Sinónimo de style of speech


A form of expression natural to a language, person, or group of people
idiom language talk usage jargon parlance speech vernacular argot -speak tongue lingo locution patois patter phraseology phrasing style vocabulary cant colloquialism dialect idiosyncrasy lexicon lexis localism manner of speaking provincialism saying syntax vernacularism way of speaking word choice of words mode of expression street talk figure of speech form of words wording terminology tone words verbiage vein manner of writing mode of speech mode of writing turn of phrase style of writing way of writing diction manner mode expression phrase idiolect fashion word choice façon de parler slang articulation wordage utterance vocalization voice intonation communication voicing vocalisation term jive verbalization accent shoptalk shop enunciation set phrase delivery remark verbalism terms expressions doublespeak palaver formulation speaking execution nomenclature rendition emphasis conversation prose pronunciation elocution axiom geekspeak dictionary gibberish fluency statement lingua franca declaration announcement assertion pronouncement form of expression way of talking commentary mention asseveration narration explanation elucidation exposition interpretation vent definition writ argument issue rhetoric catchword inflection byword text line slogan adage maxim quotation motto quote inflexion sentence turns of phrase catch phrase phonation idiomatic expression interchange signal discourse brogue sound treatment langue sociolect phrases contexture eloquence projection slant script mode of speaking style of speaking verbal expression -ese manner of speech mother tongue blather gift of gab command of language construction manner of talking tag word stock word-stock word-hoard word hoard clause witticism comment vocalizing orthoepy dictum citation word group styling group of words catchphrase shibboleth watchword phrasal verb phrasal idiom vocalising proverb everyday language spoken language regionalism colloquial speech vocal expression representation platitude aphorism saw native speech conversational language common parlance non-standard language content contents formula catalog classification organization arrangement categorization body native language regional language local lingo local tongue vulgar tongue jive talk native tongue oratory locutions lines localisms idioms regionalisms provincialisms old chestnut fuzzword usages colloquialisms organisation catalogue glossary taxonomy codification context matter barbarisms newspeak journalese legalese sublanguage article motive stanza fundamentals paragraph motif gobbledegook buzzword mediaspeak policyspeak technospeak vulgarisms poetry accents main body subject matter main matter Creole

Antonino de style of speech

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