Sinonim dari acting erratic

Kata sifat

Unsteady and prone to unexpected changes
unstable fickle variable changeable inconstant volatile unpredictable fluctuating inconsistent unsteady irregular fluid unsettled mutable changing changeful varying wavering uncertain unreliable shifting undependable protean uneven fitful labile flaky flakey fluctuant turbulent unequal vagarious iffy roving wandering rambling desultory dubious directionless meandering dicey incalculable nomadic undirected ever-changing blowing hot and cold full of ups and downs capricious mercurial temperamental vacillating flighty skittish flickery whimsical impulsive wayward quicksilver kaleidoscopic up and down mobile moody movable excitable up-and-down giddy bipolar irrepressible yo-yo irresolute chameleonic random up in the air active elastic chameleon-like moving unfixed untrustworthy waffling dynamic faithless spasmodic oscillating variational peaky wild reckless freakish versatile ephemeral untrue disreputable arbitrary transitory alternating scattershot deviating momentary fleeting transient floating flexible shifty haphazard impermanent everchanging short-lived swaying always changing not conscientious constantly changing unbalanced spotty tempestuous fluky jerky irrational progressive ambiguous weaving multiform stayless polymorphous many-sided not fixed evolving adaptive quirky alterable flickering intermittent adaptable unequable patchy inexact chancy not constant ungovernable faddish slippery nonuniform sporadic chance unsteadfast episodic altering continuously changing ever-shifting crotchety unmethodical discontinuous developing growing episodical frivolous in a state of change vicissitudinous transitional restless variant agitated vagrant indecisive brief passing evanescent short temporary fugacious flitting flying flash deciduous fading fly-by-night quick here today and gone tomorrow fugitive adjustable malleable pliable modifiable reversible nonimmutable revocable rescindable indefinite transformable varied volative convertible permutable explosive knife-edge subject to change likely to change ever-moving undoable compliant accommodating pliant conformable easy easily altered easily fiddled easily tampered with easily falsified easily fudged easily distorted easily interfered with easily doctored easily corrupted easily misrepresented easily tinkered with

Kata sifat

Lacking a logical sequence, system or plan
haphazard random aimless arbitrary desultory scattered slapdash stray hit-or-miss catch-as-catch-can helter-skelter disorganized indiscriminate unmethodical unsystematic disorganised chaotic disorderly casual irregular chance unthinking orderless unplanned unpremeditated careless sloppy unorganized undirected purposeless accidental unorganised all over the place unconscious unexpected uncoordinated unpredictable inadvertent unwitting fortuitous slipshod unintended offhand messy capricious heedless unintentional unthought confused unforeseen extemporaneous systemless undesigned unmeant unsystematized undevised directionless involuntary fluky muddled jumbled wayward shambolic lost blind thoughtless unstructured all over the map all over the shop inconsistent whimsical badly organized perfunctory unfocused lackadaisical disordered cursory remiss lax undisciplined incidental scrambled designless unguided slap-happy wanton unsettled inefficient unprepared reckless hit or miss without goal without direction without purpose flukey incoherent unregulated without a goal fitful sporadic in disarray unpurposeful hasty hurried negligent untidy last-minute goalless pointless wandering vagrant drifting flighty clumsy wild unaccountable approximate unscientific hurry-scurry thrown-together slovenly all over the lot driftless objectless hit-and-miss slack neglectful higgledy-piggledy thrown together unconcerned spontaneous unselective sudden loose fluke willy-nilly unconsidered devil-may-care nonchalant shoddy irresponsible improvident any old way any which way variable indeterminate uncertain hit and miss illogical entropic mixed up fractal stochastic disconnected uncontrolled non-linear nonuniform aleatory frenzied promiscuous chancy incalculable uneven trial and error unthorough lazy inexact shabby inaccurate unmeticulous scattershot inattentive derelict disregardful neglecting faulty imperfect botched fly-by-night junky unworkmanlike unprofessional threadbare poor pell-mell unfastidious couldn't-care-less lousy improficient scrappy cowboy amateurish imprecise incorrect scatterbrained wrong sketchy erroneous error-ridden couldn't care less procrastinative incompetent inactive tardy delinquent idle otiose pococurante fainéant asleep at the wheel quiescent asleep on the job indolent slothful do-nothing lethargic leisurely dilatory laggard regardless permissive inert faineant easy-going passive dormant workshy

Kata sifat

Occurring or done in brief, irregular bursts
irregular sporadic intermittent spasmodic fitful episodic aperiodic unsteady discontinuous episodical spotty choppy casual catchy occasional patchy random uneven disconnected inconsistent desultory periodic scattered infrequent fragmentary odd inconstant isolated variable broken fluctuating on and off jerky interrupted unsystematic periodical hit-or-miss unstable scarce varying haphazard rare in fits and starts rambling scattershot unfrequent incidental disjointed uncommon on-again-off-again changeable unsettled seldom capricious shifting unmethodical disrupted aimless unequal shaky uncertain incoherent unconnected convulsive on-and-off bitty off and on on again and off again unusual wavering changing disturbed exceptional incomplete unreliable jumpy recurring recurrent sparse semioccasional unpredictable few indiscriminate sketchy fragmented entropic confused cyclical chance unexpected scrappy alternate jumbled jolting arbitrary seasonal disordered loose fractal wandering stray muddled bumpy catch-as-catch-can piecemeal non-linear few and far between not habitual in bits and pieces inchoate unorganized incohesive twitching unorganised helter-skelter troubled impulsive restless broken up spurtive intervallic flickering non-uniform freak accidental herky-jerky not uniform lone single impermanent chaotic not frequent uncustomary limited freelance outsourced outside unthinking slapdash offhand unlikely aberrated aberrant unaccustomed gaping unfocused orderless abnormal atypical anomalous lurching outré part-time scant rarefied scanty without purpose especial surprising unconventional uncharacteristic sometime exclusive special particular specific unorthodox unique unwonted unheard of out of the common out of the ordinary jouncing jarring continual disunited cyclic twitchy abrupt sudden disorganized isochronal isochronous uncontrolled epochal rhythmic serial punctuated iterative discontinuing alternating checked rhythmical arrested metrical iterant divided separated garbled shaking paroxysmal rough tremulous volatile stop-go dislocated displaced mixed up without unity split directionless stop-and-go every other here and there now and then by bits and pieces far-out unattached out-to-lunch disorganised spacey spaced-out irrational out-of-it cool fuzzy disorderly bouncy uncontrollable nonuniform juddering shuddering eccentric designless unpunctual unconsidered purposeless ever-changing up and down off-and-on non-periodic thin on the ground repeated regular frequent habitual constant steady fortuitous fluky every so often contingent at fixed intervals strange every once in a while extraordinary singular inconceivable discrete strewn widespread on-again, off-again in short supply meager perennial continuing meagre routine like gold dust daily once in a blue moon as scarce as hens' teeth orbital annual weekly yearly monthly hourly centennial curious weird queer different peculiar unfamiliar on certain occasions at various times offbeat novel bizarre temporary freakish quirky outlandish deviant oddball exceeding off-centre funny something else incredible phenomenal left-field out of the way alien freaky off the wall preternatural conspicuous out-of-the-way way out unintentional self-employed jobbing unintended unplanned unthinkable unimaginable subtile flimsy outstanding subtle towering tenuous thin remarkable preeminent attenuate short light attenuated magnificent deficient recherche standout inadvertent coincidental unpremeditated unwitting serendipitous flukey adventitious fluke by chance by-the-way circumstantial by accident unlooked-for

