Sinónimo de set firm


(of an attitude, habit, or belief) Firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change
entrenched rooted fixed ingrained firm established confirmed embedded hardened indelible ineradicable inveterate set settled staunch steadfast uncompromising deep incurable inexorable instilled true unshakeable diehard fortified immutable infixed irremovable unchangeable deep-rooted deep-seated deep-set long-established well established deeply ingrained well-established deep-down deep-dyed dyed-in-the-wool full-fledged hard-core long-standing out and out out-and-out bred-in-the-bone through and through through-and-through true blue dug in intrenched chronic stubborn rigid abiding unwavering seasoned unyielding enduring inflexible immovable accustomed habituated persistent firmly established obstinate proved staid inured radical hard-shell committed dedicated thorough devoted faithful thoroughgoing habitual invariable unshakable hard-line accepted permanent profound inbred complete hard-and-fast intransigent incorrigible innate loyal resolute absolute unswerving long-lasting irradicable unchanging unapologetic unashamed unvarying strict adamant unbending definite card-carrying die-hard deeply felt implanted worn valid hard and fast lasting utter fundamental basic secure ardent unalterable congenital extreme inbuilt irredeemable fervent earnest lingering perennial lifelong devout unrepentant full-bore unfaltering genuine inherent subconscious torrid zealous constant vehement wholehearted right-down arrant concrete built-in fiery fanatical stable longtime hard severe supreme hardheaded solid stiff incommutable ensconced mad keen cast-iron inalterable ironclad bona fide keen as mustard unflappable all-consuming red-hot well-set locked in set in stone undestroyable indestructible unremovable unfading unforgettable ineffaceable instinctive intrinsic gut hopeless inborn longstanding inannihilable driven in stringent rigorous irrepressible undying eternal beyond hope grounded installed exacting brassbound deep down conservative reactionary traditionalist unadaptable stalwart dyed-in-the wool based on obsessive unreformable compulsive impenitent ultra-conservative unprogressive explicit lodged in one's brain sicker steady intense indomitable indurated old sworn long-lived usual persisting radicated continuing customary val perpetual frozen hidebound determinate pigheaded final bound flat inexpugnable jelled certain heartfelt strong impassioned endemic unflinching changeless sure blimpish irreversible stiff-necked avid fervid powerful abject acute passionate burning undeviating ageless to the core honest enthusiastic sincere heightened serious exceptional consuming unfeigned keen extraordinary static fogyish stick-in-the-mud conformist nerveless imperturbable unmodifiable stirring inflamed warm rousing excessive great grave impregnable unsinkable unchanged solid as a rock unvaried determined sacrosanct fixed as the laws of the Medes and Persians biased preconceived resolved intent decided dogged unrelenting single-minded obdurate tenacious purposeful relentless strong-willed indefatigable pertinacious persevering insistent unshaken bent decisive steely unhesitating indurate fast untiring consistent unflagging unfluctuating strong-minded tough implacable uniform adamantine driven bent on riveted anchored unqualified stationary regular focused unmovable unfailing bent upon tireless never-failing spirited invariant sturdy dead set plucky binding focussed mettlesome moored vigorous tight undaunted dead set on bullheaded full of determination incontrovertible unbendable rock-ribbed hard-nosed mulish gritty pat do-or-die precise obsessed bold deliberate hell-bent positive definitive hell-bent on hell-bent upon even conclusive gutsy unremitting exact stout headstrong ruthless concentrated sustained still out predetermined willful iron-fisted nailed preset specified unmoving meaning business stern brave ambitious harsh irrevocable clear-cut motivated fixated eager courageous clear specific consumed assertive express enterprising braced jammed stout-hearted grim solidified monomaniacal spunky compact unswervable fastened cemented stabile secured emphatic immobile unvacillating hooked self-willed inconvincible perverse self-opinionated wilful ossified opinionated durable unmalleable stipulated incontestable purposive stony go-getting dour agreed immersed manful set in