Sinónimo de to image


A representation of the external form of a person or thing in art
likeness figure icon depiction effigy picture portrayal representation resemblance statue bust carving doll fetish figurine idol ikon illustration painting sculpture statuette avatar drawing portrait sketch talisman air aspect aura look semblance artist's impression model portraiture diagram rendering impression delineation reproduction artwork visual vignette design photograph canvas simulacrum art plate oil chart profile visual aid graphic rendition head cartoon watercolour piece study composition engraving watercolor oil painting still life work of art etching copy dummy print interpretation presentment linocut guy silhouette canvass cast outline inscription mural landscape photo form tableau graven image draft acrylics frontispiece plan oils blueprint map draught photogravure engraved design art work graphic design fine art water color figurehead embodiment exemplification replica counterpart emblem demonstration puppet facsimile montage symbol monument graph artistic work characterization sign logo lookalike bronze description definition facade façade statuary duotone halftone tailpiece imagery miniature self-portrait panorama doodle scarecrow manikin adaptation impersonation duplicate personification imitation adumbration ivory marble opus work old master execution delivery line drawing kit-cat portrait slant realization human representation film video image of a person torso spitting image realisation effigy of Guy Fawkes block woodcut cut shape contour configuration dry point mezzotint scratch chiselling blocking rotogravure enchasing chiseling lithograph intaglio photoengraving tracing plaster cast plaster of Paris cityscape watercolours watercolors seascape framework frame layout circumference skeleton line shadow perimeter rough abstract design conformation lineaments lineament figuration lines contours outline sketch preliminary form thumbnail sketch


A person or thing that closely resembles another
replica clone copy counterpart double facsimile reproduction duplicate likeness twin similitude spit lookalike ringer carbon doppelganger duplication fetch look-alike match picture appearance equal equivalent form reflection Doppelgänger model photocopy simulacre simulacrum spitting image carbon copy dead ringer exact likeness mirror image alter ego carved figure living image dead spit chip off old block very spit chip off the old block imitation replication parallel spit and image ditto dummy simulation reduplication mock counterfeit miniature mirror dupe representation portrait Doppelganger print offprint Xerox effigy ersatz coordinate similarity forgery mimeograph transcript reprint pattern Photostat impersonation cast study tracing ectype archetype type transcription mate mock-up impersonator stand-in impression rubbings photograph microfiche hard copy imprint copycat perfect likeness copying fellow companion reciprocal fake shadow sham repro mirroring paralleling evil twin knock-off eidetic image living picture exact duplicate very image echo mirror-image exact match second self pendant spawn like doubling figure rival dead ringer for look alike coequal pair two of a kind peas in a pod figurine statuette statue toy peer compeer approximation exact counterpart image of picture of recreation echoing resemblance counterfeiting mimicry aping virtual reality repetition recurrence mimeo mime sendup paraphrasing semblance mimesis matching apery takeoff representing patterning skit substitution phoney phony knockoff analog pirate spare second correlate replacement fax analogue autotype telefax photostat telecopy close likeness stat facsimile reproduction


A mental representation or idea
concept idea impression conception thought notion perception vision abstraction cogitation conceptualisation conceptualization intellection picture fancy apprehension construct mental picture phantasm view mental representation mind's eye understanding belief theory opinion hypothesis interpretation supposition visualization appreciation postulation conviction visualisation judgment assessment imagination judgement estimation consideration inkling thinking conceit awareness knowledge observation generalization generality feeling design inspiration suspicion hunch model dream fantasy deliberation generalisation conjecture plan viewpoint take reading comprehension grasp premise brainchild stereotype sense realization clue inference consciousness contrivance speculation musing imagining excogitation preconception vagary caprice scheme proposition cogitating apperception envisaging cognition presumption contemplation conclusion mind realisation sentiment sensation brain wave reflection prospect mental image intention sneaking suspicion verdict formula theorem intimation illusion rumination reaction intuition slant wrinkle approach twist ideas deduction reverie pondering examination notions feel philosophy assumption big idea fool notion mental vision mental visualization gut feeling sixth sense funny feeling line of thinking presentiment persuasion presupposition rationality mulling over concern idée fixe accepted wisdom objective inclination thing worry aspiration rationalization rationalisation motivation expectation reasoning regard intent creation innovation origination product discovery invention thoughts dreams head imaginings proposal recognition inward eye cognizance discernment mirror of the mind tablets of the memory eye of the mind imaginativeness attitude believed abstraction doctrine attention brainstorm flash pattern grip percipience planning acknowledgement hold study representation experience apprehending realizing taste realising acknowledgment light version meditation philosophizing fancying meditating considering exposition philosophising mental grasp insight point of view way of thinking thesis angle perspective system suggestion stance overview ken principle argument position estimate mindset sight acumen outlook contention basis assimilation simplification analysis oversimplification aspect foundation standpoint posture surmise sweeping statement guess loose statement two cents' worth broad view paradigm message notice acquaintance wit theme elaboration structure statement reckoning account penetration elucidation construal perspicacity cerebration scope horizon reach range eye point brainwork agonizing brooding worrying puzzling facet look translation glimpse say-so determination stand agonising value judgment judgment call riff variation purview hand call superstructure beliefs appraisal side frame of reference school of thought identification acuity forecast indulgence prognosis calculation recollection trust projection surmising personal feeling acceptation prediction signification ideology faith construction postulate range of view rationale axiom reason attribution explanation antecedent lemma layout ground assignment derivation description shot in the dark educated guess starting point tentative law drift implications sound cliché science convention method custom trope average base code technique extrapolation hackneyed idea standard image conventional image received idea grounds systemization codification formularization conditions vague statement non-specific statement general truth general statement half-truth general principle vague notion abstract principle indefinite statement