Kata sifat

Having a curious, strange or eccentric nature
odd strange bizarre peculiar weird eccentric queer curious outlandish quirky funny offbeat wacky crazy quaint remarkable wild screwy kooky cranky whacky bizarro kinky funky rum kookie weirdo queerish aberrant abnormal anomalous idiosyncratic oddball unnatural unusual far-out way-out off-the-wall off-kilter out-of-the-way spaced-out unconventional freakish extraordinary singular uncommon irregular off the wall freaky outré off-centre atypical unorthodox wacko freak zany deviant fantastic different unfamiliar unique out of the ordinary unexpected whimsical uncustomary mystifying perplexing rare left-field out there mysterious puzzling far out baffling out of the way exceptional unaccountable unco way out uncanny droll dubious untypical absurd daggy ridiculous suspicious eerie incongruous capricious flakey flaky ludicrous questionable nutty aberrated fishy out in left field creepy unwonted spooky preternatural fanciful unaccustomed outre grotesque off-center insane mad surreal surprising phenomenal especial exceeding extraordinaire quizzical inexplicable uncharacteristic foreign unpredictable avant-garde dilly in left field extravagant irrational daft madcap nonsensical preposterous Bohemian dotty isolated alternative unrepresentative exotic nonconformist beat characteristic bent original cockeyed perverted nonstandard off-colour off-color off-base out of line nuts crackpot cuckoo astonishing batty dippy cracked divergent unparalleled rogue doubtful suspect barmy unhinged unbalanced demented deviating psycho mental wayward unknown monstrous perverse potty comical outrageous aberrational devious novel twisted warped deviate malformed alien fantastical inconceivable unreal foolish hare-brained rummy unheard-of unheard of special anomalistic out of the common cockamamie off the air bohemian fresh intriguing oddish radical distinctive kookish out-there progressive advanced old-fashioned unordinary humorous arbitrary shady experimental innovative doubtable equivocal dodgy dubitable disputable disquieting debatable shaky eccentrical vagarious fitful teratoid changeable individual problematical problematic excentrical scarce laughable touched very unconventional hippy prodigious esoteric untraditional like nothing on earth inscrutable avant garde boho unhealthy distorted off the beaten track off-beat off the rails bugged out heterodox corrupt heteroclite unnormal heteromorphic wandering funny peculiar funny strange not normal non-typical digressive rambling straying defective transgressing nonconforming unprecedented something else off-key errant unconforming discordant other noteworthy specialised particular specialized unharmonious interesting specific implausible unlikely far-fetched incredible improbable unbelievable unthinkable unrealistic imaginary unconvincing unimaginable illusory incredulous grandiose loony visionary amazing unconceivable misleading romantic uncompelling artificial ambitious wonderful barbarous awkward illusive extreme hallucinatory suppositious goofy bonkers amusing silly loopy clownish comic out of sight cock-and-bull make-believe cock-eyed eye-popping brainsick bughouse crackbrained psychotic screwball looney deranged fruity crackers haywire bats crazed gaga lunatic loco maniac wud maniacal moonstruck unsound bedlam scatty whacko daffy meshugge meshuga balmy certifiable fluky gonzo chance unforeseen fortuitous surprise unforeseeable unanticipated looney tunes loony tunes non compos mentis acting crazy illogical farcical new marvellous marvelous risible ghostly incomprehensible glamorous shocking harebrained unearthly senseless fatuous outstanding glamourous asinine jarring astounding inane half-baked unreasonable supernatural stupid sensational infrequent striking featherheaded bewildering obscure spookish eldritch haunting unwise pointless conspicuous befuddling inconsistent witless simpleminded brainless untried bubbleheaded lunkheaded remote distinct eery half-witted paradoxical weak-minded idiotic dark mind-boggling staggering hilarious imbecilic incomparable derisory stupefying unexampled wondrous hard to swallow inept dumfounding unexplored awesome miraculous stunning confounding awful contrary awe-inspiring cockamamy pathetic dreamlike mind-blowing individualistic scary distinguished incongruent beyond belief out of place notable frightening disparate memorable unintelligible startling ironic incoherent confusing chilling dumbfounding jerky tomfool sappy sporadic fool one of a kind seldom macabre contradictory farfetched derisive imaginative flustering flimsy jolting ornate few and far between spine-chilling out of this world hair-raising magical unannounced blood-curdling thin strained recondite eye-opening labored laboured distinguishing little known occult mystic secret not quite right foolhardy maverick infantile baroque informal exclusive impracticable inappropriate imprudent puerile unworkable disconsonant unequalled unceremonious inapropos unrivaled unmatched unrivalled impossible unequaled ill-conceived ghastly quixotic matchless diverting flabbergasting blindsiding weird and wonderful gothic Gothic atypic significant prominent eminent refreshing peerless exciting newsworthy nightmarish other-worldly creative sinister bananas barking murky unexcelled fearful unlike horrific ominous spectral schizoid beyond your ken pioneering out of keeping weak dreadful momentous arresting sick meaningless recherche doolally variant stupendous terrifying few limited delirious dramatic derisible disturbing thin on the ground without equal phony fabulous under suspicion beyond compare spectacular ghostlike overwhelming petrifying muddling without parallel numinous newfangled sui generis disconcerting occasional cock and bull uninvestigated ground-breaking in a league of its own barking mad impractical jaw-dropping unnerving shonky heavy portentous phoney scaring out to lunch untoward forced as daft as a brush off your head scarcely credible won't wash full of it not kosher hard to take up the pole offhand very unique very unusual fancy mystical irrelevant deviative poignant mutant custom customized signature personalized surrealistic skittish unrecognized elaborate intricate cool unfathomable wigged out schizo disorderly misfit random dissimilar egregious arcane nondescript unrecognised Kafkaesque rococo simple cryptic not tightly wrapped giddy breaking new ground non-standard devastating ape berserk unforgettable eye-catching off dopey ungodly mercurial inexplainable altered imported ready unsettling flipped out impressive crazy-ass wackadoodle wackadoo serious tremendous seldom seen amazeballs pervy sicko ambiguous typical very strange record groundbreaking revolutionary very different flash gnarly forby not prepared varying heretical customised personalised off your trolley out of one's mind representative first-time signal unsavoury disreputable shifty irresponsible inimitable never to be forgotten personal outside cabalistic not typical anarchistic out of the box tall essential off beaten path private demoniac demonic out of character non-mortal animal subhuman inhuman non-human devilish ironical providential sublime bird-brained out of all reason short-sighted beyond all reason iffy faint slight all your own external unacceptable offensive undiscovered nonplussing shattering discomfiting nonplusing dismaying upsetting diagnostic discriminating classic symptomatic identifying one and only diagnostical superhuman foreign-looking less likely not likely outside chance exaggerated uncouth eerily magic supernal funny-looking mysterious-looking strange-looking unseasonable uneasy potentially illegal potentially dishonest unsavory the utmost wonderworking supranatural supermundane superior inconsequential freethinking unsung disgraceful unremarked unregarded embellished dishonest untrustworthy chucklesome unbelieveable witty liberated untrammelled unconstrained unfettered hyperbolic extrinsic specious unpersuasive menacing horrifying harrowing threatening irritating unreliable waggish independent nameless little-known undreamed of undreamed-of unrenowned superstitious paranormal crawly unwholesome depraved degenerate lame trifling feeble untrammeled criminal rich entertaining annoying priceless joshing camp unsatisfactory shallow ineffectual ponderous transparent inadequate campy free-spirited hairy horrible direful dumb poor unimpressive difficult to believe hard to believe not convincing a laugh side-splitting a joke a bit much exogenetic estranged phantom shuddersome nasty gruesome disgusting unpleasant ghoulish of doubtful honesty open to question rings untrue too much open to doubt never before encountered light-hearted OTT a bit thick over the top morbid undesirable unsuitable fascinating extraterrestrial spiritual phantasmal phantasmic unhuman scanty subtile subtle sparse preeminent magnificent towering tenuous attenuate short light attenuated deficient semioccasional scattered standout rarefied unfrequent disturbed conflicting exogenous haunted unstable frenzied shadowy wraithlike chimerical vampiric distraught sepulchral funereal unsuited charismatic captivating charming appealing psychopathic distracted sectionable raving wrong improper extraneous frantic manic hysterical nutso buggy unbecoming squirrelly nutsy wraithy otherworldly ethereal bushed fetching beguiling alluring seductive engaging dissonant clashing incompatible inapt irreconcilable porangi yarra unhappy amiss infelicitous malapropos unseemly incorrect unfit inapposite unapt indecorous graceless mentally ill too good for this world nutty as a fruitcake not all there mad as a hatter have bats in the belfry round the bend foaming at the mouth out of one's head stark mad raving mad not together mad as a March hare round the twist not right in the head sick in the head not right upstairs not quite right in the head have kangaroos in the top paddock away with the fairies of unsound mind mentally unbalanced stark staring mad not the full shilling have a screw loose stark raving mad at odds unsubstantial unimagined provocative riveting chivalrous colourful nostalgic compelling adventurous colorful incogitable unrelated unconnected lopsided unavailing in opposition shifting jumbled not in harmony uncoordinated uneven incongruitous reachy unknowable insupposable imcomprehensible sticking out a mile standing out a mile like a fish out of water out of the question not to be thought of extremely implausible beyond reason won't fly extremely unlikely extremely doubtful not in the least likely beyond the bounds of possibility extremely difficult to believe

