Sinonim dari acting exercise

Kata benda

The use or application of a faculty, right, or process
use application employment operation practice discharge implementation utilisation utilization usage exertion accomplishment fulfillment fulfilment performance pursuit enjoyment play putting into practice carrying out execution appliance enactment administration action prosecution usance applying exercising activity praxis putting into operation adoption function exploitation motion purpose enforcement using working effect imposition effectuation agency handling custom interaction interplay onboarding deployment movement capitalization mobilization functioning active experience indulgence conditioning doing spending mobilisation expenditure enforcing running practical act effecting realization exaction administering exacting imposing achievement commission contrivance fulfilling manipulation treatment consumption control management bringing to bear pursuance inflicting infliction discipline routine tradition habit ritual convention disposition performing perpetration provision realisation operationalization carrying through using something relevance pertinence appropriateness aptness relevancy germaneness bearing value significance appositeness importance completion conduct dispatch completing bringing off implementing conducting undertaking attainment consummation acquittal finishing accomplishing pulling off observance redemption following pursuing acquirement discharging delivery committal committing exploits feats responsibility transaction bestowal delivering achieving law acts work rendering direction feat exploit engineering carrying off bringing about carrying into action dealing out dispensation doling out meting out nuts and bolts insistence obligation reinforcement requirement prescription spur whip pressure duress necessitation lash compulsion impulsion coercion compulsory law martial law

Kata benda

An activity done as an exercise or practice
drill training workout preparation teaching coaching routine practice practise discipline grounding tryout assignment conditioning homework repetition shakedown warm-up work-out physical exercise run-through square-bashing dry run dress rehearsal daily dozen learning by doing rehearsal practice session constitutional calisthenics evacuation isometrics callisthenics drilling bodybuilding tune-up seasoning keeping fit fire practice fire drill praxis study trial shootaround try-out isometric exercise background iteration prepping dummy run working out body building physical activity physical jerks daily workout exercising exercises aerobics gymnastics test limbering up work weightlifting session keep-fit session exercise session training session physical training session instruction education schooling tutelage tuition tutoring pedagogy andragogy indoctrination priming guidance lessons inculcation readying upbringing chalk talk induction orientation sharpening cultivation habit wont way custom ritual pattern habitude manner rule fashion convention mode second nature procedure trick groove style matter of course policy tendency characteristic consuetude usage propensity disposition proneness use modus operandi form addiction grind daily grind beaten path hang-up tradition method penchant proclivity system bent norm behaviour thing behavior observance proprieties precedent shot into preference predilection idiosyncrasy trait personality nature tack swim conduct mannerism attribute usance tenet oddity peculiarity temperament attitude etiquette aptness character mores conventionalism design modus vivendi tikanga way of doing things process assuetude set rut fixed attitude

Kata benda

Physical or mental effort
exertion effort pains struggle strain sweat industry labour toil endeavour action activity travail assiduity assiduousness elbow grease expenditure hard work labor stretch trial trouble while work graft moil yakka attempt endeavor energy force operation striving blood, sweat and tears hard pull long pull physical exertion venture push undertaking try enterprise shot bid foray pass assay fling crack essay stab bash offer whack whirl go try-on dry run best shot stress application muscle power bother slog purpose strength determination discipline resolution tension strife welly battle pull hard graft hard yakka old college try sweat of one's brow drudgery grind diligence donkey work toiling hassle drudge hardship pain donkeywork service donkey-work fuss blood, swear, and tears one's all one's level best slavery fatigue ordeal tribulation spadework hard labour suffering conscientiousness inconvenience load adversity bustle struggling labouring drain encumbrance burden laboring pursuit problem test occupation hard slog torture difficulty millstone industriousness persistence agony earnestness gruntwork weight tryout uphill battle anguish nightmare difficult task uphill struggle tough grind tall order tough assignment responsibility disruption chores slaving oomph charge control doing physical effort elbow juice perseverance nine-to-five long haul employment slogging drive painstaking hack work sweated labour drag duty hard labor manual labor salt mines grit intensity privation tears distress value thought care crusade resolve experiment Herculean task pangs trials and tribulations campaign tilt attempts one's darnedest workout lick all one's got resoluteness steadfastness doggedness tenacity movement dirty work grunt work steps rigor ado attention chore measures scut work thankless task toils throes rigour back-breaking task labour of Hercules backbreaking work challenge procedures proceedings reaction response undertakings acts conflict course of action aim try on

Kata benda

Any of various therapeutic exercises and other activities to treat injury or dysfunction, or such exercises and activities collectively

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An established or official way of doing something
procedure process policy method operation system formula methodology protocol strategy approach course proceeding program routine blueprint measures mechanism plan practice programme rules scheme steps tactics action design measure path regimen setup step stratagem technique arrangement course of action custom form means way agenda conduct drill line line of action recipe route transaction agendum angle channels maneuver manoeuvre mode move performance series of steps style plan of action game plan grand design master plan road map red tape set of tactics line of attack modus operandi nuts and bolts standard operating procedure the book the numbers MO SOP undertaking machination manner avenue option tactic ploy plot scenario contrivance ruse choice tack praxis possibility alternative behaviour maneuvering enterprise racket behavior manoeuvring method of working mode of behaviour mode of conduct artifice device trick wile game gambit dodge subterfuge shift ground plan expedient project wheeze fashion shenanigan venture scam brainchild intrigue gimmick fetch secret plan direction how play stunt wangle sleight jig juggle machinations conspiracy knack flimflam idea lurk con twist booby trap sleight of hand tenor variation set shenanigans proposal proposition outline struggle cabal subversion model layout fix draft draught covin secret scheme attack sham fastie deception feint deceit plan of attack how-to mind-set point of view practise framework regularity crafty designs cunning plan set-up pretext grift gamesmanship theory scene bit one-upmanship bait and switch little game modus pattern set of procedures set of principles fixed order logical order frame of reference orderly process set of guidelines set of channels systematic process logical process creation innovation wrinkle coinage concoction invention road slant fabrication formation switch plans wiles caper