An optical appearance produced by light from an object reflected in a mirror or refracted through a lens


A vivid mental image, especially a fanciful one of the future
vision fantasy fancy dream illusion daydream hallucination delusion chimaera chimera phantasm figment conceit fantasm idea unreality nonentity phantasy reverie conception concept visualisation visualization conceptualisation conceptualization desire hopes plans prospect aspiration ideal muse ideality imago pipe dream mental image flight of fancy mental picture head trip castle in the air pie in the sky castles in the air fanciful notion figment of the imagination nightmare spectre wraith picture mirage specter apparition bubble impression ghost phantom spook shade thought spirit shadow fool's paradise imagination vagary visitant trance rainbow hant sprite bogey haunt materialization poltergeist bogie eidolon revenant misconception familiar spirit fallacy misapprehension materialisation misbelief falsehood myth falsity error untruth self-deception mistaken impression false impression ignis fatuus incubus fiction speculation vapor vapour phantasma misinterpretation dreaming misunderstanding perception misconstruction mistake cognition optical illusion oversight lapse mistaken belief mistaken idea semblance apprehension notion musing mental vision mental visualization wish out-of-body experience sequence of images whimsy caprice whim sweven hope fabrication stardust imagining conceiving utopia envisioning deception air castle mind trip power of invention wishful thinking flight of imagination product of someone's imagination fond hope cloud cuckoo land castle in Spain artifice misimpression misjudgement confusion misjudgment invention trip castles in Spain sense seeming feeling mockery make-believe sensation false belief revelation manifestation bodach duppy manes warlock presence wight phenomenon apocalypse oracle prophecy ecstasy castle in the sky false hope airy hope self-delusion golden dream unreal hope unrealistic hope phantasmagoria delirium aberration production creation pink elephants fable smoke and mirrors concoction eggs in moonshine empty wish improvisation unreasonable expectation foolish expectation irrational expectation unrealistic expectation lie snare monstrosity monster will-o'-the-wisp bogy plan aim unrealizable dream ambition fantastic notion virtual reality fata morgana inattentiveness wool-gathering inattention absent-mindedness absorption engrossment brooding self-absorption obliviousness preoccupation abstraction dwam brown study fancying contemplation woolgathering stargazing staring into space blonde moment absence of mind lack of application lack of concentration in a zone figment of imagination


Agreement in direction, tendency, or character
parallelism similarity correspondence likeness resemblance sameness agreement similitude equivalence uniformity comparability alikeness conformity analogy affinity identicalness equality comparison semblance community identity comparableness analogousness simile counterpart Xerox facsimile carbon clone double copy ditto effigy model photocopy reproduction form lookalike appearance delineation depiction guise photograph picture portrait replica representation study uniformness knock-off dead ringer congruity closeness congruence parity parallel harmony correlation concurrence symmetry interchangeability consistency compatibility match accord indistinguishability commonality relationship nearness consonance homogeneity kinship relation coincidence relatedness accordance unity similar nature balance association connection coherence coequality approximation common denominator equalness evenness concord equivalency coordinateness par levelness concordance link adequation congruency conformance equilibrium synonymity unison rapport interrelation proportion point of comparison unanimity selfsameness coordination commensurateness alignment look-alike equipoise empathy interrelationship likening mutuality oneness peas in a pod two of a kind fitness togetherness interconnection tune symphony consonancy regularity concinnity orchestration homogeneousness approximateness rendering mapping ringer matching spitting image like of equatability birds of a feather homology metaphor unvariedness standardization duplication equation interchange equating interaction concert harmonization consensus compliance tie-in analog analogue corollary interchangeableness synonymy congruousness consilience standardisation stability equity quits tie draw exchangeability synonym steadiness fit concurrency coexistence conjunction coinciding no difference equal terms conforming conformation counterpoise synchronism concomitance dovetailing level pegging synchronization poise stasis equilibration blending order integration harmonisation union collaboration accompaniment even-steven hang homeostasis tension antithesis constancy arrangement blend symmetrical balance integrity attunement suitability synchronisation articulation understanding kindred alliance bearing sympathy communion bond linkage friendship liaison fellow feeling lineage folk blood clan relations affiliation kin family flesh tribe collation reciprocity likes of family relationship