Kata sifat

Difficult to control due to willful behavior
wayward wilful unruly contrary rebellious disobedient intractable unmanageable headstrong perverse refractory stubborn ungovernable fickle obdurate obstinate unpredictable defiant recalcitrant insubordinate contumacious froward uncooperative fractious incorrigible untoward wild willful balky difficult impossible incompliant incontrollable intolerable obstreperous rebel recusant restive unbearable uncontrollable undependable undisciplined mulish aberrant arbitrary delinquent disorderly errant immoral naughty ornery uncompliant self-willed cross-grained badly behaved strong-willed self-indulgent dysfunctional ill-disciplined mischievous bad badly-behaved pugnacious impudent insolent misbehaving whiny petulant problematic cantankerous belligerent combative trying disruptive rascally aggressive bellicose confrontational socially impaired hostile argumentative rowdy fierce maladjusted rude hot-tempered exasperating rough disturbed scrappy ill-behaved truculent peevish troublous undisciplinable tiresome nasty devilish bold unrestrainable loudmouthed irksome malicious pesky wearisome uncontainable roguish demanding sullen mean indocile troublesome annoying awkward unreasonable disobliging vexatious stroppy hard to handle inflexible unbending negative immovable hesitant loath negativistic averse reluctant indisposed untimely adverse unfortunate inopportune inconvenient unfavorable unfavourable unanticipated ill-timed unexpected unforeseen unpredicted disastrous mistimed unusual surprising inapt unwelcome irritating unsuitable inappropriate infelicitous unlucky inauspicious unhelpful obstructive unseasonable malapropos inimical badly timed unaccommodating prickly irritable thrawn touchy vexing unpliable unpleasant unpropitious star-crossed unyielding misfortunate disturbing hapless luckless ill-starred pervicacious chippy renitent intransigent pertinacious opinionated complex bulky difficult to handle cramped disagreeable discommodious bloody-minded incommodious bolshie cussed pigheaded hardheaded steadfast quarrelsome contrarious indomitable opinionative querulous feisty ungracious fiendish strong-minded single-minded set in one's ways wrong-headed hard-nosed stiff-necked bull-headed pig-headed

