Synonyme de tiniest bit


A very small or insignificant amount
jot bit whit iota atom grain scrap fraction mite particle speck crumb fig hoot ounce rap scintilla shred smidgen tad ace any detail hint tittle trace beans bubkes bupkes continental darn diddly diddly-squat doodley-squat doodly-squat durn ghost lick little bit modicum morsel smidge squat stim syllable trifle whoop scantling scruple skerrick smitch dot jot or tittle ray molecule infinitesimal nucleus drop fragment inch sliver tinge touch dash little pinch taste smattering snippet dab spot degree suspicion whisper monkey's shadow measure minim suggestion minimum piece tinker's curse smallest amount brass farthing even a little bit two hoots one bit tinker's cuss least bit tiny amount small amount sprinkling driblet glimmer dram splash spark shade mote streak smidgeon strain spatter nip skosh fleck smack granule peanuts smell dribble snap snip soupçon patch whiff flyspeck chip nugget flake shard shaving droplet portion nubbin splinter slice part chunk lump vestige dollop sample trickle share breath bite dose segment mouthful flicker end smithereen snatch section division item hunk chicken feed parcel tiny piece butt moiety stub speckle stump specimen intimation point tiny bit gob extract mark excerpt small quantity ort sprinkle paring tincture nuance tang mottle blotch dapple splotch pip eyespot quantity spoonful offcut remnant cut small bit least inkling pinpoint smudge pin wisp scale footstep niggle blob blot stitch wedge length block step pinprick seed flash impression slab bar cake knob article tablet small portion small piece element sparkle gleam sign stick hair quota allowance wafer wodge take proportion allotment brick shot cube half sampling drop in the bucket lot bare minimum member dole bean smear very little peck jack semblance pellet soupcon cantlet corn glob naught nada arc spit beam slip amount tidbit scent unit footprint footmark glitter glow tiny part stain period some evidence indication shiver anything nothing cast picayune eyelash spice sip smallest part scoosh slot small degree slightest bit minute small thing hair's breadth wee bit tot murmur virtually nothing rudiments elements note snort spoor blemish tatter oval small percentage tiny proportion nib record memento residue proof token smithereens spall oddment skelf spillikin smatter lowest vein defect flaw fault couple scatter few scattering handful depth flavour flavor air savour overtone bottom nadir slightest draft odor inhalation fume odour snuff draught savor flatus base circle macule macula margin narrowest pittance smallest rock bottom lower limit bottom level lowest level tiny mark gobbet

Antonym de tiniest bit

Music ♫

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