Synonyme de extremely intelligent


Having or showing a reasonable or high level of intellect
clever bright smart quick sharp brilliant acute alert astute penetrating keen apt brainy discerning intellectual knowledgeable perspicacious quick-witted canny genius perceptive thinking wise able gifted ingenious inventive knowing rational resourceful enlightened exceptional fast logical sage sharp-witted talented well-informed precocious profound sagacious scholarly supersmart whip-smart alive calculating capable cerebral comprehending creative deep highbrow hyperintelligent imaginative instructed nimble original quick on the uptake ready responsible sensible together ultrasmart understanding witty whiz all there very smart know how many beans make five having a good head on one's shoulders having no flies on shrewd savvy erudite learned insightful educated on the ball percipient skilful accomplished adroit skilled skillful sapient discriminating expert sophisticated subtle intuitive sensitive deft cultured dexterous academic incisive studious cunning adept dextrous well read lettered observant well-read bookish cultivated experienced proficient piercing thoughtful masterly competent well informed literary well educated nimble-witted quick off the mark informed aware judicious crafty fine artful virtuoso polished razor-sharp versed widely read argute literate crack qualified with it active donnish civilized wily analytical quick-thinking well-educated heads-up rapier-like consummate recondite slick philosophical agile civilised awake clear-sighted prudent critical schooled first-rate serious effective streetwise trenchant foxy eggheaded elite long-headed masterful scholastic attentive good heady clear-eyed tasty watchful practised careful practiced vigilant clear eager master sharp as a tack ace cagey penetrative quick on the trigger trained pedantic conscious refined excellent suss highbrowed esoteric delicate intellective hardheaded pawky sentient handy urbane hard-boiled clerkly acquainted superior elegant sly great wide awake extraordinary amenable docile egghead smooth lively artistic tentie tenty razor-edged knife-like quick on the draw conversant finely honed well versed stellar worldly-wise crackerjack hot first-class scientific wide-awake open-eyed au courant in the know Argus-eyed spirited not born yesterday hotshot au fait on guard top-notch reflective on the lookout on one's toes pithy receptive politic weighty animate familiar exquisite intellectualistic intellectualist intriguing ratiocinative cute innovative geeky teachable illuminated swotty bluestocking powerful nerdish blue nerdy circumspect prompt effectual choice whip abstruse media-savvy sharp-sighted veteran worldly efficient responsive wired heedful sussed wary very intelligent razor-like searching fitted tutored Einstein brisk nobody's fool cognizant phenomenal genial endowed finished not missing a trick well-bred mature prepared whiz kid remarkable well-grounded wizard up-to-date with great knowledge clued up intellectually aware well-taught nifty professional good hands well-versed on your toes bright-eyed and bushy-tailed all ears clued-up on the job class act heads up on the qui vive top-drawer shining at superintelligent foresighted meaty gnostic trainable einstein concise cluey precise sharpened simple apperceptive crisp succinct punchy longhair swift PDQ razor sharp cagy neat quick to learn psychologic fastidious star sprightly mentally keen earnest impractical pedagogical ivory-towerish complex analytic exacting detailed beady hawklike inspired enterprising unprovincial seasoned minute fly no dummy to the point vigorous mercurial curt labored laboured formal book smart cautious innovational elaborate trailblazing innovatory fertile originative Promethean long-haired arcane pioneering superlative superb supreme with your wits about you on top of on the stick clued-in vital apprehensive appropriate specialist hermetic hermetical deviceful keen-witted world-class complete workmanlike bravura compleat professed taught coached provocative gripping stimulating thought-provoking having been around with-it tuned-in solid posted polymath professorial grounded philosophic well-rounded omniscient sound solemn grave studied pansophic class fit nurtured acroamatic occult orphic secret outstanding smart as a whip abreast absorbed engrossed probing facile magnificent up formed developed corrected initiated shaped enriched magisterial