Kata sifat

Forgetful or absent-minded
scatterbrained silly frivolous flighty ditzy featherbrained goofy harebrained birdbrained ditsy puerile futile lightheaded scatty thoughtless stupid careless irresponsible forgetful dreamy inattentive unreliable unsystematic vague light-headed light-minded empty-headed feather-brained absent-minded feather-headed bird-brained not thinking clearly not with it with a mind like a sieve giddy rash foolhardy imprudent reckless heedless wild crazy impetuous dotty impulsive hasty precipitate dippy daredevil incautious precipitous overhasty devil-may-care kamikaze hot-headed harum-scarum brainless witless daft foolish idiotic inane fatuous disorganized mindless unintelligent imbecilic mad doltish dizzy thick soft screwy thickheaded loopy dopey pinheaded tomfool vacuous lamebrained unstable disorganised simpleminded zany lunatic nonsensical kooky loony screwball jerky looney unwise insane muttonheaded lunkheaded whacky nutty kookie wacky sappy dappy chowderheaded ignorant chuckleheaded cockamamie nitwitted impractical simple bubbleheaded divvy madcap dim-witted haphazard ill-considered hell-for-leather half-witted half-baked brain-dead slow-witted weak-minded sheepheaded fat-headed pea-brained negligent regardless wooden-headed pie-faced muddle-headed woolly-headed casual remiss overconfident brash overbold audacious inconsiderate capricious uncareful fly-by-night careless of one's duty abstracted unaware vacant absorbed musing distracted undependable faraway preoccupied daydreaming bemused oblivious unthinking unheeding baffled distant bewildered pensive mystified nonplussed puzzled with your head in the clouds hare-brained inconstant temerarious daring carefree romping disorderly imbecile absurd senseless preposterous cretinous ridiculous dim boneheaded asinine blockheaded inept dozy cuckoo damfool fool featherheaded glaikit crackpot daffy dunderheaded dof dotish inconsistent moronic dumb cockeyed obtuse balmy dopy absent distrait miles away lost in thought wool-gathering engrossed unmindful dreaming in a brown study woolgathering blank absentminded neglectful empty not with us out to lunch unconscious lost thoughtful unobservant far away apt to forget somewhere else expressionless impassive deadpan inexpressive wooden emotionless unexpressive stony inscrutable agitated stolid withdrawn remote insensible lifeless numb diverted brooding catatonic removed mooning airheaded moony inadvertent idle hollow inclined to forget rapt inanimate unfocused distraught uninterested pipe dreaming with a memory like a sieve not there poker-faced detached intent immersed meditative amnesic amnesiac reflective ruminative introspective frantic frenzied hysteric hysterical delirious wrapped up speculative omitted bare wistful introvertive beside oneself out in space immersed in thought deep in thought in a world of your own dull a million miles away in a reverie unresponsive fixed glazed confused inobservant unobserving unwatchful unperceiving undiscerning unnoticing apathetic bored listless perplexed flustered troubled lacking concentration not concentrating off in a world of one's own off-guard meaningless stiff uncommunicative masklike noncommittal immobile disconcerted ruffled discomposed straight-faced disregardful slapdash slipshod lax pestered worried harassed befuddled tormented fazed confounded hassled amnemonic inattentive to slack wandering negligent about nirvanic unwitting oblivious to sloppy sidetracked at sea remiss in indifferent to remiss about lax about indifferent out of it looking out window having a memory like a sieve asleep on the job not on the job like an absent-minded professor spacey inconscient surroundings in a flap driven to distraction motionless glassy space cadet goofing off unaware of events head in the clouds incurious uncomprehending vapid

Kata sifat

Not having a sound state of mind
unbalanced mad demented crazy deranged unhinged crazed insane daft psychotic nutty cuckoo lunatic batty mental maniacal wacky loony screwy bonkers nuts wacko loco gaga cracked certifiable crackers psycho barmy crackpot kooky whacky whacko looney daffy unsound cranky kookie crackbrained haywire fruity meshugge brainsick balmy maniac bughouse moonstruck bats scatty disturbed meshuga loopy bedlam unstable touched wud sectionable dotty bananas dippy barking buggy nutsy irrational squirrelly nutso eccentric potty neurotic troubled unglued flaky flakey freaky kinky unscrewed mentally ill non compos mentis raving mad of unsound mind not all there mad as a hatter barking mad looney tunes loony tunes away with the fairies round the bend nutty as a fruitcake round the twist mad as a March hare not the full shilling out to lunch with a screw loose mixed up screwed up a bit lacking daft as a brush nobody home disordered berserk flipped schizo silly psychopathic zany distracted gonzo delirious doolally screwball out there off the air foolish oddball off-the-wall up the pole off your trolley off the rails off your chump chaotic confused disorganized wild topsy-turvy sick faulty tangled shambolic idiotic fuddled porangi wonky nonfunctional broken berko disarranged stupid schizophrenic paranoiac paranoic paranoid sociopathic violent amok out of control orderless amiss disorganised defective messy unwise bushed outlandish unrealistic unzipped dingy not functioning properly out of order in pieces on the blink out of whack in a mess on the fritz out of commission up the spout not right upstairs not quite right in the head not right in the head freaked out off the chain flipped out not in your right mind one card shy of a full deck a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic around the bend off your head off one's gourd frenzied raving stark raving mad distraught sick in the head manic hysterical out of one's mind off the wall as daft as a brush frantic foaming at the mouth stark staring mad off your rocker not together stark mad schizoid yarra have kangaroos in the top paddock crazy as a loon have bats in the belfry off one's nut unsettled have a screw loose rabid inoperable off derailed raging not working out of kilter malfunctioning inoperative bizarre senseless busted fatuous wrong preposterous kerflooey in disrepair kaput odd fried uncontrolled bedlamite disabled down psychopathological peculiar queer broken-down bust out ape moonstricken shot demoniac dazed dreamy not functioning spent gone to pieces severely mentally ill fallen apart in the shop playing up having bats in the belfry not of sound mind in another world mentally deranged out of one's gourd deprived of one's wits having a screw loose in a daze off the deep end on the shelf manic-depressive in the ozone run-down in need of repair having kangaroos in the top paddock unusable over the edge flipped-out non compos strange psychoneurotic daggy mindless irresponsible impractical schitzy maddened schizzo unreasonable unsafe aberrant invalid fantastic severely mentally disordered bemused touched in the head out of one's head simple out of your mind panic-stricken yampy witless imbecilic simple-minded moronic one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree as mad as a March hare as mad as a hatter cretinous dull-witted slow slow-witted dim-witted half-witted dunce-like feeble-minded dull empty-headed vacuous dopey thick vapid pig-ignorant dim bovine dozy birdbrained dumb pea-brained wooden-headed lamebrained boneheaded chuckleheaded fat-headed brain-dead muttonheaded dunderheaded incapacitated inactive out of use giddy not quite right slow on the uptake thick as two short planks soft in the head damaged non-functioning imperfect ruined finished knackered wracked gone phut unsatisfactory had it done for conked out gone gone haywire coming unstuck exhausted acting up worn-out duff weak conked-out coming unglued on its last legs gone to pot feeble not in working order on the bum psyched out nonfunctioning nonoperating wrecked kaputt

