Sinónimo de unusually smart


Possessing intelligence and quickness of mind
bright intelligent astute clever sharp wise brainy brilliant precocious savvy canny crafty ingenious sage acute cluey genius keen knowing knowledgeable perceptive percipient resourceful shrewd streetwise alert discerning educated erudite exceptional genial learned nimble-witted quick on the uptake quick-witted scholarly sharp-witted well educated well read whiz witty on the ball well-read whip-smart quick gifted perspicacious able nimble penetrating fast adroit skilful supersmart insightful ultrasmart skillful hyperintelligent dexterous expert skilled deft talented capable masterly competent intellectual dextrous experienced accomplished sagacious adept proficient apt intuitive incisive discriminating good polished piercing profound efficient masterful virtuoso rational artful crack cerebral fine ready subtle sapient observant practised practiced quick off the mark professional cunning inventive judicious master consummate aware enlightened great deep argute razor-sharp ace seasoned crackerjack qualified clear-eyed clear-sighted sophisticated versed sensitive handy trained cultured sensible creative heads-up rapier-like first-rate agile heady excellent slick well versed tasty complete professed veteran mean wily quick-thinking thoughtful compleat suss pawky first-class smooth calculating highbrow wizard long-headed logical hardheaded academic hard-boiled worldly-wise stellar delicate critical prudent worldly bookish with it nifty cool cultivated informed urbane active mature elite outstanding sharp as a tack well-informed unprovincial analytical magnificent hot well informed bravura trenchant workmanlike quick on the trigger not born yesterday penetrative wicked foxy top-notch clear a dab hand at having been around out of this world big league politic effectual cosmopolitan amenable eager docile impressive supreme au fait facile schooled all there nobody's fool habile practical sharpened studious wised up razor-edged knife-like original teachable lettered alive imaginative prompt cute sharp-sighted understanding media-savvy innovative lively swotty razor-like wide awake downy superb effective sly effortless superior widely read strong eggheaded choice whip brisk dazzling finely honed up to it up to snuff up to speed responsible quick on the draw egghead very intelligent specialist phenomenal extraordinary Einstein not missing a trick versant pro artistic hotshot remarkable fly knowing how many beans make five recondite endowed whiz kid with all one's wits about one topflight exceptionally good highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled there well-versed highly qualified extraordinarily skilled old very skilled class act tuned in highly trained top-drawer shining at a hand at vet superintelligent gnostic exquisite einstein farsighted trainable razor sharp philosophical reflective open-eyed far-seeing responsive foresighted swift PDQ spirited quick to learn concise receptive splendid mentally keen keen-witted class literary balanced serviceable decent marvellous sprightly crisp succinct punchy pithy fit formidable searching probing certified no dummy cagy cagey acuminous literate scientific no fool thinking cut out for having a knack for kosher inspired enterprising streamlined book smart complex analytic intriguing exacting ratiocinative detailed vigilant pedantic donnish leading accurate exact deadly familiar conscious acquainted vigorous mercurial curt wired bright-eyed and bushy-tailed tutored suitable powerful fitted marvelous hep hip smooth-running innovational elaborate trailblazing innovatory fertile originative Promethean having smarts pitch-perfect happy instructed together comprehending pioneering to the point sentient conversant cognizant suited equal adequate with great knowledge well-taught supremely skilled dominant deviceful very smart smart as a tack easy equipped earnest serious impractical pedagogical ivory-towerish bluestocking smart as a whip worthy know backwards and forwards highly endowed know the ropes prepared know one's onions forward clued-up with-it tuned-in well-organized well organized labored laboured scholastic formal clerkly dynamite know how many beans make five thinking outside the box having a good head on one's shoulders having no flies on well run well versed au courant refined have the goods top-hole ahead of one's peers out of the ordinary have smarts old beyond one's years got it advanced for one's age clued up genned up broad-minded liberal unprejudiced suave top-shelf well-travelled well travelled selfish materialistic grasping blasé planetary metropolitan catholic gregarious public ecumenical worldly-minded avaricious greedy covetous disenchanted callous hardened uptown self-centered power-loving mondain unprincipled opportunistic self-centred well versed in the ways of the world worldly wise been around


Dressed in a stylish or presentable manner