acuminous wicked slippery discreet frugal hep highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly qualified out of this world cut out for having a knack for extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly trained big league impressive dynamic ultraefficient thinking outside the box accurate exact suitable sharp-eyed dynamite cosmopolitan full of insight street-smart street smart feasible having smarts forward suited equal adequate as sharp as a tack having fancy footwork living well versed mindful eagle-eyed showing great knowledge riveting heavy captivating interesting heavyweight absorbing classical fascinating switched-on in the loop at home easy effortless equipped live keen-eyed suave killer useable serviceable working realizable realisable hyperefficient usable practicable smart as a tack knowing how many beans make five strong worthy breathing genned up debonair hawk-eyed concentrating with all one's wits about one svelte stylish cool regardful focused beady-eyed practical reliable have the goods top-hole ahead of one's peers out of the ordinary have smarts old beyond one's years got it advanced for one's age genteel top-shelf chic jet-set classy citified blasé highly endowed polite obscure mondaine into surveying deducing correct considering intentive interested advertent discovering detecting contemplating questioning focussed observative with eyes like a hawk worldly wise been around world-weary tasteful courteous up to it up to snuff know the ropes up to speed know one's onions know backwards and forwards sensate feeling mannerly advanced couth wise up gallant wakeful liberal chivalrous tolerant appreciative esthetic savant distingue traveled arty self-aware capable of feeling flesh-and-blood aesthetic travelled hip high-class jazzed artistically aware blue-stocking with good taste psyched up on tiptoe on the alert switched on fast on the draw reasonable well-advised reasoned levelheaded commonsensical justified contemplative realistic commonsense well advised commonsensible well-founded well reasoned sober just pragmatic objective coherent cogent firm considered sane valid level-headed well-reasoned well thought out deep-thinking common-sense gracious strategic desirable tactical cogitative well judged expedient lucid well mannered deductive impeccable hard farsighted down-to-earth considerate deliberate well-judged well grounded well schooled adult dependable congruent grown-up astucious unidealistic matter-of-fact straight joined-up with both feet on the ground hard-headed deliberated introspective musing museful ruminative meditative reflecting pondering measured pensive tactful balanced diplomatic courtly satisfying dinkum civil satisfactory apprised advisable decent estimable selfish materialistic grasping gentlemanly worldly-minded avaricious greedy covetous distinguished witting versant judgmatical judgmatic ladylike majestic disenchanted callous hardened well versed in the ways of the world uptown self-centered power-loving mondain unprincipled opportunistic self-centred efficacious genuine stately seemly seasonable thorough judicial graceful ware observing well balanced handsome sublime plausible justifiable veridical faultless synthetic credible infallible trustable reasoning collected unquestionable certain veracious high-brow high-minded well bred well-mannered selective errorless sure proven corroborated colorable meticulous rigorous substantiated truthful sincere secure inerrant confirmed validated verified supportable tenable sustainable certified defensible empirical maintainable cognitive open definite defendable calculable explicit stringent empiric insighted well-thought-out dead-on on-target letter-perfect spot-on clear-cut


Clever in surreptitious behavior
cunning conniving devious shrewd artful crafty savvy shady shifty sly beguiling canny clever guileful Machiavellian scheming sneaky slick tricky wily cagey cute foxy cagy pawky as sharp as a tack sharp astute calculating smart designing ingenious subtle streetwise smooth slippery dodgy perceptive wise keen sharp-witted disingenuous fly knowing slim deceitful duplicitous discerning dishonest quick-witted acute street smart experienced on the ball deep discriminating underhand heady resourceful deceptive street-smart vulpine adroit judicious sagacious sensible perspicacious insidious carny sage brainy sapient alert argute hardheaded manipulative farsighted cheating unscrupulous politic