Kata sifat

That cannot be computed
incomputable countless innumerable numberless inestimable enormous untold jillion zillion infinite capricious chancy fluctuant iffy uncertain unfixed unforeseen unpredictable unreckonable whimsical uncountable boundless immense vast immeasurable measureless without number no end of no end to limitless indeterminable bottomless endless huge multitudinous fathomless cosmic unsummed unnumbered innumerous without end unnumberable hit-or-miss haphazard incalculable unforeseeable not to be reckoned unlimited unbounded myriad inexhaustible illimitable great interminable numerous unfathomable many never-ending indefinite unending immensurable horizonless abundant legion uncounted everlasting manifold umpteen multifarious multiple extensive without limit indeterminate constant very many several unceasing perpetual continual unfailing ceaseless incessant undying continuous uninterrupted unbroken abounding amaranthine monotonous overlong undivided copious voluminous various sundry populous uncalculable prodigious too many to be counted eternal unquantifiable profuse enduring unsurpassable immortal deathless no strings self-perpetuating multifold divers plentiful beaucoup beyond measure unknown indefinable loads of heaps of beyond number masses of oodles of stacks of a multitude of bags of a great number of a multiplicity of bazillions of zillions of gazillions of a slew of thick on the ground tremendous unflagging incomprehensible unfading considerable multiplex large wide open teeming lavish heaps no holds barred alive with ample frequent bountiful rife plenteous lots of a thousand and one all kinds of quite a few diverse scads of an incalculable number of an infinite number of infinite numbers of endless numbers of incalculable numbers of a bunch of priceless invaluable wide stupendous unspecifiable unidentifiable unmeasured precious unfathomed valuable extreme on tap ad nauseam nonstop undefined multitudinal beyond price unconfined without limits unbottomed persistent wide-open unrestricted plumbless plummetless massive colossal unmeasurable non-stop thousand-and-one a whole bunch of a raft of round-the-clock no catch crawling with no strings attached far down very deep having no end abysmal not stopping prolific unthinkable unimaginable indescribable imponderable unspeakable unutterable inexpressible superabundant bounteous generous thick monstrous unexpressed ineffable private hidden titanic mighty staggering mammoth gigantic overflowing miscellaneous disparate liberal well-provided varied large-scale multiplied rampant rich replete unremitting assorted prevalent well-supplied motley mixed a lot of plenty of piles of a profusion of millions of a shedload of scores of a great many lousy with quantities of a great deal of billions of a quantity of dozens of a swag of tons of hundreds of thousands of an abundance of undreamed of absolute total unconditional full utter with no holds barred lank mucho stack mint loads oodles wad scads slew pile raft gobs peck mess heap immeasurable numbers of tidy sum whole slew passel of more than one can count more … than one can shake a stick at

Kata sifat

Acting or judging in error
wrong incorrect inaccurate mistaken erroneous unsound inexact faulty invalid counterfactual fallacious false illogical imprecise phony phoney sophistical unfounded untrue untruthful misleading bogus dicey dodgy erring flawed iffy fluffed off askew astray goofed in error miscalculated misconstrued misfigured misguided mishandled off beam off-target specious spurious ungrounded way out wide not accurate not exact off base off target without foundation at fault full of holes not precise not working way off beam wide of the mark out of commission out of line on the wrong track out weak defective unreliable amiss awry distorted sophistic unsubstantiated fallible unsupported off-beam groundless implausible unreasonable imperfect irrational untenable unreasoning mad nonrational unreasoned inconsequential illegitimate inconsequent reasonless off course senseless foolish absurd silly stupid way off off track nonsensical abroad ludicrous unconvincing baseless deceptive impaired contradictory flimsy questionable falsified dubious tenuous off-base adrift incongruous suspect shaky ill-founded incoherent all wet misinformed flakey unstable flaky preposterous unjustified off the mark idiotic crazy unjustifiable ridiculous insane nutty wacky daft wild foundationless doubtful inadequate unscientific unfit inconsistent blemished without basis hollow barmy casuistic chancy rocky disreputable risky unsubstantial way off-beam undependable uncertain made up arbitrary off the wall in the wrong pseudo sham off the right track open to question open to doubt indefinite cold unfitting improper errant thoughtless delusory delusive wanting fictitious illusory getting cold wrong-headed truthless fabricated unproven beguiling deceitful deluding deceiving uncorroborated not trustworthy trumped up far-fetched unwise unwarranted not thinking straight brainless wrong number all off error-filled inappropriate unreal fishy fraudulent nonvalid mindless unfaithful careless injudicious unsustainable illegal unbacked loony kooky unthinking discrepant garbled laughable way-out not true untrustworthy way-off not right fake cockamamie doesn't wash wrongly inferred wrongly identified bad wide of mark barking up wrong tree labouring under a misapprehension barking up the wrong tree demented freaky aberrant raving counterintuitive disconnected distraught delirious disjointed off-the-wall afield gone vanished lost roaming wandering straying debased botched rank unretentive incomplete insufficient adulterated cracked lemon sick frail malformed injured tainted blamable leaky deficient confused broken-down warped maimed lame marred below par inane meaningless inconclusive impossible perverse fatuous irreconcilable imbecilic unproved cockeyed irrelevant unconnected screwy beyond belief self-contradictory not making sense not following beyond the bounds of possibility

Kata sifat

Not going in a direct course or line
indirect winding tortuous meandering twisting circuitous serpentine roundabout curving sinuous crooked rambling devious zigzag anfractuous snaking discursive wandering circular deviant divergent sidelong long long-drawn-out curvy deviating twisted flexuous curling bending crazy curved windy curled excursive ambiguous detouring digressing errant digressory diverting zigzagging twisty undulating wiggly squiggly irregular tacking snaky sinuate wavy ogee serpentiform meandrous oblique inclined crinkled sloping waggling oscillating awry serrated jagged transverse askew bent fluctuating full of twists and turns diagonal convoluted mazy spiraling turning spiralling labyrinthine coiled coiling involved intricate looping curvilinear spiral gyrating wriggly distorted twisting and turning contorted skewed digressive lopsided straying bendy sweeping loopy complicated obliquitous verbose tortile involute ambagious meandry lengthy collateral bowed arched warped hooked curvilineal rounded vermiculate bowing warping arching twining veering snakelike slinky lithe deviative flowing vagrant incurving kinky angular screwy catawampus agee kinked asymmetric asymmetrical wry unsymmetrical uneven aslant slanting slanted tilted tipping slantwise atilt circling corkscrew swirling long way long way around going around by way of back road winding around pitched curly listing cock-a-hoop turned sigmoid S-shaped circumlocutory excursional tangent excursionary aberrant aberrative tangential periphrastic evasive implied digressionary digressional roaming desultory leaping roving maundering complex circumlocutionary long-winded heteroclite unstraightforward confusing misleading tricky non-linear episodic diffusive deceptive overlong taking the long way cunning byzantine difficult perverse difficult to follow

