Synonyme de acting basic


Of or forming a base or basis
essential fundamental key primary vital elementary crucial elemental important indispensable principal cardinal central foundational rudimentary staple necessary underlying chief critical inherent main quintessential focal intrinsic needed pivotal requisite root rudimental salient basal beginning constitutional ingrained innate introductory capital integral prime natural first meat-and-potatoes radical paramount constitutive major primal inborn inbred native predominant primitive dominant core leading foremost abecedarian congenital premier pre-eminent immanent deep-seated significant supreme deep-rooted overriding instinctive preeminent indigenous engrained hardwired hard-wired original master built-in grand arch required overbearing overmastering imperative ultimate ingrain connate primordial intuitive greatest prominent characteristic structural hereditary organic number one numero uno big sovereign great sovran prerequisite mandatory highest needful involuntary lowest initial connatural bottom must-have necessitous all-important number-one inbuilt prior base obligatory bottom-line constituent inherited compulsory consequential indwelling primeval bottommost instinctual in your blood called for profound material lead lowermost low undermost of the essence nethermost last top ruling intimate primaeval internal ground urgent outstanding basement intuitional component spontaneous high-priority of the utmost importance rock-bottom decisive inseparable uppermost permanent inner topmost head presiding supereminent subjective substantive deep-down burning in the blood compelling pressing in-built nitty-gritty life-and-death early of great consequence vitally important simple de rigueur integrant true earliest real standard unconscious impulsive prevailing unthinking unlearned automatic untaught implicit distinctive indelible genuine ineradicable ineffaceable visceral latent utmost commanding rooted inmost gut acute meaningful overruling demanded controlling pristine aboriginal bread-and-butter arch- expedient all important part and parcel life-sustaining life-preserving foundation easy basilar preliminary composing influential prevalent senior serious alpha popular causal high incorporated prefatory particular axial nuclear nuts-and-bolts simplest uncompleted larval reflex subconscious in demand entrenched embedded chad included oustanding subliminal unpremeditated ancient substantial everyday called-for stipulated absolute prehistoric noticeable signal pronounced remarkable striking noteworthy conspicuous unconditioned unprompted deepest infused instilled actual definitive deep supporting sustaining substratal substrative axiomatic grass-roots theoretical underived axiological groundlaying immediate en suite natural-born dyed-in-the-wool bred in the bone antediluvian antique incumbent firsthand direct forced nonelective peremptory transcendental sublime categorical physical inexpungible connected autochthonic primigenial autochthonous notable obvious marked strongest unmediated resident unalienable inward genetic fixed individual integrated appropriate compulsatory strategic operative keynote empyrean empyreal maximum wanted desired preferred proper binding incumbent on momentous name of game specified exigent recommended ingrown heavy underlined bog-standard unacquired at the heart of emotional normal typical regular earth-shattering life-or-death moving weighty intrusive arrestive projecting pertinent protruding famous jutting relevant obtrusive impressive much needed world-shaking name-of-the-game in the family coal-and-ice second-to-none arresting heartfelt composite ingredient formative fractional divisional viscerous interior factorial combinative partial part knee-jerk constituting far-reaching grave considerable superior determining eminent best heavyweight deciding earnest of consequence historic portentous illustrious powerful solemn severe life and death top-tier big-time somber sombre of moment sober conclusive final biggest of great importance unsurpassed monumental sedate staid no joke no laughing matter of great import of significance distinguished settling authoritative consummate heavy-duty humourless humorless champion dire top-ranking preponderant transcendent peerless no-nonsense matchless unequaled big deal determinative eventful governing ascendant incomparable top-notch predominate unequalled telling major league major-league apex renowned stellar celebrated top-drawer elite respected star esteemed high-level noble fateful top-priority epoch-making instrumental imperious well-known noted superlative unrivaled defining unrivalled high-ranking largest regnant unparalleled directing intense of greatest importance valuable highly regarded germane big league uncomic climacteric top-level prestigious premium worthwhile seminal especial honoured effective appreciable ponderous applicable mighty first-rate reputable surpassing unsurpassable reigning dominating almighty inimitable invaluable honored large-scale No. 1 of prime importance apposite tough big-league now or never apropos second to none high-powered elevated finest exalted apocalyptic useful dignified pointed large helpful imposing regal respectable clear revered venerable potent acclaimed desperate sizable special responsible guiding fatal certain unprecedented high-profile exemplary official famed earth-shaking importunate super better exceptional of note crack select good towering larger greater clamant crying emergent honorable honourable headmost ranking world-shattering total lofty admired unconditional life-changing of supreme importance first and foremost industry leading first-class perfect difficult serviceable unbeatable nonpareil emphatic well known extensive best possible dynamic topflight top-class a cut above the rest top drawer tectonic earthshaking hard puissant very important well thought of worth its weight in gold high profile hefty of the first rank high-up king mainstream accomplished expert finished everything excellent unmatchable comprehensive executive mainline trusted initiative favoured favored chosen successful winning definite forceful climactic unlimited all-embracing all-encompassing superseding of greatest significance intervening fitting trenchant crowning opening landmark most royal decided incisive apt front unmatched infinite unrestricted unrestrained unbounded boundless recognized storied irrevocable untouchable crisp settled high priority richest optimal peak super colossal mammoth A-number-1 A-1 inaugural imperial full kingly utter indicative business-critical mission-critical of high standing big time skookum decision-making notorious feted relative record ill-fated doomful unlucky direful inauspicious ominous resultful drastic emergency sore impelling extreme top-rank hotshot primo hotdog lion's share bulkiest majority determinate closing litmus test highest ranking mother of all omnipotent efficacious supervisory all-powerful overpowering arbitrary optimum complete unassailable monarchical monarchal driving terrible parlous iconic appurtenant applicative domineering unexcelled utopian unexampled earthshattering heavy stuff hot stuff concluding clinching monarchial majestic prodigious resonant undefeated unbeaten very great pointful associated energetic glorious stately furthermost overarching sweeping historical formidable recognised public at the cutting edge at the leading edge life-saving testing holding the reins unequivocal searching trying life or death without equal extremely important of great moment of vital importance shaping evaluative top of the line top of the range top-of-the-range par excellence beyond compare record-breaking first class prize-winning number 1 sans pareil august ace world class impactful psychological to the point to the purpose refined patrician aristocratic in the public eye higher bigger elder grievous overshadowing dangerous of concern ad rem sizeable of influence of mark demanding maximal priceless clamorous solid genteel high-class loftiest precious crown constraining instant zenithal apical tiptop posh showdown climatic touchy insistent glum constructive favorable advantageous beneficial practical favourable inestimable highbred gentle huge wellborn highborn upmarket stern inescapable highest-ranking irreplaceable strong extraordinary firm sturdy sound gloomy grim dour profitable choice rare austere touch and go on thin ice hanging by thread clamouring persuasive clamoring requiring irresistible exacting distressing hurry-up obliging heat-on claiming forcing unyielding much durable ample healthy massive quiet downbeat sad treasured handy propitious conducive gainful productive timely rewarding worthy behooveful commodious auspicious beneficent appreciated fruitful meritorious opportune superabundant abundant steady vast cold sober upper-class blue-blooded matter of life and death extremely useful extremely helpful beyond price well born widely praised upper-crust of distinction of help of use of service loved of benefit held dear hot of value of assistance estimable worth it silk-stocking high-born big-deal worthful hot property scarce most important most prominent most influential most illustrious most powerful most significant most skilled most obvious most noticeable most outstanding most excellent