groomed presentable stylish suave dapper dashing debonair dressy elegant fashionable hip spiffy well-dressed charming chic classy fashionably dressed glamorous polished sleek slick snappy snazzy sophisticated spruce swank well-groomed besuited clean-cut dolled up dressed to kill fine natty neat on fleek schmick soigné spick and span spiffed-up trig trim well-presented well-tailored well-turned-out with it dressed to the teeth fly as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox sharp modish trendy voguish swish cool sassy ritzy fancy swanky jaunty attractive flashy tony nifty a la mode in beautiful kicky well turned out in vogue well dressed fresh chichi happening showy rakish swell exclusive grand tasteful jazzy graceful gay supercool well groomed lively plush high-class sporty tidy well turned-out in fashion kicking groovy lovely handsome au courant luxurious posh animated refined sumptuous upscale flash opulent designer vivacious dainty swagger cultivated prim clean pizazzy pizzazzy cultured urbane smooth flamboyant spirited nice glitzy smartly dressed trendsetting perky fetching now stunning uptown upmarket brisk dazzling energetic exquisite raffish peppy charismatic pert expensive sprightly engaging ornate up to date courtly bling alluring majestic bright appealing stately witty worldly formal gorgeous up to the minute ostentatious civilized striking mod cute worldly-wise colourful civilised colorful saucy crisp daring artistic latest casual zippy active airy bouncing mettlesome springy kinetic animate frisky vital racy spanking sparky bold breezy nimble steezy enchanting funky spiff contemporary modern loud exciting brilliant stimulating captivating bewitching fancy-pants entrancing pleasing likeable likable all the rage devil-may-care clever polite seductive ultra-modern select confident beguiling gaudy fascinating superior luring irresistible comely aesthetic agreeable magnetic vibrant glittering splashy inviting dressed to the nines adorable noble hot bang up to date strong esthetic good-looking bonny wild drop-dead gorgeous well-bred well bred larger than life comfortable informal high-quality de rigueur lavish elaborate deluxe ingenious crucial coffee-table becoming high-fashion understated flattering plushy spruced up tidily dressed swishy full-dress gracious dress dicty arty of smart appearance with-it chiseled chiselled quality dressed up to the nines up-to-the-minute pretentious big new modernistic dap flippant as if you had just stepped out of a bandbox swinging with style glossy well produced in good taste dressed up looking sharp prosperous-looking wealthy-looking flaunting glittery brazen high-toned high fashion spivvy dandy spiffing in high feather sexy salacious jazzlike psychedelic zestful in the mainstream up-to-date à la mode endearing sparkling sweet prepossessing winning suitable immaculate orderly decent spotless hospitable welcoming persuasive enticing pleasant dreamy lovable delectable absorbing amiable divine winsome adorbs ebullient exhilarating discerning couthy magnetizing delightful magnetising electrifying classic dignified effervescent invigorating coruscating distinguished delicate bandbox personable snug decorous choice rare ornamented genteel affected cosmopolitan knockout dishy scintillating amusing glinting envigorating entertaining glimmering overdone august recherche aristocratic stylized imaginative effective interesting eye-catching bright-coloured nobby spry doggy fanciable sightly well-designed glaring brightly coloured graphic vivid fit likely beauteous ravishing hunky lurid garish enlightened experienced seemly virile taking pretty lovesome fair spunky neat and tidy brightly colored turned out svelte knowledgeable dressed to nines adventurous exuberant nice-looking bonnie pulchritudinous robust well-favored well-formed impressive drop-dead tasty well-proportioned athletic good looking looking like an explosion in a paint factory like an explosion in a paint factory jet-set intelligent citified blasé erudite mondaine knowing mature venturesome gallant intriguing world-weary tantalizing elfin glam romantic plucky buoyant swashbuckling dynamic worldly wise been around media-savvy siren tantalising foxy splendid righteous prestigious desirable adventuresome audacious enterprising hardy venturous free-swinging intrepid nerved nervy emboldened gutsy looking like a million fearless alert rousing keen


(of clothes) Fashionable or stylish
fashionable stylish chic trendy voguish cool hip in fashion modish snazzy chichi contemporary happening jaunty natty a la mode all the rage au courant designer in style in vogue kicking kicky shiny showy supercool trendsetting up-to-date latest thing in modern now fly sharp with it latest up to the minute fresh snappy swish exclusive hot mod popular swell tony current swank up to date up-to-the-minute spiffy sassy new in-thing dashing elegant swinging groovy classy newfangled swanky funky big faddy in thing favored with-it favoured on fleek prevailing usual upscale rakish genteel schmick all the go trig bang up to date well-liked last word a go-go culty de rigueur customary posh du jour sophisticated nifty newest dapper ultra-modern faddish dressy hep turned-on def attractive glamorous flash massive high-toned avant-garde swagger downtown red-hot advanced debonair le dernier cri high-class high-tech styleworthy leading-edge state-of-the-art groundbreaking innovative stylin' cosmopolitan vogue cutting-edge gnarly plugged-in down popularized popularised crowd-pleasing well-heeled expensive spruce sexy undercool wicked youthful party young smartest nice finest formal Sunday nicest last-word excellent distinctive first-class on trend the new appealing impressive trim flattering high-fashion understated