Synonyme de a bate


To reduce the force of something
ebb lessen wane abate moderate slacken lapse ease check curb restrain let up fall off slack off dwindle decline diminish fade decrease recede wilt weaken fall away die away peter out sink wither dissolve decay degenerate crumble deteriorate droop retrograde die fade out melt away go downhill go down grow less wear away ease off run out run low lower shrink subside fall reduce relent remit pall contract slump plummet drain close taper die out wind down drain away thin out drop off phase out thin down ratchet down phase down taper off slacken off trail off tail off de-escalate die down die off trail away drop attenuate curtail quell mitigate depreciate temper lighten alleviate decrement downscale relax cut minimize cut down minimise plunge cut back soften downsize slash flag tone down slow down scale down devaluate deplete dry up ease up fade away come to an end clip minify nosedive limit roll back settle bring down grow smaller trim calm down evaporate dip wear down rachet down depress subdue tumble descend dive dent quieten slow crash drop away mark down dial down whittle down knock down shrivel pare down become smaller take a nosedive allay calm erode assuage dampen regress fail pare impair collapse restrict trail step down vanish take down quiet waste make cutbacks in blur lose edge narrow down tail away degrade dilute relieve cheapen cease couch dull quieten down ration shave disappear extenuate terminate slake take the edge off stifle slack downturn trim down trim back crater make less make smaller melt devalue slope get less rebate grow faint take the bite out take the sting out waste away become weak round down become less cool off come to a stop settle down become weaker get smaller go through the floor hit the floor become lower fall short modify peter narrow mollify lull stop dim blunt release modulate shorten finish disengage damp down deaden still desist atrophy prune come down palliate mute damp muffle turn down slip dock thin soft-pedal fizzle repress disintegrate abbreviate retrench take it easy abase squelch smother cushion soothe give way evanesce give in go downwards get lower slack up discount fall down level off go easy cut down on be on the way out die away or out die away or down retire languish draw to a close cut back on fizzle out undervalue put a damper on relapse make reductions in retrench on salami-slice slim down be used up totter lose skid drag buckle backslide flop give out deduct write down rein in bow out subtract disgrade demerit drive down write off lose value cave in cool go into a tailspin fold up hit the dirt decrease in value tip over break down be precipitated take a header decline in price decelerate unlax drop down chill out cool it axe ax cast down amortise downgrade whittle tighten qualify amortize run down


To prohibit or interdict the participation or inclusion of
exclude bar ban reject debar eliminate embargo prohibit ostracise ostracize blackball except keep out omit shut out boycott forbid refuse veto banish black bounce disallow disbar expel ignore oust proscribe remove repudiate eject evict freeze out interdict preclude blacklist block close out deny access to disclude discount dismiss disregard estop obviate occlude prevent rule out sideline stop suspend count out cut out leave out miss out not count refuse to admit lock out prevent from entering put an embargo on put out refuse admittance send to Coventry set aside throw out ward off drive out force out pass over get rid of shut the door on leave out in the cold taboo inveigh exempt weed out discard mark off leave out of account cancel recant avert forestall abolish revoke forfend deter not consider put paid to forget about stave off close one's doors to disentitle unfit incapacitate invalidate disable disfranchise eighty-six disenable paralyze nix impair paralyse disqualify weaken declare ineligible not make the cut outlaw inhibit snub enjoin shun exile restrain criminalize criminalise make illegal spurn place an embargo on avoid halt deprive cold-shoulder obstruct put a stop to restrict check deny suppress kill put an end to give the cold shoulder hinder impede rusticate excommunicate interrupt vote against disfellowship limit blank discontinue discharge stymie freeze spike refuse entrance to censor say no to coldshoulder shut off declare illegal pass by pass up hold up keep off give the thumbs down to lock up give the cold shoulder to ice out keep at arm's length steer clear of pass on put down zing foreclose counteract condemn overlook express drop waive censure thwart refuse admission to destroy override circumvent down negative cashier drum out deny entry prohibit from entering consider undesirable illegalize shut out of squeeze out stand in the way of ward quit cease penalise penalize deny admittance to refuse to employ thumbs down hit list make impossible make it impossible for make it impracticable for factor out shoot down hand someone the frozen mitt leave in the cold cross out put on hit list fail to include not include officially forbid cut off make impracticable close down cover overrule conceal mask hide veil shroud disown overturn countermand rebuff reverse quash seclude close turn your back on brush off have nothing to do with stay away from impose sanctions wash your hands of hold aloof from withhold patronage abstain from refrain from strike give a wide berth to refuse to take part in disclaim abjure squash disavow blockade screen beleaguer throw declare null and void keep back turn down disacknowledge bottle up keep lid on box in hang up bring to screeching halt put half nelson on gridlock jam up pour cold water on put chill on put a lock on put a stopper in cool cork throw cold water on tie up block out fence off withhold oppose give the red light to put the kibosh on declare taboo shut down say no put the chill on


An angry state of mind, or the expression of such

Antonym de a bate

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