clear-sighted clear-eyed hard-boiled deft heads-up long-headed media-savvy skillful skilful far-seeing hardened in the know seasoned shonky worldly dexterous dextrous underhanded quick whip-smart plotting inventive imaginative fiendish fraudulent untrustworthy dirty double-dealing masterly adept intriguing snide contriving cautious proficient evasive greasy treacherous misleading delusory delusive witted wry tricksy Janus-faced circumspect wary safe careful premeditating crazy like fox gingerly chary discreet considerate guarded prudent insightful observant profound suss accurate probing shark astucious inside calculated wised up on the inside up on on top of crooked false two-faced dishonourable unprincipled bent dishonorable corrupt unethical dubious perfidious lying furtive two-timing sneaking untruthful insincere dissembling rogue deceiving disreputable mendacious indirect stealthy fast roguish unfair criminal immoral hollow-hearted swindling unreliable double-crossing knavish secret elusive surreptitious clandestine hypocritical traitorous amoral illegal questionable covert unlawful defrauding villainous secretive conspiratorial oblique fishy faithless unfaithful fly-by-night double-faced false-hearted undependable nefarious illusory snidey counterfeit bluffing truthless disloyal wrong venal malfeasant iffy under the table backstairs unjust hidden fallacious spurious suspicious collusive ambiguous rascally not to be trusted mock equivocal puzzling corruptible untrue hugger-mugger hole-and-corner murky Punic dissimulating phoney grafting fake phony buyable dirty-dealing wicked scandalous evil fibbing reprobate dicey undercover unsportsmanlike unsporting private not to be depended on fair-weather not dependable underground shameless mean stealth arch captious privy low conspiring sneak iniquitous sinister below the belt suspect trick pseudo sham errant black unctuous unconscionable recreant sophistical equivocating slinking skulking dangerous corrupted feigned backhanded cutthroat cloaked scoundrelly back-alley cloak-and-dagger casuistic low-down mercenary perplexing suborned prevaricating casuistical bribable irresponsible elusory seedy vague fickle catchy hush-hush crazy like a fox behind-the-scenes pretended sketchy lawless malicious obscure inglorious stonewalling rotten of dubious character potentially illegal back-stabbing leery nifty shrewdness stinky colluding shrouded veiled mean-spirited impish mischievous heedful caballing bogus bootleg perilous ensnaring wormlike snaky slimy obliquitous erring gimmicky like a snake in the grass cynical unveracious unhonest irregular ambidextrous intentionally misleading ruthless uncandid incorrigible illicit opportunist unfrank deviant playing politics put on playing games under the counter unregenerate opportunistic wayward raffish not candid not frank faking one out not straightforward expedient not entirely truthful terminologically inexact untrusty forsworn plausible rascal off bum seeming serpentine imposturous economical with the truth not trustworthy bamboozling falsified forged imitation fink trustless degenerate left- handed sinful dissolute against the law neat sly like a fox masked base unsafe abandoned profligate jive mealymouthed artificial double mealy wanton shameful discreditable bad disguised felonious treasonable creepy backstabbing licentious profiteering doubtful treasonous subversive seditious sordid Pecksniffian lip rebellious renegade cloak and dagger under wraps under-the-table behind someone's back sub-rosa hole and corner foul extortionate open leading apostate mutinous ignoble double dealing phony-baloney phoney-baloney left-handed unprofessional gone to the dogs fast and loose on the take inconstant breakaway specious cowardly misrepresenting perjurious perjured inventing misstating committing perjury falsifying conscienceless yellow dastardly unloyal betraying praetorian loaded fugitive snake in the grass inaccurate deluding distorted baffling indeterminate cryptic unclear shuffling indefinite inexplicit inexact imprecise indistinct confusing enigmatic roundabout gnomic misrepresentative unstraightforward circumlocutory circuitous bewildering distracting mistakable demagogic confounding intangible periphrastic Delphic noncommittal difficult to track down difficult to find always on the move difficult to catch unspecific oracular fugacious transient indescribable phantom shy incomprehensible fleeting imponderable transitory occult insubstantial tenuous volatile mysterious abstract evanescent non-committal hoodwinking backbiting untrusted