tasteful good pop large favorite well-groomed well-dressed dap clean exciting favourite well turned-out à la mode well put together awake savvy knowledgeable perceptive familiar versed observant knowing alive informed apprehensive conscious aware bang up-to-date on to plugged in turned on tuned in up on in on switched on hep to wise to hip to in the know futuristic self-regulating robotic automatic automated artificially intelligent ingenious powerful intelligent capable of learning new-fashioned modernistic progressive forward-looking cutting edge leading edge go-ahead recent hi-tech modern-day brand-new modernised modernized leading newly discovered contemporaneous latter-day space-age ground-breaking updated innovatory present-day nouvelle pioneering new age recently developed neoteric never-before-seen novel ultramodern


Bitingly or humorously intelligent in nature
witty cheeky clever facetious flippant ingenious pointed adept incisive mischievous sarcastic sassy smooth agile apt bantering bold brazen droll flip fresh highbrow highbrowed humorous jocular nifty nimble quick-witted saucy sharp cool cute insolent jesting quick ready smart-aleck smart-alecky tongue-in-cheek whimsical smarty-pants pert wise funny playful jokey amusing comical irreverent offhand glib frivolous comic waggish joking jocose ridiculous blithe joshing dismissive entertaining chucklesome lippy diverting light-hearted lighthearted farcical campy ludicrous impertinent cocky laughable disrespectful rude impudent superficial carefree casual brassy inane inappropriate roguish wisecracking satirical gay silly lively wry hilarious breezy crazy merry ironic wacky dry camp pleasant sardonic flighty impish precious cutesy mincingly clever fun putting one on pulling one's leg not serious foolish indecorous punning shallow irresponsible insouciant thoughtless overfamiliar jolly riotous uproarious jovial comedic humoristic hysterical zany priceless killing risible puckish absurd sidesplitting hysteric antic teasing ribald sportive mirthful side-splitting rib-tickling too funny for words tongue in cheek jocund ludic cheerful cheery blithesome laughing sunny frolicsome gleeful festive happy flakey good-humoured good-humored daffy flaky joyous boffo joculous gagged up for grins bright slapstick brilliant sparkling screaming scintillating fanciful intelligent keen original penetrating epigrammatic piquant piercing sharp-witted hysterically funny a scream killingly funny gelastic a hoot preposterous enjoyable riot rich very funny pleasing delightful rollicking screamingly funny eccentric odd goofy mocking in jest scream unserious extremely amusing a laugh high-spirited engaging pleasurable in fun beguiling derisory light arch slaphappy fantastic unusual derisive quizzical bubbly fun-filled bizarre snappy clownish stupid interesting prankish agreeable derisible joyful quaint nutty quirky gut-busting jaunty outrageous scampish leprechaunish knavish rascally queer har-har off-the-wall spirited for a laugh a barrel of laughs nonserious madcap grotesque cockamamie pathetic cockamamy comedical lightweight fun-loving childish custard-pie hearty noisy too much knee-slapper outrageously funny oddball unsatisfactory inadequate embarrassing pitiful unimpressive convivial exhilarating recreative exhilarated stimulating laffer crack-up pixieish tricksy pixie sly wicked pixy devilish elvish trivial trifling rip-roaring convulsive very amusing daft clowning gamesome kittenish recreational animated gas raucous laugh-a-minute off the wall funny ha-ha ha-ha funny ribbing chaffing razzing kidding rallying fooling funning loony jerky fool batty goofus dippy fool-headed gump dizzy screwy chipper nonsensical asinine appealing captivating a card a caution sprightly capering highly amusing a laugh a minute fool around crazy shtick Mickey Mouse enchanting intriguing riveting compelling absorbing fascinating charming nimble-witted flirtatious cheering escapist fantasy distracting relaxing gratifying novel gladdening buoyant upbeat strange unreasonable snazzy profound quick on the draw tactful racy cutting quick on the uptake chirpy glad cut up vivacious unlikely incongruous irritating ebullient curious effervescent good-natured annoying peculiar as a joke to tease genial bouncy perky weird optimistic untroubled a joke a bit much positive freakish OTT a bit thick over the top singular happy-go-lucky in good spirits capricious unconventional outlandish offbeat idiosyncratic easy-going free and easy dotty fantastical crotchety freaky chimerical dicey imaginative random chancy uncertain kinky old-fashioned creative arbitrary contorted scoffing distorted crooked warped double-edged scornful uneven deformed twisted sneering awry aslant askew skewwhiff mordacious pawky sarky cynical


Showing sound judgment