Elementary, simple or merely functional
plain simple straightforward unadorned uncomplicated ordinary unpretentious unsophisticated adequate rudimentary spartan undecorated unfussy unornamented meager meagre minimal modest undeveloped unostentatious bare-bones unembellished without frills rough and ready stripped down cut down bare stark austere restrained uncluttered clean severe spare functional Spartan plain vanilla bald unvarnished unelaborate unpatterned sparse workaday muted minimalist utilitarian clinical penny plain no-frills understated simplistic naked chaste ascetic no-nonsense everyday homespun homely minimum no frills essential discreet bleak honest practical characterless impersonal unfurnished classic patternless crude colourless soulless antiseptic raw dry pure colorless simple-minded bare bones one-dimensional lean moderate conservative unadulterated measly stripped-down monastic subdued fundamental hard frugal cold barren serviceable useful crass economy generic reduced unpresumptuous down-to-earth trim utility institutional humble minimalistic elegant graceful hard-wearing symmetrical streamlined smooth wholesome fresh skeleton natural tasteful exquisite uncomplex inelaborate unrefined acceptable homey unassuming hearty without airs conventional regular shapely definite smallest possible clean-cut well defined homestyle without ornamentation without ornament folksy domestic unaffected familiar cozy cosy indistinctive featureless neutral nondescript beige faceless noncommittal your basic normophilic boring vanilla elementary unexciting rustic pure and simple insipid bland dull


Offering or constituting the minimum required without elaboration or luxury
simple uncomplicated unsophisticated modest plain rudimentary basal elementary nothing straightforward uninvolved lowest minimal starting bottom ground undermost lowest level user friendly user-friendly effortless easy facile painless undemanding unchallenging unexacting clear-cut no sweat breezy easy-peasy piece of cake clear not difficult child's play downhill trouble-free a cinch manageable a snap a breeze a doddle duck soup a bludge as easy as ABC a piece of cake money for jam rudimental money for old rope as easy as falling off a log inconsiderable easy as pie cinch untroublesome unproblematic simple as ABC no problem obvious trivial light easygoing snap idiot-proof a pushover routine a snip apparent not burdensome plain sailing stress-free a piece of old tackle as easy as pie mindless quick direct smooth accessible fluid cheap parsimonious mere ready little evident cushy unambiguous paltry hands-down wieldy pushover picnic royal easy-breezy idiotproof no trouble no bother nothing to it easily done straight comfortable a cakewalk soft a five-finger exercise short self-explanatory easily learnable easeful low-tech easy to learn unfussy down-to-earth untroubled a doss lax unburdensome relaxed uninhibited a snack safe easy-going laid-back leisurely a walk in the park a picnic a gift untaxing moderate bearable tolerable endurable low impact superficial ordinary precise non-complex specific not hard benign tender nonabrasive mellow soothing bland balmy middle-of-the-road attainable perspicuous weightless palpable unmistakable workable unequivocal transparent kids' stuff distinct slight no muss no fuss patent bed of roses open-and-shut yielding manifest