Kata sifat

Constantly moving from place to place
nomadic wandering itinerant roving roaming peripatetic vagrant vagabond wayfaring errant ambulatory nomad drifting migratory ambulant travelling fugitive migrant unsettled galavanting gallivanting peregrine ranging perambulatory transient rambling gypsy floating traveling rootless discursive meandering perambulant itinerate prodigal pastoral ambling on the move mobile moving migrating homeless touring journeying shifting displaced restless footloose seasonal voyaging jet-setting on the wing on the go of no fixed abode walking globetrotting immigrant of no fixed address trekking Romany destitute strolling digressive fly-by-night driving down and out temporary changing tramp casual migratorial immigrating migrative emigrating impermanent flying traversing desultory moving around migrational transmigratory passing over passing through locomotive hiking tzigane didicoi idle vagarious shiftless rangy expatriate rubbernecking globe-trotting gadabout Gypsy constantly traveling translocating relocating arrant afoot sweeping spanning extensive widespread covering unstationary cruising commuting riding on foot riding the rails refugee jaunting landloping planetary straggling sauntering mendicant wayward stray aimless on tour excursioning active down-and-out fancy-free disenfranchised freewheeling bustling without family ties without a settled home motile movable having itchy feet advancing kinetic going unfixed running progressing convoluted indirect roundabout in motion excursive digressionary digressional leaping circuitous tortuous maundering diffuse anfractuous circular verbose devious episodic diffusive prolix long-winded lengthy periphrastic long wordy circumlocutory loose pleonastic waffly ambagious logorrhoeic broad spreading deviating free musing conversational informal

Kata sifat

Contrary to intuition or common sense
counterintuitive unreasonable faulty illogical implausible nonsensical absurd capricious contradictory preposterous reasonless senseless sophistic untenable foolish stupid silly unwise brainless idiotic crazy ridiculous ludicrous unsound mindless daft injudicious insane wacky nutty loony kooky weak mad unthinking invalid unreasoning wild laughable nonrational unjustifiable fallacious inconsequential unfounded groundless illegitimate cockamamie inconsequent baseless wrong arbitrary specious unscientific barmy incoherent demented freaky aberrant flakey disconnected distraught unstable flaky off-the-wall raving irrational delirious disjointed fatuous asinine fantastic bizarre witless harebrained lunatic zany outrageous unbelievable inane farcical unthinkable incredible fanciful fantastical half-baked crackpot hare-brained cockeyed daffy dotty whacky dippy cuckoo looney half-witted kookie featherheaded incongruous imbecilic balmy simpleminded risible lunkheaded bubbleheaded screwball strange jerky unreal off the wall weak-minded tomfool sappy inconceivable inept impossible pointless extravagant astonishing improbable shocking imprudent far-fetched weird comical fool impracticable unrealistic unlikely unimaginable cockamamy cock-eyed peculiar moronic pathetic derisory extraordinary unworkable impractical outlandish monstrous grotesque dubious ill-conceived inconsistent foolhardy unconvincing doubtful odd unintelligent derisive unreasoned queer unusual crackbrained meaningless goofy flawed out of the question whimsical screwy potty false batty off beam way out ill-considered beyond the bounds of possibility ill-advised beyond belief questionable eccentric short-sighted remarkable curious thoughtless suspect farfetched puzzling puerile flimsy simple full of holes funny giddy incautious grandiose incomprehensible oddball spurious irresponsible sensational scatterbrained incorrect inconclusive erroneous hollow too much not on mind-boggling out of the ordinary irreconcilable fishy infantile self-contradictory amazing unsubstantial hilarious vain singular incredulous misleading thin unique extreme phenomenal unachievable uncompelling reachy unconceivable indiscreet exaggerated rare unattainable astounding uncommon without foundation outré without basis doltish exorbitant wondrous reckless unobtainable madcap loopy won't wash hopeless abnormal not making sense out to lunch offbeat softheaded feebleminded spectacular nerdy unearthly unrealizable embellished suspicious dubitable bewildering mystifying baffling dumb surreal make-believe not worth considering off your head hyperbolic ill-thought-out rash beyond one derisible disputable debatable flighty unheard-of not to be thought of cock and bull hard to swallow tenuous vague unpersuasive unsafe all wet poor unsatisfactory nebulous lame inadequate unsubstantiated feeble excessive unsustainable unsupportable sketchy shaky indefensible obscure unpractical imaginary vacuous illusory far-out thick airy problematic slight unimpressive dopey scatty romantic ambitious visionary artificial worthy of scorn extremely foolish doolally gonzo not well thought out stupidly irresponsible illusive suppositious different hallucinatory contemptible wacko off the beam won't hold water taking the cake foolheaded feather-brained unwarranted mercurial off your trolley unbalanced unconscionable overblown wackadoodle nonconformist crazy-ass freakish wackadoo off the air up the pole unjustified halfwitted out of sight cock-and-bull dreamlike rum funky quixotic quirky weirdo mistaken misconceived deluded fabricated dishonest untruthful untrue over the top impolitic inadvisable O.T.T. a bit much OTT shady exceptional misguided spaced-out off-kilter sophistical errant confused erring distorted undependable equivocal untrustworthy embroidered iffy histrionic arguable unreliable beyond all reason bird-brained out of all reason inappropriate casuistic surprising heedless not to be considered highly undesirable complicated tall far out blown up perverse ill-judged stunning notable striking momentous prodigious miraculous unproved irrelevant unconnected unfeasible unforgettable eye-catching arresting special stupendous unwonted uncustomary noteworthy conspicuous unviable exceeding uncanny extraordinaire unprecedented serious especial eye-popping unco atypical preternatural unaccustomed aberrated freak anomalous tremendous out-of-the-way forlorn undoable insurmountable not feasible not following unfamiliar amazeballs insuperable irresoluble insolvable unsolvable heavy flash gnarly forby unexpected paradoxical irresolvable off beaten path never to be forgotten out of this world impervious insoluble inaccessible useless inexecutable impassable infeasible futile irrealizable unsuitable not possible no-way not a prayer hardly possible no-go non-viable like herding cats beyond you hundred-to-one contrary to reason staggering unacceptable highly unlikely unhinged deranged beyond the realm of reason maniacal not remotely possible unimagined incogitable phony unknowable insupposable imcomprehensible extremely implausible mind-blowing beyond reason won't fly extremely unlikely phoney full of it extremely doubtful extremely difficult to believe not in the least likely scarcely credible