Kata benda

Something that has been achieved successfully
accomplishment achievement attainment feat coup deed realisation realization success act exploit triumph consummation acquirement actuality actualization execution fruition fulfillment maneuver manoeuvre move operation stunt doing effort fulfilment pass performance stratagem baby completion conclusion finish production carrying out master stroke bringing about stroke of genius implementation victory effectuation effecting conquest discharge culmination tour de force acquisition perfection masterstroke close resolution undertaking feather in cap action hit positive result prosecution enactment masterpiece enterprise handiwork stroke closing win finishing end work result ending fulfilling reification completing conduct winding up materialization perpetration commission crowning winning gain materialisation termination conducting grand slam venture successful outcome cessation windup sensation finis sewing up polishing off carrying through expiration finalization wrap-up wind-up glory gaining procurement reaching prize discharging pursuance number satisfaction creation trick gratification redemption finalisation finale favourable result stop knockout jackpot closure terminus cease denouement discontinuance dispatch outcome curtain desistance implementing consequence upshot settlement negotiation engineering maturation clinching observance settling maturity benefit achieving ascendancy favorable outcome contrivance performing concluding flying colors activity adventure arrival score product curtains job walkover successfulness goods wonder lifework self-realization self-actualization self-fulfillment big win acquittal caper lark thing bringing off favourable outcome gest affair successful manoeuvre smash successful completion product of working life hole in one marvellous feat halt discontinuation stoppage supreme example pulling off shutdown arrestment arrest cutoff heroic act surcease closedown shutoff endgame life's work check homestretch lapse capper home run big hit smash hit smash-hit grand finale mop-up end result desuetude wow bottom line adjournment issue determination result of working life expiry last word sign-off omega payoff retirement end of the line enforcement following pursuing skill exploits catch capping perfecting feats opus plume obtaining getting realizing securing brokering endeavor endeavour acts successful resolution reaping scoop coup de mâitre coup d'état completeness integration hips step successful fulfillment successful conclusion procuring acquiring appeasement plot upset gesture practice indulgence notch in one's belt realising succeeding successful consummation successful execution behavior behaviour establishment arranging climax coup de maître exertion gold satiation complete success act of genius arrival at successful finalization carrying-out good result good outcome epilogue blow assuagement closing stages coda peroration final word breakup last part epilog successful stroke carrying into action bringing into being bringing to fruition progress eminence slaking quenching finishing point swan song accomplishing something done advance strike walkaway éclat blockbuster honouring honoring phenomenon effectuality ascendency effectiveness effectualness efficaciousness auspiciousness winner marvel satisfying masterwork period stopping point target something else one for the books escapade miracle meeting blessing godsend boon experience great performance time good treasure windfall bonanza asset advantage fling romp episode making good adherence to mastery chef-d'oeuvre magnum opus crusade happening emprise antic spree handling ripeness enjoyment belter palm ripening geste campaign discovery readiness fruitfulness pleasure smasheroo management organization piece de resistance surmounting takeover splash vanquishing cinch homer vanquishment pushover grand achievement spectacular achievement great achievement feat of strength administration daring act design clean sweep end product stroke of luck good fortune shoo-in agreement output brainchild handicraft invention the gold wrap conception innovation application dénouement death transaction hammering out working out organisation article origination concoction formulation genesis liquidation winding-up last stage last end of the road final part run-in final stage final act thrashing out finished product outgrowth aspiration final product aftereffect yield fruit by-product corollary final result aftermath derivative offshoot offspring development

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Acts of moving something, such as one's limbs
movements motion actions gestures acts gesticulations locomotions maneuvers manoeuvres moves operations exercises activities motions shifts shiftings stirs signage signals pursuits occupations undertakings projects enterprises campaigns engagements jobs schemes ventures businesses tasks processes endeavors works exploits deeds labours labors antics things behavior affairs doings endeavours behaviour feats efforts performances accomplishments stunts proceedings executions achievements procedures steps coups handiworks implementations capers measures attainments triumphs programmes programs strokes plans plays tricks courses of action adventures initiatives missions stratagems crusades assignments tours de force concerns realizations successes attempts consummations routines fulfillments fulfilments realisations happenings duties matters deals responsibilities functions actualizations enactments briefs numbers charges tries productions techniques events shots approaches drives errands posts obligations strategies transactions escapades contracts pushes expedients fruitions creations courses tactics chores expeditions acquirements actualities essays conquests bits commissions flings purposes coordinations romps burdens conclusions aspirations strokes of genius deliveries aims mechanics mechanisms chances goals dealings forms styles machinations proposals means tacks objectives victories pieces results methods developments experiences products details propositions fashions workings opera rackets completions gambits quests ideas masterpieces causes artistries arts contributions plunges roles targets trades explorations flutters experiments stakes suggestions trials agencies gests cracks goes applications conceptions investments speculations hazards setups gambles exertions larks stints ambitions stabs risks pet projects provinces intentions pretensions ground plans leaps in the dark blitzes ideals blows game plans games babies conventions drills masterstrokes bids ploys deployments maneuverings passes intents holy grails desires wishes hopes gig finishes flyers fliers assays dodges stirrings positions capacities opportunities crapshoots perils throws wagers voyages jeopardies effectuations manoeuvrings behaviours conducts behaviors parts tests specs prosecutions engineerings times ruses bashes whacks tours of duty taskworks cares devoirs pieces of work practices turns reachings discharges reifications perpetrations closes pursuances procurements finishings fulfillings closings episodes progresses exercisings places offices gainings winnings emprises sprees byplays negotiations outfits interests tracks tunes compositions shticks schticks songs manners mantles bargains wheezes assignment employments controls bags dos strivings ballgames sketches items dances hands situations customs traditions enjoyments disciplines habits uses rituals renderings lobbies innings agreements postures job titles guises stations demonstrations pacts compacts treaties arrangements bonds sales appeals mobilizations organizations designs devices resorts stopgaps makeshifts gigs work settlements occurrences commitments battles dedications struggles bandwagons end products acquisitions contrivances hits proceeding deal goings-on deed comings and goings impetuses fights wars promotions outputs inventions brainchildren handicrafts sellings covenants disposals intercourses purchases buyings purchasings juggernauts organisations innovations outcomes upshots finished products offsprings by-products articles aftereffects offshoots originations concoctions derivatives geneses fruits aftermaths formulations outgrowths yields consequences end results corollaries

