offer readily available close by here in remaining on call on the market existent adjacent attending near-at-hand close-at-hand just round the corner standing by unoccupied attendant superfluous purchasable unengaged surplus extra up for sale allowable getable permitted admissible there unrestricted public spare in attendance there for the taking primed duck soup no sweat no problem inside indoors on board left over piece of cake adjoining at home immediate nigh in easy reach on file in reserve in readiness in the house on standby close-by on stand-to next door on full alert imminent impending on sale agreeable not posted unconditional nondiscriminatory unqualified welcoming general going begging home in season in circulation obtained ready to be drawn open-door pushover waiting to be bought for the taking given made available on a plate in stock reasonable unfilled at your service free for use in the room realistic in evidence on the block empty yours for the asking likely easily reached popular hassle-free time-saving labour-saving trouble-free conceivable wide-open over on hold potential vouchsafed to someone imaginable waiting covered easy to get to easy-access easy to access for use when needed set aside within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility in line in place in position cherry pie prevailing prevalent champing at bit on the brink in the saddle unneeded in existence at beck and call easily available actual unconsumed leftover close to hand on-the-spot made the scene in view there with bells on show up additional bordering proximate neighbouring vincinal contiguous to play with neighboring beside local abutting surplus to requirements still available not required to spare conterminous within spitting distance at close quarters not far off not remote approximal a hop, skip and a jump away within range warm side-by-side abreast in close proximity within sniffing distance alongside touching within stone's throw proximal next-door coterminous close-up not far away close to near to handy for within walking distance of just around the corner from in neighborhood within easy reach of well placed for at close quarters to next to easy to reach not far from under one's nose a stone's throw from well situated for adjacent to within spitting distance of a hop, skip and a jump away from


Providing a benefit when used
beneficial advantageous handy helpful productive valuable worthwhile constructive profitable gainful invaluable rewarding timely effective efficacious expedient fruitful instrumental meritorious opportune strategic commodious conducive facilitative favourable favorable nifty of assistance of help positive propitious to one's advantage worth it good of use effectual serviceable beneficent benefic benignant potent efficient practical kindly salutary friendly powerful operative of service suitable successful lucrative win-win capable significant of value of benefit auspicious worthy encouraging convenient remunerative appropriate behooveful paying meaningful benign economic gratifying formative adequate benevolent prosperous sound competent telling strong forcible dynamic decisive important lucky fit forceful excellent contributive moneymaking estimable substantial advisable informative purposeful relevant pivotal crucial critical virtuous wholesome fat juicy money-spinning requisite generous promising determinative workable rich toward nice central fortunate energetic well spent affecting influential financially rewarding well paid contributory furthersome providential consequential inspiring stimulating in one's interests to advantage impactful proper advanced illuminating enriching justifiable usable well disposed industrious generative agreeable supportive desirable reliable valid good for one plus well-spent functional recompensing unfailing outstanding conclusive accomplishing achieving effecting qualified practicable fulfilling uplifting good for you fitting applicable exemplary money-making priceless sensible worth the effort fortuitous essential vital in one's best interests healing sure-fire financially worthwhile paramount indispensable imperative sovereign appreciated fundamental key necessary respected needed admired in demand exigent instructive enough impactive hot loved held dear esteemed of the essence worth its weight in gold best for the best welcome healthful satisfactory flattering cheering pleasurable happy fair reassuring pleasureful pleasant pleasing well-timed seasonable worthful scarce hot property eventful active altruistic humanitarian charitable kind big-hearted paid going well-paying sweet fructuous lush satisfying puissant full of promise going concern paid off very productive in the black productive of good for aid helpful to facilitate favour favor leading benefit tending assist promotive encourage help useful for instrumental in moving motivating hard-hitting fateful stirring provocative swayful persuasive guiding monumental authoritative cogent vigorous compelling swaying enticing responsible inspirational rousing material striking controlling convincing momentous alluring masterful motivational robust touching able seductive inducing impelling emphatic considerable imposing impressive far-reaching animating calculated to produce accessory lead to contribute to make for tend to promote contributing to


