Synonyme de a gest


A verse or prose romance
experience adventure exploit happening time emprise escapade affair episode feat venture enterprise undertaking caper geste fling incident occurrence event stunt deed quest scene romp activity action thing chance crusade antic campaign lark trip occasion phenomenon expedition celebration case circumstance development hap proceeding eventuality business accident milestone trial risk hazard crapshoot speculation exploration gamble contingency flier exciting experience voyage flyer jeopardy flutter endangerment endeavour endeavor achievement act accomplishment attainment number doing effort trick manoeuvre move spree handiwork triumph performance heroic act coup tour de force job maneuver daring act stroke operation project pursuit process work task exercise engagement mission scheme plan assignment game play procedure programme program matter step implementation commission proposition prank charge execution deal gag dido frolic jest roguery jape knavery waggery capriccio rag monkeyshines shines shavie coordination attempt experiment essay try course of action setup practical joke technique concern game plan ground plan movement routine art gesture bit method occupation doings rollick skylarking do ballgame cause joke measure plunge proposal brief stake idea chapter investment tomfoolery gambol outfit big idea follow through high jinks conception striving duty purpose responsibility baby plan of action pet project intention leap in the dark aim set of circumstances acrobatic labour encounter behavior behaviour conduct fact survey ordeal labor entrada interest story instance transaction exertion tribulation wheeze suggestion agenda initiative drill shop struggle hassle spoof blow byplay winning securing happenin' bag trade design mechanism mechanics motion what one is into cantrip cod detail post dealings deployment maneuvering something done interlude turn piece quiz goak cutup system arrangement blueprint strategy proceedings monkeyshine form machination style manoeuvring outline pet master plan road map goings-on instalment installment put-on outcome opus composition fashion enactment approach song shtick workings tune track schtick revel funny business leg-pull goal obligation what's going down fun sport shot dance realization artistry item manner sketch skill objective errand situation stab throw wager course peril conjuncture contract gig racket carrying out delivery rendering realisation consummation legerdemain amusement turning point appearance test spec knack secret wish ambition aspiration burden target hope pretension desire function ideal piece of business holy grail intent chore prestidigitation magic juggle phase issue consequence recreation relaxation merriment blast laugh frolicking ploy dalliance gaiety rollicking idyll idyl giggle binge frisk business enterprise craft gambado drollery merrymaking skylark expertise ability run joviality scramble shenanigan magic trick device hang gift fun and games mischief rib sleight of hand shenanigans hocus-pocus smoke and mirrors antics scrape jaunt folly vagary know-how fooling around


One's manner of presenting oneself
deportment bearing carriage comportment manner conduct mien attitude demeanor behavior demeanour behaviour appearance manners air actions aspect posture stance etiquette address habits cast activities style geste port acts ways performance set gait exploits practises practices capers way of behaving way of acting way of standing way of bearing oneself way of carrying oneself way of holding oneself way of conducting oneself presence deeds dealings way action tone expression mannerisms guise tenue doings disposition look countenance character personality nature temperament persona tenor feel image temper bedside manner poise portance pose front decisions handling of matters movements engagements decorum delivery morals ethics convention practice taste mode talk tact propriety code savoir-faire course seemliness form speech social graces what's done way of life bearings deportments aspects comportments casts looks styles expressions addresses dispositions quality mannerism note stamps tones characteristics gests conditions traits features peculiarities property guises idiosyncrasies complexions poses stances attributes tenors quirks touch feels flavour moods faces flavor etiquettes impressions regard atmospheres figures hallmarks fingerprints affection tendencies feelings facial expressions affectations semblance effect customs spirits particularity sets veins diagnostics garb virtue trademarks criteria marks markers distinction strain differentiae bents fronts attribution auras outsides foibles lineaments inclination earmarks fashion things mugs visages contortions ambiances modes turns streaks specifics points tinges gestures motion kinesics body language act ambiences nonverbal communication images dress positions facets sorts frames symptoms rings components hues odor vibes variety humour eccentricity smell exteriors oddities description types odours caliber humor physiognomy kinds penchant calibre elements grain singularity badges ilks tenues efforts personas stations stands ease seemings dignity pieces parts vistas gesture makeup presentation face values shapes screens outlines savours birthmarks denominators abnormality savors tricks facial expression physical response body movement light nuance gaits performances trends drift geniuses clay current selves constitutions gists approaches indications reputations indicators standing evidence manifestation signs emblems proof hints notability eminence clues repute prestige symbols tokens value originality stripes specialties essentials essence faculties proclivities individuality bags dimensions specialities endowments thumbprints veils put-ons disguises show displays playacting pretence pretense window dressing masquerades veneers charades facades sides trace dashes states of affairs situations plights predicaments states passes cases straits ballgames waves minds tangs keys tints moulds brands patterns shade mold color genres class colour tinctures embodiments kidneys aromas halos karma climates nimbi patinas


An action which demonstrates great skill or artistry
masterstroke victory coup triumph accomplishment achievement act action adventure attainment conquest consummation deed effort enterprise execution exploit performance stunt venture act of genius complete success successful manoeuvre tour de force feat success win realization acquirement baby realisation result stroke maneuver manoeuvre coup d'état stratagem coup de mâitre scoop upset plot master stroke successful stroke stroke of genius glory ascendancy fruition eminence progress advance maturation benefit grand slam flying colors arrival éclat walkover strike favorable outcome walkaway materialisation effectuality enactment efficaciousness actualization auspiciousness ascendency feather in cap effectiveness completion effectuation contrivance effectualness fulfillment successfulness successful outcome positive result favourable outcome favourable result jackpot materialization skill miracle acquisition fulfilment implementation culmination actuality undertaking production handiwork trick winning number masterpiece gain hit thrashing trouncing vanquishment operation gaining work pass procurement caper antic move reaching creation conclusion doing effecting fulfilling finish reification job lark carrying out clean sweep hole in one heroic act advantage opus product notch in one's belt acrobatic escapade prosecution commission engineering experience dominion conquering crushing overpowering defeating time affair close discharge concluding pursuance closing finishing perpetration obtaining getting securing realizing episode thing fling romp completing set beating reaping crusade happening emprise spree successful completion supremacy sweep activity campaign daring act geste procuring acquiring polishing off carrying through successful consummation successful fulfillment successful finalization sewing up successful execution successful resolution successful conclusion winding up exercise prize gold realising succeeding arrival at toppling reversal rout drubbing bringing about upper hand hammering surprise victory unexpected result major defeat sudden change mastery smash belter sensation palm smasheroo score surmounting vanquishing takeover cinch homer splash pushover big win smash-hit home run big hit smash hit shoo-in wow the gold

Antonym de a gest

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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