Synonyme de most Kafkaesque


Superlative for having a sense of vagueness, insubstantiality, or incongruousness
ghostliest shadowiest dreamiest weirdest dimmest haziest mistiest vaguest bizarrest faintest unclearest fakest phoniest gentlest excellentest falsest wonderfullest mooniest most dreamlike most chimerical most fantastic most unreal most imaginary most visionary most illusory most hallucinatory most phantasmagoric most unsubstantial most ghostlike most ethereal most illusive most surreal most nightmarish most psychedelic most otherworldly most dreamish most phantasmagorical most illusionary most trancelike most hypnagogic most indistinct most oneiric most phantasmal most fictive most ideal most misleading most suppositious most kaleidoscopic most apparent most fanciful most delusive most fictional most untrue most chimeric most phantasmagorian most fallacious most phantasmagorial most deceitful most ostensible most whimsical most sham most fictitious most semblant most fantastical most mistaken most seeming most delusory most phantasmic most mythical most notional most fabulous most made-up most invented most mythic most fantasied most immaterial most intangible most idealistic most musing most relaxing most speculative most impractical most astral most preoccupied most soothing most quixotic most utopian most introspective most pensive most introvertive most marvelous most abstracted most chimeral most unrealistic most legendary most hypothetical most nebulous most insubstantial most artificial most theoretical most wistful most insincere most impalpable most aerial most incredible most romantic most unbelievable most supposititious most fabled most unnatural most marvellous

Antonym de most Kafkaesque

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