Very able or competent in a particular area
competent capable proficient adept handy qualified skilful skilled skillful talented able accomplished expert gifted savvy effective suitable experienced good polished practiced practised masterly efficient virtuoso proper knowledgeable trained suited veteran adroit au fait apt fit great crack ace adequate dynamite adapted habile like a pistol having the goods having the right stuff knowing the score having know-how up there on the ball up to speed knowing the ropes up to snuff old hand has what it takes green thumb like a one-man band able to perform old-timer equal to the task up to it quick accurate reliable clever very well masterful dexterous dextrous satisfactory multiskilled multitalented versed consummate balanced crackerjack deadly seasoned nifty mean right on errorless sure-handed deft dead-on sporting all-round exact refined workmanlike all-around spot-on effectual on-target precise thorough fitted taught first-rate trustworthy well-rounded stringent topflight serviceable tutored sure-fire schooled master educated well hardy complete compleat professed brilliant professional wizard artful excellent fine well versed tasty wicked stellar first-class smart outstanding sharp bravura delicate genius pro superb slick ingenious impressive magnificent supreme formidable whiz practical agile learned exceptional equal marvellous a dab hand at elite vet marvelous big league out of this world old superlative top-notch superior demon hot with it well-versed strong dazzling nimble splendid leading equipped versant specialist world-class peerless brainy intelligent hotshot facile cool magic endowed class there smooth nimble-fingered well trained extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly trained highly qualified wised up tuned in a hand at effortless powerful eligible exercised finished familiar hardened long-serving certified exquisite battle-scarred conversant ready prepared tested tried best exceptionally good remarkable disciplined instructed A1 know the ropes on the beam know one's stuff no slouch top-drawer methodic methodical systematic decent employable long-term kosher quintessential exemplary ultimate perfect happy pitch-perfect terrific mighty tremendous virtuosic faultless licensed chartered fluent neat handpicked deluxe choice capital redoubtable preeminent transcendent astute certificated dominant switched-on acquainted well-informed wonderful phenomenal invincible indomitable extraordinary magisterial nippy hep hip drilled phenom sussed artistic first class hot tamale supremely skilled well qualified time-served leet awesome smashing fab authorized brill cut out for having a knack for class act shining at well up puissant amazing clean rounded accustomed sport licenced proved accepted authorised very able tip-top sharp as a tack very good no dummy top-hole admirable astounding up on cunning easy alert knowing bright keen in the know worthy responsible the right stuff knowing one's stuff broken in sufficient established mature crisp highly endowed worldly-wise champion know backwards and forwards know one's onions star top topnotch distinguished super sophisticated worldly wise steady weathered long-time old-time inured all around know the answers know one's business know ins and outs know the score from way back knows one's stuff not born yesterday been around wise to ways of the old school


Worthy of being recommended
advisable wise sensible prudent appropriate expedient advantageous judicious apt fitting profitable beneficial politic helpful suitable sound desirable gainful recommended fit proper effective tactical valuable commonsensical worthwhile sagacious logical seemly suggested preferable best recommendable well commendable strategic opportune necessary convenient practical pragmatic propitious favorable favourable timely of benefit of service fruitful beneficent behooveful desired auspicious constructive required needed essential correct preferred right indicated for the best acceptable reasoned rational to one's advantage in one's interest productive feasible called-for called for utilitarian applicable effectual seasonable meet of use self-serving presentable definitive efficacious valid best suited clear to one's own advantage in one's own interests compelling shrewd astute sage insightful sapient reasonable discerning canny thoughtful smart intelligent perceptive farsighted informed well advised well judged provident careful well-advised circumspect clever enlightened savvy perspicacious percipient sharp intuitive sane profound well thought out considered learned discreet vigilant knowledgeable judgmatic judgmatical acute knowing erudite common-sense scholarly calculating considerate argute intellectual educated experienced worldly-wise contemplative foresighted clear-sighted full of insight a good idea levelheaded level-headed healthy leery playing safe thinking twice penetrating hedging your bets philosophical deep showing great knowledge with great knowledge hardheaded pragmatical cluey clear-eyed heady deliberated cunning understanding reflective aware tactful cogitative solid justified good well-informed well-founded well-reasoned well reasoned diplomatic discriminating cautious sober pawky skilful accurate judicial skillful sophisticated thorough wary keen just well-judged quick-witted heads-up long-headed most correct