astute judicious calculating canny logical practical prudent rational sensible sound wise insightful intuitive provident reasonable sage shrewd careful cluey informed pragmatic sagacious sane sapient thoughtful clear-eyed clear-sighted farsighted hardheaded heady pragmatical well-advised sharp clever intelligent savvy cunning perceptive knowing discerning foxy sly artful crafty sharp-witted cagey wily slick smooth acute streetwise perspicacious guileful ingenious designing subtle devious keen scheming tricky sneaky discriminating dodgy quick-witted slippery experienced underhand deceitful hard-boiled politic percipient beguiling on the ball dishonest shifty cute argute fly street smart cagy profound deep heads-up knowledgeable street-smart duplicitous deceptive penetrating disingenuous double-dealing pawky learned long-headed Machiavellian unscrupulous alert enlightened quick crooked treacherous slim hardened shady adroit skilful skillful underhanded untrustworthy cheating conniving erudite strategic resourceful scholarly dishonorable astucious circumspect educated observant tactical suss vulpine discreet brainy insidious intriguing contemplative far-seeing plotting carny whip-smart well judged well advised dexterous dishonourable well thought out full of insight dextrous tough worldly-wise aware understanding fraudulent roguish expedient considered furtive stealthy advisable media-savvy cautious thinking commonsensical seasoned level-headed cool desirable worldly arch shonky intellectual sensitive judgmatic judgmatical masterly adept philosophical accurate foresighted proficient common-sense in the know sober reflective bluffing dissembling illusory elusive captious delusive traitorous Janus-faced with great knowledge showing great knowledge evasive wary deft dirty deliberated diplomatic secret vigilant sentient covert downy tactful tricksy impish mischievous secretive manipulative levelheaded healthy cogitative sussed crazy like fox reasoned sharp-sighted watchful nimble-witted hep able frugal efficacious nifty mean keen-witted solid justified good open-eyed hoodwinking immoral defrauding misleading exploitative corrupt lying deceiving swindling rascally insincere unprincipled sophisticated thorough seemly considerate just judicial seasonable well-informed with it sneaking well-reasoned well-founded well reasoned well-judged as sharp as a tack having fancy footwork fast bent rogue intractable businesslike unsentimental no-nonsense resolute hard-bitten incisive greasy visionary imaginative penetrative awake appreciative prescient conscious responsive crazy like a fox razor-sharp tuned in ear to the ground knows what's what illicit salty ornery hostile unethical illegal snaky two-faced stand pat hang tough locked in tough nut probing inside shark calculated wised up on the inside on top of up on apt gnostic witty hip sophic realistic commonsense valid analytical well-grounded cogent commonsensible coherent analytic well grounded firm grounded lucid objective credible down-to-earth well-thought-out plausible together balanced reliable tenable responsible justifiable sustainable hard consequent deductive matter-of-fact viable mature workable thought-out feasible decent satisfying satisfactory deliberate convincing effective telling believable philosophic ratiocinative faultless cerebral acceptable right proven confirmed defensible legit impeccable weighty authoritative full of common sense legitimate supportable maintainable defendable true all there cognitive holding water in one's right mind clear-cut exact precise consistent dinkum with both feet on the ground straight joined-up hard-headed unidealistic estimable playing safe leery thinking twice hedging your bets genuine well balanced substantial powerful strong compelling bona fide congruent measured probable persuasive perspicuous irrefutable arguable uncorrupted able to hold water conclusive germane clear-headed attested forceful tested potent vindicable pertinent determinative trustworthy relevant kosher stable contemplated aforethought methodical studied investigated weighed examined premeditated advised determined practicable fair equitable studious computed prepense realizable attainable operational achievable suitable infallible trustable veridical reasoning collected unquestionable certain synthetic veracious serious-minded possible operable doable manageable serviceable usable likely applicable understandable impartial errorless sure sincere secure inerrant corroborated colorable meticulous rigorous validated substantiated verified truthful recognized flawless watertight right-thinking correct holding up recognised standing up holding up in wash got it together established orthodox accepted unassailable right-minded thought through thought-through thought-about well chosen moderate restrained conservative unexcessive controlled fair-minded open to reason evenhanded temperate admissible based on good sense making sense unbiased standing to reason unprejudiced unextreme attentive conversant useful accomplishable empirical dead-on spot-on certified open definite calculable explicit on-target stringent letter-perfect empiric steady-going au courant having all one's marbles within reach within reason of use worthwhile realisable within possibility within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility


(rare) Forceful in nature
