Sinonim dari most acrobatic

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Superlative for of or pertaining to an acrobat
lithest supplest lissomest agilest limberest deftest spriest nimblest lightest sprightliest liveliest fleetest featliest nippiest willowiest fittest adroitest quickest swiftest zippiest briskest bendiest loosest handiest smartest slightest daintiest readiest brightest friskiest sportiest quickest on the draw sveltest wiriest niftiest ablest springiest smoothest neatest slickest cleverest meanest aptest wickedest sharpest best tastiest easiest sleekest finest canniest slinkiest astutest crispest straightest sliest craftiest strictest completest cleanest shrewdest cutest most flexible most athletic most graceful most light-footed most lithesome most lightsome most active most gracile most dexterous most feline most dextrous most skilful most skillful most pliable most pliant most adept most prompt most mobile most energetic most proficient most vigilant most vigorous most spirited most responsive most buoyant most bustling most sportive most mercurial most rapid most vivacious most sporting most elegant most sinuous most coordinated most double-jointed most skilled most sylphlike most tripping most expert most practised most practiced most masterly most artful most capable most polished most accomplished most precise most masterful most flowing most virtuoso most efficient most talented most delicate most ace most crackerjack most bravura most fluent most experienced most workmanlike most natural most accurate most gracious most fluid most gifted most elastic most competent most ingenious most habile most rhythmic most facile most professional most impressive most versed most cunning most effective most confident most uninterrupted most plastic most regular most sensual most practical most decisive most exact most painstaking most free-flowing most proper most pro most sure-footed most consummate most categorical most express most malleable most bendable most peerless most educated most inch-perfect most professed most formidable most hotshot most leading most distinguished most topnotch most world-class most artistic

Antonim dari most acrobatic

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