Relevant or important with regard to (a subject or matter)
applicable appropriate fitting relevant apt befitting pertinent suitable apposite felicitous germane fit material related apropos significant suited becoming connected proper applicatory appurtenant associable compatible congruent congruous consistent correlated fitted good helpful linked relative right salient valid kosher legit meet apropos of of use ad rem on target right on to the point to the purpose having to do with on the button on the nose having direct bearing on opportune ideal convenient timely admissible pointed just right happy expedient perfect tailor-made just made to order allied cognate akin analogous pat relatable pertaining important relating on-topic applicative kindred of interest that's the ticket seemly correct belonging judicious pertaining to pretty qualified great spot on optimal just the thing well-suited just what the doctor ordered the very thing just what one needs excellent wonderful just the job acceptable satisfactory commodious worthy handy okay merited advisable requisite reasonable presentable sufficient condign politic deserved swell copacetic righteous nice rightful cut out for user friendly in keeping good enough well-timed in keeping with right up your street well suited fit for purpose in character up to snuff up to standard key appertaining central propitious essential vital fundamental referring harmonious well-chosen associated concerning seasonable pointful dependent correspondent justified fairy-tale contingent adequate about crucial supplemental accessory supplementary peripheral auxiliary accessorial with respect in regard pivotal main major critical chief inspired neat choice indicative well chosen intrinsic favourable operative auspicious telling fortuitous well put well expressed convincing joyous meaningful indispensable allowable weighty conformant conforming consonant accordant well judged cardinal primary substantive in point favorable of consequence affiliated interconnected concomitant coupled accompanying corresponding intertwined incidental interdependent knit together interrelated joint mutual reciprocal in touch with complementary tied up enmeshed interwoven incident


Designed to be practical and useful, rather than attractive
functional practical serviceable utilitarian minimalist plain workaday ascetic bare basic modest severe simple spartan unadorned undecorated unornamented characterless colorless colourless impersonal institutional soulless uncluttered unembellished unfussy unostentatious utility antiseptic clinical hard-wearing without frills no frills austere stark spare Spartan restrained bare-bones chaste monastic effective sparse substantive bleak no-frills bald clean lean unpretentious unaffected stripped-down applicable subdued muted unvarnished unfurnished barren naked classic without ornamentation unembroidered plain vanilla puritanical ultra-plain handy working pragmatic efficient neat pragmatical nuts and bolts to the purpose suited to the purpose homely unelaborate unsophisticated understated humble unpatterned stripped down unassuming straightforward penny plain discreet folksy natural no-nonsense uncomplicated honest inelaborate homespun everyday raw unobtrusive unpresumptuous uncomplex ordinary homey unpretending unimposing unbeautified laid-back patternless harsh vanilla meagre pure meager dry minimal bare bones pure and simple without airs cut down frugal brutal undisguised unveiled measly threadbare straight unadulterated rudimentary adequate au naturel undeveloped down-to-earth undissembled wholesome unrefined acceptable fresh hearty conventional conservative rough and ready trim minimalistic elegant graceful streamlined simplistic symmetrical smooth indistinctive featureless neutral nondescript beige faceless noncommittal exquisite tasteful sincere artless guileless ingenuous unextravagant shapely definite regular innocent frank naive open real true genuine small clean-cut well defined boring rustic bland your basic normophilic elementary unexciting insipid dull unspoiled honest-to-goodness homestyle unexcessive economical without ornament plain-vanilla unambitious down easy-going up front free-spirited prosaic down home self-effacing moderate average unradical reasonable middling fair unexceptional unstudied cheap inexpensive unextreme