Kata benda

A branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education
discipline field area domain sphere subject business department realm speciality specialty arena circle line topic walk bailiwick barony course curriculum element firmament province terrain theme fief fiefdom method practice branch of knowledge field of inquiry field of study front game kingdom mastery precinct subject matter area of study branch of learning course of study specialist subject demesne territory orbit sector jurisdiction dominion vocation zone occupation capacity world calling turf scope work profession métier activity job sphere of influence thing racket area of interest function section walk of life trade scene specialization sphere of activity preserve line of work purview metier branch career concern employment specialism region pursuit specialisation station forte area of activity line of business milieu interest compass pigeon avocation post craft neck of the woods responsibility environment study duty society division charge part authority role affair position niche sphere of interest area of responsibility area of knowledge universe range office bag class slot line of country skill area of expertise day job manor seigniory medium compartment turfdom breadth market side life beat operation ambit stage system branch of study aspect task theatre forum industry rank margin subfield confines pale person's calling group baby battlefield battleground extent stratum remit status school engagement enterprise field of influence area of power sphere of study administration berth classification spot incumbency assignment living service pursuits matters handicraft situation bubble sport patch lists area of influence proceeding undertaking neighbourhood state radius neighborhood expanse place ground dimension handcraft art way theater handiwork employ grip stomping grounds chosen work rat race line of employment worry sphere of action area of conflict field of conflict tier faculty county champaign shire tract prefecture gift mission knack inclination genius flair strong suit aptitude ability bent disposition talent leaning land district stretch belt property quarter plot lot parcel category estate acreage clearing sweep block plat subdivision parts space neck allotment locality corridor band empire bracket tract of land portion country spread enclave lands colony holding piece vicinity corner limits reach type order area of land open space categorization setting matter grouping site span variety set genre family right cast problem locale obligation prerogative circuit lookout onus segment regime burden footprint ward dominions real estate township piece of ground open area piece of land neck of woods inclusion area of research question pigeonhole arm comprehension frame context culture privilege subset background backdrop affairs area of concern layer tillage moral obligation span of control enclosure sphere of operations dependency possession protectorate grade dealing swathe location community soil nation town end share field of interest parish focus erf stand yard homesite venture transaction headache wing pitch exclave mandate care empty area unoccupied area city principality square commitment stamping ground funeral doing strip swath amplitude thesis field of action place of action plottage frontage home park entanglement involvement patch of ground building lot goings-on borough environs constituency suburb ghetto jungle research topic core focal point sort kind inner city stomping ground species dissertation major rule brand style acres realty lifestyle control power command way of life sway influence say listing list breed form heading head character fashion ilk sovereignty landholding grounds fields circumstance genus feather model manner make nature stripe description strain like government governance leadership bounds hegemony regimen homestead plot of land existence mana ascendancy stretch of land spread of land ranch stamp kidney commission supervision domination reign discretion judicature might arbitration magistracy inquisition standard of living routine real property unbuilt land fate manner of living everyday life style of living condition state of play daily life set of circumstances way of living extent of power oyer and terminer

Kata benda

(dated) An essay written by a school pupil on a particular subject
theme essay paper composition dissertation article exposition manuscript report statement description study thesis writing task treatise text discourse commentary literary work piece of writing critique piece disquisition review tract editorial monograph account discussion story work treatment write-up book column analysis criticism script memoir exposé tractate feature item post opus assessment appraisal paragraph think piece press report news story editorial column assignment explication illustration opinion exegesis record leader section pamphlet copy exclusive scoop vlog blog weblog argumentation document uncovering news revelation inside story disputation notice crit comment chronicle contention assertion argument contribution inquiry survey transcript enquiry institutes journal bulletin textual examination critical essay log register explanation monography research annal diary term paper interpretation proceeding archive minute literature review elucidation module segment moblog transaction sitrep literature novel title number spread volume prose exposure blurb perspective latest viewpoint beat splash journalism ode oeuvre publication presentation construction illumination clarification letter tome play poem construal annotation road map enucleation delineation tale enunciation details position paper history expounding publicity story belle-lettre handwriting longhand penmanship calligraphy typescript parchment palimpsest autograph scroll vellum codex handwrit holograph hard copy notes footnotes scholia gloss comments note

Kata benda

A procedure undertaken to make a discovery, especially for scientific purposes
experiment investigation test trial analysis examination study demonstration experimentation observation probe research testing assessment enquiry evaluation exploration inquiry inspection scrutiny try-out appraisal breakdown dissection essay interrogation probing procedure review venture assay inquest inquisition substantiation undertaking analyzation check deconstruction delving disquisition enterprise examen fling groundwork legwork operation probation scrutinization try try-on tryout verification work pilot study scientific test trial run dry run dummy run fact finding fact-finding trial and error research and development run-through test drive try out R and D R & D learning consideration education advisement debate scholarship swotting lessons deliberation reading schooling account cogitation academic work tuition perusal thought subject reasoning analyzing school work memorizing comparison lesson revision questioning training book work search schoolwork course class cramming homework analysing abstraction weighing application attention memorising proof field test controlled test practice practise workout rehearsal pilot shakedown field trial screen test test-run test run trying out taste sample ordeal attempt audition screening paper feeler scan approval tentation development acid test hit or miss hit and miss cut and try effort road test field work R&D showcase trial period examining proving measurement measuring experimenting drill test period try on preparation rehearsing prep run through sing-through trial performance going-over walk-through trial balloon practice session test flight

Kata kerja

To exert for the sake of development or improvement

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To exert for the sake of training, especially in fields requiring toughness or discipline

