Sinonim dari infinite number

Kata benda

An infinite or very great number or amount
infinity abundance host mass multitude profusion wealth heap shedload stack tonne ton unlimited number very great number superabundance plenty plenitude pile copiousness slew loads lot mountain multiplicity gobs quantity myriad plethora store plentitude bundle cornucopia raft oodles spate volume reams chunk mess bunch lots boatload much sheaf bushel wad fistful lavishness plentifulness yard shipload richness bucket lashings truckload barrel dozen carload basketful scads sight swag amplitude profuseness sea stacks quantities masses deal opulence scores passel plateful pack tons hundred millions bags piles heaps mountains riot ocean plenteousness tonnes good deal exuberance bountifulness affluence luxuriance bounty load oceans feast largeness fullness potful ampleness overflow fruitfulness pot fortune riches nimiety munificence liberality generosity bounteousness inexhaustibility peck lashins flood glut droves excess thousands hundreds billions zillions gazillions surplus bazillions superfluity surfeit oversupply extravagance prodigality dozens gallons jam push numbers plurality infinitude turnout large number great quantity great number a lot large quantity large amount variety bulk number array score group drove horde collection throng crowd swarm expanse army legion majority gathering batch great deal many mob flock rabble huddle conglomeration congregation contingent prosperousness prosperity outpouring assembly manifoldness caboodle assortment aggregation agglomeration lushness more … than one can shake a stick at amassment cluster hoard bank jillion deposit proliferation diversity range assemblage prolificacy prolificity cargo hill congeries harvest haul concentration gob excessiveness galaxy abundancy most numerousness wide variety preponderance pluralism lead advantage overwhelming number greater part nearly all amount size sum total extent quota length aggregate measure portion part quantum consignment area weight capacity dose dosage greatness proportion allotment magnitude number of budget figure body

Antonim dari infinite number

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