Of considerable importance or worth
substantial considerable significant big important major sizeable material meaningful solid weighty key real worthwhile consequential eventful extraordinary firm grand great historic marked momentous monumental respectable sound strong sturdy substantive ample durable extensive good healthy heavy heavyweight massive much principal serious valuable abundant earthshaking earth-shattering steady superabundant tectonic vast big-deal major-league deep relevant telling purposeful valid indicative profound pithy essential sententious crucial critical notable far-reaching vital memorable pivotal noteworthy urgent decisive remarkable fundamental all-important high-priority outstanding life-and-death grave striking paramount central of consequence exceptional prominent fateful influential pressing cardinal intrinsic landmark appreciable indispensable unforgettable powerful of great consequence sizable of significance core distinguished necessary primary requisite acute earnest headline portentous epoch-making imperative burning heavy-duty special of moment interesting focal pertinent celebrated epochal integral groundbreaking large prime exigent famous needed signal determining large-scale impressive impactful main illustrious life-changing capital red-letter overriding intense prerequisite big-time hefty radical of note earth-shaking conspicuous super of great import world-shaking life-or-death forceful pointed exciting full ponderous renowned pronounced enduring generous severe imposing germane dire arresting basic sensational especial mighty salient required big league life and death deciding huge noticeable ground-breaking glorious tough apocalyptic high-level high-profile constitutive distinctive leading milestone unusual front-page eminent mandatory of importance rare must-have newsworthy compelling uncommon venerable pre-eminent no laughing matter much needed underlined vitally important no joke something else out of the ordinary world-shattering of the utmost importance of the essence emphatic overwhelming meaty topical breakthrough famed buzzworthy reasonable necessitous worthy difficult tremendous uppermost dynamic invaluable pioneering needful stunning devastating earthshattering solemn innovatory innovative revolutionary lasting legit handsome tidy astronomical indelible of substance well-known name-of-the-game nitty-gritty meat-and-potatoes bottom-line coal-and-ice of vital importance life-saving now or never extremely important life or death of great moment immortal major league sombre hard sober somber abiding careful super colossal mammoth strategic largish goodly phenomenal bountiful applicable spectacular catchy haunting quintessential extreme apposite apropos dominant cherished rememberable remembered treasured overruling preeminent primal premier predominant chief carrying a lot of weight ponderable top determinative ruling master climactic supreme preponderant obvious resonant keynote worthy of attention quantum conclusive glaring unordinary potent climacteric particular relative in-depth complete thorough not to be forgotten never to be forgotten fixed in the mind very important gratifying sweeping noted appurtenant applicative acclaimed structural pointful associated active lively busy triumphant august fulfilling unique immediate top-priority foremost instrumental almighty strenuous dramatic assiduous comprehensive considered meticulous scrupulous diligent exhaustive detailed hectic dynamite solid gold of repute super-duper well thought of much touted to the max something unreal mondo highly rated fab fat well received of distinction of high standing doozie observable mentionable different citable singular namable nameable elementary brilliant heroic noble uplifting bright proud top-level overshadowing dangerous grievous big-league of concern event-filled ad rem to the point to the purpose action-packed worthy of note of particular interest resplendent honourable cheering magnificent marvellous shining satisfying honorable splendid exalted wonderful marvelous sublime pleasurable heart-warming rewarding pleasing of great importance worth mentioning worthy of mention hot mind-blowing utmost murder splash stand-out patent manifest evident worth taking a look at terrific boss cool the end bread-and-butter staple no-nonsense big deal most important


