Synonyme de think it conceivable


To think or suppose
fancy imagine believe suppose think conjecture guess surmise conceit conceive envisage envision reckon suspect visualise visualize assume gather picture consider fantasise fantasize ideate infer interpret see dream image vision conjure create fantasy feature realise realize be of the opinion be of the view be under the impression conjure up think likely be inclined to think dream up have an idea head trip think it likely think up trump up conceive of contemplate presume view daydream feel speculate conceptualize conclude conceptualise deem perceive expect muse figure regard judge hold presuppose think of hypothesize hallucinate build castles in air esteem see in your mind's eye pretend project divine woolgather make believe hypothesise conjure up an image of postulate theorize take understand romanticize depict have a feeling moon opine have a hunch romanticise apprehend be afraid dare say theorise fantasize about have sneaking suspicion dream about indulge in fantasy form a picture of form a mental picture of build castles in Spain see in one's mind build castles in the air predict anticipate estimate daresay propose play-act suspicion allow foresee romance contrive posit maintain stargaze suggest evoke ween sense behold say be given to understand be of the opinion that have an idea that swear by dream of live in a dream world take stock in take as a hypothesis take as gospel truth pipe dream make up call to mind indulge in fancy trip out bring to mind conjure up a mental picture of indulge in wool-gathering picture in one's mind's eye appreciate represent gush portray conjure up a picture of rhapsodize create in your mind depicture ponder ruminate supposing preconceive reconstruct rhapsodise swoon foretell concoct form an impression of meditate build up an impression of build up a picture of intend frame forecast grasp objectify externalize materialize survey mean scheme philosophise have as one's opinion venture hold that be convinced theorize that bet think it likely that trust postulate that philosophize materialise externalise prophesy augur be lost in thought stare into space be inattentive be in cloud cuckoo land have your head in the clouds be unrealistic be miles away be in a brown study deduce look upon cook up foreshow previse prognosticate presage glean have a suspicion fear accuse think it probable wonder disbelieve invent play have a sneaking feeling propound make-believe submit advance be wary be suspicious have a foreboding have doubt have doubts harbor suspicion state smell a rat think probable have a sneaking suspicion feign playact fool enact bluff simulate counterfeit fake assert reflect object point the finger premise predicate see visions hazard a guess give free rein to the imagination pose think about put forward long hanker pine lust crave idealize let on like make as if act as if act as though play the part form a mental image of get the picture conjure up an picture of call up set forth idealise wish to hanker after thirst after seek to thirst for aspire to desire to hunger for conjure up pictures aim for long for yearn for hope for wish for have as one's aim set one's heart on set your sights on sigh have as one's goal reckon on

Antonym de think it conceivable

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