Sinónimo de to go insane


To become mentally worked up or unhinged
freak crack snap flip panic rave unhinge lose it go crazy go mad freak out get hysterical go berserk crack up go to pieces get worked up lose your cool throw a wobbly go off the deep end lose control flip out flip your lid go bananas act wildly go crackers lose your mind wig out go off one's rocker go off your head go out of your mind lose control of the situation fly off the handle behave in a wild way blow your top blow one's stack lose your temper get overwrought flare up lose one's self-control explode lose your rag blow up blow a fuse go postal see red lose one's mind go ballistic hit the roof fall apart break up break down come undone melt down have a breakdown blow a gasket go ape go wild go spare go through the roof go up the wall go into a rage become enraged get mad go non-linear have a fit become very angry burst a blood vessel flip one's wig boil over foam at the mouth do one's nut breathe fire go psycho hit the ceiling get all steamed up have a cow rant and rave fly into a rage have a conniption fit lose one's temper lose your head be furious pop one's cork fire up throw a tantrum rage be angry fly into a passion fly into a temper boil over with rage be fit to be tied get angry be livid seethe fume bristle erupt blow one's cool begin to rant and rave get one's knickers in a twist go crook get your dander up be foaming at the mouth blow one's lid be enraged go nuts be very angry be hopping mad become irate bridle boil get steamed up go into orbit gnash your teeth jump up and down have steam coming out of one's ears rant burst fulminate be incensed lose one's reason lose one's marbles lose one's senses lose one's wits get in a rage become furious be beside oneself throw a fit go into a fury

Antonino de to go insane

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