Done or occurring spontaneously, without conscious thought or attention
mechanical automatic instinctive involuntary matter-of-fact routine unconscious unthinking habitual machine-like cursory impersonal perfunctory unfeeling cold inattentive lifeless unemotional careless casual inhuman instinctual knee-jerk lackluster lacklustre mechanic robotic soulless spontaneous unanimated uninspired emotionless negligent spiritless unimaginative fixed laborsaving mechanistic monotonous motorised motorized powered programmed reflex standardised standardized stereotyped systematic unchanging unpremeditated impulsive intuitive natural unintentional inadvertent unwitting gut unintended unconditioned unlearned unmeditated reflexive innate superficial thoughtless inherent uninterested desultory subconscious unwilled mechanized mindless mechanised unprompted token inborn ingrained heedless native intrinsic half-hearted congenital offhand untaught intuitional indifferent senseless visceral subliminal passing sketchy rooted summary brief unplanned motor disinterested nonchalant normal typical regular accustomed uncontrolled accidental second-nature wooden insensible by seat of one's pants motor-powered uncalculated hard-wired electrically powered humourless petrol-powered diesel-powered machinelike humorless gas-powered unresponsive predictable primeval animal primitive responsive primaeval unbidden expected immediate unrealized uncalculating unforced autogenetic undeliberate blind uncontrollable computerized cybernetic computerised automatous mind-numbing tedious unbewised conditioned unchosen nominal boring brainless unconvincing feeble unenthusiastic hollow unmindful rash empty lame undemanding humdrum ill-advised absent-minded injudicious foolish ill-considered imprudent unwise stupid silly neglectful precipitate reckless remiss oblivious inert unconcerned inanimate hurried lackadaisical fleeting hasty quick witless insentient apathetic pococurante uncurious complacent insouciant feckless brutish unreasoning indelicate outrageous napping unheeding vacant unmeant blunt untactful insensate incurious rapid slovenly dismissive slipshod inorganic cool abiotic nerveless inbred phoning it in walking through it laid-back going through the motions emotional slapdash without life shallow uncritical depthless subjective random sloppy half-baked hit or miss


Always successful
infallible certain sure unfailing dependable reliable trustworthy foolproof sound sure-fire can't-miss effective efficacious fail-safe guaranteed safe surefire unbeatable acceptable agreeable always effective apodictic authoritative correct effectual efficient exact handy helpful incontrovertible inerrable inerrant never failing omniscient positive right satisfactory satisfying solid steady undeceivable unimpeachable unquestionable watertight tried and tested tried and true unerring absolute true irrefutable indubitable definite conclusive undeniable unequivocal incontestable firm indisputable unambiguous clear unmistakable undoubted assured unassailable genuine verifiable faultless faithful categorical in the bag demonstrable convincing real fixed confirmable evident determined set definitive never-failing steadfast accurate on ice decisive precise plain inarguable obvious predestined hard supreme ascertained known provable establishable destined undisputable beyond doubt constant tested loyal salted away sure thing staunch having down pat good secure trusty confirmed unbreakable valid airtight manifest veracious proven trustable calculable compelling failsafe decided tried-and-true beyond dispute clear-cut beyond question unarguable authentic irrefragable unanswerable unchallengeable accomplished honest resolute unconditional ensured devoted responsible consistent flawless enduring unshakable certified factual credible thorough committed dedicated patent insured impeccable final truthful believable emphatic errorless kosher nailed-on strong true-blue well-founded on the money without error beyond a shadow of a doubt excellent self-evident clinching undebatable all right ultimate not in doubt sovereign invulnerable without loopholes concluded warranted stated stipulated settled sealed clinched established tried clutch unswerving conscientious actual dutiful trusted last deciding inflexible predictable upright unwavering decent indefective pronounced cinched racked reputable respectable honourable righteous high-principled honorable dinkum peremptory nailed on fast uncompromising iron sincere incorrupt careful perfect go-to goofproof nailed down made certain absolutely certain sewed up true-hearted to be counted on safe as houses likely to perform always there stone cold no ifs ands or buts cast-iron set in stone idiot-proof veritable authenticated supported proper circumstantiated legit validated verified telling undisputed influential plausible weighty well-defined persuasive formidable cogent lucid ingenious material forceful insightful pertinent urgent incisive trenchant great sharp well-established powerful crystalline coercive relevant forcible distinct impressive intuitive intelligent endless boundless inevitable inexhaustible palpable irrevocable concrete ceaseless continuous recognized doubtless persistent unlimited unfading undying continual determinate unflagging bottomless transparent recognised unqualified questionless diligent same unrelenting unchanging straight assiduous dyed-in-the-wool delivering lasting there come-through abiding continuing eternal invariable counted on rock solid as sure as eggs is eggs