hard forceful severe painful piercing resounding stinging violent aggressive strong ferocious sharp powerful explosive mighty blistering almighty fierce hefty devastating vigorous savage potent crushing brutal harsh forcible powerhouse great tremendous heavy intense overpowering overwhelming vicious thunderous gutsy telling acute punchy puissant driving titanic weighty energetic knockout heavy-duty deadly furious lethal fatal serious dynamic rough damaging destructive mortal cyclonic death-dealing all-powerful scathing biting caustic cutting stringent mordant unsparing searing withering scorching trenchant astringent sound rigorous vitriolic satirical mordacious grievous acerbic sarcastic bitter sardonic acrimonious acid acerb tart barbed virulent acidulous pungent corrosive acrid acidic snarky incisive satiric nasty scalding smart-alecky hurtful smart-mouthed smart-aleck wounding venomous catty cruel scornful spiteful penetrating derisive critical brusque unkind abrasive sarky malicious mean razor-edged poisonous cynical keen disparaging waspish pointed mocking contemptuous hostile austere jeering stern offensive disrespectful slashing salty ironical sneering taunting unfriendly snarling scoffing contumelious backhanded needling saucy scurrilous carping arrogant twitting chaffing captious ornery weisenheiming abusive curt hateful rude rancorous churlish irascible cussed rapier-like disillusioned evil belittling callous burning inconsiderate snide ironic crisp dry truculent peppery squint-eyed polemic extremely critical drilling terse clear-cut laconic derogatory derisory vehement strict exacting rigid grim vindictive bad-tempered ill-tempered ridiculing corroding poignant acetic tonic sharp-worded angry thoughtless double-edged ungracious coruscating pithy sulphurous sulfurous highly effective emphatic forthright clear explicit distinct effective blunt unequivocal edgy tough grating razor-sharp unfeeling irritating annoying unpleasant insensitive galling pitiless unsympathetic comfortless spiky argumentative gruff hard to take rubbing the wrong way heartless cold


Clean and tidy in appearance or character
neat tidy orderly trim shipshape prim trig uncluttered spruce organised organized groomed crisp kempt methodical tidied systematic bandbox antiseptic smug natty snug systematised systematized regular arranged methodic straight immaculate fastidious besuited exact nice dainty spotless tricksy proper correct finical finicky well-ordered in order well ordered well turned out spick and span neat and tidy spick-and-span well kept well organized in good order well groomed picked up well-kept in good shape in apple-pie order well-turned out apple-pie order shipshape and Bristol fashion arranged well as neat as a new pin neat as a pin well-designed dapper well-groomed elegant chic clean sharp slick spiffy sleek clean-cut well-dressed stylish well-turned-out impeccable well-presented taut snappy compact well-pressed symmetrical soigné presentable well maintained well looked-after well turned-out schmick snazzy to rights as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox ordered efficient businesslike structured meticulous disciplined planned precise logical methodized careful well-organized controlled coherent fixed formal together well-regulated standardized well thought out coordinated regimented consistent standardised scrupulous deliberate sorted out systematical well planned well regulated strict routine uniform standard practical regulated thoroughgoing analytical complete straightened out all together painstaking out-and-out by the numbers joined-up by the book sorted effective chipper in place in position fit to be seen settled cleanly nonrandom in tip-top condition put to rights Bristol fashion as fresh as paint well-maintained in sync no-nonsense well arranged punctilious framed thorough rangé scientific set-up alike conventional even unchanging unvarying unvaried unbroken monotonous strictly regulated dull in shape classified correlated cataloged tabulated restricted neat as button neat as pin rigid grouped catalogued formed prearranged prepared formulated steady on a tight rein closely controlled strictly controlled peaceable self-controlled well-arranged well thought-out law-abiding well-behaved


Showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect
malapert presumptuous cheeky forward brazen impertinent insolent bold fresh rude audacious sassy flip cocky brash pert saucy disrespectful wise nervy brassy contumelious flippant bumptious presuming procacious assuming unabashed barefaced immodest boldfaced cool overconfident unblushing pushy assumptive familiar overbold arrant blatant smart-alecky off-base impudent cocksure shameless brassbound arch brazen-faced bold-faced arrogant lippy bold as brass discourteous impolite unmannerly irreverent peremptory overbearing mouthy ill-mannered brass-necked out of line cute smart-aleck smarty-pants facetious haughty uncivil supercilious imperious pompous overweening lofty lordly disdainful cavalier pretentious superior uppity hifalutin insulting highfalutin huffy uppish important chesty smart-arsed ungracious sniffy insubordinate huffish inconsiderate toplofty toploftical offensive masterful dictatorial bad-mannered mannerless smug breezy snippety ill-bred smart-assed meddlesome intrusive snippy self-asserting high-handed high-hat stiff-necked self-assertive high-and-mighty boldface obvious heavy combative volatile weisenheiming obtrusive crass fearless brave plucky crude personal unhandsome thoughtless tactless unmannered uncalled-for unsubtle undiplomatic confident feisty conceited bullish affected free defiant overfamiliar unreserved unshrinking unembarrassed in-your-face unashamed patronizing snobbish spirited forceful meddling prying inquisitive incongruous unsuitable interfering nosy disgracious self-important domineering gritty not backwards