Synonyme de pulling one's leg


Present participle for to tease, typically in a good-natured way
teasing kidding fooling joshing jesting joking chaffing jiving rallying razzing ribbing riding roasting fooling around fooling about playing the fool pulling someone's chain pulling someone's leg playing a joke playing a prank playing a trick playing tricks taking the mickey having a joke on somebody having a laugh telling stories making fun of mocking laughing at having on winding up deriding ridiculing bantering needling poking fun at taking the piss out of making a monkey out of ragging jeering making sport of lampooning pillorying taunting japing twitting poking mullock at goofing on jeering at slinging off at ragging on holding up to ridicule jibing at making a fool of satirizing scoffing funning shooting down sending up shucking quizzing putting on panning messing around baiting goading flouting at sneering at satirising hazing dissing scoffing at chiacking making jokes about treating with contempt poking borak at picking on smoking guying jollying messing putting someone on gambolling playing a practical joke quipping hoaxing gamboling frolicking rotting someone messing about scorning making a laughing-stock exposing to ridicule showing up deflating cartooning mimicking jibing humiliating scouting making someone a laughing stock poking borack heaping scorn on pooh-poohing gibing unmasking exposing laughing out of court railing at skewering sneering putting down fleering holding up to shame making a game of flouting running down making a monkey of treating contemptuously thumbing nose at showing contempt for showing contempt joking with playing a trick on taking for a ride leading up the garden path playing a joke on squibbing censuring provoking mucking about clowning mucking around playing around larking around pratting about having a lark acting the fool larking clowning around


Present participle for to deceive or fool someone
hoaxing tricking deceiving fooling bluffing duping conning deluding gulling hoodwinking gammoning humbugging kidding taking in bamboozling hornswoggling suckering cheating cozening snookering beguiling buffaloing burning catching gaffing having having on juggling misguiding misinforming misleading snowing spoofing swindling befooling leading on scamming winding up chicaning defrauding faking out fleecing flimflamming framing playing a jest on playing a joke on playing a prank on rooking stinging stringing along sucking in playing a practical joke on taking for a ride putting one over on setting up playing games with pulling a fast one on pulling a swifty on leading up the garden path running a game on pulling the wool over someone's eyes doing a number on leading down the garden path bilking double-crossing victimizing shafting victimising ripping off diddling stiffing doing mulcting euchring finagling outwitting buncoing disinforming betraying illuding mousetrapping roping in giving someone a bum steer fiddling screwing swizzling hosing inveigling misdirecting prevaricating misstating ensnaring overreaching fudging lying misrepresenting outfoxing taking to the cleaners perverting fabricating distorting propagandizing taking advantage of jiving imposing on propagandising jerking around selling a pup to leading astray lying to covering up putting on sending on a wild goose chase putting on the wrong track playing trick on putting up smoke screen putting on an act giving wrong information to leading up garden path putting on false front wrong steering throwing off the scent entrapping seducing baffling pulling bunking baiting enmeshing entangling faking pulling a fast one hustling skinning bleeding giving the wrong impression getting the better of shortchanging squeezing sticking making a sucker of chiselling chiseling shorting skunking reaming chousing selling a pup thimblerigging pulling someone's leg plucking nobbling beating exploiting milking gouging robbing sandbagging selling goldbricking crossing taking rushing shucking trimming cribbing blenching belirting rogueing roguing lirting shaking down doing in short-changing stitching up selling down the river double-dealing taking out breaking the rules giving bum steer screwing over outmaneuvering outmanoeuvring luring circumventing outsmarting clipping foxing manipulating making a fool of trapping embezzling juking gazumping outslicking outthinking manoeuvring maneuvering wheedling doing the dirty on overcharging bewildering enticing tempting decoying cajoling hooking outdoing outjockeying swizzing stabbing in the back selling out outplaying defeating topping jockeying catching out outguessing outgeneralling outgeneraling capping stealing a march on stealing jipping worsting confusing alluring selling a bill of goods to figuring out coaxing playing lulling finessing thwarting pilfering plundering taking to cleaners falsifying using cuckolding playing a trick on disappointing wangling soaking two-timing backstabbing playing away stepping out gaslighting pulling fast one playing for a sucker four-flushing selling a bill of goods doing out of running rings round double dealing making rings round gipping doing someone in the eye weaseling ducking dodging weaselling trolling deking copping out beating around the bush worming one's way out of slipping out bending the rules stacking the cards stretching the rules pulling something funny hitting below the belt stumping shamming blagging pulling in extorting bilking of pigeoning slipping something over on fixing outperforming heisting filching tripping up putting someone up to something psyching out persuading throwing crossing up despoiling beating out of playing joke on taking for ride welshing playing dirty ruining frustrating foiling play-acting swaying contriving dallying trifling inducing buttying toying catfishing wantoning preying on pulling wool over impressing flamming bleeding dry handing a line suckering into doing number on going one better than playing for a fool poking borack soliciting hocus-pocusing biasing biassing drawing sweet-talking failing letting down inviting going back on trifling with toying with dallying with playing with making use of breaking faith with splitting playing someone false playing fast and loose with giving the runaround steering sending on a wild-goose chase bribing making a monkey of making somebody look an idiot making a monkey out of coming on to pulling strings playing games stage-managing pulling wires sweeping off feet twisting around your little finger implicating involving incriminating embroiling embrangling broiling hacking miring engaging rigging machinating fibbing doctoring influencing engineering affecting masterminding cooking fitting up laying a trap for gaming dissimulating fudging with finding a loophole in tampering with exploiting a loophole in fiddling with interfering with tinkering with besting exaggerating dissembling perjuring equivocating pretending misspeaking bulling misinstructing overdrawing paltering forswearing faking it telling a white lie departing from the truth perjuring oneself forswearing oneself telling a lie making up a story stretching the truth not telling the truth lacking candor putting up a front telling an untruth concocting a story BSing saying something untrue inventing a story telling a terminological inexactitude committing perjury telling a falsehood telling stories bearing false witness breaking promise telling untruths


