Synonyme de field of inquiry


A branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education
discipline field area domain sphere subject business department realm speciality specialty arena circle line topic walk bailiwick barony course curriculum element firmament province terrain theme exercise fief fiefdom method practice branch of knowledge field of study front game kingdom mastery precinct subject matter area of study branch of learning course of study specialist subject demesne territory orbit sector jurisdiction dominion vocation zone occupation capacity world calling turf scope work métier activity profession job sphere of influence thing racket area of interest function section walk of life trade scene specialization sphere of activity preserve line of work purview metier branch career concern employment specialism region pursuit specialisation station forte area of activity line of business milieu interest compass pigeon avocation post craft neck of the woods responsibility environment study duty society charge part authority role affair division position niche sphere of interest area of responsibility area of knowledge universe range office bag class slot line of country skill area of expertise day job manor seigniory medium compartment turfdom breadth market side beat operation life ambit stage branch of study aspect task theatre forum industry system rank margin subfield confines pale person's calling baby battlefield battleground extent stratum remit status engagement enterprise school field of influence area of power sphere of study administration berth classification spot incumbency assignment group living service handicraft situation bubble sport patch lists area of influence proceeding undertaking pursuits matters neighbourhood state radius neighborhood expanse place ground dimension handcraft art way theater handiwork employ grip faculty stomping grounds chosen work rat race line of employment worry sphere of action area of conflict field of conflict tier county champaign shire tract prefecture gift mission knack inclination genius flair strong suit aptitude ability bent disposition talent leaning land district stretch belt property livelihood quarter plot lot parcel category dodge estate nine-to-five acreage clearing sweep block plat subdivision lay parts space neck allotment locality corridor band empire gig lifework life's work bracket tract of land day gig portion country spread enclave lands obligation colony holding piece vicinity corner limits reach type do order what one is into area of land open space daily grind categorization setting matter grouping site span variety set genre family right cast problem locale purpose prerogative circuit lookout onus segment regime burden footprint ward biz dominions real estate billet commitment stint township contract hang play swindle field of work piece of ground means of livelihood open area piece of land neck of woods inclusion caste area of research question pigeonhole arm comprehension culture field of expertise chosen career frame context expertise competency competence experience skillset privilege subset background backdrop affairs go area of concern labor labour schtick layer life work tillage moral obligation span of control setup enclosure sphere of operations dependency possession protectorate grade field of interest dealing patronage custom contracting hiring means of earning one's living recruitment swathe lick grindstone moonlight appointment location community commercial enterprise posting soil nation town end share parish focus erf stand yard homesite venture transaction headache mob wing pitch exclave mandate care empty area unoccupied area city principality square stamping ground funeral doing strip swath amplitude thesis placement field of action place of action plottage frontage home park long suit entanglement involvement patch of ground building lot vacancy opening goings-on position of employment connection grind means borough environs constituency suburb ghetto jungle research topic core focal point means of earning a living sort kind inner city stomping ground species dissertation major rule brand style acres realty lifestyle control power command way of life sway influence say listing list breed form heading head character fashion ilk sovereignty landholding grounds fields circumstance genus feather model manner make nature stripe description strain like government governance leadership bounds hegemony regimen homestead plot of land existence mana ascendancy stretch of land spread of land ranch stamp kidney commission supervision domination reign discretion judicature might arbitration magistracy inquisition standard of living routine real property unbuilt land fate manner of living everyday life style of living condition state of play daily life set of circumstances way of living extent of power oyer and terminer


A subject matter or general area of interest
topic issue matter question subject point theme argument concern content discussion field text thesis case concept essence focus gist motif motive proposition subject matter thread affair area business contention division idea item keynote material motion problem proposal resolution thought head leitmotif occasion situation substance talking point theorem moot point bone of contention matter at hand matter in hand matter in question matter of contention point at issue point in question principal object area under discussion field of reference object core study title chapter class meat direction thing consideration detail particular element aspect circumstance specific feature respect event thrust fact particularity information piece of information puzzle plot factor premise drift trope storyline facet characteristic burden nicety datum message sense view opinion statement position strain part news line meaning scenario undertaking regard dispute controversy portion query goings-on enigma can of worms point of contention debate minutia reference stuff through-line bearing ideas summary contents category mystery relation connection intention denotation import significance signification intent transaction focus of attention subject of thought precis abstract synopsis story article report account strand melody phrase purport enquiry grievance inquiry complication proceeding point of departure component state blurb entity outline attribute form body talk fine point perspective ingredient info technicality angle data slant trait specification point of view viewpoint specialization specialisation score nitty-gritty itemized information line of reasoning gen dope low-down tenor theory hypothesis research topic supposition focal point happening occurrence experience incident action sequence assumption presumption surmise episode eventuality phenomenon interlude adventure notion belief postulation dissertation major interest quandary predicament challenge vocabulary to-do train of thought postulate jam quagmire conundrum pickle catch-22 dilemma hitch puzzlement hole mire catch crux stumper pitfall snag hanky-panky carrying on set of circumstances context lexicon posit contestation principle apriorism presupposition sentiment pointer deets circumstantial instance story line full meaning full text frame of reference contextual relationship line of argument

Antonym de field of inquiry

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