Sinonim dari I don't care

Kata sifat

Not feeling, showing, or affected by anxiety or problems
untroubled calm tranquil serene placid composed unruffled cool peaceful collected undisturbed unperturbed unworried relaxed sedate quiet together unflappable nonchalant coolheaded still possessed unshaken smooth level recollected unflustered steady unfazed casual carefree unagitated insouciant equal unconcerned halcyon limpid chilled blithe stilly nonplussed undismayed hushed uninterrupted unbroken lown unanxious unstirred blasé settled self-possessed laid-back self-composed at ease happy-go-lucky cool, calm and collected devil-may-care trouble-free without a care in the world poised equable unmoved imperturbable cool-headed even-tempered self-controlled equanimous level-headed levelheaded unexcitable controlled cool as a cucumber easy assured easygoing unemotional stable dispassionate grounded easy-going phlegmatic self-assured confident stolid impassive clearheaded at peace well balanced patient unaffected careless unshakable staid secure sensible worry-free mellow mild well-balanced restful pacific stoical lackadaisical civil complacent untouched undaunted temperate not bothered balanced disimpassioned detached stress-free mild-mannered sane calmed reasonable neutral commonsensical sound rational unserious unexcited in control keeping your cool sober mature laid back well adjusted free and easy amenable complaisant tolerant balmy urbane idyllic unflurried undistracted reposeful unhurried philosophical deliberate not moved in peace even undoubtful stoic serious quieted soothed repressed suppressed centred unimpassioned immovable nerveless centered passionless keeping a stiff upper lip have one's act together not turn a hair sure of oneself keeping one's shirt on thick-skinned sanguine sure unperturbable practical without worry free from worries free of concern sans souci wise pragmatic prudent circumspect realistic distant indifferent coherent lucid good-tempered businesslike judicious reliable dependable normal lighthearted slaphappy callous gay unsympathetic uninterested lightsome aloof oblivious debonair moderate uninvolved incurious apathetic pococurante straight assertive insensitive feckless inattentive supine reserved deaf hardened blind hard-hearted cold stony forgetful negligent heedless self-centred self-centered compos mentis in possession of all your faculties all there with both feet on the ground down-to-earth matter-of-fact right of sound mind clear-headed able to reason clearly sound of mind having all marbles mentally sound able to think clearly right in the head with one's feet on the ground full of common sense self-confident well-adjusted not giving a toss gentle pleasant comfortable soft emotionless restrained agreeable clement soothing undemonstrative genial indulgent benign leisurely relaxing unfeeling forbearing amiable impassible cold-blooded tender good-natured numb peaceable affectless resigned conciliatory warm unresponsive bland amicable delicate remote affable cozy contented undemanding uncomplaining breezy flat light accommodating lenient dignified content dry deadpan fair lax long-suffering impersonal irenic cosy considerate philosophic frigid neighborly kind neighbourly easeful cheerful docile informal friendly poker-faced unflinching liberal pacifistic expressionless heartless nonabrasive accepting pacifist passive constant happy pacificatory forgiving pleasing understanding self-restrained fine decorous cordial glacial subdued tame formal stiff hard-boiled cushy fearless flexible snug comfy permissive comforting fatalistic sympathetic chill nonviolent unimpressed proper low-pressure blank vacant peace-loving wooden unvexed icy gracious polite somber seemly satisfied uncaring motionless calming disinterested leisured meek good inactive longanimous solemn unceremonious stately unfluctuating guarded congenial harmonious sombre logical gratified unsentimental discreet measured bright summery reticent unassuming clinical at home mollifying obliging regular unexpressive inhibited unafraid benevolent favourable clear lazy hard-headed favorable warmhearted toneless hollow dead sociable good-humoured good-humored unalarmed homely courteous safe nowhere nonemotional pacifical thoughtful impervious cautious intimate unwavering unvarying unchanging arcadian grave stony-eyed protected uniform zephyr-like careful pacifying quiescent charming impartial tranquilizing reassured paradisiacal suave inexcitable invariable elegant cheery silent inexpressive intrepid inert disciplined fixed blissful uncommitted submissive resolute sunny uninhibited free sensitive nice sunshiny sedative unalterable enduring pleased unfaltering sweet cloudless dull easy-peasy sure of yourself helpful nonbelligerent diplomatic compliant decent affectionate hospitable summerlike compassionate unclouded orderly delightful engaging generous caring stabile certain nonirritating tactful kindly charitable lifeless refreshing civilized likeable lovable likable free from disturbance free from interference merciful no-nonsense well-disposed uninfluenced non-violent tough plain free from interruption softhearted at rest benignant unswerving withdrawn with the patience of Job