Sinonim dari more Laodicean

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Comparative for lacking conviction or force
feebler weaker cooler tamer fainter sluggisher lazier limper moonier colder droopier duller dreamier damper slower wearier stolider number snoozier heavier drowsier easier sleepier flatter draggier wimpier chillier wishy-washier laxer slacker tardier sloppier blither recklesser looser breezier slovenlier infirmer hastier messier slower-footed shoddier sicklier gentler comfortabler steadier pokier airier slaphappier gayer untidier junkier faultier shabbier stiller lamer weaklier paltrier meagerer sketchier absenter meagrer dronier lighter quicker briefer stupider later laggier simpler clumsier boringer drier poorer foolhardier peacefuller quieter rasher wilder unwiser freer meeker stretchier calmer lower drippier sadder blinder stonier deafer deader logier blearier more half-hearted more indifferent more uninterested more apathetic more unenthusiastic more perfunctory more superficial more spiritless more lackadaisical more unconcerned more impassive more listless more cursory more passive more desultory more languid more lacklustre more unemotional more dispassionate more lackluster more neutral more reluctant more irresolute more unwilling more lethargic more phlegmatic more unmoved more unresponsive more emotionless more laid-back more torpid more offhand more inert more passionless more pococurante more uninvolved more bored more casual more languorous more disinterested more uncaring more indolent more relaxed more slothful more unenthused more unexcited more idle more enervated more supine more blah more halfhearted more laid back more unimpressed more blasé more nonchalant more inactive more unhurried more unfeeling more stoic more stoical more unenergetic more slow-moving more detached more otiose more cold-blooded more affectless more undemonstrative more unmotivated more unambitious more impassible more insensible more somnolent more leaden more dopey more comatose more callous more dispirited more untouched more subdued more uneager more unresolved more hesitant more uncertain more undecided more uncommitted more indecisive more careless more insouciant more inattentive more slapdash more leisurely more shiftless more incurious more easygoing more abstracted more bloodless more aimless more romantic more sentimental more slap-happy more negligent more heedless more lifeless more slipshod more neglectful more laggard more irresponsible more carefree more tired more unheeding more disregardful more derelict more lagging more improvident more devil-may-care more incautious more thoughtless more lymphatic more feckless more plodding more free and easy more easy-going more measured more stagnant more delinquent more unmindful more snaillike more deliberate more unthinking more ponderous more workshy more fatigued more slumberous more moderate more complacent more cavalier more unsystematic more tortoiselike more insipid more disorganized more happy-go-lucky more disorganised more unthorough more exhausted more forgetful more vigourless more work-shy more quiescent more untroubled more regardless more unorganized more uncurious more effete more undependable more unobservant more unreliable more uncircumspect more untrustworthy more unaccountable more unworried more flippant more gradual more unmeticulous more uninspiring more uninspired more inefficient more vapid more characterless more vigorless more wooden more behindhand more narcotic more sedate more hebetudinous more hurried more undemanding more informal more disorderly more lightsome more lighthearted more debonair more unprofessional more imperfect more threadbare more inexact more inaccurate more sedentary more all over the place more barratrous more inconsiderate more unconvincing more reprehensible more oscitant more culpable more inconsistent more vacant more soporose more soporous more mopish more sluggardly more laboured more labored more lumpish more unceremonious more unstudied more artless more clinical more benumbed more disimpassioned more mechanical more passing more fleeting more token more summary more unlively more sodden more stuporous more unfastidious more disordered more muddled more yielding more spineless more somnific more unproductive more imperceptible more content more cheerful more optimistic more chaotic more submissive more pliant more servile more acquiescent more docile more rapid more dismissive more negative more withdrawn more remote more shambolic more pell-mell more jumbled more restful more unthoughtful more worthless more colourless more unperturbed more unoccupied more daredevil more inept more permissive more unruffled more anaemic more unindustrious more precipitate more soulless more headlong more imprudent more impulsive more impetuous more serene more unenterprising more madcap more audacious more pathetic more swaggering more directionless more relaxing more unhasty more unimpassioned more ambitionless more temerarious more unanxious more distant more desiccated more unmoving more oblivious more aloof more unsympathetic more inanimate more anemic more colorless more unflappable more nonplussed more undisturbed more unbothered more hardened more self-centered more insensitive more reserved more self-centred more worn more drained more knackered more beat more pooped more aweary more done more jaded more loggy more weakened more beaten more tapped out more worn out more tuckered out more played out

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