A delusion, a false hope
ignis fatuus hallucination fantasy phantasm chimaera chimera misconception delusion fancy fallacy mirage daydream misapprehension misbelief apparition myth error deception bubble rainbow semblance confusion ghost idolism invention misimpression paramnesia mockery seeming trip phantasma will-o'-the-wisp pipe dream false impression optical illusion fool's paradise make-believe virtual reality head trip deja vu figment of imagination hocus-pocus ignus fatuus illusion vision figment of the imagination figment dream spectre specter fantasm conceit nonentity unreality phantasy trick falsity falsehood self-deception phantom mistaken impression untruth trick of the light effect artifice castles in the air castles in Spain sense feeling idea misjudgement sensation misjudgment false belief phantasmagoria imaginary vision day dream imagining oversight lapse misunderstanding mistake misinterpretation misconstruction mistaken belief mistaken idea snare whimsy fabrication monstrosity bogy fata morgana monster castle in the air reverie pie in the sky imagination wraith flight of fancy nightmare castle in Spain fiction trance vagary speculation wish wishful thinking false hope castle in the sky spook shade thought spirit mental picture shadow aspiration visitant desire hope notion revenant whim hant sprite bogey haunt poltergeist bodach eidolon materialization bogie duppy airy hope visualization golden dream unreal hope manes air castle presence unrealistic hope wight utopia visualisation materialisation fanciful notion conceiving self-delusion familiar spirit flight of imagination smoke and mirrors mind trip fond hope incubus impression production creation fable delirium ambition plan aim unrealizable dream concoction vanity aberration improvisation fantastic notion kehua atua pink elephants lie doppelganger ghoul bogeyman empty wish eggs in moonshine bump in the night unreasonable expectation foolish expectation irrational expectation unrealistic expectation transient phenomenon short-lived phenomenon caprice originality creativity stardust envisioning musing inattentiveness wool-gathering inattention power of invention imaginativeness contrivance ideation inventiveness absent-mindedness absorption self-absorption obliviousness preoccupation engrossment brooding abstraction cloud cuckoo land product of someone's imagination daydreaming dwam brown study dreamscape creative thought imaginative faculty fancying woolgathering contemplation stargazing absence of mind staring into space blonde moment conception limbo concept lack of application in a zone lack of concentration conceptualization plans hopes prospect ideal muse imago ideality conceptualisation delusive contentment fond illusion quixotic ideal mental image revelation manifestation oracle prophecy ecstasy warlock phenomenon apocalypse


A reputation, especially a good one
name reputation estimation fame repute esteem regard distinction renown favor favour honour note notoriety reputability standing acclaim account celebrity character notability prestige rep stature cachet clout credit eminence honor kudos mark popularity recognition respect respectability status approval izzat luster lustre preeminence prominence reverence veneration acceptability rap weight odor odour position rank good name station authority influence place report dignity importance credibility class supremacy superiority mana stock ranking prestigiousness consequence brand glory control illustriousness power sway éclat laurels state self-respect face self-image social position self-esteem ego pride leverage command public image bottom pull gravitas self-regard significance noteworthiness trustworthiness elevation integrity plausibility reaches rung grade worth rating level degree footing echelon dependability stardom majesty greatness prominency capacity calibre stage merit condition caliber appreciation admiration approbation type quality stratum mode category brownie points high regard public esteem deference awe social standing good reputation high standing order classification situation estate set group division kind tier caste grouping sphere value bracket sort gradation pre-eminence style genre family form stamp league species grading notch genus standard cast shape point step breed manner variety ilk make folk fashion gentry race kidney rate slot pigeonhole virtue description nature circumstance design strain stripe nobility import model generation mould ranks grain categorization mold post hierarchy tribe office cut department rubric section social class pecking order relationship placing social status health position in society relations excellence high rank fettle grandeur dominance high station trim pattern nobleness nick vintage morality terms kilter moment arrangement designation repair chapter lineage urgency lot gravity keeping seriousness feather like part pedigree primacy paramountcy listing phase title momentousness plane salience rule peg course inch weightiness varna tone origin good report phylum social order sect social division reliability cultural level standing in society measure benchmark leadership privilege walk role heading head list responsibility function occupation appointment sector line ceremony qualification ordering measurement sorting reach basis evaluation dignification height calibration transcendence pomp chieftainship foundation denomination visibility outstandingness achievement supereminence leg seniority range ability group level of ability snob value circuit lap prepotency preponderancy preponderance magnificence splendor display splendour specialness compartment score assessment estimate appraisal collection point on the scale portion kingdom seal stead magnitude concern interest substance conspicuousness degree of competence level of achievement branch domain frame source suit grandness rung on the ladder background selection temperament province school color colour street cred street credibility impact relevance signification fitness valuation judgement judgment node stepping stone rapport circle snob appeal presidency graveness meaning exigency episode descent clan clique extraction size constitution chivalry choiceness disinterestedness high-mindedness first-rateness heroism excellency superbness idealism primeness perfection club company moiety coterie connection genealogy ancestry derivation par parity balance equivalence equality degree of proficiency degree of merit degree of quality social group essence social hierarchy social rank social stratum societal group stateliness loftiness sublimity heaviness patch segment development build extent matter thrust magnanimity worthiness rectitude modesty probity morals uprightness courage honesty honestness incorruptness principles righteousness decency goodness chastity incorruption innocence purity truthfulness fairness aspect appearance physical shape state of health physical fitness way method fate system process approach technique procedure practice vein plan means phraseology locution custom routine methodology modus operandi posture wise nuts and bolts mechanism channels book modus


