Synonyme de most important point


The principal aspect or dimension of something
nub core crux essence heart gist kernel nucleus meat pith point bull's-eye centrepiece centerpiece center centre keynote marrow net nitty-gritty nubbin pivot quintessence root substance sum central point main point basic bottom line essential part short upshot meat and potatoes crucial point heart of the matter sum and substance matter thrust bottom body purport long and short decisive point basis nuts and bolts soul hub burden foundation focus spirit significance focal point stuff import base fundamentals meaning sense cornerstone bedrock essentials middle basics drift tenor brass tacks groundwork seat essentiality main idea signification principle locus name of the game axis linchpin idea quick omphalos theme epicenter nexus implication intention keystone reality importance message content backbone epicentre ground zero salient point bosom punch line eye midpoint fundamental capital mecca topic nature central cynosure ABC navel denotation being score fiber bearing quiddity fibre nerve center intent sine qua non polestar centre of attention virtuality rudiments central part belly fundamental point center of attention principles intendment subject grammar elements alphabet foundations interior underpinning force mainspring ethos target Zen depths first principle highlight direction standard lifeblood inside ABCs infrastructure consequence relevance lynchpin germ interpretation viewpoint view staple gravamen esse midst crown connotation nature of the beast material best part intrinsic nature guts hard fact significancy coal and ice acceptation meat-and-potatoes definition kingpin cream piece bit atom morsel part hinge nuance quintessential intuitive approach distillation inwardness text question simple approach butt quintain embodiment zest essential point proposition ultimate extract thesis circumstance moral case principal element fundamental principle chief ingredient end motif kicker statement opinion spotlight footing raison d'être ropes heart and soul purpose anchor dead center home run direct hit explanation tendency hole in one warp grounding ground details stress the long and the short of it vital part subject matter nature of beast bull's eye forefront showpiece attraction emphasis outcome determination conclusion aim effect flagship defining characteristic essential element basic idea essential feature policy line understanding rationale reason line of reasoning most important fact climax moment meaningfulness hotbed life guiding principle warp and woof rallying point hot spot marketplace validity power soundness basic principles rudiment place main ingredients gut concreteness clout home headquarters house concentration heartstrings bones cluster the facts preliminary key feature prominence magnitude chief part cold fact chief thing essential details important matter magnet the name of the game crux of the matter pride and joy main feature high point main event high spot sum total end result end product indispensable content whole story key point last word final decision main thing where it's at center of attraction nerve centre center of activity centre of activity happy hunting ground breeding ground centre of attraction character jewel in the crown what it's all about mass value constitution inner space rule main grain structure element actuality internals recesses constituent vein aspect form entity quality summary bulk weight spark seed embryo premise code caliber property calibre essentia attribute timber modus operandi doctrine tenet facts criterion generality majority total whole brunt practicalities thick fundamental nature basic quality most important part realities preliminaries within innards ethic dogma necessities chief constituent fundamental quality basic characteristic be-all and end-all name of game determinant ABC's axiom fact practicality stipulation beginning bud inner area lining filling pulp inner parts inner part bowels layer intrinsicality depth ground rule golden rule main theme central idea central theme important point law first principles general picture essential regulation precept principium deep hard facts main part better part major part substructure principal part lion's share chief heft greater part preponderance first steps the three R's medium halfway halfway point mean halfway through betwixt and between in the course of at the core of at the heart of

Antonym de most important point

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