Sinonim dari lay the emphasis on

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To place an emphasis or stress on
accentuate emphasise emphasize point up stress italicise italicize underline underscore accent betone bring out put emphasis on give emphasis to lay the stress on place the stress on put stress on place emphasis put the force on highlight foreground spotlight play up draw attention to focus attention on bring to the fore feature punctuate press illuminate place emphasis on give prominence to turn the spotlight on make clear focus demonstrate heighten exaggerate magnify embellish call attention to bring attention to put the accent on turn spotlight on make a production of repeat dwell on belabour harp on spot rub in flag up lay stress on belabor headline press home insist on make emphatic impress on make a point of mark impress point out assert indicate limelight enunciate labor the point drive home weight affirm hit home set off reiterate focus on throw something into relief zero in on bring home show up intensify articulate pinpoint charge dramatize pronounce maintain enlarge dramatise flag rub it in ram home caption bear down make a point put accent on make much of give an emphasis to give emphasis point to make a feature of make conspicuous make a big thing of make a song and dance about throw up enhance increase insist call strengthen prioritize deepen denote prioritise hit on make someone realize make someone understand give priority to promote harp on the fact make aware of impress upon someone make someone conscious of show off syncopate blaze advertize advertise keep going on about make an issue of bring home to one make a show of let people know about publicise publicize floodlight make something clear to interject litter break separate interpose lace disrupt speckle divide intersect bring to light bracket rule interlineate put on center stage give prominence give the full works draw attention pick out emphasize to stress to bring home to leave in no doubt rule a line under check off bring something home to someone hit

Antonim dari lay the emphasis on

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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