The manner or shape in which someone or something appears
guise appearance form likeness manifestation semblance aspect face mode shape disguisement facade façade mien show simulacrum disguise name outward seeming showing external appearance outward form front impression veneer mask pretence pretense pose masquerade air false front outward appearance look charade cloak cover veil deception display window dressing smokescreen misrepresentation character false appearance act simulation airs aura playacting dissimulation exterior artifice posture camouflage snivel false show ostentation put-on affectation garb presence figure cast public image hoax trick fakery con subterfuge posturing feigning imitation outline deceit schtick faking fabrication stall sham falsification invention routine posing shuffling evasion acting stunt insincerity hokum travesty parody make-believe false pretense dumb act double-dealing whitewash feel mood bearing false display feeling characteristic feature presentation countenance smoke and mirrors stamp regard embodiment illusion gloss quality effect identity outward display false colours property spectacle spectre specter PR approximation conformation metamorphosis make flavour flavor resemblance similitude affinity alikeness similarity atmosphere ambience tone essence trait complexion attribute nature surface show packaging spirit smell make-up conception concept pomp outward show superficiality looks vainglory grandiosity showiness pomposity demeanor mannerism carriage expression dress manner condition demeanour attitude outer shell fashion screen outward aspect outside mere façade


High profile


The social, non-verbal behaviors that are characteristic of a person
demeanor comportment deportment behavior behaviour conduct disposition etiquette manner bearing carriage cast character mien nature personality temperament air attitude manners persona port presence tenor way actions address appearance expression mannerisms set style temper gest geste performance poise way of acting way of behaving way of standing way of bearing oneself way of carrying oneself way of holding oneself way of conducting oneself demeanour aspect look posture countenance habits pose activities mannerism form guise front deeds decorum stance dignity facial expression acts dealings physiognomy propriety regard figure tone politeness face breeding courtesy protocol looks act outside good manners movements action convention contortion visage ways formalities seemliness mode polish exterior culture mores garb dress exploits taste elegance practices tenue stamp show turn amenities pretence mug condition ceremony civilities tact refinement façade practises affectation facade charade masquerade mask airs politesse social graces pretense screen color good breeding good form playacting semblance inclination outward form outward aspect false display put-on engagements colour p's and q's feel acceptable conduct polites correct behaviour polite behaviour doings decisions handling of matters idiosyncrasy portance position peculiarity aura done thing social behaviour ease gait bedside manner social habit capers gesture gestures motion kinesics presentation outward seeming characteristic dignified demeanour dignified air dignified bearing fit hang performances gests delivery body language outline fashion shape feature features morals nonverbal communication physical response body movement looks alone face value first impressions the exterior lineaments ethics outer shell speech talk practice course code savoir-faire pretext cover smokescreen illusion disguise poker face what's done excuse veil veneer way of life display false show role cloak blind put-up job light false colours false front decency type outward show window dressing urbanity sophistication kind sort properness respectability correctness appropriateness decorousness variety class polite demureness gentility appropriacy modesty shade tint hue pattern tincture kidney grain strain tinge ilk mould courtliness punctilio civility convenance restraint correctitude good grace appropriate behavior gravity orderliness order good behavior good taste formality sedateness brand genre bent embodiment mold complexion