Kata sifat

Fraught with danger
dicey dangerous perilous hairy hazardous precarious risky unsafe chancy parlous sticky thorny delicate difficult dodgy gnarly iffy problematic problematical tricky uncertain unpredictable dubious fluctuant unchancy awkward capricious incalculable ticklish high-risk touch-and-go fraught with danger unreliable treacherous unsound touchy rocky speculative insecure unsettled undecided unsure tentative conditional doubtful unresolved up in the air hesitant in lap of gods whimsical shaky suspicious in the lap of the gods fishy in the balance in doubt threatening vulnerable menacing exposed defenceless life-threatening malignant harmful unhealthy serious toxic unstable injurious grievous venturesome grave threatened destructive jeopardizing unprotected explosive alarming on thin ice defenseless tottering on a limb open to attack fearsome rickety hanging by a thread unsteady untrustworthy jeopardising slippery undependable wobbly critical jeopardous dynamite deadly wicked fatal in danger playing with fire at risk desperate breakneck nasty loaded hot dangersome terrifying death-defying ugly sensitive shonky Russian roulette reckless in jeopardy volatile daredevil mortal lethal adventurous venturous viperous tottery combustible endangered inflammable out on a limb excessive not safe ominous exigent daring prickly tricksy tough catchy knotty spiny haphazard tight unclear unsecure taxing suspenseful cliffhanging scary unknown deathly wide-open hanging in the balance bad long shot on slippery ground on a slippery slope built on sand poisonous flammable extreme urgent pressing rugged heavy terrible formidable incurable queasy disastrous on collision course ignitable burnable incendiary severe capital acute turbulent eruptive very dangerous charged tense full of upheavals inflammatory potentially violent in turmoil fiery ignitible combustive overwrought worrying anxious strained stressful volcanic imperiled nerve-racking highly charged knife-edge jeopardized jeopardised disappearing imperilled warned in peril dying out

Kata sifat

Obsessively concerned with something
fanatical enthusiastic fervent obsessive passionate wild frenzied keen ardent dedicated devoted eager fixated immoderate infatuated obsessed burning compulsive extreme fervid mad over-enthusiastic crazy dotty frenetic gung-ho hooked nuts potty visionary zealous overenthusiastic passional perfervid rabid wackadoo wackadoodle addicted biased bugged contumacious credulous domineering fanatic feverish fiery headstrong impassioned impulsive incorrigible monomaniacal obstinate opinionated partial possessed raving stubborn unruly violent willful high on nuts for turned on vehement excited intense avid earnest spirited wholehearted energetic committed fierce enthused warm pumped lively emotional red-hot voracious heated flaming torrid raring strong delirious charged hot-blooded gung ho impatient demonstrative animated warm-blooded juiced hungry vigorous consuming antsy incandescent blazing desirous agog athirst deep religious superheated glowing solicitous profound manic heartfelt devout forceful hot stoked anxious great thirsty uncontrollable deep-seated hopped-up powerful mad keen hepped up restless fond keen as mustard assiduous hearty driven exuberant hysterical geeked all-consuming inflamed furious vivacious unrestrained obsessional raging acute ebullient heightened keyed up excessive ready steadfast as keen as mustard motivated willing zestful true frantic intent infatuated with interested devoted to high-spirited staunch ambitious gone on diligent greedy fevered enamored sprightly uncontrolled sincere hopped up true blue ferocious enamoured over the top yearning exhilarated severe fired up longing loyal faithful serious in love concerned tumultuous very keen on impetuous on fire addicted to dutiful appetent psyched hooked on deeply felt pious ready and willing amped distracted raring to go overwrought true-blue chomping at the bit smitten crazed feeling nutty extraordinary absorbed hyperactive exceptional industrious stirred game urgent overzealous itching hellacious preoccupied blistering heavy hectic explosive afire conscientious warmblooded engaged determined thrilled daft sentimental steamed up enamored of dynamic pleased raw animate unfeigned hung up messianic titillated expressive purposeful enamoured of smitten with melodramatic constant carried away swivel-eyed ecstatic forcible thrilling hyper exciting tender responsive stirring craving active hot for unqualified single-minded resolute steady card-carrying nervous deep-rooted covetous crazy about mad about bright-eyed and bushy-tailed fast in love with good stanch breathless happy aggressive gotta have dying to nuts about big inclined supportive disposed champing at the bit down-the-line given over to hopeful wishing insatiable dying desiring engrossed involved intent on ravenous grasping acquisitive uproarious keen on occupied knee-deep temperamental diehard avaricious rapacious allegiant marked untrammeled untrammelled nutso adoring doting attentive overpowering full prepossessed inordinate intemperate penetrating piercing vivid potent abject genuine entrenched in a frenzy excitable susceptible habitual intensified demented disorderly passionate about enthusiastic about sensitive very excited honest hard-core rooted intrenched overemotional emotive relentless turbulent warmhearted confused admiring adherent consecrated effervescent jumping up and down loving heartwarming overcharged tempestuous roused compelling ghastly almighty high mad on unbalanced inveterate thorough bona fide rousing supreme grave berserk hard major ungovernable pyretic febrile sentient verklempt angry stirred up high as a kite mental exquisite fascinated moving eloquent poignant high-pressure stimulated precipitate headlong high-powered inspiring hotblooded affecting quickened besetting rhapsodic aflame wacky tantalized drastic dreadful silly thoroughgoing settled amenable restive hankering unreluctant pining glad touchy-feely tantalised zesty gaga sharp terrible fearful dizzy sweating gripping tormenting neurotic haunting turnt fearsome significant nutso over shook on nutty about very enthusiastic about bred-in-the-bone confirmed hot to trot vicious blustering boisterous dominant rampant wigged-out dominating intensive frightful flushed burning up febrific unchecked unbridled excruciating critical full of beans irresistible fixed controlling addictive heavy-duty cut-throat beside oneself fond of sweet on very enthusiastic inescapable pathological dependent pushy unrelenting unyielding proactive bullish banzai agitated militant out of control stalwart itchy maniacal ripe emphatic take-charge can-do unwavering extremely enthusiastic zealotic fired fireball sworn go-ahead firm self-starting wild-eyed coming on strong through and through studious overactive pledged desperate dependent on predisposed attached imbued accustomed hyped habituated dyed-in-the-wool out-and-out single-hearted old faithful deep-dyed true to the end hard-working busy given to under the influence strung out given to abusing jonesing for prone to spaced out used to given to using in the habit of using jonesing on wedded to worked up in a tizzy high-strung like one possessed

