Sinonim dari a quantity

Kata benda

A large quantity
scads gallons a bunch a deal a good deal a heap a lot a mass a mess a multiplicity an abundance a passel a pile a plenitude a plentitude a potful a profusion a shipload a spate a volume a wealth bags barrels basketfuls boatloads buckets bunches bundles bushels carloads chunks dozens fistfuls gobs heaps hundreds jillion loads lots masses mountains much myriad oodles packs pecks piles platefuls plenty pots rafts reams scores sheaves slews stacks stores tonnes tons truckloads wads yards zillions large number large quantity many and then some lashings thousands bevies millions billions abundance many bevvies quantities a load a great amount a multitude ocean a great deal a stack a plethora a swag a number a large amount a shedload a vast number mass profusion volume multiplicities wealth passels messes spates plenitude shiploads potfuls plentitudes myriads sight deals great deal collections shedloads stockpiles batches mounds clusters amassment aggregations clumps stock banks accumulation swags assemblage agglomerations jillions plethoras multitudes trillions numbers bulk hoards hills conglomerations lumps hosts deposits gazillions gob bazillions legions superabundance droves large numbers wholes cornucopia concentration a large number mines pools sums crowds ricks supply congeries funds hordes a great quantity reservoirs fullness cumulations assortments a mountain slathers acres manies hauls jumbles galore a great number gatherings reserve hunks groups great quantities an army a swarm a slew totals seas cargos large amount bounties copiousness umpteen sets stashes aggregates arrays a ton a huge amount a variety a store ample amounts countless amounts a legion untold considerable amounts copious amounts a bundle a concentrate an appreciable amount a whole load a clump a cargo an excess a whole slew a superabundance a hunk surplus amounts a collection an accumulation excessive amounts inordinate amounts a thing or two exorbitant amounts a bonanza a jillion undue amounts a whole bundle uncountable amounts unusually high amounts bountiful amounts a batch unreasonable amounts untold amounts a bulk incalculable amounts a lump infinite amounts voluminous amounts superfluous amounts diverse amounts a whole bunch an amount all kinds a trillion a buildup a cluster surfeit amounts superabundant amounts a stash sufficient amounts a bushel enough a wad a whole batch pileups blocks rich amounts build-ups backlogs liberal amounts generous amounts accretions lavish amounts inexhaustible amounts plenteous amounts overflowing amounts exuberant amounts floods feasts inventories harvests drift opulence huddles great amount combinations caches a thousand and one constellations troves groupings knots parcels bands batteries mints suites buildups clots package clutches a great many flocks accruals bings rickles numerous loadsa exuberance sufficiencies shocks luxuriance lavishness bountifulness amounts prosperity armfuls fruitfulness ampleness nimiety agglomerates wodges overflows excess musters richness amplitude plenteousness affluence riots swarms armies oceans miles throngs a fair amount infinity plurality treasure nest eggs logjams variety riches a considerable number lodgements units portions lodgments pyramids cumuli growth realty slew legion wad treasuries rabbles contingents busloads truckfuls pallets boxes cartons crates superfluities prosperousness outpourings prodigality oversupplies extravagance surfeit surpluses gluts sum totals corpora entirety totality avalanches full houses deluges luxury capacity bounteousness torrents stack pile mountain mound hill a huge number repertoires lodes fountains provisions founts repertories wells heap plentifulness profuseness fortune so many a boatload shedload a horde of depositions multitude denomination compendiums compilation whoppers slats hummocks garners hideaways treasure-troves extents shares degrees measures distribution body conglomerates crops consort parties consignments world vast amount huge amounts immensity bar alluvion dunes ridges rolls pocketsful acquisition kits caboodles concretions clouds pluralism numerousness diversity ranges galaxies preponderance lead majorities most advantage lot a host herds copious a bevy profuse abundant a horde a crowd a throng a flock divers score very many more … than one can shake a stick at promotion expansion puff crescendos advertising escalation hype plugs gain enlargement publicity development increase haycocks haystacks hay hayricks a myriad

Antonim dari a quantity

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