A distinctive and typical style, form, or character
mold character kind nature sort type caliber calibre disposition ilk mettle quality stamp temper temperament variety class grain kidney conformation lot mould cast of mind turn of mind cast genre style strain make stripe category order brand group classification cut form breed set genus description family bracket manner rank design grade division species tier feather league range pattern designation generation shape mode fashion model vintage vein denomination hierarchy grouping status rubric condition branch suit like line school race tenor rating ranks subdivision mark standing collection version standard likes persuasion number sample likes of way state domain course source frame origin rate province selection sect section name color department value colour phylum approach method expression specimen hue humor fiber humour constitution individualism personality figure complexion build individuality makeup fibre frame of mind level categorization grading position ranking station compartment degree echelon place pigeonhole list head rung heading stage notch batch gradation subclass worth listing stock sphere point repute field step band series cohort speciality specialty stature area placing scope subspecies pedigree realm stream size measure taxon phase estate kingdom tribe taxonomic group sector kin lineage string ordering arrangement extraction progeny stratum suite gender bunch caste subgroup variant peg benchmark arena specification subject topic dignity unit practice system circle lineup part pick evaluation virtue capacity jurisdiction barony personality type chapter derivation inch level of ability ability group body score estimate assessment appraisal anatomy framework structure production run turn remove age group label study group spirit measurement sorting estimation valuation judgement judgment limits make-up parameters span calibration distinction issue marque tendency significance prestige footing shade tint tone tincture tinge pecking order graduation analysis sizing consignment coordination alloting pigeonholing cataloguing allocation typecasting cataloging ordination tabulating collocation distribution disposal assortment distributing allotment assignment apportionment regulation importance crop wave habit inclination bent crowd embodiment demeanor semblance air demeanour degree of proficiency degree of merit degree of quality pack compeers peers contemporaries peer group


A single instance or example of something
case instance example illustration specimen exemplification occasion occurrence representation sample exhibit model portrayal prototype demonstration exhibition exponent exposition expression manifestation embodiment evidence exemplar item pattern portrait precedent representative situation symbol type variety archetype blueprint copy epitome essence ideal paradigm quintessence sampling detail paragon proof standard case in point representative case typical case case history indication trailer taste tester taster foretaste trial pilot personification working example typical example living proof a case in point proof positive interpretation typification instancing template piece relevant instance example in point criterion beau ideal acme apotheosis classic byword perfection benchmark perfect example shining example avatar definitive example yardstick textbook example exemplary mirror representative example incarnation objectification externalization incorporation form norm realization reification collection integration organization inclusion externalisation comprehension systematization prosopopoeia encompassment conformation cast formation matter embracement structure icon substantiation exteriorization personalization original guide instantiation materialization picture organisation systematisation realisation soul abstract ikon embodier personifier genius materialisation stereotype mould likeness master mold precursor forerunner design framework zenith authority height lead symbolization idea classic example last word role model ultimate gage distillation gauge actualization classic case characterization emergence advent appearance arrival prosopopeia thingification guidance leadership direction ensample prodigy parallel case face figure standard of excellence torchbearer pioneer trailblazer re-creation creation coinage novelty father semblance invention mock-up prime example source pick jewel flower cream gem elite best living image living example perfect specimen classic exemplar prime ancestor predecessor antecedent granddaddy grandaddy first foregoer daddy real McCoy genuine article first model first example version archetypal setup style plan ideal beauty good example perfect model perfect type recipe lodestar eidolon touchstone acme of perfection antecessor pilot scheme person to look up to protoplast embodiment of model of incarnation of exemplar of game plan personification of perfect example of typification of epitome of classic case of synonymous with avatar of pinnacle peak apex summit apogee culmination climax concretization combination concentration idolization exaltation elevation glorification deification consolidation codification immortalization idealization idealisation bringing together high point crowning moment highest point high water mark


An interpretation of the nature, scope, or meaning of something
definition interpretation construal characterization depiction reading representation evaluation explanation portrayal account analysis portrait rendering rendition take variation version view apprehension assessment assimilation comprehension conception perspective picture portraiture presentation rationale spin understanding comment commentary drift examination impression outline simplification description delineation elucidation explication exposition clarification illustration report exegesis narration vignette construction sketch illumination narrative story detail brief meaning information note chronicle details summary record slant recountal summarization annotation gloss road map expounding demonstration statement study relation elaboration sense rundown appreciation viewpoint breakdown recounting telling enlightenment tale recital translation resolution blow by blow inference painting specification example drawing chronology chronicling history footnote showing answer writeup expression presentment point of view run-down marginal note monograph decipherment exploration exposé visualisation visualization scholium setting down scenario setting out critique profile scene artist's impression cameo declaration paraphrase evocation potted biography word picture ABCs yarn recitation confession teaching display observation decoding evidence deciphering solution notation side talking writing detailing mark relating describing news lowdown why and wherefore play by play explanatory note likeness mansplaining womansplanation womansplaining mansplanation notion estimation persuasion signification conclusion canvas photograph determination assumption connotation opinion perception supposition position idea miniature oil self-portrait reasoning conjecture presumption judgement prognosis judgment finding model silhouette simulacrum figure analogy kit-cat portrait awareness discernment spitting image diagram icon reproduction effigy cartoon artwork print copy statuette facsimile tracing art design figurine statue replica bust ikon duplicate visual type engraving counterpart impersonation pattern map layout sculpture clone carbon doodle reduplication replication dummy imitation carbon copy mirror offprint forgery reflection Xerox hard copy imprint similarity ectype archetype ditto transcription simulation cast mimeograph rubbings transcript ersatz counterfeit reprint microfiche Photostat parallel photocopy photo watercolour composition sign watercolor embodiment oil painting work of art exemplification still life resemblance emblem symbol graphic idol carving adumbration personification draft draught canvass blueprint form piece dupe mock duplication figuration mural landscape plan acrylics oils avatar visual aid art work fine art graphic design copying water color plate token metaphor caricature chart allegory xylograph xylography paste-up badge logo spawn cityscape watercolours watercolors seascape fetish doll photography imagery doubling appraisal rough draft prototype talisman abstract design façade facade self-portraiture adaptation rough woodcut photogravure halftone tailpiece frontispiece duotone execution opus aspect look work semblance air aura old master portrait making portrait painting delivery lookalike realization line drawing scale drawing realisation mock-up rough sketch preliminary sketch panorama tableau snapshot shot snap lineaments thumbnail underdrawing maquette croquis esquisse JPEG optical representation TIFF ébauche précis contour preliminary drawing simulacre head thumbnail sketch puppet character sketch shape guy artistic work graven image contours shadow features lines curves configuration etching lineation shade lineament line