in coming forwards coming on strong self-assured boastful blustering opinionated officious off base smart alecky remote elitist snobby swanky snotty ostentatious pushful persnickety egotistic snooty hubristic condescending tony aloof hoity-toity patronising high-flown high and mighty toffee-nosed throwing one's weight about stuck-up putting on airs chirpy daring dapper dashing bright keen contemptuous abusive magisterial imperative lacking civility bad mannered out-of-line put down aggressive assertive self-confident loud thrusting proud vainglorious strident bossy full of yourself as bold as brass full of oneself loudmouthed egotistical vain impetuous hotheaded impulsive impolitic ambitious mischievous shocking outrageous showy flagrant scornful flashy swollen-headed obnoxious hotshot pushing bantam over-assertive insistent rash impish unconcerned smart-mouthed temeritous swaggering driven smarty forthright uninhibited sure undisguised positive overassertive direct certain jaunty overfriendly go-getting high-pressure enterprising fierce militant profane self-satisfied ballsy brazenfaced vivacious presumptive tawdry meretricious spunky indecent gutsy bald-faced naughty bare-faced know-it-all churlish wise guy impious sharp-elbowed smart aleck smart guy smarty pants blasphemous over-free sacrilegious harsh noisy blaring intruding snoopy protrusive nosey busy overfree derisive sneering disparaging grating jarring mocking scoffing unduly familiar making advances towards chatting up making passes at jumped up fancy-pants misbehaved raucous piercing profanatory aweless unfilial go-ahead thundering cacophonous deafening booming jangling dissonant shrill discordant gaudy ear-splitting vulgar jazzy tinny loud-mouthed garish hard high-pitched metallic flirtatious throwing one's weight around


Relating to things (such as clothing) that are suggestive of poshness or class


Expressing or characterized by scorn or contempt
derisive contemptuous disparaging scornful disdainful ridiculous slighting derisory laughable insulting ludicrous absurd denigratory preposterous risible farcical silly sneering comical mocking pathetic scathing contumelious rude cockamamie jeering cockamamy scoffing sarcastic snide dismissive irreverent sardonic taunting ridiculing cheeky jibing teasing satirical detracting flip fresh sassy nervy pillorying caustic cynical lampooning sarky cocky crusty gally snidey smart-alecky out-of-line for the birds derogatory abusive belittling pejorative disrespectful uncomplimentary deprecatory degrading insolent offensive scurrilous detractive depreciative derogative depreciatory denigrative decrying vituperative demeaning defamatory opprobrious foolish crazy stupid asinine slanderous libellous libelous uncivil nonsensical outrageous impertinent daft discourteous senseless vituperatory idiotic invective zany blasphemous withering inane bizarre impudent hare-brained sniffy vitriolic disapproving impolite fatuous malicious insane vulgar scurrile scurril truculent supercilious wacky reproachful reviling bold humiliating negative censorious condescending snotty critical droll irrational funny maligning full of contempt pointless unreasonable derisible unmannerly grotesque haughty imbecilic forward witless mad obloquious arrogant brainless profane hurtful fantastic calumniating unkind impious sacrilegious insubordinate snooty deprecating aweless spiteful comic abhorrent discrediting ironical harsh contemptible debasing hilarious unwise patronizing incredible illogical outlandish diverting depreciating unbelievable shocking patronising unthinkable nutty monstrous crackpot cuckoo harebrained whacky foul proud astonishing loony looney featherheaded kooky kookie iconoclastic gelastic violent berating obnoxious half-witted half-baked off the wall ungracious snobbish presumptuous superior affronting scolding saucy irreverential unhallowed lippy ungodly unholy uppity unflattering unsympathetic cavalier castigating biting catty mean thoughtless vilifying mortifying damaging humorous flippant vain upbraiding ill-mannered foolhardy bad-mannered detractory cool traducing odd mindless overbearing egotistic calumniatory amusing shaming injurious strange incongruous entertaining hateful malign scatterbrained unpleasant snippy moronic high and mighty judgmental judgemental freaky facetious sharp-tongued despicable on your high horse simpleminded fantastical fanciful barmy lunatic cockeyed daffy sappy dotty screwball dippy lunkheaded bubbleheaded balmy denigrating weak-minded joshing camp campy unusual acerbic brash pert pushy brazen malapert quizzical ironic unfriendly sharp bitter nasty virulent defiant abrupt brusque surly blunt curt gruff short satiric uncharitable diminishing deflating hypercritical vacuous puerile ranting denunciatory burlesque shrewish perfunctory fault-finding unfavorable unfavourable offhand weird insinuating surreal epithetical deprecative peculiar queer freakish curious unenthusiastic dimissory foolheaded snarky ill-natured mordacious minimizing extreme impossible rum wacko extravagant excessive dyslogistic disadvantageous sniping downgrading minimising scandalous lordly aloof cutting inept jerky fool exorbitant tomfool feather-brained futile irresponsible rash imprudent reckless unintelligent inappropriate blithesome jolly jocose gleeful gay jocund merry mirthful sunny