Kata sifat

(in non-technical use) Abnormally sensitive, obsessive, or anxious
neurotic nervous anxious compulsive manic obsessive overanxious overwrought disturbed fixated irrational jumpy oversensitive phobic tense unstable abnormal hysterical nervy paranoid twitchy unhealthy highly strung hyper maladjusted stressy aberrant choked clutched deviant disordered disoriented distraught fearful hysteric inhibited obsessed upset uptight wired basket case hung up nervous wreck bundle of nerves agitated edgy troubled uneasy jittery high-strung restless insecure antsy excitable on edge worried fidgety apprehensive unsettled perturbed queazy dithery queasy keyed up ill at ease stressed unquiet skittish aflutter hinky fiery goosey brittle passionate emotional atwitter sensitive het up in a tizzy overstrung temperamental touchy excited volatile restive unnerved worked up in a state deranged unbalanced on tenterhooks frantic concerned unhinged frightened scared wild shaky overexcited impetuous irascible crazy feverish beside oneself tempestuous panicky impatient adrenalized wound up psychotic irritable on pins and needles easily upset distressed hot-tempered hot-headed confused mad frenzied flighty distracted trepidatious disquieted bothered crazed raving spasmodic afraid toey maniacal berserk strung out ill-adjusted strained swivel-eyed messed up screwed up mixed up impassioned vehement intense high heated rabid strung up violent overemotional mercurial feeling anxious nail-biting in suspense in a twitter ornery petulant blazing beside yourself in a cold sweat in a sweat explosive froward hotheaded melodramatic headstrong hypersensitive flipped out like a cat on a hot tin roof willful thin-skinned short-tempered wilful quick-tempered on a short fuse ticklish in bad mood prima donna-ish like a cat on hot bricks hot-blooded chippy mean psychopathic nerve-racking stressful moody alienated withdrawn nerves on edge strict cautious conventional shaking trembling quaking eccentric febrile fevered wrought up insane old-fashioned on the defensive hyperexcitable hyperkinetic squirrelly in a state of agitation in a state of nerves spooky windy demented lunatic in a stew estranged untogether muddled in a flap bricking oneself having kittens in a tizz dysfunctional all of a lather all of a dither in a twit demonic demoniacal unrealistic all of a doodah unfit hung-up maladapted sectionable hesitant alarmed suspicious foreboding terrified mistrustful doubtful nutty up freaky flipped busy uncertain stiff weak frozen worried sick having butterflies in the stomach lily-livered having cold feet in a dither gun-shy having a funny feeling running scared having stage fright biting nails angst-ridden pretentious senile ardent freaked out turned out hopped up emotionally confused fervent desperate spirited delusional fervid perfervid rash passional incandescent wrought-up overactive hectic hyperactive torrid charged overzealous demonstrative tooshie superheated impulsive agitable religious warm fierce dithyrambic burning stirred weary strung-out freaked-out overwhelmed wound-up worn under a strain worked-up unstrung tired keyed-up affected fired-up hot-and-bothered spent choleric uncontrollable throwing a wobbly volcanic flaming over-emotional steamed up out of your mind uncontrolled unrestrained delirious short-fuse red-hot warm-blooded unrestrainable all shook up hot under collar at the end of your tether out of control maniac distrait convulsive berko timid irrepressible in a panic in a frenzy maddened turbulent driven to distraction raging rampant incensed fuming frenetic seething furious possessed panic-stricken taut shy angsty carried away very upset fretful skittery spooked flurried in a fit out of one's wits unglued careful fluttery timorous mousy uncomfortable shivery discomposed easily frightened easily agitated flustered fraught shook up rattled shaken dismayed disconcerted ruffled hot and bothered in a flat spin a bundle of nerves corybantic annoyed shocked unzipped vexed hot under the collar hurt grieved tormented unscrewed harassed animated angry ferocious overcome irked wigged out at wits' end exciting avid in a fluster unrelaxed startled sad saddened panic-struck aghast thrown horrified hassled disappointed weird zonkers under stress discountenanced gutted in a lather discombobulated anguished lively weirded out irritated waiting for the axe to fall spazzed out stressed out in a tiz-woz inconvenienced waiting with bated breath fanatical with your heart in your mouth enthusiastic chaotic zealous energetic tumultuous devastated fretting consumed inflamed moved aroused afflicted petrified fast and furious quivering shattered unhappy terror-struck daunted angstful solicitous horror-struck verklempt bugged pained terror-stricken horror-stricken scared to death scared stiff a wreck in a spin frit white-knuckled beset riled angered like a fish out of water tortured plagued out of one's mind provoked blue shot to pieces in a funk worried stiff in a blue funk with one's stomach in knots put out shaking in one's shoes bummed out scared out of your wits broken up cut up frightened out of your wits in a pother madding fanciful overcharged undone roused phrenetic fazed flushed aquiver frazzled unreluctant creepy frisky unrestful fractious stirred up flapping hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited histrionic emotive agog eagerly traumatized dispirited watchful discomfited falling apart embarrassed all agog open-mouthed dreading all of a flutter zipped up hot juiced up at fever pitch anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting not knowing what to do with oneself out of one's wit wrung stormy with bated breath a basket case sweating bullets asea crushed heartbroken like one possessed strung-up hag-ridden intimidated exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated mortified pestered perplexed harried harrowed miffed emotionally charged self-conscious tearing one's hair out in turmoil all nerves cowardly on the qui vive offended fretted traumatised cowering low terrorized affrighted pusillanimous cowed chicken afeared shell-shocked emotionally defeated broken-hearted yellow feart stunned terrorised wounded in awe alarmed at apprehensive about intimidated by shaking like a leaf faint-hearted scared witless pressured come apart psyched out at sixes and sevens in disorder all torn up amazed frightened to death funky full-hearted injured damaged under pressure fond infatuated up the wall white knuckled smitten enamored keen impaired last-minute devoted ecstatic in love dizzy thrilled elated flurrying eager transported euphoric flustering boisterous riotous rumbustious buzzing brisk bustling gone on infatuated with devoted to fond of sweet on enamoured of very keen on smitten with very enthusiastic nutsy madhouse vibrant woolly wooly zoolike jungle hassle crowded overjoyed rapturous nuts rip-roaring enamoured enamored of jubilant exultant very busy very active nonplussed addled in seventh heaven Corybantic sent on cloud nine like Piccadilly Circus hell broke loose drunk delighted enthused wild with excitement on cloud seven in a frenzy of delight in raptures over the moon blissed out in transports of delight walking on air on a high jumping for joy intoxicated like a chicken with its head cut off

Kata benda

(glaciology) A rock or boulder believed to have been brought from a distance by glacial action

Antonim dari acting erratic

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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