To conceive of or envisage in the mind
picture envisage envision imagine conceit conceive dream fantasise fantasize ideate represent visualise visualize depict fancy portray see vision conceive of conjure up dream up fantasy feature conceptualize project conceptualise think up contemplate think of perceive think conjure up an image of see in your mind's eye view fantasize about realize dream about create realise build castles in air head trip form a picture of form a mental picture of see in one's mind predict reckon suppose expect daydream hallucinate consider evoke apprehend divine contrive behold anticipate regard foresee dream of ponder ruminate call to mind bring to mind cook up make believe conjure up a mental picture of trump up make up picture in one's mind's eye appreciate concoct frame estimate calculate forecast scheme depicture reconstruct extrapolate conjure up a picture of meditate build up an impression of form an impression of build up a picture of gauge create in your mind discover predetermine believe conjecture guess surmise pioneer innovate cultivate hatch propose intend suspect gage foretell grasp objectify materialize survey externalize mean gather assume formulate form externalise materialise infer interpret look upon brainstorm spark spark off speculate perform conjure be under the impression think it conceivable be inclined to think think likely be of the view be of the opinion think it likely have an idea reflect object woolgather muse romanticize romance think about moon pretend romanticise get the picture conjure up an picture of call up form a mental image of indulge in fantasy build castles in Spain build castles in the air indulge in fancy indulge in wool-gathering live in a dream world trip out see visions give free rein to the imagination play-act make-believe plan figure hypothesize presume presuppose get determine hypothesise prophesy augur foreshow previse prognosticate presage trip supposing preconceive take as a hypothesis say look allow go aspire aim purpose purport design long hanker pine lust crave idealize devise idealise aim at wish to hanker after thirst after seek to thirst for pipe dream aspire to desire to hunger for conjure up pictures aim for long for yearn for hope for wish for have hallucinations have in mind expect to mean to give thought to have in view draft deduce have as one's aim set one's heart on set your sights on sigh have as one's goal discern intuit postulate imagine things freak out see things be delirious bring throw together invent drum up outline carry out throw up choreograph put up develop coin turn out plot draw up strategize thrash out decide model crank out brew draught cobble together tailor put together start up carve out run up arrange come up with obtain work on hammer out manufacture lay out grind out churn out theorize hazard approximate premise understand glean opine savvy recognize venture esteem cognize fathom ascertain have nightmares have a trip have daymares see pink elephants have delusions blow your mind hear voices have visions have delirium tremens comprehend predicate tumble to prevision call deem judge daresay imply figure out suss foreknow twig conclude suggest forefeel go out on a limb pick take a shot at work out form an opinion of latch on to dare say size up take for granted take a stab take a stab at make a guess at be given to understand have a sneaking suspicion of hazard a guess recognise pick out evaluate take a shot dare-say cotton on to place catch on to guesstimate make an estimate of theorise jump to a conclusion


