Sinónimo de run the gauntlet of


To see or gain knowledge of through experience
witness experience endure feel suffer taste undergo bear face know sustain appreciate have pass see go through live through have experience of come into contact with encounter meet with receive be faced with come across withstand meet tolerate come up against run into be subjected to be forced to contend with weather participate in come to grips with put up with confront live stand brave brook support try thole sample become familiar with comprehend come in for enjoy partake in submit to cope with incur survive swallow contract have dealings in find fall on take part in be blessed with benefit from observe partake accept digest assimilate savour savor perceive come into contact watch preview run the gauntlet get apprehend behold recognise touch recognize partake of be exposed to have knowledge of run up against come face to face with abide wear undertake defer bow yield share bear up engage in take stomach countenance handle hack sweat out bear the brunt of absorb sit through bide resist ride out maintain stick out resign oneself to subject oneself to grin and bear allow smell deal with acquire assume sip lead spend submit oneself to possess defy admit permit face up to take on pocket tough out take patiently be confronted by stick with stand up to abide by be afflicted with shoulder realise be affected by front bear with carry live with bear brunt derive realize draw get through run against have to bear be the object of have to endure hold stand for stand firm against hold with go along with hold out against get by with subsist on be confronted with gain glean have dealings with develop obtain allow for approve of be doing with have to put up with extract procure eat trial live out reconcile oneself to become accustomed to become resigned to be patient with become reconciled to get used to learn to live with make the best of get a foretaste of get a taste of never say die in the face of tackle dare engage fight battle court oppose beard eyeball risk cross challenge venture affront outbrave outface play brazen accost breast contend with brace for be drawn against meet head-on make a stand face off take the bull by the horns go up against grapple with square off fly in face of bit the bullet play against

Antonino de run the gauntlet of

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