Crudely constructed, typically in a hasty or improvised manner
rough-and-ready crude rough unrefined simple clumsy rude artless primitive unsophisticated makeshift improvised rustic unpretentious homely honest decent downhome extemporaneous kindhearted practical provisional serviceable usable warm rough-hewn jerry-built rough-and-tumble jerry-rigged jury-rigged ad-lib down-to-earth wild-and-woolly thrown together rough and ready plain unpolished homespun cobbled together make-do undeveloped rudimentary austere coarse in the rough unfinished homemade peasant homey inelegant unaffected straightforward uncomplicated spartan roughhewn stopgap uninvolved unspecialized uncomplex sketchy extemporary ad hoc hurried impromptu extempore improvisational unprepared unplanned unpremeditated unrehearsed offhand unstudied offhanded snap off-the-cuff unconsidered spur-of-the-moment down and dirty spontaneous improvisatory unscripted emergency unarranged ad lib temporary expedient on-the-spot extemporal band-aid quick and dirty ad libitum short-term substitute ad interim jury improv pro tem improviso quick-and-dirty off the cuff ersatz pro tempore extemporised extemporized off the top of your head hit-or-miss temp substitutive throwaway informal slapdash impulsive unpracticed spur of the moment from the hip not rehearsed automatic autoschediastic made-up on impulse toss off toss out winging it by ear devised rigged tossed off vamped on the spot improvisatorial played by ear dashed off thrown off candid winged whipped up shot from the hip acting caretaker intervening provisionary provisory fill-in transitional changeover impermanent passing do-it-yourself standby new alternative transient thrown-together interim specified specific special