To give a representation, or an account of, in art or literature
depict portray describe paint picture render sketch delineate limn set out represent draw present illustrate reproduce outline draft draught define characterize trace show interpret characterise plot paint a picture of draw a picture of mark out capture map out detail exhibit evoke design mark lay out photograph snap feature express display enact demarcate chart caricature delimit mirror character catch a likeness compose model pencil figure etch copy make a drawing of rough out make a diagram of sketch out depicture line simulate paint a mental picture of designate specify particularize shoot denote explain determine identify relate signify suggest realise narrate realize hint track profile particularise set forth run through run down formulate crayon engrave graph frame form scan silhouette give an account of demark make a diagram do drawings make a drawing paint a picture perform set border plan block out draw the lines of mark off mark the limits of mark the boundaries of draw round indicate map sketch in draw over make a rough draft edge bound draw up X-ray execute reenact adapt catch play mimic do act conjure up improvise impersonate put graphically bring to life act out embody highlight symbolize symbolise exemplify spotlight visualize visualise envisage manifest record conceptualize ostend instantiate epitomize typify vivify vision demonstrate perceive sculpt limelight conceit project view generate epitomise envision conceptualise conjure up a picture of give a picture of conceive of tell recount report recite chronicle state spell out rehearse expound disclose reveal elucidate enumerate explicate list itemize communicate clarify unfold itemise illuminate catalogue point out declare make clear catalog repeat announce relay convey get across impart proclaim make plain retail recapitulate individualize individuate uncover reel off individualise enlighten throw light on give an explanation of cite divulge summarize numerate mention spin verbalize verbalise construe make known distinguish summarise demystify enunciate tick off expose simplify unriddle singularize unravel give an account account for clear up put across break down give the details of flesh out offer advance propound propose broadcast name separate speak adumbrate spread inform recap notify advise analyse analyze put forward stipulate translate discuss spill brief rattle off hold forth untangle break a story annotate clear lay down shed light on gloss give details clue in be specific about put into words run over spell it out lay bare disentangle single out put in plain words set apart unscramble make intelligible put in plain English sort out express in words go into detail make distinctive make different reflect proffer specificate specificize share class stamp brand style pigeonhole peg personify categorize typecast classify dictate retell sling transmit introduce constitute rehash echo unload emphasize reiterate review reply give a report number give verbal account count down paraphrase color colour speak about emblematize personalise personalize signalize peculiarize categorise signalise tab bring home show and tell point up allegorize get over sum up emphasise tell the story of play back say again din chime iterate give restate ready publish spin a yarn shoot the breeze give the word spill the beans segregate lay it on the line get off your chest let your hair down go over run by again differentiate make something stand out make unique differentialize circulate educate shed light set the scene defog make obvious decode diagram teach guide comment on add a commentary to submit utter say test hone experiment document post air trot out voice cover testify go through set down publicize herald promulgate blazon vocalize trumpet wire cable publicise pass charge talk apprise unmask articulate unbosom familiarize uncloak acquaint bare unveil put out pass on make public write up bring word on provide details bring word communicate information level vocalise gossip familiarise confess verse weave pinpoint give the facts tweet catch up fill in bring out resolve elaborate tabulate leave word call upon open up give evidence of give out be evidence of break the news let slip let in on lay open tell on keep posted put before let on about spit it out give facts wise up note sift qualify part settle tell from ID set off tell between circumstantiate instance embellish quote produce specialise explicitize specialize decipher explicitise report on quote chapter and verse make simple get something straight clear the air straighten out clear the air about make perfectly clear get down to brass tacks fly speck sweat details descant expatiate discourse voice-over tell a story give a report of


To show an exact likeness as a mirror would
mirror reflect symbolize epitomize represent typify personify embody exemplify show symbolise illustrate epitomise express incorporate incarnate copy instantiate imitate body impersonate emblematize stand for give human form to give human shape to manifest materialize substantiate personalize externalize encapsulate reproduce characterize demonstrate exteriorize objectify personalise externalise materialise body forth characterise exhibit correspond to be the embodiment of be the incarnation of be representative of realize concretize reify actualize evince realise complete hypostatize follow echo repeat match model simulate parallel portray produce stage perform equal mimic reiterate betoken enact mean equate steward act as factor depict emulate be symbolic of be a typical sample of substitute for equate with substitute put on be a symbol of play the part of appear as act in place of buy for sell for play the part serve as assume the role of double signify correspond glass act like take off make like personize contain hominify live as act out bring alive make human give a human face indicate denote suggest imply convey display designate be a sign of evidence insinuate hint describe mark allude to connote present symbol spell infer import elucidate project sum up promise argue constitute point to give shape to hint at witness refer be an indication of be equivalent to give the impression thingify intend feature herald be characteristic of make manifest detail voice utter dress up are give voice to be a figurehead get off your chest be an abbreviation of appear for allege claim be emblematic of communicate instance give form to reveal be quote clarify enlighten illuminate cite bespeak attest present as confirm spell out clear up make out validate support corroborate verify declare turn out to be be a typical example of give the idea authenticate vindicate certify establish bode portend prognosticate augur presage serve as an example of serve as a typical example of develop into function as grow into form come to be turn into become make lead to the belief perform the function of justify foreshow tell of omen assert betide note make somebody believe lead you to believe uphold be evidence of evoke wear impart bear out intimate allude parade conjure up pose put someone in mind of bring to mind put one in mind of get at summon up be redolent of drive at advert smack of point in direction of make you think of refer to shadow call to mind lead to believe remind you of call up remind adumbrate occur put you in mind of point remind one of showboat sport strut show off strike a pose pose in