Pleasantly humorous or jocular
facetious witty jocular playful amusing funny jesting waggish comical droll humorous jokey joking whimsical arch comic impish jocose merry mischievous puckish roguish teasing chucklesome sportive bantering frolicsome lighthearted unserious capering gay joshing laughable pleasant satirical silly sprightly wisecracking wry tongue in cheek tongue-in-cheek high-spirited light-hearted not serious putting one on in jest in fun flippant irreverent ironic farcical flip smart blithe clever dry fun entertaining hilarious diverting mirthful sidesplitting jolly risible humoristic comedic side-splitting hysteric rib-tickling ludicrous uproarious riotous hysterical cheerful ridiculous wacky frivolous priceless screaming killing zany good-humored lively slapstick antic good-humoured absurd jocund jovial campy camp happy cheery gleeful joyous glib gelastic crazy bright sunny goofy enjoyable blithesome sparkling delightful slaphappy bubbly joyful festive rollicking boffo daffy laughing glad vivacious buoyant a scream nutty rich light for a laugh fun-loving for grins scintillating prankish ludic stupid scampish leprechaunish rascally knavish pleasing engaging spirited foolish preposterous snappy quick-witted beguiling jaunty quizzical as a joke to tease chaffing derisible carefree odd flakey flaky convivial animated hysterically funny eccentric chirpy upbeat too funny for words killingly funny inane a hoot a laugh chipper loony dizzy gagged up off-the-wall perky larking riot without a care in the world nonserious pixieish tricksy pixy pixie sly devilish wicked elvish childish ribald lightweight effervescent derisory kittenish clowning gamesome clownish screamingly funny ribbing rallying fooling funning razzing kidding stimulating flirtatious recreative quirky quaint grotesque hearty oddball a barrel of laughs joculous trivial trifling good-natured crack-up laffer recreational fun-filled flighty genial rejoicing jerky fool dippy fool-headed batty gump screwy goofus daft scream har-har unsatisfactory inadequate unusual embarrassing pitiful mocking bizarre unimpressive fantastic a card a caution brilliant laugh-a-minute off the wall in good spirits funny ha-ha ha-ha funny fool around crazy shtick Mickey Mouse zippy saturnalian unconstrained winsome rip-roaring zingy boon boisterous content zappy ecstatic mad pleased jumping rocking grooving exultant wild sharp quick fanciful intelligent keen original penetrating ingenious piquant epigrammatic piercing sharp-witted smiling grinning ebullient exuberant airy optimistic jubilant positive smiley peppy sparky peart gladsome breezy interesting jollying festal perk bouncy Pickwickian unworried untroubled of good cheer full of the joys of spring full of life bright and breezy as merry as a grig happy-go-lucky as lively as a grig bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans full of vim and vigour lots of laughs enchanting pleasurable charming agreeable cheering gratifying novel gladdening gut-busting cut up

Antonym de pulling one's leg

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