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Comparative for in reference to someone who speaks or writes nonsense or untruths


Comparative for that cannot be conceived
weaker fishier thinner flimsier obscurer shakier unlikelier absurder phonier stranger taller uncommoner feebler lamer shallower poorer bizarrer crazier wilder foolisher iffier weirder fainter falser slimmer queerer wackier madder slighter frailer odder sillier curiouser nuttier loonier meagerer zanier kookier meagrer fragiler vainer vaguer flakier sketchier whackier stupider dafter balmier screwier slenderer barmier faultier hollower paltrier goofier sublimer wonderfuller awfuller shadier grotesquer flatter weaklier smaller pottier battier unwiser daffier funnier dippier dottier minuter tinier airier shonkier likelier hokier recklesser jerkier bleaker dodgier unsurer immenser tamer dicier freakier ambitiouser forlorner noteworthier extremer uncannier seriouser funkier rummer quirkier foolhardier gnarlier heavier uselesser less farther scarcer kinkier shadowier briefer more unconceivable more incredible more unbelievable more implausible more inconceivable more unthinkable more unimaginable more fantastic more improbable more fantastical more unconvincing more incredulous more uncompelling more impossible more doubtful more dubious more suspect more unsubstantial more unreasonable more farfetched more puzzling more far out more extraordinary more preposterous more staggering more ridiculous more fanciful more questionable more rare more unrealistic more incogitable more incomprehensible more unknowable more mind-boggling more mind-blowing more unheard-of more far-fetched more debatable more astonishing more unplausible more amazing more indescribable more insubstantial more astounding more unutterable more ludicrous more unspeakable more unique more singular more exceptional more insupposable more breathtaking more fabulous more overwhelming more unordinary more out of the question more undreamed-of more unsound more specious more unpersuasive more strained more trifling more transparent more ponderous more laboured more forced more unsatisfactory more pathetic more labored more ineffectual more remote more inadequate more unimpressive more half-baked more illogical more nonsensical more tenuous more outrageous more irrational more farcical more extravagant more untenable more unreal more outlandish more insane more inane more laughable more incongruous more groundless more unusual more harebrained more senseless more impracticable more remarkable more peculiar more fatuous more dubitable more unworkable more unapt more risible more outside more phenomenal more whimsical more distant more off more cockeyed more cockamamie more off the wall more exaggerated more suspicious more unfeasible more wondrous more pointless more asinine more spectacular more lunatic more fallacious more elaborate more off-the-wall more eccentric more superficial more impractical more unattainable more indefensible more incoherent more ungrounded more romantic more prodigious more stupendous more idiotic more sensational more disputable more surprising more miraculous more stunning more imbecilic more equivocal more doubtable more unviable more grandiose more comical more cuckoo more offbeat more kookie more bewildering more striking more crackpot more eye-popping more featherheaded more flawed more overdone more unsubstantiated more inconsequential more dishonest more invalid more insufficient more misleading more frivolous more unsupported more unachievable more embellished more unobtainable more uncertain more imaginary more hyperbolic more contrived more unsustainable more unnatural more undoable more unjustifiable more assailable more wishful more vapid more insuperable more unsolvable more insolvable more eye-opening more awesome more portentous more artificial more hopeless more outré more abnormal more monstrous more derisory more insoluble more futile more irresponsible more tremendous more infeasible more marginal more visionary more inaccessible more illusory more baffling more mystifying more inept more negligible more dreamlike more simpleminded more cockamamy more vaporous more insupportable more witless more brainless more legendary more capricious more unexpected more bubbleheaded more screwball more ill-conceived more amazeballs more suppositious more marvellous more marvelous more inconsiderable more idealistic more controvertible more erroneous more contradictory more nebulous more inconclusive more overblown more excessive more unsuccessful more unsupportable more irreconcilable more spurious more contrary more untoward more crackbrained more unacceptable more exiguous more untrue more untruthful more uncredible more threadbare more derisible more illegitimate more unreasoning more inconsequent more unbacked more mindless more moronic more overdramatic more high-flown more exorbitant more tomfool more sappy more undependable more unreliable more untrustworthy more arguable more histrionic more caricatural more contemptible more problematical more inflated more overstated more lamebrained more scatterbrained more isolated more unbalanced more complicated more weak-kneed more speculative more undecided more unsettled more unpardonable more inexcusable more unforgivable more unwarrantable more deranged more demented more unhinged more indecisive more impressive more awe-inspiring more outstanding more supernatural more maniacal more recondite more over the top more uncivilized more inordinate more unconscionable more barbarous more uncivilised more extortionate more meaningless more hilarious more fractional more imperceptible more diminished more rad more jaw-dropping more mythical more notable more momentous more derisive more half-hearted more inconsistent more eye-catching more unforgettable more erratic more ideal more inexpiable more uncorroborated more touch-and-go more mercurial more insurmountable more uncustomary more unwonted more conspicuous more special more illusive more different more hallucinatory more made-up more freakish more infantile more nonconformist more crazy-ass more wackadoo more wackadoodle more irresoluble more atypical more aberrated more unaccustomed more aberrant more preternatural more unco more especial more anomalous more exceeding more defective more puerile more surreal more imprudent more quixotic more chimerical more unfamiliar more irresolvable more insignificant more forby more flash more fictitious more mythic more chimeric more fictional more invented more imaginative more poetic more notional more phantasmal more phantasmic more fantasied more impervious more impassable more inexecutable more minimal more spaced-out more off-kilter more outlying more inappropriate more short-sighted more fictive more aerial more unendurable more unsuitable more unmanageable more fleeting more temporary

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