Synonyme de see it


To arrive at a judgment or opinion by reasoning
conclude gather deduce infer judge assume decide determine establish suppose construe reason reckon derive extrapolate figure intuit presume surmise adjudge conjecture draw make understand analyse analyze collect ratiocinate make out sum up work out add up draw the inference have a hunch boil down come to the conclusion be afraid think guess believe imagine consider suspect fancy expect deem estimate speculate hypothesize theorize conceive hypothesise glean feel theorise divine postulate presuppose be of the opinion hold regard posit take it opine esteem discern say anticipate perceive predict daresay evaluate assess be given to understand foretell calculate see sense ascertain take for granted take foresee dare say gauge hazard a guess forecast gage call figure out find view maintain resolve suspicion discover comprehend adjudicate count ween allow appreciate apprehend project declare premise predicate pretend guesstimate read get have sneaking suspicion have a feeling be of the view take as read learn dope out induce realize educe trust appraise prophesy envision prognosticate realise accept count on take as a hypothesis pronounce rule soothsay foreknow settle extract put forward suggest hear grasp take it as given decree distinguish recognize evolve observe cognize savvy tell augur approximate compass twig suss out presage vaticinate be led to believe philosophize announce envisage recognise forewarn think likely bank on portend arbitrate be inclined to think tumble to previse auspicate spae take a stab take a shot catch on to predetermine cotton on to adumbrate get the picture see something coming size up rate submit advance generalize propound generalise have the feeling propose contend cogitate be convinced deduct venture philosophise draw conclusions register hazard assimilate know decipher draw a conclusion compute develop come to understand proclaim rank decode excogitate be of the conviction notice catch seize read into interpret put dig suss place behold grok dream regard as ordain see as hear tell be informed track imply have a sneaking suspicion think it likely forebode contemplate plan dare-say prevision swear by telegraph take stock in visualize visualise be of the opinion that forefeel take as gospel truth reckon on foreshadow come to the conclusion that cotton to get the idea count upon see it coming psych out get the message vapor be metaphysical stay in the clouds take something read solve take something as given take something for granted syllogize vapour evoke grant look upon comment remark identify concede evince hypothecate air volunteer moot hold that consider it right call the turn demonstrate depend rely draw inference arrive at reach conclusion form a theory formulate a theory detect be under the impression obtain fathom read between lines risk assuming get to know fall for rationalize valuate rationalise contextualise calculate roughly number put a figure on count up gain reflect editorialize note charge jump the gun theorize that think it likely that postulate that put two and two together become cognizant of take in come to know become aware of become conscious of hit on pick order dictate direct venture a guess contextualize stumble on feel for make a guess at pick out make an estimate of jump to a conclusion go out on a limb take a shot at form an opinion of latch on to take a stab at cook up have a sneaking suspicion of dream up think out get the message about get the picture about have an aha moment picture omen view as editorialise weigh in procure differentiate see through take something on board see the light read between the lines tip foreshow have a suspicion fear believe to be asseverate plan for signify bode see handwriting on wall forespell tell in advance warn of crystal-ball divine forespeak halsen think it probable disbelieve accuse wonder acquire receive fix set prescribe command take to mean have a sneaking feeling class make a judgement lay down lay down the law pass upon elicit attain be suspicious harbor suspicion be wary have a foreboding have doubt have doubts express an opinion weigh value smell a rat think probable have an idea that elaborate arrive reach formulate trace follow point the finger espy entertain foretaste preknow rate as form the opinion class as rank as put together crystal ball bargain for regard as likely contemplate the possibility of plan on wait for be prepared for allow for pre-empt see in the cards figure on look for call it watch for bargain on be hopeful of count chickens have a hunch of prepare for be afraid of hope for state look on as take to be look at assert see ahead make an educated guess umpire referee pose set forth answer try examine ref rule on clear up pronounce on pronounce judgement on pass judgement on sit in judgement on make a judgement on give a verdict on make a ruling on pin flash feature copy get vibrations pick up on be aware of feel in one's bones pick up find out be informed of familiarize oneself with absorb digest have be told be made aware of find out about gain an understanding of learn of get wind of be notified of master imbibe bet have as one's opinion get across image vision get clued up about become expert in get the point of become proficient in become skilled at acquire a knowledge of acquire skill in familiarize yourself with become competent in drink in get the hang of be told of wise up get on to be made aware catch on get wise to have an idea take it as read get the impression await brainstorm spark admit build on have a funny feeling take it for granted credit repute have in prospect look ahead to look forward to weigh up just know conceit explain become familiar with chalk up become versed in get vibes define fathom out be conscious of fantasize ideate have the impression be aware have funny feeling have vibes see daylight be cognizant of become conscious be aware of the fact that be conscious of the fact that get a fix on become conscious of the fact that become aware of the fact that get through one's head get it fantasy fantasise conjure create make of make sense of figure it to be conjure up think up trump up head trip think it conceivable have knowledge of unearth apperceive descry tumble pursue get word enroll review swot be advised prepare cram work at read up on con apply oneself to have lessons in apprentice mug up hit the books know inside out grind peruse know backwards get wind have on good authority get down pat check get the knack of improve mind brush up on major in specialize in become able become versed minor in take course wade through train in be trained watch pore over crack the books soak up burn midnight oil be taught enrol larn

Antonym de see it

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