Synonyme de more plebby


Comparative for lacking class or refinement in one's manner or behavior
vulgarer uncouther coarser ruder rougher cruder grosser crasser impoliter commoner lower ruggeder ignoranter unseemlier baser meaner gruffer awkwarder clumsier ornerier louder rawer brusquer wilder blunter curter gawkier raunchier fouler obscener dirtier bawdier filthier harsher lewder stiffer ungainlier cheaper smuttier dourer tackier profaner stolider surlier sullener earthier wickeder nastier crueler trashier unpleasanter sordider simpler obtuser worse-tempered moroser viciouser sketchier shoddier poorer sleazier dorkier unkinder dozier unholier gaudier grouchier touchier grumpier crustier snippier politer uglier flashier tawdrier viler racier spicier showier rowdier tougher tattier naffer denser pornier naughtier wantoner severer bluffer harder unhandier unwieldier kitscher greener unfitter klutzier saucier fruitier fiercer grimmer sterner austerer unlovelier uselesser foolisher stupider starker steelier bitterer flintier heavier unworldlier callower shier geekier nerdier more unrefined more uncultivated more uncultured more boorish more unpolished more unsophisticated more tasteless more unmannerly more lowbrow more lowbred more uneducated more raffish more philistine more incult more illiberal more insensible more indecorous more yobbish more illiterate more plebeian more ill-bred more ill-mannered more low-born more uncivilized more cloddish more uncivilised more churlish more discourteous more ungentlemanly more unladylike more bad-mannered more provincial more bearish more insensitive more rustic more oafish more brutish more thuggish more unsavoury more slobbish more clodhopping more ocker more swinish more unsavory more uncivil more indelicate more ungallant more unfeeling more callous more imperceptive more undiscriminating more inelegant more loudmouthed more barbaric more clownish more ungracious more classless more barbarous more inurbane more countrified more lubberly more cantankerous more unpoised more graceless more primitive more unmannered more savage more improper more offensive more ungraceful more inconsiderate more foul-mouthed more gauche more mannerless more ribald more lumpish more tactless more impure more benighted more off-color more disrespectful more wooden more vulgarian more blue more bungling more natural more heathenish more scatological more brutal more parochial more indecent more immodest more outrageous more inhuman more thoughtless more scatologic more lumbering more artless more impertinent more ill-humored more maladroit more uncoordinated more gawkish more uneasy more heavy-handed more rustical more stilted more uncomfortable more low-bred more basic more uncourtly more tomboyish more unfeminine more mannish more manlike more hoydenish more unwomanly more obnoxious more crabbed more troglodytic more agrestic more Philistine more ill-tempered more untamed more merciless more impudent more insolent more ungenteel more uncalled-for more disgracious more immature more backward more charmless more despicable more blockish more mean-spirited more uncharitable more unchivalrous more ungodly more uncontrolled more unconscionable more rascally more rakish more dishonorable more pornographic more salacious more unsociable more cussed more irritable more truculent more ill-natured more miserly more unneighborly more garish more lascivious more inept more licentious more Rabelaisian more ostentatious more flash more doltish more prurient more inappropriate more indiscreet more meretricious more hoonish more unskilled more unskilful more ponderous more inexpert more caddish more dishonourable more unco more cack-handed more unskillful more gangling more amateurish more coltish more butterfingered more ham-fisted more ham-handed more adult more forbidding more low-down more ornate more pretentious more outlandish more trivial more hideous more makeshift more unclassy more unsightly more artificial more ridiculous more shameless more immoral more near the knuckle more foulmouthed more undecorous more malodorous more distasteful more intimidating more sheepish more ungentle more unceremonious more oppressive more hardhanded more onerous more murderous more lowering more self-conscious more embarrassed more ill at ease

Antonym de more plebby

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