Having no outstanding characteristics
regular standard usual average typical routine classic common ordinary characteristic commonplace conventional normal unexceptional unremarkable everyday general prosaic regulation stock traditional archetypal archetypical customary staple vanilla prevailing prevalent standardised standardized typic run-of-the-mill common or garden garden-variety standard-issue garden variety set plain bog-standard orthodox representative habitual expected daily popular familiar quotidian established current simple going workaday day-to-day cut-and-dried mainstream cut-and-dry dull stereotypical classical natural unadorned matter-of-course accustomed true universal wonted settled boilerplate canonical fixed one-size-fits-all hackneyed stereotyped overused predictable trite banal formulaic unoriginal derivative overworked tired platitudinous corny hacky formal ready-made readily available well worn worn-out worn out old hat widely available undistinguished mundane humdrum middle-of-the-road characterless colourless forgettable nondescript unmemorable middling so-so mediocre boring uneventful indifferent uninspired uninteresting uninspiring pedestrian lacklustre unimpressive lackluster bland OK tame fair run-of-the-mine second-rate passable run-of-mine medium second-class ornery half-pie nothing to get excited about no great shakes nothing special intermediate middle of the road a dime a dozen no-frills plain vanilla colorless fair to middling nothing to write home about not up to much stale unexciting flat tedious monotonous vapid unimaginative dreary insipid drab dry wearisome jejune tiresome lifeless ho-hum clichéd bromidic tolerable threadbare old mind-numbing stodgy timeworn well-worn adequate slow ponderous arid fair-to-middling leaden hack stupid played out blah cornball numbing stuffy jading monochromatic shopworn moderate tiring wearying heavy drudging dusty musty moth-eaten unvaried time-worn frequent spiritless weary not so hot decent ubiquitous fairish hokey cliché sterile repetitious familiar tune warmed-over modest worn nothing anaemic bathetic amateur amateurish okay unnoteworthy overdone repetitive inferior household unvarying insignificant cliched truistic anemic drained used-up chain exhausted mildewed all right featureless not much cop unpretentious acceptable dull as dishwater barren dime-store accepted satisfactory plodding not bad unexceptionable ho hum respectable obligatory hackney cliche homespun wishy-washy stereotypic platitudinal run of the mill garden lame vacuous inoffensive mean generic hoary cobwebby unstimulating widespread serviceable limp good unobjectionable sufficient feeble bloodless homely torpid antiquated banausic nowhere obsolete pabulum inconspicuous dead samey ten a penny dry as dust good enough lacking variety weak recognized unchanging par for the course draggy recognised lustreless lowly matter-of-fact presentable uncreative innocuous not very good public unanimated zestless fairly good inane antiseptic neutral prosy reasonable cliché-ridden dim zero deadly dime-a-dozen fine unadventurous dullsville bog standard goodish dreich anodyne white-bread weariful bush-league pretty good proverbial domestic outdated outmoded poor majority O.K. overall monochrome terrestrial gray grey nitty-gritty sufficiently good moderately good defunct out of date monotone square big yawn milk-and-water derived watery plastic soporific lacking variation mechanical pervasive humble time-honoured acknowledged as dry as dust chronic inconsequential out of the ark allowable admissible plebeian pallid unspectacular mild practical nothing out of the ordinary harmless meh unrelieved out-of-date family anonymous old-hat tripe non-stimulating irksome not too bad warmed-up yawn imitative archaic soul-destroying passionless tidy casual informal dull as ditchwater uninventive unimportant ruling listless muted indistinctive trivial pointless immaterial soulless jake passé received comfortable desolate empty suburban treadmill unromantic namby-pamby two a penny unentertaining stiff unenjoyable paltry fatiguing apathetic competent yawnsome rife of no consequence rampant endemic lacking excitement lacking interest shared prolix prescriptive commensurate proper midway dragging up to standard midsized native median up to scratch sufficing time-honored midsize middle off-the-shelf past their sell-by date inconsiderable prescribed menial discreet straightforward usual thing long-winded enough diurnal businesslike in-between unartistic workday old-fashioned quiet of poor quality unaspiring unambitious toneless uniform ineffective silly extinct extensive fair enough peaceful gentle unoffending indecisive unfateful noneventful inconclusive lusterless actual practicable clean diddly prose antediluvian dumb cornfed facile noplace superannuated mindless unimpressed unmoved heavy-handed wooden vieux jeu blending into the background whitebread bleak dowdy periodic formalistic minimal annoying irritating unlively unpassioned unspirited unnoticeable laborious constant half-hearted inadequate plain-Jane unextraordinary scheduled vexatious boresome no big deal phoned in antwacky superabundant boiled down without punch diluted halfhearted safe familial without variety cut and dried fuddy-duddy overlong mimetic plenty nothing to shout about able cromulent deadening raw dispiriting wintry wintery oppressive downcast sorrowful damp windy seasonal methodical matter-of- fact numerous in use ongoing cheap and commonplace collective crude meagre simplistic meager grind sombre somber monotonic all the same recurrent sing-song reiterated samely unchanged expressionless deadpan blank considerable repeated known limited driveling beige fatuous tenuous soft drivelling nebbish slight subdued mimic admitted domiciliary pervading predominant enervating interminable deadly dull depressing endless long-drawn-out dismal mortal exhausting poky snooze generous abundant significant appreciable marked noticeable goodly sizable worthwhile substantial sizeable biggish useless inert static faceless noncommittal sluggish prototypical well established vulgar acquired honoured widely held honored livable unimpeachable of little importance irrelevant of no importance whatever of little consequence meaningless not worth mentioning piddling of no great concern of no account worthless well-known acquainted flat as pancake puts one to sleep apish prototypal model ideal presentational quintessential signature broad effete mawkish fetid past bent foetid yesterday's out unsophisticated homey home obvious starch confirmed common variety well known recognisable recurring recognizable slavish random neither one thing nor the other non-specific across the board par halfway medial central midmost intermediary medium-sized mediate mid middle-sized boiler plate undistinctive gone off played-out old-chestnut old-saw epigonous epigonic ample better than nothing like a dinosaur waterish flavorless wimpy unappealing sapless flavourless nerdy favourite favorite canned outclassed déclassé to be expected only to be expected foreseeable in character indicative inherent steady symptomatic emblematic consistent distinguishing … all over true to type true to form in keeping distinctive anticipated likely individualistic unsurprising idiosyncratic foreseen on the cards reliable automatic methodic rigid emulative systematic turgid imperfect sorry poorer low-grade low-quality shabby worse lousy sad bad substandard junk wretched lemon tawdry low-rent good-for-nothing base two-bit traditionary off-the-rack bought mass-produced store-bought store off-the-peg ritual proven suitable staid appropriate agreeable ceremonial ritualistic solid alright fit palatable sound tried and true doctrinal taken for granted conformist sanctioned widely used rooted tried and tested immemorial valid fitting convenient correct up to the mark assuaging swell up to snuff kosher snug quite good in order up to par assuasive appeasing pleasant completely understandable A-OK totally fine most common