(especially in conduct or speech) Exhibiting good judgment and restraint
wise judicious prudent shrewd reasonable sensible astute expedient logical practical pragmatic smart sound advisable strategic circumspect commonsensical considered discerning discreet politic provident sagacious sage savvy tactical thoughtful vigilant common-sense healthy insightful judgmatic judgmatical levelheaded level-headed sapient well advised well-advised well judged well thought out worldly-wise rational informed knowing reasoned analytical cogent valid good discriminating perceptive coherent sober well-founded intellectual lucid enlightened justified analytic sharp realistic firm commonsense well-thought-out solid perspicacious sane careful thinking canny cerebral clever just clear objective commonsensible percipient plausible well-reasoned learned reflective reasoning hard cognitive ratiocinative calculating fair knowledgeable together compelling grounded justifiable well reasoned educated convincing legit consequent telling well-grounded consistent erudite scholarly intuitive pertinent clear-cut down-to-earth profound contemplative matter-of-fact methodical studious farsighted well-informed deliberate keen philosophic legitimate congruent kosher efficacious balanced tactful obvious well-organized relevant experienced foresighted cautious thought-out desirable diplomatic reliable acute argute measured full of insight wary studied cogitative considerate credible attentive aware conservative moderate safe tenable brainy effective deductive controlled systematic joined-up rigorous temperate thought through precise philosophical showing great knowledge with great knowledge strong proven cool all there exact accurate infallible persuasive unmistakable powerful coercive having all one's marbles organized influential indubitable incisive well grounded thorough full of common sense effectual weighty forceful urgent impressive authoritative categorical assured in one's right mind organised trenchant clear-sighted conclusive unequivocal well organized well-defined hard-headed extensional juridicious holding water deducible subtle perspicuous germane necessary inferential holding together mental penetrating conceptual deep graceful thoughty responsible understanding cunning no-nonsense well informed serious-minded mature stable steady deliberated normal conversant skilful pawky calculated unidealistic detail oriented proportional symmetrical well-proportioned well-adjusted straight au courant well-expressed well-presented seemly seasonable skillful sophisticated judicial well presented well-structured articulate well expressed plain contemplated aforethought well-judged harmonious mentally stable cognizant steady-going investigated premeditated weighed examined advised determined quick-witted dependable clear-eyed heads-up long-headed computed prepense with both feet on the ground well-established regulated orderly well-balanced material definitive satisfying evident formidable great crystalline forcible ordered mathematical scientific veridical faultless synthetic trustable collected unquestionable certain veracious trustworthy incontestable unambiguous decided undisputed ingenious emphatic distinct well chosen thought-through thought-about introspective earnest musing museful ruminative meditative reflecting pondering deep-thinking pensive solemn grave errorless sure corroborated colorable meticulous substantiated truthful sincere impeccable secure inerrant confirmed validated verified straight-thinking supportable sustainable certified defensible empirical maintainable open definite defendable calculable explicit stringent empiric equitable recognized fly faithful canonical true reputable sanctioned significant recognised orthodox acceptable decent impartial believable viable understandable dead-on on-target letter-perfect spot-on legal tried-and-true guarded restrained unprejudiced feasible heedful chary unexcessive right admissible making sense unbiased standing to reason unextreme alert evenhanded fair-minded watchful salient open to reason observant cagey based on good sense gingerly delicate reserved precautious civil noncommittal awake softly-softly kid-glove on lookout having foresight not rash most likely


Funny and clever
