Synonyme de a hook


A curved or bent material used for catching hold of or hanging things on


A bent piece of metal, typically barbed and baited, for catching fish


A curved cutting instrument, especially as used for reaping or shearing


A loop or curve in an object or path
curve bend bow curl arc arch turn twist crook curvation curvature ellipse loop swerve angle hairpin veer zigzag round circle corner kink wind shift circuit incurvation yaw inflection inflexion hairpin bend dog-leg twirl deviation deflection spiral whorl helix circumference tack oxbow camber flexure hairpin turn crescent flection bending rotation revolution spin lean swivel turning cycle whirl gyration winding wheel pivot circumvolution pirouette circulation roll swing gyre turnabout twisting curving trajectory undulation meander sweep catenary hyperbola sinuosity ogee bight vault curlicue parabola horseshoe compass ambit chord rondure swell concavity contour incurvature bulge meniscus half-moon coil ring band hoop circlet convolution knot eye wreath noose oval loophole eyelet fork elbow semicircle intersection detour warp divergence dogleg junction joint sharp bend anfractuosity flexuosity cusp convexity curling ringlet orbit drift apex projection swoop corkscrew edge swirl crotch screw veering swerving straying flourish disc departure ball globe zodiac cirque orb turning away turning aside change of direction roundel lap turn-off annulus vortex disk arching curvity shape meandering point hunch sphere hump flex nook swish course circumgyration volute English knee bead recess niche hinge crutch volution scroll branching off change of course branching out sharp turn hairpin curve right angle flare notch obliquity furl wresting wringing circular line spring quirk crossroad crossways crossing carrefour wave circular section crispation circle segment circular arc half turn torsion twine yank wrenching braid snake sickle-shape branch V Y ridge rim cloverleaf demilune sickle turnout lunula crossroads cresentoid lune exit declination diversion divagation halo refraction divergency slew aberration convex figure concave figure horned moon crown old moon new moon glance ricochet rebound drawing away divarication aureole bracelet belt full turn side road


A short swinging punch made with the elbow bent and rigid, especially in boxing
blow hit smack thump punch whack knock wallop belt clout sock thwack cuff slap crack bash box clip bang stroke slug rap swipe buffet biff swat welt smash pound bat spank bop slam lash bust chop hack lick stinger haymaker stripe pelt fillip larrup wham clap dab thud plump beat whop whap switch douse poke pick slosh boff dong plug skelp dot strike whale clobber bump whomp uppercut tap impact crash lam swing pat jab shot clump tan ding roundhouse fist collision slog plunk paste bonk zap butt fisticuff whammy zinger bell-ringer one-two punch jolt boom pop thrust report blast whump snap thunderclap jar conk tonk clobbering concussion hard hit glance shock clash lunge attack quilt touch whang stamp hammer tunk spanking brush assault kick beating flourish smite hiding thrashing drubbing clomp lambasting prang drub potch percuss blip whiplash battering prod nudge percussion blindside cut KO knockout lambaste nail thrash dig straight stoush pummel pummelled jog lollop body blow king-hit one-two knuckle sandwich thunder burst peal explosion clang pounding clonk sound roar clunk detonation rumble reverberation stomp blare loud noise din noise roaring echoing howl thrumming drumming discharge hammering banging crackle knocking bellow racket smashing clatter sharp noise clattering explosive noise striking head-butt click clink tick hitting brunt shove elbow echo gunshot jostle throb plop flump thunderbolt roll crump loud sound clangour rat-tat-tat rat-tat flash of lightning crash of thunder clap of thunder clangor shoulder wail ram stab honk push hoot dig in the ribs trumpet toot blaring clamour scream screech resound clamor resounding crashing resonance thundering blasting barrage drumfire cannonade re-echoing


An act or instance of persuading, or of being persuaded, to do or believe something
persuasion inducement encouragement enticement temptation urging convincing persuading pull inducing conversion coaxing prompting pressure seduction suasion influence inveiglement wheedling exhortation cajolery con blandishment coercion influencing alluring arguments brainwashing wiles arm-twisting soft-soaping sweet-talking sweet talk soft soap arm-twist moral pressure smooth-talking soft power hard sell snow job winning over working over seducement subtlety persuasiveness soft sell flattery blandishments blarney beguilement flannel guyver flattering cajolement glozing inveigling flummery honeyed words palaver wheedle lip salve soft sawder adulation fawning sycophancy smooth talk compliments soft words ingratiation incense toadyism false praise praise fulsomeness simpering spiel toadying obsequiousness overpraise taffy soft-soap currying favour butter buttering up cosying up smarm servility smoodging puffery cuddling up ego massage charm offensive eyewash sweet-talk unctuousness gratification bootlicking nobbling sweet nothings allurement sweet words ingratiating adoration fair words insincere flattery admiration arse-licking arse-kissing gallantry jive laudation hokum applause commendation plaudits truckling ass-kissing brown-nosing encomium eulogy snow mush smoke approbation stroke laud tribute deference glorification weasel words worship reverence veneration idolization pretty speech pats on the back wonderment wonder fine words infatuation marveling exaltation worshiping awe pumping up worshipping puff marvelling exaggeration charm cobblers oil honey a line