Kata kerja

To put into action or practice
practice practise apply use wield effect employ engage execute exert exploit harness utilise utilize implement ply deploy operate realise realize tap put into action put into practice bring into play carry out draw on put to use put to work bring to bear call upon put into effect set in motion call into play capitalize on make use of play on put forth put in motion avail oneself of avail yourself of make the most of handle manipulate maneuver manoeuvre work control run enact administer enforce pilot resort to perform prosecute manage do drive steer put to good use press into service take advantage of conduct follow adopt effectuate find a use for bring into effect command benefit from play put into operation carry through look to turn to account bring into service profit by turn to have recourse to put out pursue affect accomplish actionize field appropriate guide leverage work with discharge act upon transact turn to good account negotiate impose engage in bring about put in force take up put into service call on profit from fall back on cash in on play upon draw upon muster impress recruit assign expend spend wage enjoy swing dispense source regulate man gain from derive benefit from make do with hack involve be in charge of advance do with consume devote occupy descend to give in to stoop to sink to exact serve perpetrate tap into bring into effective action jockey finesse render process mine bring into action use up authorize authorise inflict observe make the best use of use to good advantage use to advantage make free make capital out of turn to good use get mileage out of make capital of carry off serve out bring off deal out follow through with set off be in saddle make go act on fulfil channel mobilize tackle follow up on complete mobilise try live up to work at carry on be engaged in recur achieve resort busy oneself with occupy oneself with finish fulfill work on refer to recur to go to act out start in on take care of carry to completion bring to fruition action take action on deal with benefit by head for deliver the goods take care of business make happen pull off put through deliver issue mete out dole out deal direct actualize initiate go through with administrate meet live out consummate wreak press make undertake bestow specialize in give out give hand out set up dish out put screws to launch invoke commit engineer attain stage cut hit compass present call into use call in score put into use keep obey respect play out uphold trigger make it put on acquit oneself of activate come through do to a T earn one's wings polish off put over do the job sail through do the trick get there start actuate accommodate enable satisfy contrive comply with adhere to goose-step to cope with harmonize with do justice to keep faith with be faithful to act in accordance with coincide with pay regard to cooperate with act according to make good on fall in with cohere with stand by submit to follow through on agree to be guided by check with perform according to be bound by assent to be heedful of go along with yield to cater to be in accordance with be true to bring to completion respond to be loyal to conform to chord with propel provide the means for follow up follow out follow through interact with switch on start off trigger off kick-start get going start up set going

Kata kerja

To worry or vex
worry concern disturb distress perturb bother trouble agitate burden preoccupy alarm irk occupy perplex try upset vex afflict ail bug discomfort discompose fuss gall unsettle annoy chafe dismay disquiet pain provoke unhinge distemper flurry frazzle pother puzzle make anxious freak out gnaw at make uneasy lie heavy on weird out make someone scratch their head occupy thoughts prey on your mind do someone's head in distract hagride undo alarum derail disconcert fluster rattle unnerve ruffle faze discombobulate confuse fret bewilder harass discomfit irritate pester confound get to shake hassle throw plague nonplus frighten harry torment shake up throw off balance embarrass startle scare nettle spook depress stress beset discountenance bedevil take aback oppress torture needle work up stir up burn up daunt mystify sadden flummox dumbfound frustrate abash appal panic excite chagrin bustle get psych muddle appall displease addle surprise niggle rack nag sicken curse rouse peeve aggravate persecute strain put off weigh down tease aggrieve put someone off their stroke cause anxiety make fretful offend cause anxiety to anger push buttons eat at give a hard time tantalise tantalize incommode mortify unquiet hurry affect make restless flutter make uncomfortable jolt hustle quicken set someone back on their heels disorder dement discommode disarrange frenzy derange separate unhitch disconnect disengage uncouple unfasten detach pull the rug from under throw off psych out pull the rug out from under inflame make waves tax make a scene grieve craze incite besiege despair beleaguer move arouse badger stimulate ferment drive insane test importune wound weigh heavily on one's mind mess with someone's head tear sweat out goad hector dun be a great weight on send over the edge anguish hurt hound miff agonize give someone grief egg on injure turn on arouse anxiety in make it tough for nit-pick weigh on agonise make miserable strap cut up get at do a number on prick indispose push tick off dog cause anguish to break be on one's case desolate harrow pick on make wretched cause suffering to martyr bug up make flip carp cavil fear stew sweat quibble haunt nitpick flap fidget be agitated take pains be in a tizzy be worried labour over fester be in a flap be in a stew get worked up get in a stew baffle make a big thing out of make a big thing of make a meal of make a mountain out of a molehill rankle hang over beleague wear gnaw make a thing of befuddle be bothered rankle with weigh heavily on someone's mind be a weight on someone's mind bemuse stump fox fuddle bamboozle pose fog beat gravel maze rasp befog involve thicken wilder disorient muddy tangle floor buffalo complicate encumber jumble entangle dishearten discourage abrade dispirit stumble muck stun thwart astonish ravel baulk astound balk catch off balance demoralize grate fray tatter pique erode gripe itch exasperate frost nark eat spite rile shock mix you up mix up be all Greek to cause to be at a stand muddy the waters snarl up horrify terrify chill scour wear down terrorize unman dash disappoint affright wear to shreds scrape away incense hack off put out gnaw away at bite into wear out rage wear away disillusion disenchant disgruntle paralyse paralyze demoralise terrorise knock for six knock sideways put the wind up let down give a turn foul up screw up mess up fill with consternation throw into a tizzy ride excruciate molest drive up the wall be on your back mither intimidate bully bait devil chivvy pursue get on your nerves bum out wind up outrage crucify get in your hair heavy disgust heckle nudge blight weigh heavily on deject infuriate madden drive round the bend get across work on press keep on at keep after traumatize rub up the wrong way nag at prey on inconvenience bend someone's ear overwhelm enrage cow sting chivy rark assail crush traumatise cause trouble to attack go on at give a bad time breathe down someone's neck repel be a burden to smite hack you off get on your wick put into a flap give someone the hump turn off be at throw into a tizz drive round the twist make someone see red cut to the quick taunt obsess antagonize devastate interrupt cause agony to browbeat affront victimize henpeck inflict anguish on wrong dissatisfy ridicule grate on make nervous victimise overload antagonise drive crazy get down harp on at cause someone to lose their composure get under your skin pick at get your back up tee off make somebody's hackles rise put your back up confront take control of put someone off their stride face mistreat put down grip pressure wring hamper pressurize overburden stab possess insult abuse maltreat hinder saddle petrify cast down stress out buffet criticize pressurise disrupt fright overcome cause pain to bore awe tire burn roil gibe be a burden on flip out dominate devour haze flip intrude upon overpower press down on dragoon jar bite carp at take over handicap coerce eat away at criticise cause concern to make angry deter disoblige give the business fire up exacerbate rattle one's cage cause discomfort to scarify hump put the squeeze on chasten force kick nauseate make cross fall on consume put out of countenance disburb stiff hunt key up weigh drive mad peck at load drive to distraction cause anguish jibe at find fault with hurt somebody's feelings bulldoze scare to death strike terror into niggle at drive bananas bleed be a pain in the neck be a thorn in someone's side make your blood boil get your dander up exploit chill to the bone scare away make things hot for someone make it hot for someone give someone the pip curdle the blood scare off make one's blood run cold make teeth chatter ruffle one's feathers get on someone's back make one's hair stand on end get up someone's nose cause disquiet to suffer muse labour labor squirm harm damage stupefy roust heat accost grind give someone hell uncalm macerate noodge despoil foray bullyrag be a nuisance to touch turn incapacitate debilitate cramp rend lie heavily on bring down bowl over pierce overcharge be in someone's way convulse put on edge come back to haunt jerk around breath down someone's neck get someone lay up dampen spirits break one's heart scar consternate be a weight on one's mind tear away at rock dizzy unbalance make blue drag down put a damper on break the heart of put into a funk rock the boat sear insist remind cut scandalize lie heavy on someone's mind weigh heavy on someone's mind grind at expel exile unstring discontent stir disaffect insist on aggress jeer silly T-off get your goat revolt scandalise catch unawares chide repulse slight zing take by surprise misplease cheese off push button heat up send into a spin barrack boo scare the daylights out of lash at stop someone in their tracks be prey to be the victim of single out try your patience be a thorn in someone's flesh get your hackles up dash the hopes of ask for it jump on one's case disorientate shout down knock props out be hurtful to mourn cause suffering cause offense lambaste cause sorrow lean on fall upon put pressure on rattle someone's cage hit where one lives rub the wrong way be on the back of put someone's nose out of joint raise your hackles start in on strike throw into tizzy bring pressure to bear on get the knife into stick the knife into weary give the needle visit take get on one's nerves throw a curve be in someone's hair dish out dish it out give it to stick it to upset the applecart hiss worst make someone laugh on the other side of their face take the wind out of your sails make self-conscious make someone laugh out of the other side of their mouth mess with give offence to make unhappy be disagreeable to push the buttons of play dirty drive you up the wall catch dis thumb nose at cause pain cause someone distress have had enough make someone fed up become bored make discontented exhaust someone's patience try the patience of grate at lose patience humiliate shout at shame butt in shout catcalls at make game of weight overstretch overtax tense deflate humble abase stretch live off blackmail plunder take advantage of depredate kill raid extort feed on fleece seize live on charge be nervous be spooked scold get one's comeuppance take down belittle make someone eat humble pie disgrace put to shame take down a peg take the wind out demean degrade crunch overextend absorb laden lade lumber freight be on pins and needles be antsy be anxious berate upbraid suppress subjugate fill with fear engross engulf have ants in one's pants be like a cat on hot bricks scare witless scare stiff overdo impel make impress scare the pants off trammel scare the bejesus out of subdue give someone goose pimples yowl crab yammer wail moan grump squawk inveigh whimper bleat growl murmur yaup croak keen yawp whinge maunder beef grouse holler mutter grumble kvetch complain squeal caterwaul whine scream grouch repine bellyache grizzle monopolize scare someone out of their wits scare the living daylights out of chill to the marrow give someone the heebie-jeebies put the fear of God into surround freeze your blood get the wind up rib oblige compel obligate kid make tense tense up push to the limit eat up enthral repress tyrannize enslave dither mock chaff throw into a blue funk egg urge prod moan at grumble at give one the creeps throw into a fright make someone jump out of their skin make one's flesh creep scare someone half to death obstruct deride josh hegemonize master ill-treat rag joke moan on at keep complaining to jive enthrall monopolise razz subject scourge rally satirize muscle sandbag steamroll railroad constrain roast overrun find fault cause to feel emotional strain cause to feel mental strain put in traction put on trial banter keep down treat harshly twit bust someone's balls bust chops take it out on guy fun be cruel to grind down bring under the yoke tyrannise rule with an iron hand trample underfoot weigh heavy upon hold down smother beat down be brutal to rule with a rod of iron trample on rule over hold sway over walk all over tyrannize over put screws to bring someone to their knees ride roughshod over overthrow trample despotize rule put upon bring to heel quiz jostle encircle press the panic button go into a panic become flustered be in a dither be in a state be in a twitter get into a state drive blackjack chiack mob shuck smoke rot sledge impede cross swarm around set upon crowd around descend on converge on crowd round spoof slam sound snap satirise laugh at scoff at jeer at make fun of impose on poke fun at send up make jokes about goof on rag on get on someone's case be sarcastic about poke mullock at make sport of sling off at take the mickey put on make a monkey of have on swipe at pull someone's leg pull one's leg poke borak at flirt with flout at lead on mess around take the piss out of