witty funny humorous amusing comical droll comic jocular facetious chucklesome entertaining waggish diverting whimsical jocose ridiculous clever lively bright gay slapstick brilliant smart joshing sparkling screaming scintillating crazy sharp quick campy fanciful keen original penetrating ingenious epigrammatic piquant piercing sharp-witted quick-witted hilarious laughable mirthful risible merry farcical ludicrous sidesplitting jolly uproarious playful humoristic comedic hysteric light-hearted wacky side-splitting rib-tickling hysterical riotous killing jokey cheerful priceless joking antic tongue-in-cheek sportive silly zany mischievous absurd camp blithe lighthearted pleasant jesting good-humored flippant good-humoured frolicsome frivolous roguish fun gelastic animated jovial vivacious high-spirited teasing jocund flip impish puckish goofy eccentric rich enjoyable glib riot sunny bantering gleeful snappy ebullient delightful blithesome pleasing bubbly engaging effervescent ludic joyous boffo rollicking wry preposterous a scream odd flaky light hysterically funny in jest in fun for grins slaphappy flakey unusual fantastic ironic exciting scream dazzling stimulating bizarre inane arch vibrant festive scampish leprechaunish rascally knavish interesting coruscating cheery exhilarating beguiling happy pleasurable invigorating jaunty agreeable clownish spirited daffy quaint satirical sprightly laughing wisecracking fascinating unserious killingly funny quirky too funny for words fun-filled a hoot a laugh envigorating dry nutty tongue in cheek gagged up off-the-wall derisory flighty quizzical not serious putting one on pulling one's leg har-har mocking boisterous noisy rowdy madcap lightweight stupid pixieish tricksy pixy pixie prankish sly devilish wicked elvish irreverent ribald custard-pie foolish kittenish clowning gamesome recreative screamingly funny childish nimble-witted radiant comedical trivial trifling derisible oddball highbrowed tactful knee-slapper recreational a barrel of laughs nonsensical derisive asinine gas crack-up laffer joyful buoyant snazzy smart-aleck smart-alecky cutting quick on the draw quick on the uptake chipper upbeat chirpy glad appealing captivating capering loony jerky fool dippy fool-headed batty gump dizzy screwy goofus a card a caution intriguing riveting compelling absorbing profound racy unsatisfactory inadequate embarrassing pitiful unimpressive daft fool around crazy shtick Mickey Mouse joculous breezy carefree escapist fantasy distracting relaxing laugh-a-minute off the wall genial funny ha-ha ha-ha funny bouncy perky optimistic untroubled positive curious insouciant peculiar queer happy-go-lucky in good spirits easy-going free and easy weird freakish singular offbeat idiosyncratic capricious unconventional outlandish glittering chimerical dotty fantastical crotchety freaky enchanting glimmering glinting dicey uncertain kinky old-fashioned imaginative random creative chancy arbitrary charming cheering gratifying novel gladdening gut-busting cut up exuberant gladsome fun-loving convivial in high spirits peppy jubilant elated airy zippy smiling without a care in the world sparky euphoric grinning cock-a-hoop unworried smiley peart larking full of beans full of the joys of spring of good cheer frisky pleased exultant ecstatic content hopeful zingy boon winsome bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of vim and vigour delighted overjoyed coltish amused gratified contented blissful thrilled jumping grooving festal rocking skittish exhilarated wanton beaming elfish larky fay sportful eupeptic lightsome canty friendly frolicky over the moon perk frolic Pickwickian full of hope good-natured lots of laughs as merry as a grig for a laugh bright and breezy triumphant laughter-filled rejoicing warm excited exalted smug gloating stoked chaffing jollying outgoing rosy benign espiègle unconstrained rip-roaring mad saturnalian zappy wild flirtatious full of life as lively as a grig beatific cordial affable sunbeamy debonair satisfied frolicking romping as a joke to tease easygoing unthinking amiable rapturous tickled chuffed full of fun game wrapped thankful wonderful heartening heartwarming blessed vigorous on cloud nine on cloud seven beside oneself with joy on top of the world celebratory hearty holiday carnival Christmassy gala backslapping decorated carnivalesque swinging feastly feastful back-slapping good-time go-go juiced up

Antonym de extremely intelligent

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