An incentive that helps bring about a desired state or result
inducement encouragement incentive stimulus incitement motivation spur impetus impulse provocation stimulation goad motive persuasion lure bait convincing enticement inducing cause persuading conversion urge temptation influence attraction carrot suasion sweetener pull draw consideration douceur bribe con reward brainwash desire leader perk twist clarion call come-on hard sell snow job soft soap sweet talk allurement decoy magnet siren song snare interest trap turn-on delusion trick gimmick illusion inveiglement mousetrap camouflage ambush invitation tout call fake seducement drawing card con game sitting duck instigation stimulant incitation boost inspiration catalyst momentum yeast urging drive prompt fillip prod shot in the arm push reason prompting goading pressure purpose prodding driving force kick up the backside motivating force excitement determinant coaxing egging on rationale kick propellant stimulator end impulsion source crowd puller stirring aim mainspring causation pushing goal rousing trigger challenge tantalization ground shill flash charge piquing sting kindling fuelling exhortation grounds agitation fomentation actuation lift blandishment focus reminder pressing carrot and stick stirring up fueling whipping up geeing-up beseeching reason why allure seduction ammunition jog fodder pressurization motivator overture prick spark plug excitant activation needle compulsion help food intellectual nourishment initiation bidding attention-grabber attention draw offer hankering yen fancy aid animus nudge charm uplift behest inception devising insistence excuse premium tonic arousing pressurisation needling kick in the pants teaser fuel cajolery reviver spurring enkindling spurring on abetment spice spring example model movement motion will pick-me-up stoking up animating force arm-twisting muse origin basis a shot in the arm forward motion honeypot dare taunt revelation baiting siren fount beginning root fountain generator inspo red rag casus belli creativeness awakening arousal eureka suggestion reminding attention-getter guiding light loadstone crowd-pleaser lodestone hint assistance ensnarement chief reason chief motive impelling cause prime mover motive force intention intent fascination crowd-puller objective ambition design centre of attention center of attention focal point concern object hope red herring entrapment pitfall cue jogging cues hints reminders determination resolve wish aspiration preoccupation target pretension ideal dream resolution mission vision care stick plant booster trickery deception beard blind facade catch nark distraction stoolie chicane pretence chicanery pretense imitation front plan thinking agenda warning advice suggestions façade end game smoke screen stool pigeon blow off holy grail hidden motive hidden agenda vested interest score to settle Holy Grail object of desire special interest bang precipitant fireworks eye-opener


A sharp, hooked claw of a bird of prey or other predatory animal


An object that is used to support something
rest base stand support holder prop shelf stay trestle frame rack bed brace bracket foundation pedestal plinth tripod foot substructure basis bottom footing ground groundwork pediment pillar seat seating underpinning mounting platform post root cornerstone trivet substratum bedrock basement mount framework infrastructure fundament buttress joist structure reinforcement pole stanchion foothold abutment girder cantilever pier rod floor keystone warp rostrum podium gripper warp and woof resting place underlayer batten form catafalque pyre strut joint fundamental horse chock rudiment chassis subframe stage branch roost dais cradle bier table tribune case grandstand board counter bridgehead nadir perch gantry staging column hold landing place deepest part lowest part fulcrum backing stilt stave rampart scaffold rock bottom rib peg block timber guide collar pilaster flotation device means arch beam bulwark spur rafter bearing upright sustentation back medium truss bedding shoring shore stake underprop stiffener lining gird understructure lowest point depths nether portion depth pits core underside pile belly guts lowest level edge end rock layer lower limits solid rock pallet bedstead bedframe piling backbone fixture undergirding sawhorse setting subfloor cutwater underneath base position rock-bottom groundwall substance fundamentals basics socle layer essentials mound mass heap band stratum seam rudiments dado underpinnings ABCs nitty-gritty anchor nuts and bolts toe brass tacks rock bed deep solid foundation bowels recess buoy zero pit pontoon keel innermost reaches low-water mark bottom side zero level


A jointed or flexible device that allows the pivoting of an object
hinge joint swivel pivot pin articulation fulcrum link axis juncture ball-and-socket connection coupling junction axle spindle joining union join intersection seam jointure weld suture brace bracket commissure kingpin bond gudgeon trunnion knot splice shaft nexus linkage coupler node synapse hub jointing unification support edge junctive convergence tie meeting interconnection arbor confluence vinculum abutment bridge point pole arbour pintle spool reel central shaft linking interface attachment hookup elbow gore miter mitre linkup terminal knee reunion mortise tie-up tie-in fastening ligature yoke loop hitch fusion connector concatenation network connecting ligament stitching affixation binding seal entanglement kink closure twist interlacement tangle snarl intertwinement bow cord blend mixture splicing combination merger channel merging connective assembly construction combining consolidation conjunction criss-crossing crossing line piecing together fitting together meeting point coming together fixing repair affixing clamping catch dependency juxtaposition pairing hem clamp ring relation cement contact stitch sew branch conduit ligation section association branching interchange vertex fork extension span transit copula rosette spiral braid twirl snag means of uniting arch contortion whirl coil perplexity screw pleat gusset tuck apex reef knot square knot granny knot uniting portal mapping fixture conjointment partnerhip coalition port amalgamation integration synthesis amalgamating blending fusing confederation federation commingling mingling melding incorporation amalgam compound coadunation conciliation correlation symbiosis agglutination congregation centralization joining together centralisation commixture mash-up


