Synonyme de fifty per cent of


A section from which something has been divided, especially in two equal parts
half moiety bisection division fraction part subdivision hemisphere equal part fifty percent piece share portion bit slice section segment fragment scrap chunk proportion quota allotment cut end lot bite element wedge block length slab shred hunk lump tablet bar cake article knob sample sliver stick morsel item flake offcut particle quantity speck grain allowance splinter wodge take wafer mouthful remnant crumb brick shard chip cube snippet mite iota parcel sampling smithereen member dole gob side affiliation component percentage ratio sector helping ration apportionment unit measure constituent allocation whack module selection ingredient partial quotient incomplete number amount quantum rake-off split divvy number rate piece of the action instalment percentile installment wing factor slice of the cake scale assignment department appropriation entitlement interest degree partition due branch commission proportionality equation extent size measurement extract excerpt partage quotum comparative extent comparative number feature atom subsection relative amount meed piece of the cake piece of action compartment percent limit payment per cent dispensation bulk magnitude dimension range shiver office field slot tier wisp taste shot decimal break admeasurement capacity amplitude comparison shaving tatter paring cross section detail corner articulation lion's share contribution smithereens spall oddment skelf spillikin equity stake ace minim distribution aggregate serving dividend segmentation whole entity class cut of pie claim calculation count tally tutorial arm joint digit discrete item layer integer square link principle integrant integral part plug-in essential component part makings building block board part and parcel fixins correlation relationship correspondence relation arrangement balance quantitative relation

Antonym de fifty per cent of

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