Synonyme de type out


To write (a document) in large, aesthetic, and legible lettering
engross copy reproduce type reproduce in final form reproduce in larger form rewrite in final form rewrite in larger form print out the final version of replicate imitate mirror recreate emulate parallel repeat match duplicate echo redo remake reduplicate copycat mimic render simulate reconstruct follow clone represent ape pirate Photostat reflect reenact relive carbon manifold restamp revive reawaken do again reprint dupe portray Xerox knock off photograph recount stereotype perform again photocopy counterfeit ditto make like double impersonate forge mimeograph do like go like trace photostat xerox parrot reiterate mimeo mime repro redouble take a photocopy of make a photocopy of make a copy of make a facsimile of make a carbon copy of make a replica of multiply approximate stat fake run off resemble correspond to act like model yourself on look like take as an example take as a model come close to take after pattern after do an impression of do take off take a leaf out of someone's book follow in the footsteps of follow the example of pattern yourself after print reprise renew carbon copy scan make a replica plagiarize dualize rework phoney phony make a Xerox of mock be a mock-up of do over again caricature parody transcribe plagiarise make a carbon of make twofold make replica quote affect monkey make two of do a takeoff take off as send up travesty be like style oneself on ring react rebound recall vibrate second reecho rubber-stamp respond be consistent with adopt the style of model after have earmarks of bring to mind coincide with take as a pattern come near be similar to be the very picture of smack of remind one of show back up bear resemblance to look a lot like have signs of bear a resemblance to image depict symbolize epitomize personify symbolise typify signify exemplify correspond glass illustrate epitomise embody equal rival compete with surpass outdo rivalize outvie compete vie with contend with contend challenge come near to follow suit be the equal of be on a par with follow in footsteps be in the same league as

Antonym de type out

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