A trick by which someone is misled into acting contrary to their interests or intentions
trap trick ruse stratagem ploy artifice deception con wile device subterfuge machination plot gambit conspiracy feint setup trickery maneuver manoeuvre intrigue gin pitfall allurement dragnet enticement inveiglement prank seducement snag temptation set-up come-on booby trap snare scheme sting fraud dodge contrivance flimflam gimmick swindle shift fetch wheeze con trick hoax shenanigan play decoy cheat sleight jig scam game knack juggle bunco grift canard lurk rort flanker fastie confidence trick entrapment frame ambush deceit frame-up expedient chicanery imposture bluff pretence pretense fake blind rig schlenter con game confidence game pretext loophole collusion fit-up tactic plan method strategy wangle take-in sham stunt hidden danger design craft trumped-up charge false charge put-up job racket craftiness evasion cabal lie proposition misrepresentation leg-pull improvisation finesse cunningness cunning plan hokum porky clever move Trojan horse fast one hogwash catch jive bilk stall fast shuffle mare's-nest pork pie hustle whitewash chicane fallacy wrinkle cover-up story shuck snow job malarkey ride illusion crock fib move duplicity imposition fakery sharp practice treachery falsehood cover distortion delusion invention rip-off double-dealing sleight of hand smokescreen measure twist means course of action line of action angle game plan shenanigans secret curveball funny business red herring put-on switch project brainchild idea practice program programme arrangement blueprint action tactics masquerade plan of action master plan secret plan ground plan instrument sport cunning manipulation caper escapade bait distraction scenario demarche shuffle feat skullduggery system lure sellout gamesmanship policy scheming fix maneuvering smoke screen manoeuvring dirty trick machinations venture slant dirty work enterprise monkey business covin little game road map kicker operation antic cloak mask screen camouflage front joke resource creation innovation coinage concoction toils hoodwinking pretension step sell humbug spoof disguise facade equivocation proposal façade fabrication formation scene bit guile jiggery-pokery hanky-panky legerdemain jugglery cheating skulduggery duck sweet talk soft soap crocodile tears resort stopgap recourse refuge expediency makeshift way subversion outline procedure formula recipe loss-leader shtick artfulness slyness oldest trick in the book layout smoke and mirrors draft draught mock attack make-believe beguilement dishonesty horseplay monkeyshines dissimulation secret scheme apparatus concern publicity device eye-catching novelty jest promotion aid counterfeit fun fixture one-upmanship bait and switch planning plotting disturbance distractor commotion diversion deviation interruption attention-grabber false clue fool's errand false trail curve ball false face wild-goose chase diversionary tactic misleading clue crafty designs grand design song and dance skill art technique expertise exploit ability hang gift number know-how


The end part of a person's arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb


The equipment required for a task or sport
tackle apparatus equipment gear kit outfit paraphernalia accoutrements implements rig tools hardware trappings stuff accouterments appurtenances contrivances instruments materials materiel utensils clobber equipage rigging things accouterment appliance goods habiliments impedimenta line machinery bits and pieces material gubbins belongings contraption instrument appliances device implement tool machine gadget supplies baggage mechanism gizmo utensil bits and bobs effects gadgets accessories contrivance regalia accoutrement gadgetry provisions possessions odds and ends accessory traps odds and sods setup fixtures gimmick luggage fittings furnishings articles property junk widget rubbish doohickey devices contraptions kit and kaboodle stock resources goods and chattels necessary turnout dunnage chattels means whatchamacallit facilities box of tricks movables doodad aid personal effects personal property convenience worldly goods appurtenance personal possessions amenities attachments store accompaniments plant thingamajig invention armamentarium machines thingamabob furniture encumbrances jigger miscellaneous articles assets whatsit medium system structure harness necessaries gimcrack whatsis agent black box construction waldo piece of equipment plunder mod con engine wares stores trapping trimming armory armoury matériel impediments arms items collection furnishing trimmings miscellaneous shebang provisioning adornments ornamentation fitment obstruction appointments array set aids pack personal belongings set of tools tools of the trade enginery technology ware bits staple belonging possession works holdings personal possession doodads personal effect wherewithal vehicle components mechanics personalties moveables bag and baggage ironmongery clubber chattel bells and whistles entities supply habiliment agency asset tool of the trade dingus doobry gismo doodah gears plumbing kitchenware ironware metalware housewares fasteners weapon motor cogs labour-saving device thingo bitzer doojigger household goods moving parts thing household furnishings effect article movable personalty moveable holding amenity whatnot creation resource makeshift dingbat piece of apparatus piece of hardware Rube Goldberg invention object unit thingummy item piece artifact commodity artefact element component matter thingy trinket something knickknack nicknack doo-dah thingummyjig thingumabob thingumajig whatdoyoucallit what's-its-name what-d'you-call-it what's-it Heath Robinson device Rube Goldberg device novelty minutia bit accompaniment jiggambob curio oojamaflip thingamajigger oojah body munitions facility fandango iron fixture installation workings sucker gaud bauble gewgaw geegaw ministry institution scheme instrumentality mechanisms complex movement arrangement set-up product module substance member entity part fragment dojigger piece of merchandise