Less important than but related or supplementary to something
subsidiary auxiliary lesser secondary subordinate ancillary minor supplementary subservient supplemental additional extra attendant peripheral second-class second-fiddle contributory lower-grade lower-level accessory adjuvant aiding appurtenant assistant assisting backup branch collateral cooperative helpful junior lower serviceable subject tributory accompanying supporting complementary reserve accessorial supportive second spare concomitant add-on optional fallback substitute sub abetting coincidental helping fall-back relief added bonus satellite alternative associate inferior alternate marginal more further another other tributary affixed appended smaller less on the side second-string second-rate contingent concurrent assisting in adscititious contributing less important than roundabout extramural of lesser importance than coincident attending adjunctive related increased incident adminicular supervenient reciprocal correlative corresponding younger emergency lowly top-up augmenting youngest under extracurricular back-up adjunct low-ranking low-grade lower-ranking vice- less important sub- insignificant outranked paltry unused new back up of little account in reserve of little importance second-banana third-string one more in store in addition standby replacement fill-in stand-in fresh temporary stopgap makeshift deputy supernumerary farther support repeat surplus leftover free supererogatory duplicate acting surrogate proxy provisional caretaker interim locum provisionary intervening provisory substitutive pro tem transitional pinch-hitting ad interim tentative pro tempore short-term understudy


Inclined to be generous or to show concern for others
beneficent benevolent charitable philanthropic altruistic humanitarian benign generous munificent bountiful humane magnanimous neighborly neighbourly public-spirited unselfish bounteous do-good eleemosynary free free-handed good indulgent kind lavish liberal open-handed philanthropical ungrudging unstinting benignant princely beneficient big-hearted valuable giving kindly considerate openhanded bighearted compassionate unsparing helpful kindhearted noble freehanded greathearted selfless freehearted big fulsome sympathetic gracious caring open prodigal great-hearted obliging chivalrous kind-hearted honourable honorable hospitable thoughtful decent high-minded self-sacrificing merciful handsome tolerant warm-hearted just easy all heart accommodating tender fair large-hearted honest loose good-hearted goodhearted upright gentle friendly profuse lofty almsgiving gallant lenient understanding moderate excellent soft-touch warmhearted well-disposed plenteous forgiving affable tender-hearted generous to a fault good-natured abundant knightly ready soft-hearted clement unstinted equitable principled reasonable tenderhearted worthy virtuous willing mild valiant socially concerned willingly given moral amiable congenial cordial complaisant openhearted ample respected moralistic soft plentiful well-meaning elevated lordly full great nonprofit supportive heroic acceptable high warm natural extravagant righteous ethical unstinging solicitous respectable brave not-for-profit non-profit non-profit-making softhearted favorable open-hearted polite loving cultivated amicable genial favourable noble-minded approachable stately rich large civilized unprejudiced immaculate human welfare exuberant Christian gratuitous civilised idealistic social-minded approving holy pharisaical inoffensive goody-goody spotless angelical esteemed unerring creditable lax self-denying pleasant bleeding heart doing good works unmarred pietistical chaste pristine graceful pietistic unflawed cooperative overgenerous agreeable affectionate good-humoured good-humored substantial courageous forbearing compliant respectful dignified light courtly pitying redeeming virginal untouched prayerful unblamable redeemable well meaning upstanding donating prosocial patriotic contributing patient nonmalignant very kind distinguished reputable mindful non-malignant well disposed nonthreatening courteous tactful uncorrupted redoubtable illustrious kin outstanding refined fearless bold intrepid dauntless stout-hearted remarkable meritorious extraordinary eager to please eager to help venerable fine valorous stand-up anti-corruption independent self-sufficient scrupulous self-respecting proud regal urbane civil sociable bland unctuous suave pleasing forthcoming bonhomous well-mannered sublime Santa Claus has heart in right place


