Sinónimo de the written


Written with a pen or pencil, as opposed to typed


Concerning the writing, study, or content of literature, especially of the kind valued for quality of form


Free from exaggeration or distortion
literal factual plain simple true genuine objective strict unexaggerated unvarnished bare exact unembellished accurate authentic correct faithful gospel stark straightforward truthful unadulterated undistorted veracious veritable actual documentary hard historical matter-of-fact narrow nonfictional real apparent critical honest methodical natural ordinary scrupulous unembroidered unerring usual verbal not figurative bona fide word for word realistic precise verifiable frank direct upfront unelaborated valid veridical credible reliable proper legit kosher true to life on the level candid sincere forthright unequivocal explicit unambiguous straight fact-based harsh brutal unquestionable so undisguised unqualified blunt undoubted right dinkum open outspoken evident certain plain-spoken spot-on true-blue spot on as true as I'm sitting here telling it like it is as it really happened as true as I'm standing here warts and all on the up and up like it is naturalistic case undeniable florid pure in accordance with the facts documented well-founded unfaked trustworthy fundamental what really happened on the mark what actually happened transparent obvious naked patent sheer manifest provable demonstrable on target on the money in accordance with reality bald down-to-earth logical confirmable cogent free-spoken round cold believable ingenuous truth-telling meaning what one says guileless righteous plainspoken unfeigned square unreserved just errorless close undeceptive bang on dead-on on the line on-target high-principled on the nail sure lifelike unadorned fair legitimate verbatim circumstantial concrete existent very verisimilar veristic absolute effective unprejudiced scientific unbiased true-to-life sure-enough true-life card-carrying de facto straight from horse's mouth downright unconcealed unveiled raw straight from the shoulder for real open and shut


Established and not likely to experience any changes
hard-and-fast certain determinate final firm fixed flat frozen hard inexpugnable set settled stable absolute binding compulsory conclusive decisive dictated exacting irrevocable mandatory strict unbending carved in stone set in concrete definite unequivocal unambiguous decided definitive clear explicit unmistakable precise clear-cut hard and fast positive specific indubitable patent irrefutable distinct categorical evident manifest undisputed transparent open-and-shut unquestioned cut and dried black and white black-and-white plain unquestionable sure express known incontrovertible defined indisputable undoubted obvious palpable ultimate univocal unambivalent nonambiguous unarguable unchallengeable unanswerable stark not in question not in doubt lucid well-defined crystal clear cut-and-dried sharply defined assured pegged concrete guaranteed proven rooted undubitable straightforward luculent pellucid barefaced apparent perspicuous bald crisp ringing luminous striking broad well defined lucent crystalline marked pronounced bald-faced bright-line determined established specified detailed comprehensive quantified exact understandable sharp irreversible limited unblurred spelled out clearly expressed unchangeable indelible unrectifiable determinative permanent peremptory irremediable invariable finished changeless immutable lasting emphatic unalterable unreversible unrepealable unappealable clear cut intent determining cut and dry res ipsa loquitur undeniable incontestable ascertained true recognized inarguable confirmed beyond doubt irrefragable unchallenged accomplished sealed accepted beyond question acknowledged uncontested nailed-on supreme provable confirmable authoritative establishable real safe recognised verifiable genuine demonstrable sure thing having down pat as sure as eggs is eggs there are no two ways about it all sewn up convincing unassailable unqualified watertight clinching beyond dispute demonstrative compelling airtight unconditional last accurate deciding doubtless outright self-evident apodictic actual downright confident straight beyond a shadow of a doubt resounding convinced factual resolute undebatable reliable sound uncontestable forceful unwavering satisfied direct infallible uncontroversial authentic concluding complete self-confident settling credible flat-out straight out cogent plausible persuasive valid faithful implicit persuaded telling impressive blunt observable cocksure surefire terminal unerring perfect secure candid solid questionless double-checked free from doubt undisputable closing self-assured unreserved as plain as a pikestaff no mistake nailed down staring one in the face in no doubt secure in one's belief open and shut having no doubt point-blank straight from the shoulder in the bag no ifs ands or buts material powerful unfaltering unshakable authenticating unequivocable validating unfailing self-conceited unhesitating unquestioning strong inevitable official principal rank cold affirmative commanding imperative impregnable invincible irresistible frank forthright open predestined trustworthy destined foolproof sober out-and-out consummate thorough thoroughgoing forcible dependable abrupt flawless trusty obligatory no two ways about it weighty key irrebuttable ironclad overwhelming odds-on unimpeachable apodeictic salted away on ice straight-from-the-shoulder inerrant failsafe veridical unfabled prime logical serious well grounded well-founded that's a fact substantial considerable one hundred per cent fail-safe nof ifs ands or buts can bet on it sure-fire can't-miss dinkum no ifs ands or buts about it completing state-of-the-art limiting finishing terminating ending stone cold trusting unshakeable in one's belief sure of yourself at ease filled with aplomb believing in oneself sure of oneself self-possessed with no doubts about correct eventual pinpoint right proper veracious ensuing subsequent literal close good surgical individual consequent resulting latter spot-on on-target dead-on error-free latest net bang on inch-perfect on the nose on the money on the button revealing resolving irrefrangible determinant comprehensible intelligible limpid crystal no catch litmus test all out sanguine crystal-clear undoubtful believing undoubting assertive undoubtable what you see is what you get easily understood no strings attached no fine print no holds barred easy in one's mind having no questions about unshaken in one's belief holding the unwavering view


Written examination


(of a text or work) Past participle for to compose for written or printed reproduction or publication

Antonino de the written

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