To join or attach together using a hook or hooks
connect join couple link hitch yoke interconnect chain fasten interlink concatenate attach catenate compound secure fix pin conjugate clasp tie catch hasp button grapple bind affix clamp bond lash tether strap stick clip weld glue unite pair bracket tack annex append fuse cement add solder knit wed annexe hook up tie up interface bring together tack on tag on hitch on slap on truss rope bridge rivet tape subjoin harness combine peg bolt lock buckle screw adhere splice entwine make fast string conjoin leash tie in plug into meld with link up tie in with Velcro meld consolidate adjoin integrate close associate amalgamate twin interrelate unify team bend interlock incorporate network communicate intersect do up dovetail assemble juxtapose mate paste link together fetter match up moor anchor batten pinion tie together click cohere span consociate tag ally network with hook on join up with match come together marry merge blend join together affiliate cross put together meet gum coalesce mix mesh interweave relate band align converge knot interfuse fit engage intertwine synthesize interlace synthesise league hold stick together mingle cleave pool place hitch up put set install position nail include plug in graft locate lodge intermingle instal grip commingle braze fit together repair homogenize stay put freeze to cling straddle correlate homogenise seal stick on coincide knit together identify group wire up become one insert plant establish lay intermesh prefix situate imbed station solidify infix overlap criss-cross slot in settle espouse fasten together nail down wire put in join up concentrate put on compact set up centralize draw a connection between tie down latch onto weave conflate intermix pair up commix center concenter staple be on both sides of stay electrify hold together traverse tighten clinch centralise concentre centre cover vault gather together bunch up stick fast be glued range over be pasted be fixed extend across arch across hold fast be stuck mend patch melt gather piece together loop underjoin hinge inspan joint inject entangle clench post braid plait fit in crisscross decussate amass condense articulate Sellotape work in strap up touch plug intertwist mortise add on adjust shackle take on alloy abut fit into place make port draw together yoke together piggyback gird add to join to inset resolve reconcile peg down pin down comingle composite immix immingle reach batten down lock up button down federate cojoin dub concrete cinch hew snag fix together branch throw in together butt hug remain plaster suffuse mortar build on hold on to stick like a barnacle hold on hold on like bulldog stick like glue cling like ivy bind up hog-tie emulsify lump jumble overcome strengthen implant embed make one attach securely weld together map plumb root stick to appose bestride collide border interdigitate mix up fold in pull together park mount bed depose intrench engrain stabilize dispose deposit emplace ingrain entrench enroot plonk close ranks hang together stiffen rigidify congeal site instil stabilise inculcate steady instill furnish line bring near range power make permanent pass over arch go across vault over extend over arch over reach over set in place bed in settle down fix up build in settle in put in place charge place in proximity lie on both sides of be situated on both sides of zap power up supply electricity to charge up


To bend into the shape of a curve or hook, physically or trajectorially
curve bend arch bow crook arc swerve wheel round sweep curl trend angle loop fall off turn wind twist swing veer deflect buckle deviate coil snake flex meander zigzag incurvate diverge whip divert warp change course contort change direction deform fork camber skew inflect waver incline slew crimp lean yaw verge detour redirect drift stoop careen sidetrack pivot refract alter course angle away angle off turn away convolute whorl spin hunch hump swish embow move tilt ricochet notch slither kink spiral bulge undulate droop ply whirl swell divagate turn aside slip disperse shy sheer volte-face wreathe incurve gyrate concave convex double up bear sway distort crinkle make crooked make curved turn off digress weave shift wander depart stray branch off move away ramble twist and turn head run tend twine corkscrew go swivel part turn from take a turn get sidetracked leave beaten path bear off slant worm gravitate tack switch career pass cut differ screw be deflected lead veer off wrap around maunder go around make a right excurse curve around make a left diffuse spread slope remove tip proceed sheer off extend make form a hump bend forward draw together flow be lie point change draw in go off course dip avert skid bias load vacillate misshape wrest writhe wrench get around train off set alternate recoil focus corner rechannel direct return backslide retrace alter revert diffract unscrew encircle turn around pass around take a bend hang a right hang a left skew round roll spin round gyre pirouette purl birl turn round rotate pinwheel twirl turn on your heel swirl revolve