Willing to be of assistance
cooperative helpful obliging accommodating complaisant compliant responsive indulgent willing acquiescent adaptable amenable biddable persuadable pliable pliant tractable easy game onside persuasible suasible supportive accessible companionable eager to help eager to please forthcoming glad to be of assistance docile obedient malleable manageable submissive manipulable yielding agreeable governable susceptible flexible impressionable influenceable suggestible meek deferential conformable unresisting passive easily influenced dutiful assenting unassertive law-abiding tame convincible accepting easily persuaded ductile gentle milky controllable ready soft easy-going mild tolerant easily handled open supple go-with-the-flow transformable bendy eager complying keen happy teachable glad susceptive easygoing enthusiastic nonresistant agreeing obsequious conciliatory resigned forgiving consenting orderly assentive polite lenient respectful receptive like putty in your hands putty in one's hands rolls with punches acceptive conformist consentient assentient accordant bendable submitting compromising able to be influenced subdued solicitous amiable ungrudging under control moldable acceding ingratiating willing to compromise conforming unresistant approving friendly generous toadying unprotesting tolerating subservient servile obeisant open to change cheerful bootlicking rolling with punches acquiescing resistless longanimous good-natured good-tempered good-humoured good-humored self-effacing Uriah Heepish permissive inclined disposed civil thoughtful considerate courteous prepared pleased proper mannerly content set predisposed prone favorable desirous deceivable compassionate charitable seemly one fain zealous minded favourable dupable clement like-minded nothing loath in the mood well-disposed in accord with so minded in favour of a mind so-minded in favor pardoning moderate trusting benign merciful pampering naive liberal temperate unburdensome unsuspicious gullible mollycoddling humoring spoiling excusing light condoning deludable sympathetic fleeceable lax unoppressive forbearing well brought up well behaved good mindful well-brought-up regardful well mannered decorous well-mannered humouring humble unassuming lamblike quiet mellow docious cool usable childlike complacent well-behaved laid-back weak-kneed easily manipulated patient uncomplaining timid duteous fawning slavish spiritless reverential abject long-suffering enduring sycophantic under the thumb under one's thumb stoical grovelling stoic non-resistant quiescent supine disciplined nonresisting spineless attentive menial self-abasing cringing lowly groveling genial reverent cordial in one's power in one's clutches in one's pocket downtrodden at beck and call cowering subject workable non-resisting weak truckling awed snivelling deferent restrained selfless dancing sniveling calm ingratiatory easily swayed concurring tameable at one's mercy a slave to shy unobtrusive demure cowed with the patience of Job domesticated obeying comformable giving-in bowing down phlegmatic kowtowing surrendering subordinate placable tamable disciplinable handleable trainable philosophical nonviolent non-violent lifeless sheepish supplicatory devoted non-aggressive venerating fatalistic loyal faithful peaceable timorous unambitious hesitant tentative apprehensive fearful observant trained untroublesome convenient amendable sheeplike hearsome honoring unquestioning reconciled static reflexive bearing flaccid disinterested sleepy unreceptive asleep latent stolid flat motionless poker-faced moony idle unflappable honouring adapted satisfied adjusted renouncing relinquishing accommodated mim self-conscious well-trained in accord in agreement well disciplined well trained wrapped around finger on a string hands off kind going through motions walking through it benevolent kindly magnanimous unselfish neighbourly understanding sweet pleasant affable gracious nice dominated bighearted breezy decent altruistic warmhearted subjugated bullied browbeaten softie marshmallow neighborly oppressed loose unrestricted well disposed warm-hearted good-hearted willing to please kind-hearted even-tempered favourably disposed intimidated repressed free overindulgent nagged libertarian constrained uxorious henpecked allowing unprescriptive ground down treated like dirt without a mind of one's own in fear of one's partner led by the nose tied to someone's apron strings subjected to nagging wife-ridden under someone's heel permitting nonjudgmental open-minded broad-minded non-restrictive free and easy easy-oasy hands-off laissez-faire live-and-let-live

Antonino de quite useful

Music ♫

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