Sinónimo de the other women


Plural for a woman who is romantically involved with someone (usually a man) already in a committed relationship with another woman, especially a woman having an affair with a married man
mistresses concubines doxies women fancy women paramours lemans lovers bits on the side girlfriends kept women sweethearts inamoratas courtesans lady friends significant others hetaerae girlfs floozies odalisques cicisbeos Jezebels admirers beloveds fiancees other men escorts beaux boyfriends old ladies birds fiances steadies partners ladyloves chippies inamoratos sugar daddies fancy men toy boys courters gigolos lorettes best girls molls chatelaines sugar babies sweeties sultanas bedmates goomahs hussies trollops hoochies minxes wenches tramps queans donas gills wives ladies missises better halves little women patooties helpmeets helpmates girls mots consort spouses squeezes other halves troubles and strifes gal missuses wifeys madams bibis queens boyfs suppliants wooers darlings loved ones fellas love valentines Romeos trueloves idolizers solicitors flames companions swains queridas infatuates suitors dearests dears love interests honey Casanovas young men men gallants babies Don Juans Lotharios studs philanderers wolves ladies' men mates seducers sugar boys playboys libertines womanisers babes dates womanizers sweetie pies sweet lady-killers lechers lounge lizards husbands satyrs lotharios mashers hon fellows rakes old men young ladies dearies adulterers true love treasure pets heartbreakers angels skirt chasers heartthrobs intendeds worshippers gay dogs flirts worshipers betrotheds one and onlies friends followers honeybunches smooth operators Prince Charmings charmers debauchees cohabitees lady's men lover boys soul mates sweetings poppets amour love of one's life debauchers jongs amorists conquest leches grooms idols fair-haired boys lovebirds cads goats hubbies intimates domestic partners favourites inveiglers lurers cavaliers enticers allurers squires tempters favorites honeybuns brides lasses guys lovebugs catch blind dates bedfellows dutches old women equals playmates soulmates basherts life partners chasers swingers dalliers operators triflers cruisers firsts and lasts tootsies numero unos heartbeats number ones pickup artists PUAs confidants buddies pals guyfriends baes sunshine jewels preferences faves evergreens blue-eyed boys minion speeds personae gratae dumplings beneficiaries buttercups housemates cohabitants chickfriends confidantes GFs dolls


Plural for but especially a person charged with commiting adultery with the defendant in a divorce proceeding

Antonino de the other women

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