To catch or get a hold of with, or as if with, a hook or trap
catch capture net bag seize get land grab nab trap collar snare snag nail snatch cop glom corral grapple take ensnare nobble rap entrap enmesh lasso snap up secure obtain acquire attain win gain achieve earn procure grasp pick up score get hold of clinch bring in apprehend come by arrest garner lay hold of reap draw entangle swing collect detain pull in pinch nick pull down realize wangle grip receive take hold of tangle have gather realise take into custody appropriate bust rack up clutch knock down wrest get your hands on run in ensnarl clasp entoil mesh glean catch up access lay hands on reel in carry off grab hold of notch up chalk up take prisoner hold accomplish abduct buy immesh amass pluck clench restrain come to have come into possession of purchase prehend be given yank lift jag possess oneself of make build up snarl annex annexe carry round up latch onto take in lock up seize hold of take a grip of clock up haul in get one's fingers on arrive at walk off with walk away with feel your collar extricate come into come in for take receipt of take possession of pull stick beach wrench derive find wedge reach scoop take captive fulfil log get one's mitts on pull off hit reify catch hold of strike go for clap hands on take by force fulfill come away with ring up cling to catch at place under arrest snap commandeer swipe springe blag tree hustle corner trammel pot harvest scare up establish kidnap walk away be awarded clear pounce on take hostage clutch at get a hold of pick off advance consummate enlist complete ameliorate be appointed to conquer effectuate fasten round clean up wrap up stretch for go after lay cling manage maneuver manoeuvre work take possession betrap benet latch on to grasp hold of embrace fix polish off glom onto box in cinch set a trap for bring to fruition imprison guarantee ice ensure assure guaranty insure lay a trap for book arrange fasten do bring about get possession of make sure make sure of win possession of give security cherish incarcerate fix up sort out jail hang on to roust put the snare on hang on gaol knock off succeed in bring off prise put in jail throw in jail toss in jail take in for questioning put the cuffs on put the arm on grab away catch in get caught in get caught on inherit effect produce compass pocket take home accept fetch perpetrate be presented with prosecute have conferred on one accumulate bring home carry out follow through with assume execute perform retrieve meet recover cull locate get into one's hands claim negotiate commit gather up scrape together accrue drum up be provided with bring be paid return be in receipt of rake in discharge sew up get done deliver on make good on carry through follow through on put through bring to completion contract adopt understand know steal captivate feel sense bank come up with search out possess retain enjoy own be one's lot meet with fall to the lot encounter hoard schlenter salvage occupy save source profit with succeed in finding induce solicit notch make it to command take delivery of be sent profit trace track scrape up get at lay up gobble up succeed take over make a profit actualize catalyse finalize catalyze cash in on make a profit of realize a profit of come across come upon happen upon luck into fall upon stumble upon ingather lay claim to accept delivery of take into one's possession hit up agree to receive hold out for track down make use of yield finalise finish off go through with beg borrow or steal accede to be elevated to tie up buy out manage to get prevail upon buy up make a haul bring around be worth pay recoup get paid bear gross get in get as a result finish conclude engineer honour honor conduct perfect satisfy do justice to keep faith with put the tin lid on take care of do a bang-up job get someplace live up to make it nail it fulfill one's potential make hay put it over do one proud be true to do the trick get there


To obtain through manipulative or deceitful methods


To attract and hold the interest and attention of
captivate fascinate charm enchant bewitch enthral attract allure beguile enthrall mesmerise mesmerize entrance absorb grip spellbind enrapture engross rivet delight please draw hypnotise hypnotize magnetise magnetize lure seduce intrigue ravish wile hold dazzle entertain win gratify woo enamour witch kill ensnare take enslave infatuate vamp turn on sweep off feet rope in make a hit with tantalize tantalise titillate interest arouse excite tempt appeal to grab entice engage win over tickle your fancy transfix amuse pique arrest rouse divert involve pull preoccupy occupy enamor thrill bedazzle affect stimulate inflame tickle pink court wow tease bemuse immerse busy enwrap be of interest to hold spellbound hold in awe arouse curiosity light someone's fire float someone's boat carry away gladden satisfy put under a spell snare turn one's head make an impression on concern be interesting to perk up touch distract matter to move subdue subject subjugate catch up catch your eye sit up be attractive to capture your imagination hold your attention engage one's attention whet one's appetite impress engage someone's attention arouse the curiosity of be a source of fascination to provoke stir influence spark electrify exhilarate intoxicate tickle galvanize charge kindle whet waken palpate quicken send grapple inveigle beckon get someone going turn someone on stir up give someone a thrill do it for someone get going get secure obtain switch on galvanise pump up lead on grab the attention of hold the attention of be a hit with suck in bring in catch the eye of pull in pick up whet the appetite of draw attention catch engulf invite take up fixate consume monopolize monopolise transport overwhelm envelop compel attach capture fix appeal employ fill soak make your mouth water tie up bind seize gain obsess wrap up inspire catch hold of bury root to the spot hog apply corner assimilate persuade endear cajole attend whet someone's appetite take someone's fancy become lost sew up up on be hung incline lose oneself in absorb yourself in throw yourself into get lost in be concerned with keep busy be active with bait steer wheedle induce dangle a carrot in front of flirt with exert a pull on exert influence on keep hanging keep someone hanging on incite turn someone's head encourage instigate spur goad impassion awaken rev up fire up overpower animate fire interest greatly


To attract or lure by temptation
seduce lure entice beguile tempt inveigle allure persuade deceive coax cajole delude wheedle dupe induce ensnare mislead bait decoy betray entrap solicit draw sucker maneuver manoeuvre invite trap mousetrap pull steer bribe lead on string along rope in come on to sweep off feet attract suck in trick charm influence con honey lead blarney flatter urge blandish drag rope wile get palaver draw in win over press woo worm wangle importune barter come on sweet-talk soft-soap talk into prevail upon argue into butter up work on arm-twist sell bewitch captivate enrapture beckon fool soften manipulate fascinate enchant train bamboozle turn on hit on dare snow dangle make your mouth water whet the appetite of draw out arouse someone's interest in persuade to buy tantalize interest motivate tantalise put someone up to something encourage plague jawbone soothe pester tease prevail on get round talk someone into something twist one's arm convince sway coerce bring round incite move smooth-talk impel convert prompt instigate stimulate make finagle bring around prod incline talk round provoke talk bring exhort sweeten up soften up argue egg on compel cause pressure goad brainwash reason spur drive impress twist someone's arm actuate activate jockey sell one on ingratiate counsel oil soap jolly lean on pressurize dispose nudge advise inspire rouse push excite pressurise get around trigger procure animate arouse prick work over force inspirit wheedle into stir up change mind prod into spur on whip up whet court kowtow bend change gain spread it on lay it on stroke banter bring over appeal to budge talk over goose toll flatter into steamroll squeeze bulldoze lead astray win round put pressure on jog exploit play direct control bat eyes at exert influence on cajole into coax into get next to put the squeeze on dragoon work intimidate dangle a carrot in front of work upon bring to reason make see the light make someone see the light show someone the error of their ways show one the error of their ways put across pull strings with browbeat prejudice turn suborn colour inflame extract cut any ice with bring pressure to bear on make yourself felt with carry weight with touch bring pressure to bear upon color foment pick abet brew sting raise ferment propagandize enlist proselytize set on drive on proselyte propagandise proselytise rally elicit occasion propel impassion stir get to promote agitate for set set off put up to breed forward juice fan the fire root on key up craze psych agitate further taunt energize incentivize spark evoke steel invigorate hearten uplift impact empower vitalize exhilarate galvanize embolden plead with cause to believe pressurize into reason someone into press someone into turn somebody on to pressure someone into convert to lead to do galvanise refresh incentivise envigorate energise strike help necessitate incentify bring to senses lead to believe wear down prize winkle out gain confidence of win argument prove to pump up suggest to cheer on hint to pep up fire up boost up