nonaffected warm-hearted pokerfaced angelic deferential retiring cooperative rigid unoffensive civilised in check under control tender-hearted soft-hearted straight-faced without a cloud in the sky well-mannered in a relaxed manner not surprised dormant noiseless effortless consistent taking your time unaltering even-keeled not dismayed unstressed clubby cold sober systematic methodical reconciled resting static persistent persevering bovine forbearant comforted loose untiring mild-tempered graceful unrushed lulling insensible spiritless sleepy sheltered slack liberated unrestricted unrestrained compromising tractable reassuring comradely easy-oasy fortitudinous without problems confidential inscrutable softened insusceptible close tranquillizing languid unimpressible scenic unoppressive unburdensome anxiety-free indurated unreceptive learned profound deep euthymic untaxing taciturn familiar unrevealing waveless caressing retired soporific empty catatonic unshrinking unsurprised in repose fulfilled hassle-free self-contained amical obedient unabashed healthful imperturbed eathful rested free from strife tension-free like a millpond nonirritant calmative unwarlike responsible unrestrictive restored fresh windless summerish hot fun positive cold fish assuaged joyous joyful glad delighted thankful tickled chuffed nonpassionate understated torpid lethargic heavy non-hostile tranquillising downbeat calculable dry-eyed tamed freewheeling manageable unpassionate removed undecided calm and collected non-belligerent dovish non-aggressive non-combative inoffensive conflict-free estival aestival tropical sunlit stony-hearted analytical scientific unblinking indolent uncritical offhand outgiving hang-loose cared for homey homy unloving laissez-faire lovely appeased broad-minded open-minded home-like abstract iceberg unapproachable anti-war dovelike unenthusiastic non-restrictive low-key serious-minded having both feet on the ground immune non-emotional live-and-let-live chilled out clarion rainless unthreatening smiling undarkened cold-fish cool cat couldn't care less unreserved tickled pink unforced natural soft-shell unmindful gemütlich homelike unsusceptible lenitive ordered chirpy being big living with cold-hearted ruly emollient demulcent faint going easy on going easy with pleased as punch bonhomous stone-cold invulnerable immune to impervious to stubborn proof against deaf to oblivious to insensate unmindful of heedless of unyielding wary tentative gradual farsighted unexacting commodious spontaneous simple transparent unconstrained deliberative audacious upbeat gutsy gung ho unhesitating unidealistic assuasive ardorless repellent forbidding chilly loveless impotent unromantic cold-shoulder frosty austere unbending factual law-abiding well behaved well-behaved well mannered neuter nonparticipating middle-of-road noncombatant unprejudiced evenhanded on sidelines nonpartisan on the fence unincluded unaligned fair-minded unbiased bystanding nonaligned disengaged modest brave courageous dauntless self-sufficient hardheaded approachable personable jovial willing to please earthy self-asserting pragmatical muted perky straightforward benumbed bold can-do prosaic surefooted sure-footed mindful chary belt-and-braces cagey vigilant accurate convivial social tepid not afraid exact believing in oneself self-assertive filled with aplomb self-reliant unvarnished armour-plated hard-as-nails fancy-free with a hide like an elephant free-spirited free-wheeling unstructured case-hardened pachydermatous seasoned off the hook mundane self-respecting well disposed unembellished under wraps uptight inobtrusive nonaggressive corked up unaffable unexcessive in charge bottled up on a leash unexpansive not given to excesses in control of yourself shrinking unextreme unimaginative lamblike demure reverent truthful appeasing lukewarm harmless literal feasible steadfast peacemaking softly-softly pedestrian uncreative unadorned unelectrified placatory undistorted unembroidered stationary propitiatory faithful humdrum eleemosynary soft touch propitious big-hearted well meaning fatherly loving regardful sweet-tempered supportive unstinting chivalrous giving pitying brotherly good-hearted greathearted great-hearted lavish princely attentive unselfish fatherlike kind-hearted gallant heart in right place philanthropic openhanded humane dutiful goodhearted bleeding-heart big public-spirited motherly well intentioned respectful openhearted magnanimous feeling noble selfless wholesome tenderhearted beneficent altruistic benefic maternal open-handed humanitarian bounteous large-hearted bountiful philanthropical all heart munificent kindhearted freehanded placating prosy set immutable naked non-confrontational straight-thinking conciliating abiding durable permanent changeless firm disarming determinate lasting frozen established propitiative deep-rooted hard well grounded unchangeable long-standing set in stone long-lived staying put solid as a rock hard-and-fast assuaging placative reconciliatory willing yielding make-up so as to pour oil on troubled waters listless objective blah uncompassionate unimpressionable obdurate coldhearted marble along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches

