Synonyme de use one's head


To think carefully, especially as an alternative to being guided by one's emotions


To use the powers of the mind logically and methodically
ratiocinate cogitate deliberate reflect ponder cerebrate reason intellectualise intellectualize analyse analyze comprehend conceive estimate evaluate rationalise rationalize ruminate logicalize appraise appreciate brood consider deduce examine ideate imagine infer judge meditate mull muse resolve revolve speculate stew study weigh mull over figure out have in mind put on thinking cap rack brains sort out stop to consider take under consideration turn over contemplate think debate perpend brainstorm excogitate puzzle over figure logicize think rationally think straight think logically think things through use one's brain use one's mind use one's common sense understand dwell noodle around be lost in thought discern mind lucubrate sleep on it cudgel your brains wonder process concentrate apprehend chew be in a brown study eye turn question chew over entertain meditate on think about muse on cogitate on brood on deliberate about wrestle with mull over things ponder over agonize over cogitate about chew over things give thought to pore over think over turn over in one's mind ponder on pore on worry about give consideration to brood over dwell on kick around deliberate on stew about weigh up reflect on ruminate on review ruminate over ruminate about think out stew over think through chew on reflect upon wonder about size up speculate about look at think on beat one's brains out about woolgather agonize agonise roll chew the cud daydream sum up consider the pros and cons of deliberate over sweat over digest stargaze puzzle dream assess moon zone out stare into space space out tune out trip out muse over meditate over doze off soul-search self-reflect brood about hammer away at look inward devise introspect self-question explore worry zone compare discuss consult be inattentive be in cloud cuckoo land have your head in the clouds be in a trance be in a reverie be miles away argue philosophize philosophise debate with oneself meditate upon bat it around pour it on give much thought to ask oneself about think hard talk over take stock of flash on knock around give some thought to medidate upon ask oneself run up a flagpole bethink chaw moot discover view track take under advisement rate sweat rehash research survey investigate go over be indecisive stay in the clouds drift off dwell upon put on one's thinking cap about think upon envision bear in mind conceive of take into consideration picture anticipate scrutinize probe pore kick about bat around bat back and forth bat about monitor register make sense of contemplate on hash over entertain the idea of deliberate upon think deeply entertain idea toy with play around with build castles in air accept clarify assimilate enquire into dissect look into peruse sense let one's thoughts wander be preoccupied be abstracted indulge in wool-gathering be delirious speculate on metabolise take in ruminate upon think of reflect about canvass experiment conduct research into scrutinise dive into delve into uncover bring to light unearth do research conduct a survey of metabolize concoct invent contrive fabricate construct manufacture evolve develop frame educe derive think up make up cook up trump up work out drum up vamp up come up with

Antonym de use one's head

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