Kata kerja

To instruct or guide in a particular skill or field
coach train teach guide tutor instruct drill educate mentor counsel prepare school lead prime ready pilot upskill shepherd hone show break in lick into shape show the ropes walk through show the way put someone through their paces put through the grind put through the mill lay it out for discipline inculcate indoctrinate ground sharpen practise practice get into shape enlighten edify develop accustom lesson rear condition work out whip into shape inform rehearse habituate groom break illuminate nurture improve inure season brainwash brief cultivate equip tune up make fit give lessons to drum into work over warm up get ready regiment adapt toughen up loosen up get used to shape up direct advise instill lecture verse foster imbue impart initiate instil fit elevate uplift civilize mature better implant clarify communicate form catechize explain homeschool illumine civilise inspire illume qualify din something into shape mold update harden tame mould equip with pound into give lessons polish up open eyes get set give the facts teach school teach information give a grounding in wise up care for make something clear to demonstrate to make ready improve mind acquaint familiarize tell familiarise sophisticate bring up acculturate let in on socialize apprise breed socialise clear refine polish fill in clue clue in keep posted caution humanize give instruction to promote give hints give pointers give someone tips reclaim help support advance tend humanise steer hip notify parent raise nurse nourish catch up preach look after warn give advice to familiarize with acquaint with make conversant with fill in on post forewarn give counsel to give counselling to point out take care of give direction to tip clue in on give instruction report to put in the picture about bring up-to-date send word put in the picture let know be responsible for the education of level with give information to make suggestions to gen up on announce to make recommendations to leak to make familiar with tip off soften tailor mellow give character manage arm temper demonstrate watch over explain to aid orientate rub the rough edges off give instructions expound describe explicate sponsor supervise base alert ennoble spiritualize ethicize enrich idealize show the way to explain things to set endow idealise predicate introduce rest mother influence declare to enlighten as to give the low-down lay it out give notice update about put on the line give the word make aware offer information make known to clue up about make known keep up to date with give information about wake put wise about keep up to speed with give the gen give intelligence give the rundown prep enable facilitate hang disclose inform about help forward suit cherish protect set up give counsel give advice clue up on give counselling give guidance give direction give the gen about give the low-down on give directions provide for offer opinions offer suggestions make recommendations relate tout keep in the loop give a pointer blow the whistle on clue up wise tattle sneak on give two cents give the low-down to give a tip send word to give someone to understand communicate to leak grass up impart to communicate knowledge fill someone in attend to