To strike, especially with force
hit punch strike beat knock slap smack thump batter bash belt clip cuff sock clobber clout hammer pound swat whack flog slam thrash wallop biff bop deck drub pummelled pummel smash welt bang cane sucker-punch swipe whip smite box bust crown lick slug bludgeon clock crack floor pelt slog club jab nail paste pop bat belabor belabour blast bob bonk buffet chin clap flail lace lam quilt rap slosh tan thwack trash uppercut whale whomp zap baste birch blitz boff brain cudgel dab ding dong dot flax kick lambaste larrup lather lob pellet percuss stone swinge tag tap tonk welly whang rain blows on king-hit lay into stick one on beat the living daylights out of give someone a beating give someone a drubbing give someone a hiding knock around knock out KO lace into lay one on let fly let someone have it pitch into ride roughshod zonk give someone a good beating give someone a good drubbing give someone a good hiding give a black eye knock into the middle of next week attack hack lash chop wham blow fillip spank stroke haymaker bump contact catch whop plump pick stinger thud stripe switch whap bump into crash into connect with rough up assault hide work over maul paddle lambast slate thresh pommel whup tromp fib curry beat up mess up bung up knock about punch out do over do light into strap flagellate leather injure scourge punish horsewhip assail hurt abuse plug maltreat mistreat manhandle slash harm cowhide flay rawhide crash ram skelp get stuck into beat up on set on tear into set about sail into set upon bruise mishandle have a go at brutalize cosh drum drive ill-treat impact chastise brutalise turn on wound break bully damage duff up pounce on roughhouse persecute trounce impinge bombard collide let fly at treat badly fall on lash out at thrust tan one's hide kick around mess over pat handle roughly misuse ill-use pounce upon bullwhip quirt molest peck mash hit out thong wax hit hard take a strap to hit out at aim blows at treat roughly fall upon mug strafe conk cannonade clump impel draw forge spike weigh into wing swing at ping scud wrong castigate lash out blip bushwhack afflict contuse give someone a hot bottom torture harass put over one's knee aggress assault physically crush victimize invade besiege fustigate rush charge victimise devastate tan someone's hide beset total box someone's ears sic sick go for slap around descend on whip someone's hide descend upon go in on jump on cut up shake up propel force butt poke chip impair strike out thrash about flail around bam hang one on thump on knock on bear down swing take out plant one pulverize stun skull concuss duke clonk defeat bean pitch hit repeatedly hit over the head hit on the head lay a finger on make someone feel the back of one's hand bust up oppress hit for six fill in pulverise yerk land a punch jerk shake whisk excoriate scathe beak ferule scar slipper mar neglect knock cold malleate blackjack paddlewhack lacerate mutilate wear out stub head-butt bash up let have it rain blows upon sock it to jump do up windmill dust someone's britches warm someone's seat punish severely strike with a stick beat with a stick knock block off give the cat o'nine tails whirl ruin knock for a loop physically attack give black eye break face lean on take care of put in the hospital knock down lay about trim give someone a licking put someone over your knee warm someone's bottom incapacitate disable battle nick graze tip palpate come down on haul off on jump down one's throat descend pounce storm interfere with bang up be violent toward knock over raid flick snap hit lightly launch an attack deal a blow make an assault make an attack deal a blow to get at round on fire at slap lightly strike lightly shower rake maim sweep riddle enfilade fusillade bomb shell launch at launch oneself at have at run at wade into launch an attack on rush at spring on spring at rush upon go after fly at make an assault on pepper fire a broadside at torpedo misemploy blitzkrieg prostitute barrage rain down on outrage overwhelm boot ravage destroy wreck target shoot punt send wipe out


