Sinonim dari collect together

Kata kerja

To meet or gather together and prepare for action
muster assemble meet congregate convene gather rally congress crowd mobilise mobilize cluster converge convoke foregather forgather mass flock gather together rendezvous cluster together come together flock together group swarm mob throng teem get together huddle gather round make the scene hang out reunite pull together herd pour in show up gang up hang around collect concentrate concenter concentre conglomerate bunch pack pile meet up amass combine unite accumulate mingle crowd together jam associate merge press bundle cram troop gang around corral mill join connect coincide intersect push band together clump stream raise organize heap hive surge crush squeeze bunch up focus organise make contact enter in form a group meet privately be reunited join up rush move besiege seethe lump gather like bees crowd around cross concur touch focalize encounter appear show sit consort be presented be present consolidate form be closeted bind arrange truss link up harmonise socialize link line up brigade pool integrate meet behind closed doors funnel coalesce socialise stack pile up pull round up collate stuff cower hug harmonize compile hook up load aggroup make friends pair off fill fasten together huddle together see each other have a meeting take up with brim bring together huddle up press close draw together throng together snuggle up charge go into conclave ram chock swamp bear elbow overcrowd deluge shove sardine squash squish justle congest jam-pack pack 'em in pack like sardines top off

Antonim dari collect together

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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