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To prepare for physical exertion by stretching or exercising or gently beforehand

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To cause to give a higher tone or sound

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To cause (a large amount of damage or harm)
wreak cause create effect inflict unleash vent engender administer bestow deliver express indulge perpetrate visit work apply bring about effectuate exact execute gratify impose result in carry out deal out do force mete out serve out wreck lay on force upon give vent to give free rein to levy enact make accomplish achieve perform enforce lay fulfil fulfill bring off carry off dispense pull off introduce put demand set produce place generate occasion fix complete prosecute strike bring negotiate precipitate compass commit induce prompt yield beget spawn kindle give rise to require give invoke breed make happen catalyze catalyse begin draw on bring on translate into be responsible for bring to bear be to blame for put through follow through with be guilty of transgress issue act out engage in deal trigger dish out dole out spark catch fetch hit promote enkindle compel influence sway deposit land lead to dispose extract end in trigger off stir up whip up touch off be the cause of spark off contribute to charge claim pull act go through be behind up and do institute ordain decree establish foist promulgate fine slap gather assess tax collect oblige clap appoint saddle bring into effect lay down prescribe dictate take mete extort apply to administer to expose deliver to subject command mete out to deal out to cause to serve out to give to dump on bring upon stick it to give it to lay down the law conduct realize implement attain carry through launch engineer organize consummate administrate finalize initiate manage put in place provoke discharge contrive succeed in arrange for call forth finish bring to pass conclude originate render set up start actuate cause to occur cause to happen run finalise realise turn the trick actualize organise turn out put across foster instigate elicit incite affect set off bring forth develop set in motion secure put in motion bring to fruition inspire form evoke bear hatch clinch advance construct put into effect make for put into action spur score work up stimulate kickoff arrange observe procure materialize be at the bottom of constitute build arouse drive put into practice reach be conducive to materialise inaugurate succeed forge found transact fashion perfect assemble muster culminate in foment work out earn commence deliver on sew up meet go through with fabricate make good on shape get done make possible design cultivate contribute put in force follow through on put into operation machinate follow frame entail craft acquire further concoct compose rig swing activate conduce to maneuver bring into being put together erect deal with formulate take care of manoeuvre make it lead get there knock together settle rouse devise chalk up clock up arrive at notch up plan undertake motivate live up to net pass conceive be instrumental in honor act upon operate win wangle dispatch spell gain conduce scheme exert expedite employ practice practise amount to finish in mold piece mould sow the seeds of bring out satisfy honour authorize cast manufacture make real determine make up handle add up to authorise cook up take care of business bring into existence finish off give birth to invent hammer out abide by involve project bring into play polish off wrap up be true to throw together plant open push forward pursue return excite add to act on propagate help keep progenerate provide reify multiply legislate incarnate have a hand in plot afford manipulate mastermind orchestrate draft have a part in supply engage tackle have obey present ply install finagle encourage work on set down start off nail finesse heed stage instal author accelerate ratify sanction use germinate rule conjure concert play a part in tender confirm conquer seize carry to completion terminate in fill grasp draw out bag approve instil instill make a reality prepare knock up make concrete deliver the goods leave refine play a role in acquit oneself of mean tap draw draught come through proclaim stage-manage survive move jockey comply with adhere to keep to conform to process crown turn thrash out put on set in bring in make good do the trick put to work put to use pull in rake in pay out bring to completion angle be true be faithful do justice to nail it rack up confect round off top off come up with call upon piece together capitalize on put forth act in accordance with play games put up play on see through make it through be faithful to make short work of be as good as fit together make the most of cobble up sort out stick to put the finishing touches to put the final touches to get through do one proud lay out hit upon be a source of undergo pioneer innovate acquit actionize follow up on break the ice break in pose kick off crystallize impel be a factor in find embark on open the door for mediate get transpire forward oil the wheels of have the effect of be partly responsible for get up obtain annex reorganise reorganize corporealize wax equal imply annexe exhibit start in on action take action on kick-start open up necessitate press invite redound to police start up risk result be the origin of enable serve stand by get something done grow into bring up crystallise fire up get things rolling start the ball rolling source regulate have as a consequence have as a result make the grade gain fulfillment fulfill your potential bear out put screws to cost declare run into grind out carve out make work push through bring home the bacon redound tick assume follow up follow out follow through provide the means for reach the summit of put finishing touch on idealise bring to perfection idealize summon blueprint inherit polish be successful dispose of score a success appear model synthesize cut put into place cap wind up be engaged in elaborate cogitate engineer a way wrangle shift work it swing it find a way hack arise garner wrest snag pay excogitate think up improvise knock out patch together synthesise brew structure knock off whip out rustle up sculpture eke out cobble together churn out rig up have an effect on go that route accrue resolve dawn dream up wield play out reap capture furnish order run with the ball do to a turn spring put into force break be done with trump up vamp drum up becast vamp up proffer chart utilise exploit harness utilize get someplace latch onto draw up wage magic put over do the job sail through agree get out of the way take over cast about keep faith with fulfill one's potential make hay offer blossom admit beam validate sketch out set out strategize sketch lay plans dope out diagram describe block out delineate trace stir put it over put the tin lid on do a bang-up job earn one's wings represent quicken close seal broker prefabricate run up rear raise symbolize accept do to a T deploy come into come into possession of accede to be elevated to objectify conjure up legalize bargain fudge together fix in position throw up portray haul in sell for gather in give off OK make law make something appear produce as if by magic magic up choose figure vote in legalise give the seal of approval to give the green light to get the floor give the thumbs up to make laws make into law vote favorably steamroll jam through give the go-ahead to endorse give the OK to railroad railroad through symbolise opt name decide direct transform treat choreograph coordinate settle on settle upon control bring to life give life make use of call into play avail oneself of avail yourself of convert reach an agreement reach terms on come to terms on tie up supervise see to make ready alter superintend doctor approach attempt work at set about devote oneself to go about be employed occupy oneself with get on with get busy with mount cook shake hands on button up set the seal on transition adjust optimise change optimize vary metamorphose adapt act with attend to recondition redress repair perform on mobilize mobilise fix up pull strings pull wires