To cause (someone) to agree with a belief or course of action
convince induce persuade get inveigle move sway bring cajole influence sell brainwash convert draw prompt satisfy turn effect overcome bring around coax into win over argue into make a believer talk into talk round prevail on sell one on put across bring round to the idea of twist one's arm twist someone's arm prevail upon bring to reason bring home to gain one's confidence charm win around get somebody on your side gain somebody's support affect bias prejudice reach guide manipulate impact touch impress strike control colour incline motivate slant jaundice inspire mould nobble predispose crack bend mold carry color conduct suck in impact on work on lead by the nose soften up bring round turn one's head tell on coax entice impel wheedle urge incite tempt coerce proselytize instigate propagandize argue cause reason propagandise proselytise encourage lure sweet-talk compel make provoke stimulate lead indoctrinate drive instill smooth-talk dispose seduce instil gain blandish beguile trigger get around teach soft-soap inculcate condition program work over drill blarney programme talk force press activate actuate woo prod palaver pressurize proselyte re-educate pressurise lead to believe butter up sweeten up school make someone see the light allure instruct plant train implant educate imbue rouse pressure invite advise exhort propel initiate ground push spur stir evangelize nudge inspirit wheedle into get round finagle solicit prod into bring to senses egg on prove to gain confidence of recruit break down evangelise bring to God preach to spread the word spread the gospel to alter conviction spread the word to cause to adopt bring into the fold spread the gospel make converts of nag into whet promote bring over work flatter quicken talk over set going court worm prove assure win round bring pressure upon reassure give determine impress on make willing capture enkindle prevail effectuate kowtow con snow soap oil make certain change mind make see the light show someone the error of their ways show one the error of their ways dispel someone's doubts goose steamroll squeeze bulldoze spread it on lay it on sell to attract demonstrate to put someone's mind at rest impress to decoy put mind at ease cause to feel certain reason someone into believing dispel doubt discipline lesson tutor bring in draw in cajole into coach radicalize have an impact on have an effect on betray bait lead on preach exert influence on put someone up to something appeal to fanaticize radicalise extremize toll entrap lead astray change belief accept adopt seek converts make converts get into defend embrace evangelize to be born again bend one's ear bring to Christ stand behind uphold agitate approve turn on bat eyes at dangle a carrot in front of rally elicit occasion impassion goad energize incentivize spark evoke steel invigorate hearten animate uplift arouse empower vitalize exhilarate galvanize excite embolden galvanise refresh incentivise prick envigorate energise help necessitate incentify alter catechize cheer on hint to stir up whip up pep up spur on fire up boost up pump up suggest to counsel procure enlist plead with cause to believe pressurize into reason someone into press someone into turn somebody on to pressure someone into convert to lead to do reform wear down redeem win argument crusade sermonize preachify save assimilate homilize budge campaign baptise sermonise transfer baptize make converts among change the belief of cause to be born again cause someone to change their mind spread the faith offer the gospel to tell the gospel to make someone change their mind make someone change their beliefs cause to see the light seek converts among cause someone to change their beliefs cause a change of heart share the gospel with act as a missionary spread the faith to


To encourage or arouse interest, activity or enthusiasm in
stimulate encourage motivate prompt inspire instigate prod spur trigger galvanise galvanize incentivise incentivize incite induce inspirit move provoke push spark urge activate arouse drive excite goad pique sway energise energize foment impassion stir buoy grab inflame nudge whet elate fire up spur on rev up buoy up fire with enthusiasm spirit up impel rouse persuade press influence propel egg on make actuate lead exhort prick compel incline cause goose animate prevail on coax convince stir up dispose coerce pressure pressurize entice impress tempt bring prevail upon force get pressurise predispose cajole invigorate oblige inveigle envigorate draw convert put up to wheedle talk into win over lean on advise sting implore occasion entreat beseech sic needle enjoin steel fire constrain adjure admonish enthuse dragoon insist condition bias embolden charge strike affect appeal to bring around call on try to persuade determine use pressure on put pressure on kindle awaken intrigue talk round boost instil innervate incent remind tap chivvy motive instill turn on put a bomb under get going hound badger seduce ride herd on act upon harass challenge jog sell fire the imagination of mobilise direct orient impose on mobilize bully whip roust lash titillate precipitate procure rally elicit give beg impress on bring round make willing plead evoke prejudice enkindle prevail effectuate work up key up set off predetermine drive on hearten uplift impact empower vitalize exhilarate prepare root on refresh help necessitate incentify appeal request prime maneuver ask sanction manoeuvre nag solicit set afoot trigger off give incentive to touch off give incentive set astir steamroll squeeze bulldoze propose suck in wheedle into sell one on twist one's arm soft-soap exert influence on prod into sweet-talk draw in cajole into coax into argue into put someone up to something bring about advance promote rationalize countenance commend rationalise conjure govern make of a mind to make expectant cultivate make you of a mind to teach bend indoctrinate pump up suggest to put the heat on put the screws on railroad into twist someone's arm bulldoze into push for psych up insist on hint to whip up counsel cheer on pep up boost up bid caution call upon


