Antonim dari greatly weaken

Kata kerja

Opposite of to reduce, or cause to reduce, in intensity or strength
grow improve increase intensify achieve aggravate agitate aid assist clean compliment develop enhance enlarge expand extend free incite praise prolong purify raise rise succeed win boost heighten concentrate escalate reinforce deepen sharpen magnify augment amplify widen step up compound fester exacerbate add to redouble emphasise emphasize accentuate broaden gain strength worsen pick up inflame make worse strengthen build burgeon bourgeon accumulate swell mount advance soar balloon wax snowball mushroom elevate fortify help ameliorate enrich aggrandize multiply flourish build up inflate promote richen meliorate irritate encourage further progress fix mend lift uplift go up beef up provoke upset bloom excite recover forward prosper rebuild stimulate support surge allow validate brighten bolster thrive upgrade blossom continue repair better preserve consolidate steel establish reconstruct whet enable revamp facilitate patch empower recondition rally renovate optimize construct revive ascend rejuvenate restore inspirit lengthen optimise benefit condense get better increment rouse thicken hasten toughen complicate add invigorate double arouse proliferate stretch exaggerate intensate cement hearten drive laud fuel vitalize spike infuriate sustain expedite harden confirm substantiate ease embolden approve hone permit up amass renew bump up embellish reach crank up hike up jack up envigorate refurbish climb make better push shoot up add value to let go patch up do up put back together make as good as new triple sensitize exasperate flow forge stiffen resensitize reveal exist tumefy maximize enrage hypertrophy loosen amend ennoble quicken induce upscale fan the flames of heat up become greater heal fight justify redress accelerate trigger pump up stress highlight accent remove speed maximise tell all precipitate mark up perpetuate appreciate cleanse moralize straighten value hurry ratchet up sensitise make sensitive push up impel protract release liberate remain stay keep indurate uphold reduce rush underline spotlight upraise comfort soothe doctor authorize ratify sanction motivate spur delay underscore draw up put the accent on pile on put emphasis on take up bring out bring up tone up heap on fast-track nerve propel make happy urge moralise compress capacitate create legalise institute legalize authorise be lenient leave alone advantage be on the mend supplement draw out extend the duration of increase the length of go on with drag out boom gain mobilize indulge animate refresh mobilise stir spread complement favour foster favor blame trouble soften bend accuse worry condemn flex skyrocket buck up cheer up buoy up perk up gee up exalt reform work up boil down neglect ignore serve profit hate delight despise dislike acclaim applaud extol extoll glorify explode be happy befit suit vaunt assist the progress of remedy rectify fettle overrate commend overestimate go well power service become better make progress come on boast about do good to be good for be of service to contribute to boost up increase rapidly increase exponentially regenerate hit it big overhaul grow vigorously be of assistance to be advantageous to pay off for be beneficial to be of help to work for be useful to be of use to be helpful to be of advantage to be to the advantage of do well touch up make good put right fix up sort out bear fruit restore to working order grow well make headway turn out well go up in the world

Kata kerja

Opposite of to yield or lose one's resolve

Kata kerja

Opposite of to become sleepy or weary

Sinonim dari greatly weaken

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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