jocular jovial festive blithe useless ineffectual far-out thick hoity-toity ignorant inadvisable shameful ignominious indifferent undignified dumb injudicious misguided out of the question too much taking the cake disgraceful provocative provoking hifalutin prideful lofty highfalutin venomous incompetent embarrassing in vain dishonourable obtuse uppish unworthy reproving castigatory aspersive calumnious lowering to no avail cheapening rejecting contemning averse high-and-mighty despising antipathetic scouting repudiating toplofty naive dopey doltish inglorious rough libeling excoriating offending defaming malevolent libelling disgracing damning dishonoring despiteful injuring dishonouring hurting abasing vile malignant reproaching for grins abject menial idiotical improvident dishonorable inconsiderate infra dig bringing shame dim-witted ill-considered chucklesome churlish inadequate unmannered wounding turning up your nose at looking down your nose at hysterical riotous uproarious insufficient minimal pitiful trifling tiny small unhandsome har-har rich jokey scream riot laughing eccentric witty killing slapstick repulsive negligible miserable nominal miserly token paltry disgracious cock-eyed misbehaved antic comedic humoristic sidesplitting screaming side-splitting rib-tickling hysteric stingy measly lousy unfilial profanatory ill-bred mingy poxy piddling piffling nickel-and-dime priceless uncalled-for good-humored cheery cheerful happy good-humoured hearty worthy of scorn imperious audacious implausible meaningless goofy hard temperamental upstage unreal wild cold-shoulder inconsistent screwy hard-nosed high hat dog it batty


Willing, or inclined, to take chances or risks
daring adventurous bold audacious brave fearless intrepid venturesome rash reckless valiant enterprising gutsy adventuresome dashing dauntless heroic have-a-go spunky unafraid undaunted unshrinking valorous venturous confident emboldened free-swinging game hardy heedless impulsive madcap nerved nervy peppy plucky ballsy daredevil pushy brassy cheeky cocky courageous crusty dareful foolhardy forward gallant gritty gutty impudent obtrusive salty smart-alecky temerarious fire eating hot shot go for broke as game as Ned Kelly out on a limb lionhearted spirited doughty stalwart stout mettlesome stouthearted unflinching resolute manful heroical stout-hearted greathearted undauntable brash lion-hearted feisty devil-may-care indomitable wild hasty imprudent determined swashbuckling incautious chivalrous unabashed impetuous tenacious overbold precipitate risky thoughtless death-or-glory overconfident unfearful assured tough unblenching headstrong noble irresponsible careless carefree harum-scarum brazen hare-brained rock-ribbed strong harebrained fire-eating ill-advised exciting injudicious overhasty manly dangerous headlong hot-headed hotheaded hazardous unalarmed lively dynamic shameless flamboyant aweless ill-considered risk-taking spartan dazzling precipitous unfearing steely indiscreet unconsidered go-ahead unthinking positive hell-for-leather energetic decisive macho cool exploratory death-defying unshakable thrill-seeking saucy unwise furious presumptuous desperate vigorous fiery impavid frightless dapper kamikaze unguarded powerful jaunty romantic unwary sassy showy passionate ostentatious striking pert animated gay nerveless brisk vivacious breezy foolish sprightly shocking assuming irrational defiant frisky aggressive vital tearaway sporting improvident fresh unheeding impertinent assertive redoubtable frenzied jumping to conclusions slapdash insuppressible immature premature familiar bantam keen staunch silly breakneck bull-in-a-china-shop worthy puissant icy stupid insolent herolike uninhibited irreverent self-assured frivolous precipitant negligent inconsiderate wise regardless over-adventurous ill-conceived over-venturesome swaggering persevering gaudy eye-catching startling flashy rakish bravehearted sturdy tiger ungoverned uncurbed unspeakable restless seeking resilient roisterous Ramboesque undismayed orped superhuman champion ill-judged unscared unfrightened on the go virile unconcerned unworried unapprehensive dogged forceful rumbustious cavalier not afraid not scared impervious undisturbed having nerves of steel stylish crazy firm chin-up fortitudinous violent unthought-out misjudged crackpot sporty debonair high-spirited outrageous impractical senseless exuberant high-risk gung ho inattentive peppery ardent gingery frantic radge crackbrained badly thought out not thought through mindless flip flippant giddy mettled resolved steadfast lawless chaotic wacky daft scatty buoyant attractive raffish misguided erratic monstrous scandalous heinous anxious swish elegant extreme life-threatening thrilling driven overventuresome haphazard enthusiastic atrocious worried distracted unsmart uncontrolled uncareful disrespectful urbane dotty dippy inconstant scatterbrained divvy progressive ambitious lippy perky out of control alert exclusive swank rousing romping light-minded flighty disorderly mouthy smart-arsed smarty-pants cute smart-aleck facetious playing with fire helter-skelter fast and loose calm honourable honorable neat active airy pizazzy bouncing springy snappy kinetic zippy animate jazzy racy spanking sparky pizzazzy resourceful collected malapert great-spirited nimble composed chirpy bold as brass