Sinonim dari give a piece of one's mind

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To express one's opinion strongly, typically in an angry manner
rebuke scold berate reprimand reproach upbraid admonish castigate chastise lambaste blast censure chide reprove carpet lecture rag rail vituperate bollock tell off dress down lace into lay into pitch into pull up ream out bawl out rake over the coals give someone what for let someone have it haul over the coals criticize call down blow up give someone hell trim chew out rap tick off read the riot act give someone an earful reprehend tear off a strip give someone a mouthful give someone a telling-off monster give someone a wigging give someone a rollicking give someone a dressing-down criticise give someone a bollocking have a go at take to task rap over the knuckles objurgate give a rocket give someone a rating give someone a roasting give someone a caning give a talking-to give someone some stick keelhaul come down on slap down give someone a row call on the carpet send someone away with a flea in their ear remonstrate with slap on the wrist tear into wig rate row tongue-lash baste draw the line slap on wrist strongly criticize give a going over rail against caution put on the mat tell a thing or two rail at talk to check lambast come down hard on rant at rap on knuckles revile give tongue-lashing sort out speak to dress-down score jaw lesson lower the boom light into flay denounce monish blame send someone away with a flea in his hammer condemn give the dickens discipline pummel nag pummelled bring to book find fault with counsel slap someone's wrist throw the book at adjure speak chasten come down on like a ton of bricks correct give someone stick warn advise excoriate slate attack slam slag off knock pillory abuse savage put down flame pan fulminate against roast vilify diss disparage bash jump on harangue rubbish crucify bag tear a strip off blow up at scathe reprobate slash denigrate pull apart cut up malign ream bad-mouth trash run down jump down one's throat pull to pieces impugn deprecate slur rollick skewer asperse rip belabor blister belabour yell at pour scorn on rip into inveigh against cast aspersions on pick holes in cane potshot besmirch assail derogate fault arraign slag dis sail into scorch cavil go on at take down find fault take to the woodshed lay down the law decry discredit punish rave at denunciate exprobate take to pieces skin call over the coals pick at give a bad press to nitpick about pick to pieces do down nit-pick cut down animadvert on hit out at defame sledge smear stigmatize carp fustigate maul rake execrate lash dispraise contemn disapprove of jawbone nitpick judge preach ostracize call to account pass judgment stigmatise scoff at get at trounce wade into pass strictures upon give the business tear down climb all over recriminate expostulate let fly at criticize severely lam into vituperate against zap accuse throw brickbats at carp at tear to shreds ostracise throw shade give someone a bad press bite someone's head off rag on give some stick to nitpick over get after nag at hit lean on find lacking harass exprobrate throw shade at lash out at have words with proscribe ferule attask criticize harshly have words rap across the knuckles severely reprimand take down a peg give a hard time get on burn one's ears give a tongue-lashing tear to pieces take apart carp on sound off fry oppose go after tear apart rap someone the knuckles drag over the coals lay out tear someone a new one give someone a dressing down give someone a telling off reject lose one's temper with have someone on the carpet jump down someone's throat threap taunt objurate keep after give someone a carpeting eat out criticize hatefully give one hell slang shout at cuss out jump all over chew visit rank on give going-over give piece of mind moralise moralize set upon rap knuckles criticize strongly mete out punishment to be hard on teach a lesson make an example of pick on deplore refute anathematize lay on dishonor call to task give comeuppance give the devil twit dishonour disgrace point the finger express disapproval of prosecute declaim slander clobber impeach show up give something a bad press declaim against call out indict charge with complain about bag on skin alive fluff do a number on slog cavil at slug give bad press inveigh cut to bits give flak to belittle scorn backbite animadvert rebuff incriminate remonstrate traduce look askance tuck into dig into assault pick apart calumniate libel penalize argue with assault verbally blacken insult vilipend disagree with slight jump on one's case start on pile in lash out shoot down snap someone's head off start in take on go for the jugular debase mudsling curse demonize dig jinx drag through the mud dump on give a black eye speak ill of conduct a smear campaign against speak evil of blacken the name of bring into disrepute do a hatchet job on spread lies about give a bad name demonise sully the reputation of throw mud at rip up blacken the reputation of cudgel slap deride shellac strike lash into scourge smother have your knife in penalise put on the carpet take disciplinary action against reprimand severely ridicule lampoon

Antonim dari give a piece of one's mind

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