Sinonim dari key component

Kata benda

A foundation or starting point for further work
base basis foundation core backbone bedrock fundamental heart principle source basics essence institution origin rationale roots theory carrier essential fount fountainhead medium organisation organization root spring vehicle authority infrastructure key principal starting point well head chief constituent important part primary element nitty-gritty nucleus crux groundwork cornerstone beginning kernel underpinning nub center centre footing gist substance centerpiece quintessence pith keystone mainspring motive start seed germ centrepiece bottom wellspring soul antecedent cause ground keynote bottom line mainstay marrow inception premise fountain warp inducement meat point fundamentals genesis sum lynchpin net pivot creator warp and woof producer thrust reason inspiration fundamental principle causality causation essentials provenance nuts and bolts generator linchpin meat and potatoes parent progenitor structure essentiality stuff crown seat main ingredient support focus fundamental point beginnings principal element element bull's-eye well occasion agent derivation egg author determinant embryo connection ancestry motivation nexus anchor provenience frame setup nubbin hub arrangement quick brass tacks principal constituent fons et origo point of departure chief ingredient horse's mouth main idea sum and substance ancestor stock impulse mother parentage influence focal point dawning creation underbuilding origination rudiment initiation justification axiom significance seedbed fundament substructure rudiments birth conception principles rationalization spine pillar rootstock spirit prop ABC springboard grounding grounds body life lifeblood locus central component heart of the matter axis take off point basic principles guiding principle presumption rationalisation sine qua non first principle essential part intrinsic nature strength square one launching pad rule origins reasons grassroots seeds rest kickoff edifice framework fabric originator matrix preface begetter skeleton shell armature framing cadre architecture configuration vital element foundation stone key element pretext account maker excuse factor argument epicenter spotlight nature target highlight gut basic belly inside elements stress foundations heartstrings polestar bones bosom wherefore evidence call why grammar bull's eye forefront showpiece attraction emphasis alphabet inner space coal and ice ground zero genus species make strain ABCs epicentre embodiment ethos being back spinal column vertebrae preliminaries whyfor central point rallying point centre of attention center of attention hot spot reasoning details rules laws cornerstones potential character meaning spark axioms chine manifestation staple constitution conceit concept fiber grain reality actuality first principles rachis dorsum vertebral column potential for vein aspect quiddity form entity quality animating spirit representation personification vital spirit symbol life force realization moving force realisation incarnation moving spirit élan vital exemplification virtuality burden caliber property calibre essentia attribute timber esse fibre buttress fundamental nature basic quality central part crux of the matter ground rules launch bulwark defence defense fundamental quality basic characteristic emergence inauguration outset cradle name of game be-all and end-all dawn font birthplace commencement onset import head etymology alpha outbreak embarkation entrance entry forging nativity radix ingress rise opener introduction supporting evidence standby dependence reliance dependance bastion early stages importance staff maintainer sustainer supporter upholder stay crutch brace early stage postulate law blast off day one git go chief support good right arm explanation background dictum main ingredients

Antonim dari key component

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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