To deceive or fool someone
deceive trick fool hoax mislead cheat con delude dupe hoodwink beguile swindle bamboozle outwit take in sting defraud double-cross ensnare entrap gull misguide stiff cozen inveigle seduce betray bilk do kid lead on snooker sucker diddle fiddle hornswoggle rook shaft swizzle bluff buffalo bunco burn catch euchre gaff gammon have humbug juggle misinform snow spoof mulct rip off scam sharp beat circumvent clip cuckold disappoint fake fake out falsify fleece gouge have on rob screw sell skin string along suck in victimise victimize cross up impose upon lie to play away put on put one over on sell a pup to step out take for take to the cleaners beat out of play joke on pull a swifty on pull fast one take advantage of take for a ride take for ride take to cleaners pull the wool over someone's eyes pull a fast one on hand a line flimflam finagle hose hustle shortchange chisel bleed stick chouse short ream pluck squeeze skunk thimblerig lead up the garden path nobble shake down do in exploit do a number on pull one's leg chicane rope in overreach outfox lead down the garden path illude lure bait lead astray outmaneuver sandbag milk outmanoeuvre sell down the river stitch up pull a fast one outsmart give someone a bum steer do the dirty on fox trap two-time set up jive mousetrap make a fool of fudge manipulate embezzle wheedle goldbrick gazump juke entice tempt misdirect stab in the back outslick outthink steal cajole decoy misrepresent lie befool disinform be disloyal to be unfaithful to overcharge play someone false let down cross take break faith with sell out baffle short-change bewilder impose on allure double-deal confuse jerk around sell a pup misstate prevaricate coax fail outdo caboodle swizz maneuver manoeuvre outjockey distort fabricate outplay rush pervert frame defeat backstab shuck top jockey catch out outguess sell a bill of goods steal a march on do out of throw off the scent use outgeneral cap put on the wrong track goose worst jip get the better of run a game on screw over play for a sucker be unfaithful balk lead up garden path end run figure out sell a bill of goods to persuade induce entangle enmesh play solicit pull wangle lull thwart doublespeak soak propagandize trim propagandise pilfer play a trick on plunder baulk steer give the wrong impression out-think give the shaft cover up double-talk four-flush play games with pull someone's leg put on an act put on false front trifle with play with be cleverer than double deal run rings round play trick on bait and switch give wrong information to put up smoke screen mistreat abuse do someone in the eye make rings round throw dust in someone's eyes go back on be disloyal prey on send on a wild goose chase wrong steer corrupt duck weasel dodge lead off deprive troll do someone dirty deke slip out cop out worm one's way out of beat around the bush sham slip something over on stretch the rules bend the rules pull something funny stack the cards hit below the belt blag pull in stump bunk wander fix finesse be untrue to pigeon bilk of extort frustrate ruin foil wind up psych out heist filch outperform play a jest on play a prank on play a joke on murphy despoil throw put something over on trip up play a practical joke on give away rat on welsh be sold a pup play-act sway contrive make a sucker of play dirty dally trifle rip-off butty toy draw flam cuck wanton pull wool over impress catfish play for a fool poke borack bleed dry do number on sucker into invite be a Judas to hocus-pocus go one better than bias put one over put someone up to something sweet-talk cuckoldize gaslight bribe split penalise punish penalize fine forfeit toy with dally with make use of snare play fast and loose with give the runaround send on a wild-goose chase come on to doublecross sweep off feet fascinate distract toll ensorcell tout shill wile make a monkey of make a monkey out of make somebody look an idiot play games stage-manage pull strings pull wires come on horn put horns on hornify ingratiate pressure press twist around your little finger desert pool attack implicate involve be dishonest talk into incriminate turn traitor commit treason pimp on break promise play Judas embroil embrangle lirt crib blench rogue belirt broil mire engage yuck yuk jest jape joke banter fun jolly josh quip gag wisecrack chaff capitalize on misuse profit from step on walk all over play on take liberties with cash in on maltreat ill-use leverage control target use for one's own ends take out fast talk give bum steer break the rules mess around fit up lay a trap for rag ridicule mock bother best make sport of poke fun at make fun of yank someone's chain


Discover the exact place or position of
locate detect discover find pinpoint unearth track down ferret out reveal uncover ascertain come across descry determine get learn rummage turn up hit on search out smoke out dig out dig up dredge up find out localise localize nose out pin down read root out rout out run down scare up scout up sniff out spot strike stumble on trace bring to light chance on come up with light on stumble across come upon get at happen upon hit upon hunt down hunt up light upon meet with run to earth smell out trip over pick up on zero in on lay hands on identify recognize encounter distinguish discern recognise pick out stumble upon finger place isolate catch put one's finger on name hunt out disclose single out ID run across get a fix on chance upon point out luck into establish acquire obtain bump into come by see make out happen on tumble upon stumble onto notice determinate figure out suss out expose run into track select know look up lay your hand on lay fingers on put a name to meet diagnose flag specify tag rustle up perceive sight espy work out diagnosticate catch sight of make certain follow observe button down trail pitch upon arrive at hunt chase pursue run to ground get on to find by chance wise up to meet by chance secure pick up procure disinter scrape up forage for buy purchase scent out capture retrieve edge out collar corral get possession of winnow unmask produce fall in with trip on follow the scent of realize describe remember recall choose trace back nominate recollect fix validate deduce decide divine verify intuit substantiate designate meet up with fall upon learn of bring into the open tumble into call to mind achieve attain gain indicate weed out separate out sort out filter out make behold glimpse peach happen unlock come to know catch on to eye view regard spy remark witness tap tumble to realise fathom out conceive put the finger on make certain of label know by sight mark out ascribe bring to mind note blunder on dope out get to know look for mark clock settle on separate make up your mind on peg decide on get wise to get wind of the fact get wind of have an aha moment get wise to the fact think of run against find unexpectedly luck upon come on discover unexpectedly tab seek assign associate set in context rediscover recover look at probe tail shadow stalk quest elicit dog hound catch a glimpse of course pry spoor narrow down find exactly bird-dog follow the trail of run after scout out worm out chase down define nail down home in on

Antonym de a hook

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