Implanted or firmly established
deep-seated deep-rooted entrenched deep firm fundamental inveterate profound settled bred-in-the-bone built-in confirmed dyed-in-the-wool established hard-core inbuilt ineradicable ingrained intrenched irremovable persistent radical rooted secure unshakeable abiding chronic fixed habitual inborn inbred inherent innate lingering long-lasting longstanding longtime subconscious well established deep down deeply felt lodged in one's brain endemic enduring stubborn incurable lasting obstinate long-established long-standing accustomed lifelong habituated set continuing hardened constant persisting perennial seasoned firmly established continual unyielding ceaseless indelible tenacious ever-present continuous permanent long-lived usual proved hard-shell staid inured recurrent recurring unabating staunch diehard steadfast accepted routine unmitigated uncompromising deep-dyed ineffaceable protracted dedicated irradicable committed deep-set worn valid implanted indestructible die-hard devoted faithful extreme incorrigible unfading true through and through rigid unforgettable well-established prolonged embedded intransigent congenital irredeemable imperishable fast hard-line obsessive inextirpable sustained explicit compulsive complete resolute thorough unshakable thoroughgoing out-and-out loyal unwavering true blue unapologetic unashamed haunting card-carrying through-and-through inexorable instilled undestroyable infixed immutable out and out unremovable unchangeable full-fledged deeply ingrained deep-down long-l instinctive intrinsic gut long-drawn-out driven in slow dragging resistant remaining val grounded inannihilable dug in fortified set firm spun-out drawn-out based on serious incessant devout fiery torrid ardent sicker fervent all-consuming earnest vehement definite unreformable fanatical bona fide stalwart supreme red-hot zealous wholehearted impenitent severe inerasable memorable obsessional inexpungible unexpungeable unending acute dangerous driven irresistible alarming dire grave impulsive uncontrollable rememberable not to be forgotten unerasable stirring never to be forgotten never-ending indurated old sworn adamant radicated customary besetting prevalent obscene pornographic X-rated absolute utter determined unwaivering unswerving unrepentant full-bore unfaltering right-down arrant to the core keen as mustard mad keen genuine


Describing rocks, such as silicate minerals, magmas, and volcanic and intrusive igneous rocks, which contain relatively high concentrations of magnesium and iron


Restricted or low in amount or extent
limited restricted finite inadequate slight insufficient minimal short small deficient insubstantial lean little meager meagre paltry poor scanty sparse tiny circumscribed defined definite determinate measured miserly patchy rudimentary sketchy scant unsatisfactory diminished faulty imperfect incomplete ineffectual in short supply mean partial reduced set negligible exiguous skimpy scarce measly modest piddling low stingy pathetic slender inconsiderable miserable lacking pitiful thin trifling spare sparing wanting insignificant narrow slim beggarly inappreciable shy not enough trivial nominal skimp light derisory too little puny mingy failing hand-to-mouth rare bounded petty at a premium lamentable minor thin on the ground inferior bare scrimpy base hard to come by defective inconsequential unimportant few lousy too few minimum few and far between lowly piffling shabby tight hard to find picayune marginal delimited subnormal sporadic infrequent bereft ungenerous minute disappointing occasional ordinary scattered nugatory substandard confined weak piddly incommensurate uncommon destitute fractional pitiable demarcated shoddy too small worthless like gold dust not to be had less not to be had for love nor money fixed average terminable mediocre lesser diminutive missing feeble tenuous inefficient ineffective infinitesimal low on short on flawed depleted bitty unsubstantial niggling poxy barely sufficient impotent token wretched middling dry drained hopeless straggling imperceptible unfinished short of junk flimsy unproductive devoid unfrequent needed not good enough dinky below par minus incompetent shortened seldom met with low in numbers seldom seen too little too late moderate checked incidental frugal little or no hardly any exhaustible stipulated thinning unambitious little bitty smallish unsufficient scrimp basal scrubby thinly distributed dispersed close small-scale unqualified next to none next to no unfitted incapable unample laughable lame unaspiring unimposing unexceptional coming up short sorry parsimonious stunted barren unconsiderable truncated threatened woeful seldom shoestring sad insipid semioccasional not making it not hacking it strapped for pushed for stinted out of toytown footling pimping no-account chicken peanut mere with an insufficiency of twopenny-halfpenny nickel-and-dime trashy common sleazy de minimis unconsequential Mickey Mouse unusual bad bush-league suboptimal subpar unsound smaller lower seldom found abject unsuitable widely spaced in the minority out of the ordinary secondary unsatisfying unacceptable definable impaired awful execrable dismal appalling atrocious deplorable dreadful abysmal dire terrible diabolical short-handed subordinate absent second-rate conditioned unrefined needing unpolished not up to standard bodger not acceptable rubbish rotten low-grade dissatisfactory slighter junior fewer contemptible omitted empty cooked gone away unfulfilled bankrupt deprived half-baked under-strength ill-suited unfit useless inappropriate inefficacious unsuited predictable predetermined bound exact precise not infinite specific not up to scratch not up to par burned out not up to expectations out of gas in default leaving much to be desired cut off not much cop scarcer than hen's teeth below standard not as great negative not so much depressed not so great declined not proper improper incompatible broken powerless unable unadvantageous inapt futile inconsistent no good subject to limitations


