Sinonim dari makes good on

Kata kerja

To act in accordance to the terms of
fulfils fulfills upholds honors executes respects completes heeds implements redeems accords with adheres to agrees with answers complies with conforms to embraces fills follows honours keeps matches meets obeys observes responds to satisfies abides by sticks to sticks with acts according to carries out cooperates with falls in with keeps to lives by stands by sticks by acquiesces to acts in accordance with defers to falls in line with follows through with goes along with lives up to pays heed to submits to takes heed of yields to assents to bears out does as told gets through sees through toes the line goes through with keeps faith with makes it through discharges effectuates performs effects carries through acts upon acts on holds minds consecrates sanctifies regards takes notice of pays attention to has regard to accomplishes consummates does enforces actions applies serves affects accommodates actualizes administers adopts actionizes agrees to carries off pulls off follows through on performs according to puts into practice caters to goose-steps to copes with puts into operation follows up on harmonizes with checks with pays regard to coheres with brings to completion puts into action does justice to chords with puts into effect coincides with measures up to consents to acquiesces in accepts holds to equals matches up to fills the bill comes up to plays it by the book knuckles under accedes to fits suffices reaches measures up submits acknowledges conforms complies does what one is told plays by the rules acquits suits remedies handles solves makes good occupies supports maintains gratifies ties officiates engages practices fits the bill assigns dispatches distributes deals with practises adheres brings about takes up acquiesces with bows to caves in to stays in line gives in to knuckles to concurs with comes around to concurs in plays ball plays the game fits in with cleaves to remains true to takes to heart bears in mind stickies by yields brooks follows the rules acts in accordance with the rules accommodates to goes with the flow complies with the rules observes the rules adjusts to keeps to the rules adheres to the rules obeys the rules kowtows to goes by the book conforms with adapts to abides by the rules sticks to the rules surrenders succumbs appeases indulges wears endures stomachs tolerates suffers humors humours withstands concurs agrees comes to heel does what is expected gets in line accedes accords does one's duty caves in gives way does as one says does one's bidding assents takes orders does as you are told gives in acquiesces holds fast responds plays second fiddle gets into line stoops to lumps it puts up with takes it lying down keeps in step grins and bear it compares with admits of comparison with arrives comes near ranks with rivals extends gets near resembles bears comparison with stands comparison with approaches

Kata kerja

To achieve or complete successfully
accomplishes achieves attains fulfils fulfills realises realizes completes consummates executes effects effectuates finishes manages performs produces reaches concludes perpetrates compasses engineers negotiates scores clinches commits conducts conquers earns grasps hits honors honours lands meets secures seizes strikes acquires bags discharges does fixes gains makes nets perfects procures prosecutes satisfies snags wins wrests brings about brings off carries off carries out carries through chalks up clocks up delivers on pulls off arrives at follows through on gets done gets there makes it notches up succeeds in brings to completion brings to fruition gets someplace latches onto lives up to nails it puts through racks up sews up takes care of wraps up does justice to does the trick follows through with fulfills one's potential keeps faith with makes hay does a bang-up job does one proud puts it over puts the tin lid on finalizes finalises catalyses actualizes nails catalyzes enacts finishes off goes through with contrives gains fulfillment makes happen makes the grade bears out makes good fulfills your potential gets obtains reaps comes by picks up cops brings in receives collects scoops walks away with walks off with comes away with gathers captures swings finds establishes garners draws derives carries harvests pulls down annexes knocks down accepts succeeds assumes grabs adopts brings to pass makes work brings home the bacon takes implements has conferred on one administers enforces applies gleans hooks collars nabs pots logs wangles clears renders stages advances enlists builds up gets hold of has ameliorates rings up cuts presents transacts administrates hacks plays out acts out puts into practice acquits oneself of puts on puts into effect polishes off does the job puts over sails through comes through deals with earns one's wings takes care of business does to a T pulls hustles comes to have scares up scrapes together brings home

Antonim dari makes good on

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