Synonyme de drop charges against


To not subject to punishment or action
let off absolve release free acquit exonerate excuse exempt relieve spare pardon forgive let go find not guilty discharge clear let off the hook exculpate liberate dispense vindicate deliver remit dismiss except amnesty condone reprieve let off easy set free wink at disculpate blink at write off go easy on declare innocent wipe slate clean exclude grandfather shrive find innocent make allowances for whitewash give absolution pass over let up on grant an amnesty to turn a blind eye to make an exception of bury the hatchet make an exception for privilege from emancipate disembarrass grant amnesty wipe off pronounce not guilty grant someone a dispensation grant someone an exemption redeem justify assoil untangle free from blame exclude from give immunity to grant immunity to explain rationalize rationalise grant immunity make excuses for apologize for unguilt take rap for extenuate pass by relieve of give immunity wipe the slate respite loose alleviate allay palliate abate mitigate postpone remit someone's punishment let off this time commute someone's punishment grant a stay of execution to cancel someone's punishment stay grant a stay of execution grant a stay postpone someone's punishment lifeboat bleach wipe it off sanitize sanitise spring wipe the slate clean launder paper over not take into consideration close your eyes to gloze over brush off let pass take no account of suspend charges overpass deliberately ignore gloss over disregard brush aside forget grant a pardon to take no notice of ignore overlook tolerate shrug off disencumber unburden deliver from disburden of free of extricate from rid get rid of save from absolve from resign rescue from disburden exempt from disembarrass of pull disencumber of free from excuse from liberate from release from remove blame unburden of boot out set free from discharge from divest yank let it go accept apology stop feeling malice towards feel no malice towards let bygones be bygones harbour no grudge against feel no resentment towards bear no malice bury the hatchet with turn other cheek not hold something against think no more of forgive and forget bear no malice towards kiss and make up stop feeling resentful towards turn a deaf ear to

Antonym de drop charges against

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