To become aware or come to a realization of
realize recognise recognize understand appreciate comprehend grasp conceive discern register see apprehend ascertain discover fathom perceive know notice find get take in twig be aware of become aware of be conscious of fathom out learn work out become conscious of catch on to cognize hear savvy suss become cognizant of catch envisage envision fancy feature figure out find out gather get the picture imagine see the light think tumble to vision visualise visualize wise up be aware of the fact that be cognizant of become aware of the fact that become conscious of the fact that be conscious of the fact that cotton on to get on to latch on to become conscious catch on get a fix on get it pick up see daylight get the idea get the message have an aha moment get through one's head sense assimilate make out intuit decipher compass identify seize decode dig follow determine behold suss out grok deduce cotton to divine absorb uncover make distinguish digest read unearth observe accept cotton on come to know detect take on board get to know puzzle out note infer get the hang of acknowledge make sense of get the drift of get the drift reckon acquire allow get wise to glean hit upon think of pick up on make head or tail of get to the bottom of unravel crack feel dope out suppose concede admit establish believe grant hit on have confess spot suspect reveal guess stumble on conjecture surmise assume piece together own penetrate latch on conclude consider deem figure master tell unlock interpret tumble achieve attain gain obtain soak up get the point think up dream up come up with presume disclose expose judge affirm presuppose realise anticipate integrate speculate conceit picture apperceive become aware confirm ideate imbibe descry dream turn up wise up to have knowledge of contrive create get wind of conceive of brainstorm latch onto have a hunch dare say get one's head around get wise get into conjure up get the point of familiarize oneself with come upon trump up chance upon size up arrive at cook up be wise to answer espy solve resolve break rumble declare decide verify opine encounter profess process expect hold esteem ferret out predict agree nose out daresay track unriddle settle form sniff out receive foresee accede fantasize regard formulate extract taste riddle out calculate yield hatch fix be informed untangle be aware acquiesce light upon look up avow diagnose fantasy get wind of the fact get wise to the fact be with it cogitate fess up pin down feel in one's bones pierce catch the drift make certain of 'fess up own up to fantasise keep up with absorb mentally let on open up own up come clean get the message about get the picture about make of take for granted be given to understand become mindful of be under the impression think likely add up be of the view be of the opinion get the idea of figure something out drink in see what's what think it likely glom on witness take something on board respect say dig up dig out root out take notice have a handle on click with wrap one's mind round soak in take up be with you scent locate are aware of tap into see the point of take account pin flash copy be on to smell be alert to unmask get the gist become acquainted with run down scare up scout up rout out dredge up track down credit ken take meaning translate take on be inclined to think have an idea head trip think it conceivable conjure check just know understand what's what understand the situation work out what's going on pick up what someone is putting down see the light about wrap one's mind around be au fait with be familiar with hunt up hunt down be sensitive to be alive to have a funny feeling get the impression of get vibes have information get vibrations sympathize with be conscious that be aware that see into get a grip make sense get your head round peg feel in gut have a feeling cultivate pioneer innovate have knowledge be conscious get clued up about have experience of get the impression awake make sure make certain ween double-check feel certain be read be learned be versed be schooled get down pat get down cold look-see check up on check out suspicion glimpse have down pat postulate spark ruminate perform spark off ponder project hypothesize theorize hazard be advised find out about be made aware be told get wind learn of hear tell be told of be informed of be notified of be made aware of be led to believe get word have on good authority take it estimate approximate premise debunk elicit explore venture gauge predicate prevision call imply be of the opinion that take it as read take it for granted take it as given become awake to take remember foreknow suggest forefeel catch on to the fact win stumble across come across chance on strike on happen on stumble upon run into pick evaluate guesstimate hypothesise gage place theorise land wangle reach bag secure hit earn take a stab make a guess at hazard a guess pick out take a shot make an estimate of jump to a conclusion go out on a limb take a shot at form an opinion of take a stab at have a sneaking suspicion of dare-say divulge disentangle meet reason contemplate propose intend derive assent rectify unscramble objectify materialize survey conceptualize view externalize mean wake come to have get one's mitts on come by get your hands on get hold of lay hold of compute work assess spill sing leak extrapolate remedy lick indicate communicate narrate talk confide proclaim state concur bare unveil get a hold of be one's lot meet with fall to the lot construe conceptualise materialise externalise get right patch up determine a solution to put right pan out make a dent set to rights think out find the solution to decide on find a solution to smooth over find an answer to put to rights find the key to get around iron out find the answer to set right sort out straighten out get to the bottom work on deal with let out go into details make a clean breast of make public blow the lid off squeal about make known come out of the closet cop to bring into the open give away bring to light make a clean breast tell all about spill the beans about blurt out get off your chest cough up spill your guts blow the gaff on draw cooperate with bow to agree to approve of certify concur with accede to acquiesce in look upon conjure up an image of collect design analyze attest to defer to ratiocinate devise develop take an oath deduct become alert to become heedful of wake up to analyse come out of closet subscribe to cop a plea go along with originate invent draw the inference read into boil down be afraid come to the conclusion take to mean draw a conclusion come to understand frame produce coin evolve spitball undergo draw up elaborate make up purpose experience go through endure put up with suffer submit to sustain tolerate

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