Plain, unembellished and straight to the point, often uncomfortably so
stark plain simple bald straightforward blunt brutal direct frank honest unadorned unambiguous unembellished unequivocal bare barefaced candid complete naked real straight transparent unvarnished blatant brazen forthright grim harsh open plainspoken unconcealed unfeigned unguarded unreserved unsparing unstinting upfront upright plain-spoken flat-out matter-of-fact no-nonsense undisguised outspoken unqualified explicit downright realistic unexaggerated unveiled straight from the shoulder truthful warts and all true to life hard-hitting patent plain vanilla unornamented undecorated uncompromising severe outright palpable flagrant rude out-and-out raw genuine exact sincere literal guileless clear uninhibited heartless natural forthcoming total overt unmistakable manifest evident for real open and shut up-front free-spoken bare-faced austere obvious unflinching graphic unsentimental unromantic apparent worn patchy threadbare glaring unmitigated bluff artless unadulterated pure sheer brusque gritty abrupt curt unceremonious short undiplomatic sharp indelicate terse point-blank gruff crisp caustic snippy trenchant impolite to the point brusk short-spoken tactless crusty uncivil unpolished discourteous snappy brief pulling no punches not beating about the bush not mincing one's words straight-talking calling a spade a spade straight-shooting speaking one's mind openhearted round freehearted foursquare out-front free up front not afraid to call a spade a spade bold ingenuous unfiltered aboveboard on the level plain-speaking on the up and up like it is authentic categorical fundamental unmodified vocal unprejudiced unbiased unpretended frontal parrhesiastic hard not pulling any punches right up front telling it like it is talking turkey cold undissembled plain-dealing pretenseless right-on dinkum on the square two-fisted level laid on the line undissembling honest-to-goodness straight-arrow square-shooting unrestricted easy familiar naive scrupulous heart-to-heart lay it on the line call a spade a spade saying what one thinks from the hip


Lacking depth or substance
one-dimensional superficial shallow depthless flat simplistic casual empty frivolous glib slapdash trivial facile passing cosmetic flimsy generic lightweight silly sketchy smattery skin-deep half-baked lacking in depth simple-minded meaningless hollow flippant surface-level without depth empty-headed artificial oversimplified cursory thoughtless schematic crude crass inconsequential unimportant unsophisticated trifling unscholarly simple frothy ignorant wishy-washy surface vain foolish unthinking petty farcical puerile featherbrained piddling inane paltry uncritical unintelligent flighty insubstantial oversimple naive black and white slick pat bubblegum dime-store trite lazy flip jejune slight insignificant minor negligible small inconsiderable niggling incidental footling fiddling nugatory nickel-and-dime measly nominal piffling minute little worthless Mickey Mouse valueless picayune light perfunctory piddly desultory peanut pimping small-fry chicken no-account token of little account de minimis pettifogging irrelevant of no consequence of no account penny-ante small-bore hasty hurried brief summary pointless immaterial rapid idle tiny quick minuscule inappreciable marginal short derisory pitiful pathetic mingy inessential ignorable poxy exiguous inferior contemptible lower junior twopenny-halfpenny of little consequence lesser secondary subordinate not worth mentioning scratch of little importance base cheap inconsequent two-bit shoestring not worth bothering about feather-brained peripheral time-wasting impractical meager childish condensed potty meagre vague faint unessential external hardly worth mentioning of no importance unimaginative overly simplified beggarly outward small-time formulaic graphic formularized shabby unconsiderable apparent on the surface glancing on the outside careless offhand undemanding inattentive half-hearted mechanical uninterested unintellectual precipitous pell-mell routine helter-skelter flying rash overhasty fleeting drive-by rushed gadarene precipitate headlong automatic fast haphazard swift random speedy sloppy featherweight imponderous failing incompetent of no merit hit or miss of no value puny dinky miserable loitering idling vapid insipid banal no big deal no big thing


Humble or lower in rank or status
menial humble lowly unskilled boring degrading low-status base dull mean routine humdrum abject low sorry demeaning fawning servile slavish vile grovelling ignominious inferior low-grade subservient sycophantic blue-collar ignoble obsequious unworthy baseborn common groveling obeisant tedious ingratiating submissive bootlicking self-abasing cringing obedient toadying unctuous craven toadyish slimy brown-nosing soapy sucky compliant deferential arse-licking despicable ass-kissing passive Uriah Heepish docile unresisting meek self-effacing smarmy oleaginous greasy sycophantish oily acquiescent yielding accommodating forelock-tugging excessively deferential apple-polishing beggarly unassertive biddable dutiful duteous truckling spineless subject ductile pliant timid mild subordinate sniveling kowtowing subdued snivelling spiritless resigned lamblike resistless longanimous under the thumb under one's thumb suckholing malleable flattering amenable tractable manageable non-resisting brownnosing complacent parasitical crouching parasitic reverential mealy-mouthed respectful prostrate enslaved stipendiary sneaking compliable patient forbearing degraded contemptible worthless supine nonresisting nonresistant law-abiding soft disciplinable agreeable domesticated comformable pliable conformable obeying governable controllable trainable surrendering obliging teachable amiable giving-in placable bowing down uncomplaining complying tame handleable debased cowering downtrodden sordid reprehensible dancing at one's mercy in one's power at beck and call in one's clutches a slave to in one's pocket shabby detestable dishonourable scungy deplorable humiliated horrible gloomy dejected outcast dishonorable deferent dismal hangdog cringey eating crow eating humble pie regardful polite unprotesting gentle attentive willing complaisant civil courteous considerate thoughtful reverent tolerant mannerly unresistant calm tolerating easy accepting peaceable venerating ready quiet genial following humiliating crawling creeping solicitous gracious awed sequacious chivalrous courtly gallant admiring stoical long-suffering consenting ingratiatory shy cowed unobtrusive demure appreciative fatalistic reconciled philosophical non-resistant sheepish supplicatory assenting acceding cooperative flexible agreeing conforming approving persuadable timorous unambitious hesitant tentative apprehensive fearful enduring adapted well-disposed phlegmatic renouncing cordial satisfied quiescent stoic relinquishing adjusted accommodated well mannered well-mannered persuasible mim self-conscious convincible acquiescing suasible assentive susceptive game easily persuaded well-trained good observant under control tender disciplined pacific serene placid well trained well disciplined mellow devoted loyal honoring faithful sheeplike well-behaved honouring docious hearsome unquestioning moderate warm easy-going soft-hearted unassuming kind forgiving conciliatory warm-hearted compassionate tender-hearted indulgent good-natured modest sensitive sympathetic pleasant tranquil wrapped around finger on a string merciful affable peaceful equable chilled easy-oasy easygoing mild-mannered good-tempered flat good-humoured jejune good-humored vapid smooth forbearant