smart-assed out of line bright entrepreneurial controlled self-possessed spontaneous presuming gumptious imperturbable self-confident high-powered go-getting unpremeditated immodest cool-headed impassive unflappable overfamiliar hurried extemporaneous capricious impromptu instinctive snap barefaced overweening involuntary whimsical unplanned intuitive unemotional relaxed forthright sudden emotional unprompted freakish unrepressed overassertive direct tranquil patient abrupt unpredictable offhand abandoned quick uppity free overfriendly thrusting unsafe rude mad swift hectic superficial automatic unmeditated perfunctory speedy unexpected cool, calm and collected brazen-faced spur-of-the-moment ad-lib jumping the gun ill-thought-out winging it brass-necked coming on strong self-assertive bare-faced over-assertive neglectful unmindful remiss casual impolitic unrestrained nonchalant inadvisable blithe tactless undiplomatic short-sighted unobservant indifferent indelicate cursory rushed lackadaisical lax intemperate wanton sloppy slipshod uncaring gadarene immoderate flying inadvertent slack inexpedient inappropriate extravagant uncircumspect insouciant drive-by pell-mell unbridled absent-minded derelict disregardful apathetic unconstrained free and easy slap-happy asinine unchecked irreflective insensitive feckless untroubled graceless disinterested unrestricted tardy unreflective blind unreasoning unreasonable unfettered unwatchful unreliable ignorant delinquent preposterous napping absurd inane lazy unintelligent ridiculous witless undiscerning easy oblivious unreserved laid-back unbounded unhampered cock-eyed rampant blithely unconcerned without care listless wrong-headed naive easy-going runaway untimely unhindered fanciful happy-go-lucky raw unconscious reactive excessive bizarre unsystematic dissolute unthoughtful profligate unalert unvigilant off-guard idiotic half-baked disregarding uninterested loose knee-jerk lavish impracticable undependable untrustworthy unaccountable unworkable good-for-nothing profuse prodigal unlimited undisciplined fantastic unsound deaf shortsighted unconfined nonsensical childish fantastical previous undesirable unfortunate ludicrous inordinate unshackled untrammelled corrupt forgetful careless of unimpeded unsuppressed boundless disorganized random insane unreal maladroit unadvised aimless unbound unquenchable unstoppable uncontainable indiscriminate arbitrary unsympathetic rushing messy dozy hit-or-miss blunt subitaneous untidy light-hearted unpolitic credulous unprepared desultory stray scattered catch-as-catch-can untrammeled slovenly uncalled-for blasé off guard disorganised all over the place ad hoc shoddy any old way suicidal self-destructive unfeeling nonobservant heady unrealistic empty-headed barmy mechanical unsubtle infelicitous garrulous nosy unseemly coarse demonstrative hedonistic ditsy snatched whirlwind fly-by-night badly planned confused wrong unduly quick lunatic unaware uninformed unintended boisterous unpractical brainless dumb fatuous illogical careless of one's duty abstracted without regard unwarned unknowing unsuspecting spur of the moment reflex unintentional unwitting nutty effusive unadvisable asleep at the switch out to lunch decadent unthorough otiose unmeticulous faineant fainéant wasteful touchy-feely inexperienced in the dark fast-paced vacant unmeant untactful brutish without a care in the world prankish leaving self wide open off the deep end off the top of your head gratuitous supererogative uncautious wary inept farcical self-indulgent self-gratifying salacious implausible thriftless fluctuating spendthrift fickle fitful temeritous unmethodical good-time unruly exorbitant incredible fast eager fierce irregular fast-and-loose caught napping foot-in-mouth impassioned vehement unreasoned incorrigible unprincipled supererogatory unbalanced harsh chance accidental not careful unreflecting last-minute natural uncontrollable asleep at the wheel leading with one's chin pay no mind sticking one's neck out asleep on the job orderless undirected hit-and-miss unresponsible not in the loop heedless of O.T.T. too much a bit much OTT over the top clumsy fervid restive licentious gadabout louche carnal irrepressible footloose higgledy-piggledy fluky cocksure hubristic young inattentive to disregardful of ungracious jumbled unorganized willy-nilly incidental unorganised designless unselective uncoordinated any which way hit or miss all over the map fluke purposeless conceited uppish smug bumptious neglectful of regardless of oblivious to thrown-together paying no heed to blind to unheeding of taking no notice of unconscious of deaf to not paying attention candid out of hand plenary open exaggerated limitless unkind shambolic overbearing blustering arrogant abundant volatile going off deep end sophomoric thrown together intolerant impolite discourteous riding for a fall overoptimistic bullish lighthearted slaphappy lightsome all over the shop unhandsome uncivil callous unmannered unmannerly optimistic content free-minded cheerful uncharitable boorish unfair heartless sharp unceremonious short full of yourself ill-mannered ill-bred heading for a fall carefree and untroubled living the life of Riley

Antonino de unusually smart

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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