Kata kerja

Get rid of by work or effort

Kata kerja

To bring about
provoke cause produce occasion generate inspire evoke induce instigate precipitate promote stimulate arouse elicit excite prompt rouse stir engender fire incite kindle motivate move spark trigger activate beget breed encourage enkindle foment foster inflame animate invoke pique rally abet awaken begin bestir brew ferment galvanise galvanize impassion make raise prime quicken suscitate waken whet lead to bring about bring on draw forth give rise to set off spark off touch off call forth contribute to stir up make for whip up fire up build up result in rev up spur goad drive urge create effect initiate effectuate bring impel inspirit work up spur on catalyze prod push agitate actuate start catalyse influence spawn enliven yield egg on persuade energize electrify bring to pass translate into work trigger off sway energise affect wake invigorate set in motion fan compel put in motion do bring out originate press draw on envigorate pick be the cause of bring forth vivify prick invite exhilarate lead incentivize make happen fuel incline enthuse awake revive bring into being propel incentivise thrill ignite summon vitalize end in advance light a fire under pump up hatch challenge get going introduce nudge develop fire the imagination of intensify entice tempt draw be at the bottom of pep up call into being sting achieve bear kick-start embolden realize culminate in turn on steel convince institute kickoff muster establish be conducive to enact entail force set on instil further get fire the enthusiasm of render realise fan the flames of actualize instill educe key up accomplish buoy increase set going draw out launch pressure dare set up exhort hearten needle buoy up coerce coax cultivate taunt uplift impress defy touch inveigle intoxicate contrive finish in titillate summon up commove prevail upon rile talk into sow the seeds of involve stoke up get someone going conjure up call up gee up prevail on throw down the gauntlet secure boost solicit organize fire with enthusiasm set strengthen wind up procure contribute necessitate cajole evince extract stump jolt bring off charge help spell dispose fillip cheer on inaugurate put up to convert oblige psych amount to be instrumental in terminate in put in place exalt run goose found organise drum up predispose conduce conduce to add up to cause to occur cause to happen bring around buck up enforce win over liven up empower incentify attain startle attract egg carry off manage carry through engineer jumpstart perform drive on manifest sic push forward give incentive reassure agitate for commence fortify add to irritate risk conceive mean constrain exacerbate root on recall refresh pull off court hound heighten dragoon propagate have a hand in innervate nurture remind forward woo psych up redound to inform boost up conjure bear up have a part in mobilize issue chirk up make possible bid charge up get to make up ask for multiply play a part in wake up strike mobilise spirit up feed the fire wheedle condition elate spook cheer up set afoot put a bomb under dynamize steamroll play a role in astonish breathe life into bulldoze be responsible for juice up jazz up determine call to mind beg for give someone a kick get up crank up start off bring on oneself sweet-talk amp up cook up start the ball rolling fester intrigue agitate against roil reignite rekindle plant implant lodge break the ice break in enhance hook call down shock form progenerate set in ask whip grab sharpen call irk incense expedite equal imply accelerate open craze juice be a factor in gain satisfy reproduce motive open the door for resurrect grill vex augment sow incarnate oil the wheels of have the effect of be partly responsible for chivvy extort add fuel make wild predetermine act as an incentive to work into lather imbue infuse result add fuel to the flames heat up build a fire under cheer fluster upset activize ruffle fan the fire exact put one in mind of remind one of brace feed carry out conduct expose make sensitive have as a consequence have as a result compass be the origin of applaud derive obtain stun zap frighten get things rolling bring up get smoking burn up implement execute act as a stimulus to shake shake up madden smooth-talk endue infect beghast fetch spike succeed impose on direct orient give incentive to set astir start up disturb disinhibit seek support sustain impact advise carry bring back cause to appear jump-start cost comfort brighten enhearten build nourish power pressurise pressurize give impetus give one an idea switch on stir embers make waves administer bias perpetrate put life into zip up bring to mind ginger up give fulfil give a boost to reenforce assure revitalize revivify restore complete add fuel to fire set on foot fix bring round make willing impress on give a shot in the arm consummate innerve perk up issue a challenge to try prevail gladden astound amaze captivate administrate finalize suggest to frenzy praise console discharge succeed in fulfill whomp up arrange for give someone a charge take your breath away fire someone's imagination jar magnetize give a buzz magnetise allure hint to finish stimulate spiritually raise your spirits raise the morale of give shot in arm give hope to boost morale prop up lift the spirits of give confidence to give a shot in the arm to bield stiffen the resolve of give birth to plead demand sue request harass obligate whet one's appetite be likely to cause be likely to lead to entreat lure countenance command conclude revitalise squeeze wreak muscle sandbag worry railroad exert influence on prod into coax into put someone up to something suck in wheedle into sell one on twist one's arm soft-soap draw in cajole into argue into finalise turn the trick turn out put across sensitize sensitise kick off invite to debate ask for trouble start something nag kick blackjack petition for call for flirt with leave the door open to get under way devise dog work on get off the ground design invent plan lay the foundations of get in operation lay the first stone of set the ball rolling get something functioning get the ball rolling get something working formulate concoct scheme plot project manufacture bully parent prepare brainstorm think up emerge trump up give birth give forth throw together procreate spitball break open sire put together dream up come up with come out

Kata kerja

To have the use or benefit of something
enjoy have boast retain be blessed with benefit from command experience maintain own possess hold be favored with derive benefit from gain from profit from take advantage of avail oneself of be born with be endowed with be favoured with be possessed of have available have the advantage have the benefit of have the use of participate of reap the benefits of lay claim to sport sustain adopt bear carry celebrate channel keep reserve show off wield withhold be the owner of be in possession of have in your possession have to one's name be the possessor of preserve hog occupy have in hand have possession of be the proud possessor of grasp sit on use be gifted with teem with chalk up hast count among one's possessions have in keeping inhold lock up corner the market control be responsible for have the title to have rights to save uphold conserve perpetuate contain continue with husband hold back cleave to keep hold of hold fast to cherish detain hold fast cling to hang on to keep up continue to have grip hold on to nurture clutch on to keep back keep possession of harbor harbour foster nurse keep going continue entertain prolong carry on keep alive brood over imagine protract consider embrace fill extend bolster up go on with hold to lengthen renew persevere with feel persist with hold down believe regard feel secretly keep from falling keep in existence keep in mind be in treasure hug wear refuse nourish keep up with cling support mentally keep to be true to project keep to oneself refuse to give hold out on keep going with hang in support keep intact put up buoy back favour defend favor stay with hold up stand by develop show manifest manage assume devise think of digest display assimilate evince cultivate think about express know demonstrate prop up hang onto be placed in be employed in