(usually used in plural form "essentials") A fundamental element or characteristic
essential fundamental rudiment principle first principle foundation preliminary groundwork essence basis standard core value rule cornerstone constituent crux bedrock code doctrine modus operandi tenet criterion dogma ethic sine qua non determinant kernel axiom bottom line fact nitty-gritty practicality reality stipulation golden rule ground rule ABC brass tacks hard fact law marrow meat nub nuts and bolts guts heart precept principium regulation component factor ingredient detail element item aspect facet particular matter root particle material stem part unit piece member section bit portion view hint drop subdivision trace building block feature dimension integrand point module integrant cause theorem coal and ice rock bottom point of departure ABCs part and parcel base truth nucleus keystone bottom postulate theory ground center proposition underpinning truism starting point centre dictum formula given fundamental point footing fundamental principle principal element source premise beginning absolute thrust keynote substance gist authority centerpiece quintessence essentiality infrastructure pith stuff soul lynchpin crown maxim centrepiece main ingredient principal constituent aphorism chief ingredient assumption concept origin gnome certainty support reason attribute apothegm warp seat backbone fountainhead thing fount nexus key basics antecedent rest established fact pivot sum quick net strand nubbin integral part warp and woof meat and potatoes mainstay reg fundamentals adage bylaw rudiments principles statement thesis deduction hypothesis essentials apophthegm donnée saying idea model device proverb moral axioma saw integral making component part makings additive contents fixing innards form verity philosophy proposal lemma conjecture belief prescript genesis accepted truth general truth beginnings motivation motive potential grounding bed start germ wellspring seedbed foot substructure potential for inkling suspicion guiding principle bull's-eye fundament conception seed spark conceit unchanging state of affairs unchanging factor unchanging situation constant consideration characteristic circumstance influence resting place fons et origo dynamic issue quality instrument property instrumentality condition rationale institution roots trait subcomponent means spring medium vehicle organization carrier organisation principal contributing factor determining factor well head important part chief constituent primary element explanation background key component


Something which is required for a given purpose
necessity essential requisite need requirement fundamental necessary prerequisite must condition essentiality exigency essence imperative indispensable needful precondition stipulation vital want demand essential requirement must-have lifeblood vital part indispensable item indispensable thing sine qua non essential item necessary item life or death part and parcel quintessence staple qualification proviso rudiment necessary condition obligation duty criterion postulate provision specification reservation contingency rider clause terms restriction modification constraint catch arrangement strings term article limitation caveat fine print small print codicil exception rule exemption kicker disclaimer desideratum if limit agreement circumscription necessary thing but essential condition obligatory condition amendment restraint complication string addendum adjunct addition supplement alteration revision measure attachment clarification stricture contract settlement engagement uncertainty doubt check fetter designation charge commitment devoir hesitation vagueness non-negotiable point outline prearrangement element exaction prescription compulsion string attached not to be missed supposition stress hope lack of certainty wish lack dream objective ideal denial repudiation disavowal rejection goal aim negation aspiration disallowance contradiction disconfirmation denegation desired thing missing thing needed thing renunciation heart's desire retraction abjuration abnegation disassociation dissociation