concrete brick-wall arranged preoccupied draconian bulldog stated absorbed engrossed indisputable unquestionable predictable unquestioning defined unequivocal authoritarian same unrelieved hellbent strenuous occupied industrious ceaseless imperishable engaged continual inspired hungry compelled enthralled distinct perseverant perdurable safe immotile four-square active fierce possessed desirous striving equable unpermissive ultimate unsparing monolithic galvanized forceful impelled pushy unstoppable consolidated thirsty valiant categorical energetic aspiring militant obsessional induced hitched iron-willed set fast compressed unabated wrapped up attached heavy-handed hard-headed impulsive besetting pushed steered galvanised guided assiduous sedulous incompliant stiffened tied writ in stone never-ending locked outright bound and determined self-starting hard-driving in earnest impenetrable rocky unbreakable goal-oriented made fast hanging tough stand pat self-driven urged on cut-and-dried well defined self-assertive pegged firmly-based straight nonnegotiable undiversified monotonous shameless set on stanch hardboiled buckled down reprobate not changing quantified tried-and-true true-blue responsible pious tried gung ho level unregenerate merciless stuck known limited balanced patient cruel invincible unbeatable regimented motionless austere pitiless unbudgeable nonmoving unconquerable impassive controlled disciplined oppressive dependable ramrod unbudging calm diligent stony-hearted unimpressionable whole-hearted unshaking telling convinced satisfied confident indubitable undeniable real doubtless free from doubt convincing for a fact persuaded assured nonmotile going for broke telelogical calculated unforgiving unappeasable confining forbidding disciplinary illiberal everlasting good well grounded independent importunate cohesive allotted prearranged dictated mandatory written compulsory dominant sticking to one's guns tough nut quiescent determining uptight picky prevailing domineering remorseless decreed prescribed printed impressed lodged coherent not changeable fixed as the laws of the Medes and the Persians taut sound going unsurpassable invulnerable literal planned mean business be out for blood playing hard ball nose to the grindstone pounding mortal staying put possessive unforgetful intractable hardline tough nut to crack strait-laced decided upon close unblinking irrefutable lionhearted unswayable resistant puritanical hopeful unending hang tough absolutist meaning what one says serious-minded concentrating fearless intrepid bulletproof heroic unassailable insuperable untameable insurmountable endless indefinite forever pig-headed stuffy narrow unappealable indissoluble irreparable standing undefeatable impassable doughty unpliable robust standing pat authoritative unpersuadable carved in stone closely controlled strictly controlled rigidly enforced nailed down immobilized unmoveable immobilised stuck down clearly defined black-and-white unchallengeable undoubting done up fixed firmly buttoned down dateless immortal deathless etched imprinted no-nonsense unambiguous direct determinative unanswerable peremptory irremediable unreversible as hard as iron rock-solid impermeable rock-hard rocklike as hard as stone renitent rock-like tense impliable remove procrustean plain impatient not subject to change perduring continuous unrectifiable finished unrepealable incessant immalleable inelastic quiet situated located uninterrupted in the bag forever and a day in for the long haul for keeps unceasing lost unmistakable non-relative non-variable ungiving unsupple obvious steeped brittle unflexible manifest accurate in black and white interminable numbed annealed straightforward univocal busy submerged engraved unabating stiff as a board non-flexible rapt spellbound gripped buried captivated crystal clear non-stop centered wrapped never-changing cynical case-hardened mesmerised taken up caught up tied up mesmerized centred hard-boiled unsentimental practical shrewd realistic enfolded congealed down-to-earth matter-of-fact caked steeled precast calcified conglomerated dried poured petrified callous hardy toughened rugged world-weary inevitable hard-edged compacted packed iron hard-handed lacking sentiment hard-bitten hard as nails as tough as old boots toughened by experience as hard as nails

Antonino de set firm

Music ♫

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