Kata kerja

To produce or bring about
develop establish form begin commence create start build design execute introduce organise organize construct craft effect embark on enact engineer generate initiate institute launch originate produce set down set in motion set up actualize affect assemble catalyse catalyze compose constitute effectuate fashion forge found instal install instigate machinate materialise materialize put in motion realise realize set author bring about bring into being bring into existence bring to pass cast erect fabricate give rise to inaugurate knock together knock up make piece put in place render rig secure shape do germinate mould mold engender put together devise pioneer hatch invent cause innovate beget spawn bring on contrive yield prompt concoct bring occasion induce frame open promote breed foster translate into invoke incite conceive provoke work formulate plan result in plant think up whip up inspire start up dream up cook up put up elicit manufacture spark off kick off prepare trigger precipitate raise open up kindle enkindle start off come up with turn out lead to work up throw together lay the foundations of spearhead draw up bring forth evoke usher in get going confect induct set off model draw lay out give birth to kickoff be the cause of incorporate arrange discover stir up evolve draw on come out with conceive of propagate mastermind kick-start break new ground father blaze a trail build up elevate achieve accomplish bring out contribute to make happen lead the way trigger off advance muster get things rolling knock off throw up hammer out brainstorm coin process synthesize cultivate revolutionize procure compel trailblaze float imagine churn out provide educe knock out stimulate bring in arouse synthesise revolutionise choreograph complete rouse blaze make the first move bear set the ball rolling draft fulfill fire up start the ball rolling work out draught fulfil start to build map out compound motivate be the mother of be the father of sow the seeds of make up take the lead in set a trend structure sculpture perform fix up get off the ground drum up touch off piece together draw out brew pull fit together extract cobble up lead crystallize transpire base lay plans for spur necessitate drive work something out lay issue modernize throw crystallise activate initiate things break ground encourage arrange for sketch paint modernise start out ring in conjure make ready pattern lay the first stone of lay the cornerstone of multiply bring off carry through reach an agreement commission be at the bottom of call forth bring up lay the foundation bring to fruition excogitate harvest make a reality have as a consequence have as a result get ready carry out attain pull off force get up lay foundation make a start on set about get something functioning get something working get moving light the way derive envision mass-produce fix patch together implement whip out rustle up eke out cobble together rig up excite set an example be the first be in the vanguard trump up vamp up extort evince make a start take the initiative lay the first stone take the first step prepare the way foment authorize stir prefabricate quicken fudge together thrash out pass ordain legislate empower enter unveil superstruct strategize comprise outline diagram admit charter decree delegate invest designate place prefab bring forward phase in get under way break through put out jerry-build order depute plot run up determine decide conjure up carve out set forth authorise knock down start ball rolling pave the way make for be conducive to give improvise be the inventor of lay down parent spark patent procreate colonise colonize explore net earn run coordinate pay return reap gross furnish afford supply gain bestow schedule lay the groundwork on prepare the way for take the lead on lay the groundwork for take the initiative in lead the way for orchestrate show the way show the way on take the lead go out in front push the envelope fructify administrate mobilize conduct manage direct blueprint programme program marshal chart project concert mount timetable mobilise marshall give forth see to make arrangements for scheme out sort out deal with see about get together look after jack up be responsible for take care of lick into shape be in charge of strategize about straighten out budget for influence persuade move prosecute impel sway urge perpetrate compass carry off negotiate commit put through follow through with push incline get dispose press actuate convince goad entice predispose ferment discharge tempt deliver spur on coax prod coerce inveigle turn prevail on bias talk into cajole finish have cause to be impress succeed propel animate progenerate egg on fetch reproduce win over undertake prevail upon send steer inflame distil distill condition mother succeed in prick impassion strike exhort convert make willing put up to bring round galvanize bring around cause to become galvanise leave go through administer consummate enforce birth finalize command conclude pressure prejudice tender dictate wreak give life to lure sting pique finalise bring into the world pronounce advise govern rally reason win incentivize inspirit proclaim impose sweet-talk soft-soap abet wheedle pull in drive on rake in pay out invigorate prime fire engage in embolden practise sire make of a mind to envigorate incentivise get round rev up end in root on put in force oblige practice prod into sell for wheedle into sell one on argue into be a source of dragoon ratify ask expedite accelerate inflict undergo clinch utter sanction adapt transact land appoint let out accrue contribute operate give birth attract mint obtain annex vote in annexe proffer bestir awaken score emit impose on enthuse orient take waken whet suscitate apply make into law draw forth tend set afoot be brought to bed of rear be delivered of give incentive to give incentive drop set astir predetermine offer blossom beam summon verge prepare by fermentation pick nudge make work be successful bring home the bacon score a success proliferate impregnate bend teach indoctrinate market for go for wax set on energize steel make expectant make you of a mind to forward craze agitate taunt juice solicit psych further hearten impact exhilarate uplift vitalize produce offspring haul in gather in give off agitate for incentify refresh pressurise energise help pressurize sell grow into sire offspring pursue beget offspring bring young into the world father offspring counsel get to fan the fire key up magic propagandize enlist proselytize put screws to put into effect bring to bear put into action put into operation run into perfect proselyte propagandise proselytise brainwash impress on hint to pump up cheer on pep up boost up suggest to prevail refine polish plead with win argument twist someone's arm bring to senses work over press someone into convert to gain confidence of cause to believe talk round pressurize into reason someone into lead to believe turn somebody on to pressure someone into prove to lead to do wear down charm bag crown cap talk flatter call upon make something appear produce as if by magic magic up reach blarney goose court worm squeeze steamroll bulldoze carry on round off make short work of polish off be done with put the finishing touches to put the final touches to get out of the way top off beguile rule enjoin wage devote oneself to proceed with fight go on with blandish palaver argue exert influence on coax into put someone up to something suck in twist one's arm draw in cajole into mandate call prescribe smooth-talk kowtow con snow oil finagle soap seduce deal elect bless foresay nominate adjudge butter up soften up work on sweeten up lay it on spread it on walk heavy put your foot down lay down the law cause to occur cause to happen turn the trick put across needle constrain

Antonim dari acting exercise

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