Kata sifat

Remaining constant or in an unvarying state
unchanged constant unvarying stable fixed steady perpetual permanent consistent eternal static unvaried unaltered continuing frozen unaffected resolute continuous firm uninterrupted unmodified unmoved untouched invariable changeless unchanging uniform immutable undeviating enduring persistent lasting abiding unchangeable unalterable regular set inflexible steadfast immovable stationary unfailing unceasing established rigid same irreversible relentless unrelieved ageless incommutable invariant unfluctuating unfading inalterable ineradicable unabated unmodifiable never-ending hard-and-fast unrestored untransformed unreconstructed unrelenting gridlocked unbending unyielding unshakeable indelible everlasting absolute perennial unending endless entrenched irremovable sacrosanct settled undiminished timeless well-established fixed as the laws of the Medes and Persians reliable unrestricted indefinite standing fast decided long-lasting on an even keel strong unmovable indestructible perdurable lifelong inevitable deep-rooted cast-iron hard and fast set in stone unwavering even continual basic original ceaseless incessant imperishable unremitting sustained interminable equable predictable unabating stabile monolithic non-stop never-changing durable undying immortal secure persisting indissoluble ingrained long-standing long-lived monotonous solid long-term forever dateless impressed remaining dependable surviving deathless balanced sure unfaltering unbroken habitual prevailing level etched imprinted ongoing true engraved embedded long-established ineffaceable sturdy sound rooted inexpungible set in concrete in for the long haul systematic deep-seated straight undiversified orderly symmetrical methodical homogeneous carved tenacious consonant standardized irreparable traditional standardised ancient lodged age-old printed time-honored sempiternal well-balanced infixed calm trustworthy planted perduring safe certain moored anchored tried old carved in stone responsible for keeps calculable stubborn inextirpable staunch trustable secured trusty long-running forever and a day nailed down solid as a rock stamped intractable hidebound fossilized plain long-living not changing resistant obstinate lingering fossilised unshakable written in stone living regularized nonstop regularised unswerving solid as rock flat binding determinate etched in stone like the Rock of Gibralter hard smooth long-continued well grounded open-ended unbreakable inseparable plumb committed long-existing ordered staying put equal faithful incorruptible lifetime inveterate stout incorrigible ossified normal compatible all-time lifetime's long-held for all your life livelong for life well-proportioned stalwart of a piece assured time-honoured well established time-hallowed inerasable honourable bulletproof honorable installed unexpungeable unerasable rhythmic well-built well balanced good definite confident unmoveable fastened immobilised set fast immobilized set firm stuck down inserted regulated repeated periodical periodic recurring systematized monochromatic tried and true conclusive tried and tested locked on tried-and-true sanguine in the bag determined able hopeful well-founded shoo-in motionless monochrome patterned measured nested still braced jammed cemented systematised congruous arranged alternating punctual mechanical harmonious precise cyclic successive accordant serial nailed unmoving riveted immobile tied unshaking flush unruffled collected leisured composed cool unshaken exact unrushed set in inexhaustible implanted in order homogenous longstanding homologous unicolor sedate driven in ground-in till the cows come home monochromic one-color homochromous homochromatic self self-colored easy

Antonim dari I don't care

English Vocalbulary

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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