The vital part or essence of something
heart core nucleus crux essence root gist kernel nub pith marrow quintessence substance hub meat focus locus nitty-gritty point axis base nexus soul sum belly gut inside keynote net seat bones bosom heartstrings pivot polestar quick bottom line essential part focal point intrinsic nature bull's-eye meat and potatoes inner space sum and substance ground zero coal and ice centre center centerpiece nubbin central point main point most important point upshot centrepiece short stuff crucial point heart of the matter middle gravamen spirit breast blood basis nuts and bolts being foundation matter fundamentals essentiality burden nature interior significance cornerstone quiddity essentials basics thrust bottom innards meaning principle import brass tacks center of attention linchpin main idea centre of attention long and short recesses bowels name of the game body importance guts fiber reality bedrock lifeblood sense fibre virtuality staple inner parts life salient point feelings constitution ethos contents sentiments emotions bone conscience character keystone embodiment highlight depths theme backbone groundwork midst within inner being subconscious tenor ABC topic material central part lining inner self basic principles best part ABCs inner part womb viscera sympathies affections hinge animus entity kingpin drift focus of attention flagship mind underpinning climax mainspring psyche insides target form esse life force idea subject elements internals consequence essentia key feature rudiments details animating spirit moving force main feature high point high spot score fundamental point pride and joy seat of affections timber intrinsicality jewel in the crown pulp principles punch line first principles grammar sine qua non inner area crux of the matter alphabet entrails intestines midpoint cream prime focus point of convergence workings components meat-and-potatoes purport instinct intuition quintessential decisive point internal organs distillation piece bit atom morsel part inwardness ultimate extract zest beginnings direction omphalos butt quintain raison d'être fundamental infrastructure main theme central idea central theme bearing summary force making cynosure standard heart and soul disposition lynchpin footing real meaning true meaning true intention important point creation filling layer seat of one's emotions swivel magnet the long and the short of it dead center home run direct hit crown warp grounding ground general picture ego inmost soul deepest mind inmost heart cockles of the heart inmost mind inner woman heart of hearts mind's core epicenter spotlight persona anima identity hole in one moment meaningfulness anchor vital part bare bones ropes recess personality individuality support basic idea stress validity content power soundness defining characteristic essential element essential feature policy line epergne star mainstay manifestation bull's eye forefront showpiece attraction emphasis nature of the beast concreteness clout warp and woof presence thoughts main event epicentre foundations preliminaries spindle axle prominence magnitude stuffing text question first principle guiding principle pneuma creature organism grain structure element actuality central component representation personification symbol realization realisation incarnation exemplification rules laws cornerstones essential point signification proposition vein aspect quality mass fulcrum rallying point hot spot circumstance moral relevance case consciousness texture self axioms design caliber property calibre attribute germ innermost being viewpoint motif kicker view statement opinion sum total main inner portion inner recesses inner side income outcome determination conclusion loss profit the facts most prominent element centre of interest chief part cold fact chief thing essential details important matter hard fact fundamental nature basic quality inspiration moving spirit élan vital essential nature bulk weight the name of the game fundamental quality basic characteristic inner surface subject matter stimulus chief constituent name of game generality majority total whole brunt seat of the affections line of reasoning most important fact vital spirit strength essentialness be-all and end-all ground rules seat of one's feelings end result end product indispensable content whole story key point last word final decision main thing inner man main ingredients vital fluid vital spark dynamic force essential constituent essential component what it's all about animating force driving force sap substructure chief heft preponderance main part major part principal part lion's share vital signs better part greater part spark of life


A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group
doctrine dogma creed belief canon principle teaching conviction credo precept tenet ideology opinion article concept gospel idealogy maxim philosophy testament idea kaupapa notion theory thesis attitude axiom code convention credenda declaration fundamental guideline implantation inculcation indoctrination instruction policy position propaganda proposition regulation rule statement tradition code of belief set of beliefs article of faith universal law unwritten rule set of guidelines principles beliefs ethic view tenets rules persuasion ideas canons ethics faith law teachings ideals custom standards maxims folklore wisdom mythology lore legend myth legendry culture formula dictum practice axioms guidelines conventions system outlook articles of faith convictions world view saying opinions notions decree statute stance ordinance conception truth edict science sayings prescript postulate decretum mythos scholarship values Weltanschauung fable superstition erudition morals folk-wisdom ideal mores hypothesis school of thought criterion thinking standard traditional wisdom oral tradition motto credence profession order viewpoint assumption traditions command knowledge learning ism orthodoxy direction laws mandate legends set of principles precedent commandment thought experience saga theorem injunction directive dictate tale line enlightenment virtues prescription institute customs superstitions behest mitzvah way proposal principium bidding adage saw code of behavior way of life ethical codes rules of conduct moral beliefs know-how value-system moral principles moral values how-to moral law moral philosophy moral code code of ethics ethical values code of behaviour code of conduct standards of behavior moral standards movement belief system lesson ethos moral views politics stand news message revelation tidings morality deduction credit presumption postulation aphorism catechism self-conviction trust impression say-so myths core value saws stories religion concepts statement of beliefs profession of faith system of belief confession lemma conjecture received wisdom fantasy mythus gospel truth criteria prevailing attitude accepted belief accepted view creeds storeys information letters component of a theory dogmas credos formulae dicta mottos ritual verdict judgement judgment sentiment institution aphorisms mind feeling habit usage praxis routine wont observance ceremony eye slant system of ideas set of ideas principled explanations birthright bill tikanga established practice denomination say so judgment call act enactment ruling approach method style resolution demand covenant working principle byword measure constitution way of thinking school stamp promulgation motion preception action proclamation fiat ratification decalogue pronouncement stipulation diktat value charge pronunciamento notice foundation writ cause requirement understanding reasoning point of view reason equity warrant divestiture garnishment generalization decision generalisation bylaw reg ukase caveat base guide assize exigency ground by-law due process rationale sense logic argument rationality argumentation dialectics aesthetics esthetics truths attitude to life basic idea formal system chain of thought logical thought line of reasoning process of reasoning chain of reasoning

Antonym de acting basic

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